DriveClub, one of Sony’s big exclusive PlayStation 4 games, launched this week to a largely lukewarm reception. Evolution Studios’ hotly anticipated racing title had been paraded as one of the first must-have next-gen releases, only for a string of middling reviews to siphon any fuel out of its tank. The critical response, as a whole, has ultimately been mixed, with critics divided over the Runcorn-based developer’s intentions. The one thing that it’s not, however – whichever side of the fence that you occupy – is essential. Stop us if you’ve heard this one before.
Indeed, it’s not just the Japanese giant’s first major Christmas game that’s pulled up short. Earlier in the year, Watch Dogs, a title that was supposed to revolutionise the sandbox genre as we know it, disappointed due to its lack of identity, while Destiny, the game that was intended to kickstart the holiday season, has frustrated even its most ardent admirers due to some generally dire design misjudgements. All of these games, like DriveClub, are decent – but they are not the watershed, fist-pumping affairs that were promised. So, what’s going on?
Expectations change
In a world without Borderlands and Phantasy Star Online, the next big thing from Bungie would have been a groundbreaking game. As it turns out, Destiny feels more like a flimsy fusion of these titles, rather than its own thing. The problem is that, while its gunplay is top-tier, it has neither the content nor the narrative to support it, and so it’s fallen short of where Activision’s exorbitant marketing push promised to put it. A similar conclusion can be drawn from DriveClub, a game which plays brilliantly on the track, but looks practically threadbare compared to its open world competitors.
The reality is that expectations change, and developers must push themselves at every hairpin bend to ensure that they stay ahead of the pack. Unfortunately, this becomes a greater challenge during the first year of a new generation. While companies can count on locked specifications at this point, tools are still not at the mature state that outfits previously working on the PlayStation 3 became accustomed to, and that creates its own set of difficulties separate from the ones at a core game design level.
It’s no surprise, then, that the very best titles typically come towards the tail-end of a generation. Subtract the PlayStation 2’s unparalleled first year fall lineup from the equation, and this is a rule that almost always rings true. It’s particularly pronounced in this instance, because last year played host to BioShock Infinite, Gran Turismo 6, and, of course, The Last of Us. For the average consumer, the gulf in quality between the aforementioned products and this year’s offering is stark – but none of the above would have been possible in the PlayStation 3’s opening months.
Rose-tinted glasses
And while we suppose that it shouldn’t matter, that point is very much worth keeping in mind. During its first year, Sony was showering marketing money on PS3 exclusives like, er, Heavenly Sword and Lair, two titles that may have gone on to attain some kind of cult value, but were not especially well received at the time. The manufacturer’s lineup may have been broader back then, with Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction and Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune also among its offering – but even the latter didn’t show signs of blockbuster potential until the E3 demonstration of its sequel.
Another fascinating franchise, Assassin’s Creed, was hitting the headlines in the hazy days of 2007 – and it, too, a little like Watch Dogs, failed to attain universal critical acclaim. Subsequently, the studio stepped back, learned plenty of hard lessons, and released Assassin’s Creed II in 2009, a title which transformed the historical series into a mega brand, and kickstarted a trend of annual entries that remains unbroken until this very day. And it was around that time, by the way, that Naughty Dog deployed Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, arguably one of the greatest PS3 games ever made.
The point is that these occurrences are not too dissimilar to those taking place right now with the PS4 – in fact, they’re almost identical. And, while not everyone will agree, it could certainly be argued that the largest difference in this instance is that the games are better this time around: Watch Dogs is a more fulfilling first attempt than Assassin’s Creed, while Destiny’s certainly a better title than, say, TimeShift. The only disappointment is that there’s still not been a Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare moment, but with the holiday still not over, there’s no reason why that can’t come yet.
Publisher preparation
We’ll never know the kind of conversations that went on at major firms such as EA, Ubisoft, and Activision ahead of this generation, but we get the distinct impression that publishers weren’t properly prepared. It seems like a lifetime ago now, but prior to the PS4 setting fire to several sales records, many in the media were questioning whether consoles even had a future at all. With smartphones and tablets booming around the world, we have to imagine that at least some of that scepticism was shared in boardrooms at many of the major game makers across the globe.
And you can see the consequences of that in the current next-gen lineup: re-releases – a quick an easy method for publishers to pad out their lineup – have ruled the roost, while an emphasis on cross-gen titles have allowed firms to mitigate any risks should the new consoles not take off. EA’s performance so far is particularly telling; while the company has had to contend with a management change, its PS4 output looks distinctly sparse when you subtract its annual sports entries. Worse still, the likes of Star Wars: Battlefront and Mass Effect 4 still seem years away.
This is something that will change in time, though. The fact that the PS4 and Xbox One have both got off to strong starts will give reason for the publishers to re-invest, but you’re going to have to wait a little while to see the fruits of that financial injection. And all of these elements combined mean that, while the uptake of new hardware has been faster than ever before, it’s going to be the second wind – much like the one that the PS3 caught in late 2009 – that will really signal the start of this generation in earnest. No, it’s not ideal – but it’s also not necessarily new.
