Considering that we keep conveniently ignoring it, you may have forgotten that LittleBigPlanet 3 is set to gad onto the PlayStation 3 next month, alongside the PlayStation 4. However, with two versions of the same game on store shelves, you may be curious if there are any differences between the duo. Honestly, the answer is not really.
The video embedded below – captured directly from the beta versions of the forthcoming platformer – definitely highlights the next-gen release’s sharper visuals, but the two titles are largely comparable in all other regards. We suppose that the textures are more pronounced on the Japanese giant’s super system as well, but that’s hardly a selling point.
Of course, you will have access to some extra level creation tools on the PS4, such as the ability to capture videos – which can then be used to create custom trailers for your stages – as well as the touchpad. If neither of these things matter to you, though – and you’re yet to upgrade – it doesn’t look like you’ll be missing much if you pick up the PS3 version of Sackboy’s latest escapade.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 30
That starter tho...
I can see the difference unlike TLOU: R... To be fair TLOU: R V TLOU looks phenomenal either way.
While I'm not going to complain about sharper & more detailed visuals, the fact that it seems to be the only difference leaves me wondering why bother with the Ps4 version. If its the same in all other respects, then its a missed opportunity. The bountiful amount of RAM over the Ps3 should be allowing creators to create more elaborate levels/games on Ps4, yet it seems pegged at the same level as Ps3.
@MadchesterManc Seeing as it's all cross-platform, I'm now worrying that the PS3 may hamstring the PS4 version. We'll see, though.
But 1080p also is it running 60fps PS4 version?
Its me or theres a lack of hype with this game? Didnt know till about 2 weeks that its coming mid november, i will try to buy this on release, getting Bayo2 tomorrow and with Smash coming around the same time, its going to be hard
Will the touchpad be able to be used to swipe anything in levels created by the ps4 that specifically use it? Like the move?
@Jazzer94 No, targeting 30FPS, I believe.
Yet another example of why I shouldnt have bought my ps4 so early
@get2sammyb Well now I'm just disappointed how can they be happy with a platformer only running at 30fps again.
You can see the difference in overall sharpness, would have been nice to have a few more extras to take advantage of the PS4's power but having said that owning both consoles I will definitely be getting the PS4 version over the PS3.
30fps ? Now thats terrible... I doubt this game would even use half of the ps4 power
@get2sammyb - Appreciate the self-deprecating first sentence, nice touch
Im glad the PS3 version isn't gimped - I was honestly conerned it might still be 3 layers to the PS4s 16 - but OTOH PS4 should have something more. Maybe theyll patch in more later like when they added Move support to LBP2.
@MadchesterManc they bother with a PS4 version because unlike some other clueless developers they realized that quite a lot of current generation adopters have stopped buying games for last generation completely. In the case of franchise games, if a developer releases a franchise game on last generation only, then I drop the franchise completely (Borderlands, Assassins Creed, etc...) no matter how much I love the games. So I say good on them. If LBP wasn't so boring, I would support their choice by buying the game. I might still for my kids...
@Bad-MuthaAdebis PS3 £35 PS4 £48 Source: Amazon
@thedevilsjester I was looking at it from a purely technical perspective. There's always a reason to bother from the viewpoint of sales, marketing etc but I meant why bother as it doesn't seem to take any advantage of what the Ps4 has to offer, presumably due to cross-play with the Ps3 & more than likely being a port from the Ps3 as opposed to the other way around. The visual improvements are a gimme afterall.
@MadchesterManc I don't think we have the full picture. LBP games restrict the number of objects in your custom level due to resource limitations. I would be surprised if they limited the PS4 version in this aspect by the resources available on the PS3. Its not always about pixel density or lighting mechanics!
@thedevilsjester Thats the point I've been getting at. Like I said, the improved graphics are a gimme - but aside from the visuals it seems pegged at the same level as on Ps3 for almost everything else. The additional resources of the Ps4, as well as aspects like the touch-pad, should be able to offer much more for the creative folk that build gems on these titles. Instead it just seems to be a prettier version of whats on Ps3. No doubt the cross-play aspect has brought on this parity, but it is a little disappointing as a LBP developed for the Ps4 first & foremost could offer a lot more to the creative minds that use the tools on these games.
The added resolution and textures on the PS4 version do look a bit better (you can see the added hairs on swoop's legs for goodness sake) but I'm more concerned with the hopefully smoothed-out framerate. Ordered the plush PS4 edition so we'll see
@MadchesterManc For that we have to get developers to stop supporting last generation, which is hard to do since it has a huge install base. You can vote with your wallet though buy not buying it, as hard as it may be. It would send a message to the developer that the current generation does not want to be held back by the last generation. The problem with this, is I would be happy with a shoddy port on my PS4, that does nothing different or better than the PS3 version, if the other option is that they wont make the game for the current generation at all.
I think it's all down to personal preference, I played the beta on the ps4 first then try'd the ps3 version and I couldn't play it, the graphics were too blurry.
