It’s the ultimate first world problem: you’ve extracted your pre-release copy of Activision’s mega shooter Destiny from its sleek shrink wrap, but the servers aren’t yet prepared for you to play online, transforming your brand new Blu-ray into something of an overpriced drinks coaster – after all, who wants to play Bungie’s latest offline? Shudder.
The good news is that the servers are set to go live at 12:00PM BST (07:00AM EDT / 04:00AM PDT) on Monday, 8th September – unless, of course, our leathery friends the Lizard Squad decide to dismantle our fun by deploying one of those torrid PlayStation Network DDoS attacks. We’re giving them ideas, aren’t we?
In truth, it’s not like Sony’s servers are going to withstand the onslaught of connections anyway – this is the most pre-ordered new intellectual property in the history of the video game universe remember. All the same, this means that you shouldn’t expect our review until late next week – and that goes for any other decent website, too.
[source vg247.com]
Comments 31
PSN,Please don't crash,please don't crash!!!???!!!
*fingers crossed ! (^__^) !
@Dual-shock-spok Dat pressure!
Sadly i expect the worst when i come home at midnight. I love sony, am a huge fan and supporter, their consoles tend to be bulletproof, their network at times feels like its held together by bubble gum and duct tape and the netcode copied from netscape era. I will be keeping a 2x4 to repeatedly tap throughout the launch day right next to my recliner. I do hope that sony knows if their servers crumble, and xbl does not, there will be a lot of hoopla.
Fair enough. To be honest I'm wondering if I should even take the wrapper off until a week after the game drops through my letterbox. What does anyone else think?
By the way, I've been rubbish at adding PSN friends, but I always liked this site and (most of) the regulars that appear on the comments board. Would anyone be up for a PSN ID share so we can do some raids?
I'll be the one throwing grenades at the wall I'm pressed up against.
I booked a week off work especially for this....... I know I'll be in the queue at midnight to get my pre ordered copy but I'm pretty sure it won't connect, the most I'm hoping for is the 14+ gig install done before I go bed so I can hopefully connect and play Tuesday morning lol
Also I'd be up for a PSN name swap as I'm sure I'll need raiding partners
I hope servers can cope! 9/9 is my birthday and I'm going to sit infront of house door until postie shows up with my new white ps4. Will be best birthday ever!
"– and that goes for any other decent website, too."
Shots fired?
@RawShark send me a friend request im in for some destiny my id is BearTrapHarold. Anyone else that wants some fireteam pals feel free to add me as well.
Is it bad that I took a week off to play Destiny, must pray to nuffel that the psn can withstand the millions who get it day one.lol
I didn't know you could play it offline at all.
Thought it always had to be connected to the Bungie servers.
That's good news if my net has a hiccup though.
Literally shaking in anticipation.
Hi jonsie
I also have taken a week off to plow through this game. If you want to have a game together just add Me drew-s1988
My copy arrived yesterday but it is now just going to sit there and laugh at me as the servers aren't up
For a minute I thought I read 'When Will Destiny's PS4 Servers Go Offline?'
The PSN couldn't with stand Minecraft, so there's NO WAY it's gonna hold strong against Destiny!! I have a couple of friends on the MS side so will be hearing from them too see if there's crashes!!
@Midzark Good idea.. I think some site should do a serious (non biased) comparative review of PSN vs Xbox Live .. For the new gen console there r more PS4 users but I got the feeling a lot of people enjoying the digital offer will download on last gen (instead of buying the retail copy getting free new gen game by so doing) so that s even more stress
my digital copy shows the time it goes live is 3AM EDT/12AM PDT. (Tuesday)
@Jonesie it's installed on my PS4, the total is 21GB.
Well hopefully they will be up and running by next Thursday!! As I have Thursday and Friday off work haha
the servers will crash no doubt... it always happens in big realeses like this but hopefully just for a few hours
The reliability shouldn't even have to be a major concern but Bungie pulled a d*ck move, just like Respawn did with Titanfall, by making this online only. No legitimate reason for there not to be an offline singleplayer campaign. Granted most would just jump into the online anyway but for $60 there should be offline options. If PSN or XBL is down you have spent $60 for nothing. I have to admit I'm still going back and forth on buying the game though. I cancelled the pre-order but I may still end up buying a version since I loved what I played of the beta. All the issues with PSN lately are the main thing that has turned me away. If Sony proves to have things under control, I'll probably end up taking a trip to the local game store.
Does the game require PS+?
@Chouzetsu it does for the competitive and co-op missions like strikes and raids but you can still play a lot of missions and explore without it
I'm looking to layby one of the white PS4 bundles first thing tomorrow, so Destiny will likely be my first PS4 game, even though I don't know as much about it as I'd like. Still, a free game's a free game, and if it really is as enjoyable as a lot of people claim...
Good luck finding one if you didn't pre-order.
Just sipping a coffee and waiting for the 'xbox live doesn't have this problem' comments to start rolling in across gaming sites.
Still now that Ps plus is mandatory for online play people have the right to moan about the service being offline and it isn't a good look for sony when people are coming across from xbox and seeing there ps4 offline. I hope it's a trouble free launch for destiny
@Gamer83 The retailer from which I'm getting mine didn't have them listed for preorder; instead they'll be stocking them tomorrow for people to buy or layby. My country's Target is doing the same thing.
Well, good luck getting one either way. If you do get one of the bundles, feel free to add me on PSN, NYYanks21. I'm looking for as many people to play the game with as possible.
I think GTA V f'ed up both the PSN and Live when it launched last year. We'll see if both companies are better prepared for Destiny. There will probably be problems on both but being 100% honest I'd expect MS to deal with it quicker and better. Don't care if it isn't the popular thing to say around here, in all my years of experience with both brands, Live has been the better service. PSN has improved a lot but also still has a long way to go and lately, whether Sony's fault or not, the PSN being down has not been a good thing.
@Gamer83 Will do. Mine's blizZAP by the way. I might not actually have the console for a few months at least, but once I pick it up I'll PM you.
Well, I'm sure many will still be playing Destiny in a few months (unless Advanced Warfare really surprises the hell out of people). I'll send a friend request sometime today anyway.
@BloodyBill 21 gig isn't too bad in the grand scheme of things, not too bad at all really!
@drew07 I will do thanks!
My PSN name is Masumune and ill be playing BST time as I'm in the UK
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