Are you disappointed with the start of this generation, or have you been enjoying your new console regardless of the lack of real must-have games? Do you agree with our thoughts on the issue, or do you think that the above points are way off base? Mumble your grumbles in the comments section below.
Has the PS4’s first year been what you expected? (122 votes)
- It’s been better than I expected
- It’s been about what I expected
- It’s been worse than I expected
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Comments 89
It's been about what I expected.
Sure, some things have been disappointing, but it's all about expectations. Never before have I seen such madness when it comes to hyping up games and then absolutely trashing them two weeks later. It's getting ridiculous.
@ShogunRok: I agree with you there. I don't know what it is this gen but people it seems is just assuming to much from these games and as the say goings you know what happens when you assume....
People are expecting too much from these games and set themselves up for disappointment. I mean so many people read reviews and see that a game gets a 7/10 and they act like its a real stinker. I could understand if its a 4/10 but a 7??? That's still better then average. Games like Destiny I guess people were expecting some grand Halo clone where as what they got was an MMO which not to many console gamers are familiar with. All the complaints I here are just normal for an MMO. Grind grind grind.
On the other side of the page though the indies games are totally kicking arse. Games like Resogun, Velocity 2X, Dust, and Splunky are keeping me busy on my PS4.
In the end I dont regret my purchase and I honestly think the people that are disappointed in the PS4 I think are just burnt on video games and perhaps should find something else to occupy their time.
Well it depends on how the budgeting flows with the games made exclusively for PS4 and the effort these deveolpers make and not half-ass their games.
I believe a lot of the bashing these early games is pretty unfair, with a few generations of spoilt kids and overpaid adults expecting the best straight away it's going to be hard for any new IP to shine as any small flaws are classed as 'game breaking'. Over priced dlc plans made by possible in the digital download age has no doubt held back some games potential. The best us truly yet to come but some games are being thrown under the bus as a lot of people seem to jump on the general critics bandwagon rather than have their own honest opinion.
P. S sorry for the long post
Agree with what @Tasuki said, it's getting out of hand. Each release hypes itself like it's the second coming, only to be... well, a good game, but one the hype faaaarrr supercedes.
I learned long ago not to follow the hype and just make up my own mind.
Furthermore, I honestly don't see the value of reviews short of explaining if there are any serious issues with a game. I love some games that are 40 on metacritic and loathe others that are 95...people have different tastes, so how can we make decisions on subjective things by being told something is good or bad. Doesn't make sense to me in the slightest.
Take Killzone and Driveclub for example. The negative criticisms most reviewers gave those were positive points for me. Meanwhile the things GTA was laudes for were exactly the things I hated about the game.
My point is that this article is moot because review scores have no actual value other than giving gamers something interesting to read in the form of someone's opinion...
My personal opinion I guess is that, like Rok & Tasuki said, people are just expecting too much. The games this gen have been hyped like the cure for world hunger, and I think that's part of the problem.
People are expecting that one definitive next gen game, a crown jewel. Personally, I like to have middling expectation for a game, never really going farther than: "I want to play it" or "I'll give it a try".
I never expect a game to be a holy grail or anything, I just want a good, fun game. I like to look at a game for what it is, and not what it was trying to be or what it was supposed to be. Maybe that's ignorant, but that's how I like to look at things.
But as I said, that's part of the problem. Watch Dogs, Destiny, and Driveclub aren't considered disappointments solely because of expectation, after all. Things done with the games have led to that too.
Come to think of it, some of my all time favourite games have been ones I knew nothing about. Perhaps that's why I stay clear of revies altogether nowqdays...
@DerMeister Yeah, I definitely agree with you there. All of these games have flaws, which are the fault of core game design, rather than anything to do with hardware transitions, budgets, or anything else.
about what I thought after all it's not even been a year yet and look how bad some of the games were at the start of the last gen
Like everyone above, I hate the expectations and bashing that's currently occurring. It's getting to the point where you're being ostracized by the gaming community for actually liking games like Destiny, as if you should hate it by default.
Well lets be honest here PS4 exclusives have not been up to the level of Wii U exclusives (which is basically all its retail games) and won't be remembered as fondly years from now, this leaves third party games which are either remasters (smh) or just over hyped beyond belief ending up being just average.
Sorry but its not been what I expected. Far to many games still coming along with poor 30fps. Far to many remakes. Games that were meant to be ground breaking have been just "so-so". Maybe I should have known better but i honestly thought there might have been a little bit more on offer 1 year in.
Killzone shadow fall - loved it, and free DLC worth admission
Driveclub- download the free version and will probably upgrade
Destiny- not meeting the hype, but oddly still addicting.
Shadow of Mordor- came out of left field to be a stand out next gen experience.
It hasn't been that bad not meeting a years worth of expectations is hardly worth writing it off.
for me an issue with games now is that graphics are put before gameplay too often. I don't care how nice a game looks if it's also packing a rubbish story line or lacking in content. I never have unrealistic expectations of games as I don't live my life waiting for games to release. However I do expect games to be what the makers said they would be...for all the things Destiny did well and did poorly, it was toted as being revolutionary and game changing and it wasn't. Watch Dogs fell short of what we were told we would get...if game makers can't match what they say we are getting then don't say it. Drive Club seems to be less than it was meant to be, but I've not played it so I can't say personally.
