It feels like we’ve been writing about Destiny for an eternity now, so thank heavens it’s due out in a couple of weeks. In order to pad out the time while you wait, Activision has released a new trailer showing off the title’s PlayStation exclusive content, which will remain restricted to Sony’s machines until Fall 2015. Try not to get too excited now.
The additional extras include a fresh competitive multiplayer map, an additional co-operative strike, and a bunch of guns, gear, and more. We’re not especially fond of platform holders paying to delay content on other systems, but at least in this instance its peripheral in-game guff, rather than an entire title like Rise of the Tomb Raider.
[source blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 18
And PS3 as well.
That autorifle looks really weird.
Am I the only that's not excited anymore after playing the Beta?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the game is bad or something...just saying after the Beta I didn't pre-order and I don't have that excitment to buy it day one! Please, don't kill me D:
@AFCC that's exactly how i feel which is stange as i loved the beta.
@TOMBOY25 sometimes it happens, I guess...
I just thought the game was very "Borderlandy"...and while that's cool, it's not as different as they like to say!
@AFCC I for one can't wait, but i do understand how you feel.
@ShogunRok agreed, it looks like some cheap toy gun
An extra multiplayer map is cool. I don't suppose the weapons will be up to much in the grand scheme of things though.
Very much looking forward...
@LDXD Aye... It is!
I'd like some 'fleshy' enemy's instead of all the robotic types. maybe other worlds will have beast monsters.
@BloodyBill the hive are pretty organic from what we've seen so far also for a short period they changed an enemy model of the hive in a single room to be a big troll looking thing shooting rays out of its one big eye
After playing both the Alpha and Beta I found myself wanting this game even more so. Before that I was a little unsure but now my faith is renewed and I'll be there for the midnight release at GAME. I did the same for Bungies original Halo CE and didn't get any sleep as I ended up pulling an all night game session. Looks like I won't be getting any sleep this time either lol.
@WARDIE Hmm... There is nothing quite like a midnight release of a game you're really excited for!
I have 19 days off work from the 8th Sept, just by chance, so plenty game time in store!!
I played both the First Look Alpha & the Beta, & if there is one thing that bugs me it is the sluggish feel (30fps). FPS should have a responsive feel (60fps), that's my main complaint. And the daft idea of no matchmaking for raids, and then saying group-up on forums or through the tower. Which is the same thing as matchmaking, both result in being grouped with randoms.
As much as I want to play this game I am going to have to hold off on it till I am in a better financial state As it is it looks like I wont be getting this game till Christmas if I am lucky.
@Lateralus68 Nice man! I don't start my new job until the end of September so im making the most out of it. Really addicted to Diablo at the minute so that'll keep me going until Destiny's arrival.
The only thing im gutted about is playing through the story till im up to level 5, ive already done it with the alpha and the beta so hopefully 3rd times a charm.
@WARDIE Aye... not long now
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