@thedevilsjester there's a new feature in the game called the dynamic themometer, this turns on level streaming, which will ( if done right) allow you to create massive levels
Just like TLOU, I can't see the difference.
The biggest difference is in the character models. Sackboy ps3 looks naked compared to sackboy ps4. Everything else is pretty much the same.
The only difference I see is that sackboys and co eyes look a little shiner, not worth a £10-£15 extra price tag
I don't understand all the comments about not wanting to buy or wasting money having bought a ps4. I find the logic backwards. The system in better in virtually every respect. The missing dlna etc will come soon. Owning a ps4, give me one reason to turn my ps3 on? Honestly I only use it now for play TV.
Yea I was always going to get this on PS3. These cross-gen games are not worth getting a PS4 for, if you don't already have one. The PS4 needs it's killer exclusive, non cross-gen game. Until then, I will enjoy my PS3 & MAYBE a PSTV.
A big maybe on that last one.
A good baseline to go by is if the PS3 version is being made by a different developer, then avoid it. For instance, Shadow Of Mordor, PS3 version, is being developed by a different company & they have said they had to scale back parts of the gameplay. Advanced Warfare is another one I would avoid.
But, a lot of these games started off as PS3 games that were then upgraded to take advantage of the next-gen systems. The Evil Within, Alien: Isolation, even MGS: Phantom Pain are all great examples. I have heard Destiny is just fine on "last-gen" consoles. Dragon Age: Inquisition is another. Those are the games I wouldn't worry about getting on the PS3. LittleBigPlanet 3 falls right into that group.
It just takes a little research & taking it on a game-by-game basis to make the correct call. But if someone already has a PS4, I would just get the "better" versions since you already spent the $400.
Who cares? Both consoles get the game &, hopefully, both versions will be good. Everybody wins.
The PS3 has life bc millions of people still play it & want games for it. Just because most at this website feel it's a good idea to go drop $400 on a console that has very few exclusive, non cross-gen great games for it, that doesn't mean that the general public feels the same.
Besides, 2015 will be the year where companies start putting out big non cross-gen games. Whether they are good or not remains to be seen. You just have to be patient, I guess.
@Godsire- "MAYBE a PSTV. A big maybe on that last one."
I bought a non-smart 39" tv for my bedroom and have been looking for a device to hook up to it. PS TV was top of the list, followed by cheap Chromecast and Fire TV, but the roll-out left a lot to be desired by leaving out Netflix and Youtube and all the marquee Vita games that aren't supported. w/o a PS4 to stream it's not so enticing. And wasn't Vita supposed to remote play PS3 games? If it remote played PS3 games I'ld buy 1 for all the times the kids or my wife are using the main tv the PS3 is hooked up to. I'm not using PS Now for game s I already own or rent via PS+.
Oh, and I would have bought a Chromecast by now but my months old Samsung Tab 4 w/ Android 4.4.2 doesnt mirrorcast w/ that device, so Sony isn't the only one letting me down. So now I'm lookign at google's little tv player but I can never remember what it's called. Nexus Player? What kind of stupid freakin' name is that? This i what I think of when I read "Nexus player", but then again I am really old.
@Godsire- I care because the last generation users being supported is often at the expense of the current generation. From games not even being released on the current generation (Borderlands, Assassins Creed, etc...) to games being artificially held back by limitations of the last generation (and I am not talking about graphics, which I could not care less about).
The previous generations were different, in that the hardware in the generation that succeeded them supported the last generation games (at least for the first couple years) so releasing a game on the prior generation meant that it would be playable on both generations hardware. This generation with no backward compatibility is different, and we need to stop making games exclusive to last generation. I am not worried so much about cross generation games (it sucks, but I can understand the monetary motivator), but last gen exclusives need to stop.
So "last-gen" exclusives need to stop, why? Because you went out & paid $400 for a system? That's your problem. If people are still buying games for the PS3/Xbox 360, that means that a lot of people aren't on board with paying what you did to get good-to-average games.
Nobody put a gun to your head & made you go all PS4. If you want to play those PS3 exclusives so bad, then go buy them for your PS3. If you don't have your PS3 anymore.....once again.....your choice & your problem. But millions of PS3 owners shouldn't be punished because you have no patience & made an impulse $400 purchase.
I don't want to sound like a graphics who...enthusiast but thats a pretty noticeable difference, in my eyes at least. Ever since I got a Wii U and PS4 I can't go back to those muddy HD-ready/non-HD games...I don't understand how people were dissing "lesser" consoles like the Wii because it wasn't a big powerful HD box, while most 360/PS3 games weren't even HD!
And how can people say the Wii U is weak and not current gen when it can produces crisp HD visuals just as the PS4 and X1? All three are powerful and new, and have people forgotten the most important visual aspect besides gameplay?: art direction No I'm not frustrated haha, most of the time I just don't understand people.
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