There is too much about if games are running at 30/60fps...if they are truly HD and less about if the game is going to bother to have a story (if it's story based) and worthwhile content and inventive ways to prolonge playability. I'm tired of beautiful but hollow gaming experiences.
@AhabSpampurse The flip side of the Destiny thing is those that love Destiny taking any kind of criticism of the game as meaning those doing hate the game. I don't hate Destiny I actually really liked it but it doesn't mean I can't be dissatisfied with how elements of it turned out and not based on unrealistic expectations. I wish I had reasons to keep on playing Destiny but doing the same stuff over and over looking for my next legendary armour piece or weapon isn't enough. People bashing Destiny as completely rubbish is far from fair but it falls short in various ways too.
I cant see "disappointing" regarding video games and not think Daikatana. And for unmet expectations Spore always comes to mind. (see the 3D underwater sections that never made it into the game.) I havent played DNF but even if that failed to live uo to the hype that game will always be known more for delays than anything else. Somebody must have had a crystal ball when they decided to subtitle that game Forever.
Knack was always a poor choice for a console launch. A fixed-camera cartoon? Um, no.
@Jazzer94 That's fair, but what were the first year Wii U exclusives? I seem to remember it had a difficult first 12 months, too, which actually supports the points in the article.
I think Knack got it real hard. I got it and loved it! A classic platformer which was fairly hard for a kids game. Just like old Crash/Spyro/Jak&Dax and R&C.
I can't say that I've been disappointed with anything in particular. Ghosts was pretty abysmal, but I put that down to Black Ops 2 being a series high point.
I saw an interesting video a few weeks ago regarding the role of the gaming press in the industry hype machine. I think that tends to have a lot to do with it. Especially with sites like Gamespot and IGN (in particular) relentlessly hyping games on the back of publisher 'encouragement', then slamming them when review time rolls around.
It's nice to think sometimes that there are massively new experiences to be had with gaming beyond better graphics, larger worlds, more online options and the like; but you have to ask what it is that people can really expect?
I'm pretty much a realist when it comes to most things. So, when servers are down, when a game isn't mould-breaking, but not broken, I can easily accept it.
@get2sammyb Um (thinks) NSMBU (quite good solid 8-8.5 game), Zombie U (like Marmite which I hate and is probably why I hated this also but some loved it), Pikmin 3 (one of the best games I've played in years and such a unique rts), LEGO City Undercover (one of the best Lego games though lack of coop was disappointing), Nintendo Land (which was crazy fun with four other people) I think thats everything that wasn't a port/remaster otherwise I'd include MH3U and WWHD.
Edit: It did get SM3DW but that was a I think just after a year.
Edit 2: I'm going to count SM3DW as it hadn't been a year yet in the UK when the game released.
Also, on the note of gaming press and reviews. Now more than ever, bad reviews can sink a game. Whether it's actually good, bad or middling. There are many people out there who will read a couple of reviews and write a game off without trying it, or digging deeper.
I've said this here before, but when I actually started spending my own money on games in the PS1 days, I started to really pay attention to reviews, and missed out on pretty much anything that didn't get an 8 or more from OPM.
Until Armoured Core. It got a 6 or 7, but I was enamoured with it- so bought it anyway and loved everything about it. From that point on I really just tried to gather as much information as possible about games I was interested in. I'm glad I still do that.
Why you shouldn't be excited - A look at games me…:
@KALofKRYPTON i do exactly the opposite. If there is a game that im interested in i steer away from any videos and reviews and hype around the game so i can play it completely objectively. Without a doubt the best games that i have played were the ones i didnt know anything (or very little) about beforehand
@BLPs Totally forgot about Wonderful 101, Game&Wario and Sonic Lost World, wouldn't count SLU as that is more dlc.
@Flurpsel that's one way to do it. I just refuse to make an uninformed choice.
Short answer: hype.
Long answer: publishers, magazines, websites and gamers hype up any and every game to ridiculous levels and the game can never be what they want. Since the start of the Wii/PS3/360 generation I can think of only two games that lived up to the hype: Super Mario Galaxy and GTA5 (5, not Online). People need to just calm down when looking forward to a game.
I learnt that years ago as Ocarina Of Time took six years to dig into my head. I read every tiny bit of detail imaginable and bought any and every magazine for a single new screenshot. The game came out and I couldn't get into it. Went back years later and realised how perfect it is. Since then I've never once let myself get carried away with hype. Well, once, Galaxy 2 - but that is THE best game ever made.
Also, review scores need to be got rid of. Universally. The majority of people just look at the number at the end and that's it. A 7/10 is a great game yet people act like its a 4. Publishers are equally at fault there, treating a game that gets less than 8 as an abortion.
As for the vote, I said about what I expected. If you'll remember I warned that the first year of PS4 would be like this and was shot down by all and sundry.
Rant over. Plus Germany v Poland is starting.
@Munkyknuts I'm not arguing that the game has shortcomings, it's frustrating to see what are effectively great foundations that are begging to be built upon. I'm hoping that through updates and future content the game will become more fleshed out. And again, I understand why it wouldnt appeal to people given its repetition at the moment, so I dont begrudge you for not wanting to play further. In my experience however there are still a very vocal minority who will happily attempt to verbally eviscerate you for still currently enjoying what it is. If they don't like it, move on, there's no reason to continue hating, and giving the people who don't like it a hard time.
@AhabSpampurse oh I agree that there are haters who pounce on those that disagree with them...but I've had the same for daring to say there were things about a game I didn't like..people get too antagonistic at times both for and against games. I do know exactly what you're saying as I had a similar experience from saying I liked Watchdogs. For me it's really just the frustration of seeing a game be at a good place during its production where it's hitting its targets and looking great, but it releases and it's become something less than it was.
Great article @get2sammyb! For me, the first year's marketing and the console itself have been what I expected, and the PS+ offerings for the next gen have been way better/ more than I expected, especially early on with the likes of Outlast. But outside of that, the games themselves have been massive let downs, which Watch Dogs and Destiny leading the pack there. The only game that's come out in 2014 that hasn't disappointed so far is Transistor for me.
I think the article makes some great points but at the same time I feel like gaming has never been stronger than it is right now. We've seen a lot of releases this year with plenty still coming. Personally I've had both the ps4 and Xbox one since launch and I haven't been dissapointed at all! There have been some games that haven't been as good as I had hoped, but all in all I've really enjoyed the first year of these consoles and looking ahead next year is starting with a bang as well with games like the Witcher 3 and evolve.
I just go with the flow, buying games as they come out, not really paying much attention to hype or reviews and then I get to find out for myself if it's for me or not. If it isn't, it goes back up on the shelf, if it is I play the crap out of it and have a blast doing it. For example, last week I picked up alien isolation, the week before was sherlock holmes, shadow of mordor and forza horizon 2, next week I'm grabbing sleeping dogs and the evil within (one I'm actually excited for)
I understand not everyone has the luxury to be able to do this and that's why reviews and watching gameplay streams etc are essential but I think it's much easier to fall into the hype trains this way.
@BLPs And I agree.
I think it's about what I expected. Second Son was fantastic, game me over a months' worth of gaming. Definitely GOTY. I'm a little disappointed that there's no Arkham level game coming near the end of the year that I'm interested in, but hey, I'm complaining a bit much since Samurai Warriors 4, which I have pre-ordered should be a great game.
@Jaz007 what do you mean by arkham level game? You mean like a game of that caliber? I would argue that there is a few (potential at least) with far cry 4, dragon age inquisition and I would also argue that there already has been one released , shadow of mordor.
@get2sammyb Oh definitely. I will say that sometimes, minor flaws won't always break a game, but certain ones are a deal breaker for everyone. I believe Destiny's repetition and Watch Dogs' blandness can be examples of this.
@BLPs I think it's kinda stupid how people always write Nintendo off since the Wii came out. It looks like the U will have some quality games coming out soon, so maybe those who did are feeling kinda stupid right now.
@mitcHELLspawn You brought up a pretty good point there. No one wants to waste money, so looking at reviews seems like a good reference. I think another thing to consider is how others interpret the scores, if they think a 7 is bad or not and the like.
I only really see reviews as a reference, not something to base my decision on.
Im surprised by the amount of Wii U love.
@mitcHELLspawn Yeah, a big triple A game like that. There are a number of Triple A games coming out, but none that I'll be getting for one reason or another.
@BLPs All of those games didn't release within the Wii U's first year!
@BLPs You should play Ocarina of Time at some point. I rarely hear it still being praised as the best game ever made, so I wouldn't say hype should be a problem nowadays. It's still a fun game, and the 3DS remake is a good option for anyone who hasn't played it yet.
I blame both Sony and Microsoft, publishers, Games magazines and sometimes the developers themselves for building up the hype train. Fair enough they are in it to make money by selling games and they gain interest by showcasing there products but they purposely over hype games as to gain the most attention from us, the consumer. Trouble is, if you hype something so much like say Destiny for instance you're destined to fail. Destiny was sold to us as an mmo like experience thats was there biggest most ambitious game that they have ever made and I guess it was, but since they were the creaters of the Halo series which is massive, them selling Destiny in the way they did made me expect something truly amazing, and sadly it wasn't. Its very rare with any product that it lives up to the hype as our expectations are lifted way too high just to insure they have out interest so we'll all run out and by this genre defining game thats meant to change the way play games from this day forward.
One thing this year has taught me is to not listen to the hype, unless its Fallout 4 as I won't be able to resist getting a little hyped lol. Instead I'll wait for the game to get multiple reviews and if im lucky a demo.
nah, it's fine. What is happening and more so on Metacritic reviews and scores is we are seeing a huge console fanboy war. You have fanboys marking scores down, same goes with fanboy reviews. Honestly, no one can tell me that there aren't biased reviews going on here and while I see a lot of PS fanboys, there are A LOT of Xbox fanboys out there right now playing defense that also have buddies reviewing these other games for playstation while marking them down. To be honest, I see the majority of this happening on the defensive side of Xbox while with playstation is just comment after comment. Like I said before, the internet can sound like thousands of people when in reality it is probably only a dozen people that really don't like the game while the other dozen is really taking a crap on the games. 5 people creating accounts and voicing their opinions or bias can sound like 5,000 people.
Polygon is no stranger to being bias regardless if this or that game on playstation got a good score, it doesn't matter, bias is bias and if it walks like a talk and quacks like a duck, well, it's a freakin duck. Same can be applied to IGN as they want clicks and people to comment to create pop up commercializing profits. IGN has been known to really take sides with Microsoft and they do this to feed the console wars.
The closest you can get to watching unbiased reviews is to watch user reviews for those games created by a user and not some youtube video made by Giantbomb, IGN, or whoever else is quite known. You have to get the actual users/gamers reviews where they are actually playing the game while talking about it.
@Jaz007 really? None of them? Feel bad for ya dude there's a lot of good games coming. You're gonna miss out.
@Demi_God wow, take off the tinfoil hat dude. Lol just because someone or lots of people disagree with your point of view doesn't make them fan boys. And as for you saying sites like ign are biased towards xbox, I see the exact opposite actually.. with the sites having to write like 5 articles each time a certain game has a lower resolution on xbox.
Edit: oh god after reading some of your comments I see you just hate Microsoft lol. So you think anything that reviews a Playstation game bad is a xbox fan boy. Drive club sucks, get over it. There's no "agenda" lmao
"I believe the gaming industry would be better if Microsoft weren't in it" paraphrasing of course but yeah.. you should probably reflect a bit on why you think everyone who disagrees with you is a fan boy.. maybe you'll finally find the real fan boy inside of you lol.
I have been very open, honest, & sometimes critical of some of your articles on this site. I mean no disrespect, but I tend to speak my mind quite a bit.
In saying that, & even though I disagree with some of what you said (comparing the horrendous Lair to Heavenly Sword was questionable. I think Haze would have been a better example), this is the best article I have read here. Well done.
But overall, this is why I preach this......don't buy a new console until, AT LEAST, a year into it's lifespan. Now I understand that if everyone actually did that, we wouldn't have much of a videogame industry. But for a lot of the reasons you stated in the article, & the fact that consoles change so much over it's lifespan (new models, bigger hard drives, etc.), plus you can games's a no brainer for me to wait.
The only great console launch, in my opinion, was the Sega Dreamcast. Nobody has beaten that since & it's the last console I bought at launch.
@mitcHELLspawn I'll explain. It's not that they don't look like good games, it's that I can't/won't play of lot of them since they're M rated and whatnot.
@Jaz007 ohh.. you're not old enough? Aha sometimes I forget about the games I play not being suitable for younger people. Makes sense though, I wouldn't want my 12/15 year Old playing some of the games I play.
@KALofKRYPTON I don't believe IGN or GameSpot get any additional encouragement from publishers to hype up their games. However, I do agree in general that the media — and this site included — is responsible for perhaps setting unreasonable expectations. From my point of view, and with this site in particular, I've always wanted us to come at as many stories as possible from a positive perspective. However, I guess it's a thin line between being optimistic and unrealistic. Something all of the gaming media can improve at, I think.
@Jaz007 Glad I'm not the only one that really enjoyed Second Son. I think that's also my favourite game of the year so far, too. Certainly wasn't perfect, but I had a lot of fun collecting all of the items, etc.
@Godsire- Feel free to keep being critical — it's what helps us/me to improve. That said, I am pleased that you liked this one. Thanks for reading.
I think Sammy said it best & I have been saying this for awhile: this "next-gen" needs it's Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare. The original, not the sequels.
And I have ripped Activi$ion & Treyarch for destroying a once great franchise, but people forget how revolutionary that first game was. FPS's were stuck in WW2 malaise & were getting very tiresome. MW1 brought the FPS into modern times & was a FPS that actually managed to tell a great story while also delivering great multiplayer.
To that last point, how can we expect developers & publishers to put the effort to give us a great campaign along with the multiplayer, if we continue to purchase games that only give us online shooting? Most have awful campaigns, but people buy them anyways. So should we be surprised when a company like Bungie releases a game like Destiny, which has been ripped for it's lack of a story? They have been taught to be lazy by us buying lazily developed games for years.
We speak with our wallets & that's the only thing these companies listen to. If we continue to shell out our hard earned $ for stuff like Destiny (which sold in record numbers), then they will continue to shovel them out.
Hopefully, we'll get our BioShock, Mass Effect, Modern Warfare, Uncharted, or whatever of this generation soon. If not, I have a beastly PS3 backlog to keep me busy for awhile.
No problem. This is my favorite gaming site. I may complain, but you guys do a great job.
Now I'll get back to crossing my fingers that 'The Evil Within' isn't a complete letdown next week.
@get2sammyb I think you're being a tad naive.
Publishers and dev's have cosied up to the big sites for years. Freebies, all expenses paid trips etc. All with the purpose of encouraging positive preview spin on their games.
This was so prevalent that EG started adding such information to their articles that were based on sessions involving paid for trips to see dev's and publishers alike.
Look at IGNs treatment of Alien Isolation. Up to release, they - like most others had nary a bad word to say about it, and kept the hype train rolling and attracting people to the site. Review time comes along and it's a 5 or 6 or whatever they gave it.
Gamespot have done the same recently with Driveclub. Roll with the hype and get all of the website hits, then slate the game on release. In fact, you'd think that the game slept with the reviewers wife given the level of bile he spouts about it.
Again, people should temper their expectations somewhat. And you are right to be positive about upcoming titles in my opinion, sometimes, all anyone has to go on is what the publishers make available.
This was a great article.
Ya, there's definitely been some disappointments but I think the real problem is over-hype. These publishers hype up EVERY SINGLE GAME now like they're gonna be better than anything we've ever played, when the fact of the matter is they're mostly average games with an above-average budget.
Infamous Second Son lived up to expectations, even exceeded them, and in my opinion stands as the best game on the PS4 right now. It was a decent first year. Not the best, not the worst. I'd say not quite as good as the Wii U's first year, but, definitely better than the Xbox One's first year. Thankfully Sunset Overdrive and Halo Master Chief will be out in the next 30 days or so. Gotsta get me some of that!
@Godsire- hmm, favourite launch?
GameCube. Absolutely the GameCube for me.
I think it's Hype, and ridiculous amounts of high expectations of a game leading to disappointment.
I have been loving the games so far that i have played, i kept my hype and expectations in check.
@mitcHELLspawn what are you on about or did I happen to hit a magical nerve. You are honestly going to tell me that there isn't a console war and that bias doesn't happen at all in gaming? Sorry bub, but your so far out there if you can't even see that some sites are indeed bias as well as fanboys within Microsoft are in fact in huge defensive mode right now. If you can't see that, then I honestly don't know what to tell you. I'm just keeping it real here, there is no silver lining or little fluffy white clouds for god sakes.
Also, it does have to do with high expectations also, but I shouldn't have to say everything here, I think you are smart enough to figure this out, aren't you? as for my previous comments, we are in a playstation site here, I'm not dense by any means, I just understand what is going on.
Fanboy wars, console wars, review sites wanting more clicks, bias review sites (they are out there, it's not a secret), high expectations, low expectations etc etc. Both sides of course have bias to them. Your bias, if you say your not, you're a liar, there is a system that you side with the most and there isn't equality in this at all. You will always lean to one side more than the other, that's the reality and not padded lard like some try to make it.
I notice a huge problem with how you actually read things and take in things. You're a grump, geezes, I looked at your posting history you grump. O.O ROFL you just need to calm down.
While I loved the Gamecube, launching with a Luigi
@Godsire- it was all about Rogue Leader and Super Monkey Ball!
Overly high expectations are a big part of the problem, on both sides. People expect every big release to be revolutionary, like it'll change the genre or even games as a whole. The publishers are the ones pushing the marketing that encourage these sky-high expectations.
Sadly, anything less than an 8 is a 'bad' game, its a sentiment carried on both sides. The reviews themselves are used as apart of the marketing campaign, thats why both news sites and publishers are choosy about what gets shown when and fans get just as upset if their game scores 'poorly'. People aren't happy with just a good game, they expect the "best".
it disappoints me that reviews are the answer to a games quality because so far none of the big ps4 exclusives have been lower than 7/10 in my eyes but ofcourse people see the incredibly biased reviews from multiplatform sites that nitpick every little thing in sony exclusives but get a free pass when it comes to ms/nintendo. this subsequently makes up the readers mind straight away about what to think of a game even if it ends up being great, i mean come on killzone might not have a great story but the gameplay, mission structure, multiplayer, graphics were all done really well, hand knack to any young child and they will love and you will love playing with them, infamous is still possibly the most fun game on ps4 and the only real downside i can find in it is the mission variety and how much there is to do in the world...i still completed it 3 times though because it's a GREAT GAME!!!
@Bad-MuthaAdebis this
Games have very few ads only videos around the internet people create their own hype hunting this stuff down. Yes the videos look great. most of it is not even game play. If you want to be a safe shopper don't buy into your own excitement DONT PRE-ORDER. Watch the lets play videos and look at a bunch or game review scores after it comes out. Buy your games a few days or more after launch. Dont worry about per order bonus! What are any that are really useful in the game itself!
Accept the FACT that very few games are big hits. most are just avg plan fun to play.
Dreamcast had Soul Calibur (one of the greatest fighters of all time), Sonic Adventure, NFL 2K (one of the best sports games ever), Power Stone, Marvel Vs Capcom, Hydro Thunder, & House Of The Dead 2. Now THAT'S a launch lineup!
And not too long after came Grandia 2, Skies of Arcadia, Phantasy Star Online, Resident Evil: Code Veronica, & of course, Shenmue. I am probably missing some, but that's how you back a new console!
I miss my Dreamcast. I miss raising my little 'chao' character from Sonic Adventure on my VMU (memory card that you could play games on) & even talking to my fish-like character through a microphone in 'Seaman'.
The PS4 is a dissapointment. It just p*sses me off they had to follow Microsoft's cheap subscription service, so glad Nintendo keeps free online. I'll give the PS4 another year but almost all these games are just so-so, although Watch Dogs meant my expectations. Also, Project Cars appeals to me more than Driveclub. The only 2 games left not to be mediocre are Far Cry 4 and Little Big Planet 3, but I am afraid that they'll find a way to screw up LBP3.
Like I said, lets all give PS4 another year.
Easiest answer to this question is that middling studios like Evolution are simply not even close to the same league as a developer like Polyphony. I'm pretty disappointed with the PS4's first year, but every console generation is a marathon so I guess for now I just have to keep telling me myself Naughty Dog, Santa Monica, Polyphony, etc, will show up at some point. I really hope Uncharted 4 can hit its targeted Holiday 2015 release date.
Of course the Wii U has better exclusives, Nintendo's 'A' teams have finally shown up. Any Nintendo system, home console or handheld, is always going to have the best exclusives, the problem is in the home market they miss out on a lot of third party games. Aside from Super Mario 3D World, the Wii U's first year was a joke as well though, at least imo. If SM3DW hadn't been released the best games were Pikmin 3 which like inFamous: Second Son was a great game, but not a system seller and the other was The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, a 'remaster.' PS4 is basically the same thing, inFamous: Second Son and The Last of Us Remastered. Once Sony's top tier studios show up things will should get a lot better and make stuff like Knack and DriveClub a distant memory.
Yeah, Dreamcast was ridiculously good from day one until its time on the market was cut too short. Easily a top 5 console all-time. If I really sat down to think about and list my top consoles of all-time I might even have Dreamcast at No. 3 behind PS2 and SNES. If it had gotten a full five-year cycle, it'd have been No. 1, easy, it was definitely on track for that. Some of my favorites besides the games you listed... Metropolis Street Racer, San Francisco Rush 2049, the entire 2K sports line, NFL was awesome and NBA and NHL might've been even better. Tony Hawk Pro Skater. Ready 2 Rumble (one of my favorite boxing games just after Punch-Out!!). I've got to stop, I could go on forever about the Dreamcast.
I skipped the last part of the PS3's life so I got at least 8 games I can enjoy on my PS4 right now (like TLoU, Spelunky, Rogue Legacy etc) But I even enjoy Destiny a lot but thats cause I didn't participate in the hype and bought the game 3 weeks after launch.
@Demi_God The fanboy war thing isn't a reason as it happens everywhere. The BBC did a poll this afternoon to find out what the greatest FA Cup goal was of all time. Man United fans mass voted for a Liverpool own goal - it is a classic - when Djimi Traore did a stupid piroet on the goal line with the ball and knocked it in like a plank. That was voted THE greatest FA Cup goal ever. My point is fanboys/supporters mess things up like that all the time so to blame them is nonsense. But also again comes back to what I said, review scores should be abolished.
@Godsire- @Gamer83 Either of you ever play Bangai-O? The best Dreamcast game for me and also Treasure's finest title. A great, great game that is sadly massively under appreciated. Up in the my top five with Mario Galaxy 2, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime and Burning Rangers.
Heard of it, never actually played it. I'm sure there's a few classics I missed out on. It was tough to keep up with the quality releases Dreamcast was getting.
@Godsire- I liked Dreamiest well enough. MSR, Jet Set Radio and Starlancer were the highlights for me.
It did have a good launch, but I don't think I've ever been as disappointed with any game as I was with Sonic Adventure!
The GameCube actually blew me away though.
Saying that, I know the PS3 gets slated a lot for its launch line up, but I really enjoyed everything I had. Resistance was incredible I thought, MotorStorm was one of my favourite games for a long time too.
@Gamer83 I disagree about Pikmin 3 easily one of the best games I've played in years and it wasn't a system seller because at least in the UK Nintendo weren't even running adverts at the time and Lego could have moved more systems again if they had bothered to properly market it.
@KALofKRYPTON It may happen, I just don't personally believe it does. I mean, obviously this site is hundreds of levels lower than those in terms of scale, but I've never seen any real kind of publisher bribery myself. I certainly like to think that that sort of thing doesn't go on, anyway.
For me personally it all boils down to expectations and hype. I was so hyped for my ps4 that I went in with expectations that no single console manufacturer could live up to. As an owner of all 3 consoles this actually lead to the strange scenario I'm in now: I like my Wii U and One better than Iike my PS4 at this point, because they set the bar really low.
Sony didn't quite live up to the promises they made, or mostly the promises we collectively think they made, whereas Xbox and Nintendo were written off on my behalf but kept on surprising me with excellent titles or announcements. We bought the Wii U for our smaller kids and my wife and the One for the big kids (big family) and the PS4 was my console....until Diablo came out I only played Trials Fusion and liked it, the rest of the time I was busy playing the Wii U mostly.
The other thing that I just realized while reading this article is how new games scare me off these days. The game I'm most excited for is Halo the MCC; now that's a game I know won't dissapoint. The same thing with Diablo: blind purchase because I knew it wouldn't let me down.
The succes of Shadow of Mordor is maybe the best example of a game that didn't get killed by hype or big expectations. they went under the radar and when they came out they took everyone by surprise; I'm absolutely positive that if is this game was as hyped as Destiny was, I wouldn't have liked it this much.
Playstation has got a long way to go and they can thank their stars that they sold so well on hype alone, cause realistically speaking they didnt really do anything to deserve it . They have to step up their game so consumers who already bought one can justify their purchase and new customers will be reeled in; the core gamers are pretty much settled as it is, but there is a lot to win on the "casual side of gaming".
@get2sammyb it does.
One article of many.
I forgot about 'Ready 2 Rumble'. Great game.
You are right. Bangai-O was criminally underrated.
Any of you ever play the game 'Armada'? Another riduculously underated shooter.
@Godsire- I think most shmups are criminally underrated.
@rastamadeus If they mess things up all the time then blaming them is just fine and reasonable. It doesn't make things any better though and it never will, I was just pointing at that factor. Regardless though, it's everything including high expectations. But the people cheering for their platform are going to do a lot to try and make the other bad and it's usually the people on the defensive. I mean, go read some of those reviews. Ignore the score itself and just read them, it's just as bad as the score on some of them.
WIth that being said. The games really don't disappoint, it's just that people are wanting that Fallout 4 game or the next Skyrim which clearly isn't here yet nor have we heard about it. All it is, is people being impatient, the PS4 is rocking right now, but we all want those big games and it sucks that we don't have them, I get that. People do forget how console launches are and the PS4 launch was quite good compared to the PS1, PS2, and of course the PS3 which was an awful launch.
@ShogunRok Absolutely right!! Too many disappointments means to many expectations. Has everything been perfect? No. I personally am not that big of a critic, and when it comes down to it, how much further can VIDEO GAMES go, or what are people really expecting them to do. Just because next gen is here doesn't mean games are gonna magically do something different. For me, next gen has always been about graphics. Since my NES, each system graphics have gotten better, gameplay has remained about the same. Games are games, nothing more.
I think the problem is overhype. These companies' marketing departments talk about how great the game is, pushing gamers' expectations to soaring heights...then ultimate disappointment.
Excellent article sammy. I especially liked when you said we haven't had a modern warfare moment which is so true. Perhaps advanced warfare will be the game changer?
Breathtaking graphics and movie production values lead to gigantic budgets that need to translate to sales of millions of copies. Pubilishers try to do that by advertising like crazy and thus overhyping their games.
In my case I know that first years are not awesome, and even if the PS4 has had a steady flow of games, a lot of those still showed on PS3, preventing me from upgrading. The only new machines I own are Nintendo's systems because I just can't live without their first party software.
I am taking my time waiting for more exclusives before taking the plunge and reading about these new games to avoid disappointment. I don't believe in hype and advertising telling me what to like and what to buy.
Developers have been too busy cutting content from their games to sell as DLC so they haven't had time to put effort into their games. Thank god for developers like Naughty Dog and Sucker Punch that put effort into their games and are pretty fair with DLC. And all of the indie developers that can make better games with a few people than Bungie can with a $500 million budget.
Wii U is awesome right now because it had more time on the market to suck. Unless several major releases are horribly botched, the PS4 is going to have a pretty good 2015.
@sinalefa That's pretty much my situation at the moment. I am holding off on other systems until Kingdom Hearts 3 actually has a release date announcement before falling for a new system. Mario Kart actually tipped the scales for both Wii U and 3DS for me.
I pretty much agree with everyone about how games are overhyped and how people's expectations are way too high nowadays. I don't really have much else to add here everything's already been said..
@hardrockr79 I can't help but think the same sometimes. It must get harder and harder for developers to come up with something original, let alone revolutionary. It'll happen eventually, but it needs time.
I agree that we should start looking at games for what they are, and not what we expect them to be.
i do not apologize for my high exceptions, its the ps4 era. they could have rode the ps3 a bit longer and been way more prepared. its harsh but its just the way i feel about it
That was truly a great read. This is about what I expected. I always knew that I'd buy a PS4 a good two or more years into its life cycle. I didn't buy a PS3 until July of 2013, so you can imagine the wonderful backlog of titles that I had at my disposal by that time.
I already have a feeling that The Order is going to get middle of the road reviews, just like DriveClub, but The Order is the one PS4 title that I have been looking forward to since it was first announced. I'll be getting that game regardless of how many average scores it gets.
Nothing wrong with expectations at all. I'm sick of the excuse making. The first year has been subpar, period. And a game like Killzone or DriveClub or Knack failing to deliver shouldn't be blamed on gamer expectations. How about the developers just deliver better games? Last year, my expectations for Super Mario 3D World for example were through the roof. It delivered. Same can be said for inFamous: Second Son this year and it mostly delivered. DriveClub, it seems, has not met many people's expectations, I refuse to believe that's all those people though. Some, sure, but I'm positive DriveClub is not a perfect racing game.
From every showing of The Order so far I'm absolutely expecting middle of the road reviews unless they do something about the gameplay. The graphics are awesome so it's definitely one of those 'showcase' titles but gameplay is and always will be king, and from what's been shown so far, The Order seems to struggle in that category.
100th comment
@Gamer83 You show me a launch that was as big. Everything from Atari all the way to the PS4 and Xbox One never had an amazing launch in terms of games, it's never happened. People are forgetting the fact that all console launches have been pretty lame. The PS3 was the worst, the PS4 was by far better compared to other launches out there. High expectations plays a roll in this factor because people are becoming extremely impatient for those big hitters. I have yet to see a launch that matches that of a 3rd year console.
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