At least everyone can agree that it looks pretty, right? The first batch of DriveClub reviews have crossed the finish line – and, well, it’s all looking a teensy bit mixed. Despite spending an extra 12 or so months in the tuning shop, Evolution Studios’ next-gen racer appears to have fallen somewhat short of a podium place, with plenty of criticism lofted at the title’s lack of panache. We never actually got sent a copy prior to release, so you’ll have to make do with this roster of reports before we can give you our verdict. Shrugs.
VideoGamer - 8/10
And it's intense rivalries that lie at the heart of DriveClub. It's a game whose appeal lives and dies in its online time trials and sensational visuals, and whose sense of one-upmanship and competition is leaps above the rest of the pack.
IGN - 7.9/10
Driveclub is the best-looking racing game I’ve ever seen on a console, but down deep it’s a more modest, conventional arcade racer than the sprawling, open-world types we commonly see today. While it successfully creates fast and fun races with a great sense of speed, the overly aggressive AI grates, the difficult drifting seems at odds with the accessible handling, and the single-player loses zest once the solo content runs dry. I’m also surprised at how partisan the day-one car list is. That said, the tentacles of Driveclub can grip tight if you get invested in the game’s asynchronous challenges, and it’s very much geared around encouraging us to hop online and compete by making it so easy.
Polygon - 7.5/10
DriveClub doesn't have any one element that makes it an incredible game or a huge leap forward for the racing genre, but it makes some smart choices underneath top-of-the-line presentation. And in embracing a social media-influenced setup to build enjoyable asynchronous multiplayer, it teaches a few important lessons other developers should learn from. - 6/10
What we're left with is a flimsy framework - a sort of clothes horse for content - rather than a truly great racing game. DriveClub is patently intended to attract a global, interconnected audience of fiercely competitive racers but, to quote the increasingly obscure 1989 Kevin Costner film Field of Dreams: if you build it, they will come. And, unfortunately, Evolution hasn't quite built it.
GameSpot - 5/10
It's hard to find any true celebration here. Driveclub is ordinary menus and ordinary races, standard time trials, and a few drift events. Driveclub is bland social competition. Driveclub is the fear of risks and the embrace of the ordinary. It's basic racing in basic packaging, beautiful and inert and full of attractive cars. It is not, however, an argument for a new generation of driving, given how it fails to exceed the standards of the old one.
Have these mixed reviews put the brakes on your purchase intent, or are you still going to be accelerating your way through Evolution Studios’ latest? Feather the accelerator in the comments section below.
Comments 88
only the ps+ version will tell, from there i will decide whether to purchase or leave it.......
Hmmm... I have to say I'm a bit disappointed. The only franchises I knew I'd miss when moving from Xbox to PS was Forza/PGR so I was hoping this would fill that void. Doesn't look like it does that too well but glad I can check out the PS+ version before handing over my cash
Well, I wasn't expecting it to race away with the Gold, but I was at least expecting a Silver. Looks like it was hit by a Blue Shell so close to the finish.
Eh, at least I can try the PS+ version and solidify my own decision.
@Crimson_Ridley lol those pesky blue shells are so frustrating!
Having read some of the lower reviews, I wonder if this is it for track-based arcade racers now. A lot of the negativity seems to stem from the fact that there's no open world or anything like that. I dunno, need to play it properly — I like the way the cars handled, but maybe that's not enough?
I guess the good thing is that everyone gets to try it for free, innit!
@LDXD This is what you get in the free version:
As for our review, hopefully this week. I'm sorry we couldn't get it up sooner - like I say, it's super frustrating that we didn't get sent it.
@get2sammyb How can a site criticise a game for not being open world, when it is not trying to be? That makes no sense. Its not a gaming requirement...
The Last of Us was rubbish, because it wasn't open world?! I assume it is a FH comparison, but I am still lost.
This game's DNA is about social features. It should rise and fall on how it make them work as a racing game, not lack of open world which is a legitimate design decision.
There are only 6 reviews out so far, so way too early to tell. In any case, I will download my PS+ version tomorrow and decide for myself.
Metacritic is currently at 74 from 16 reviews...
Really disappointing given all the hype and build up, can't imagine what it would have scored if released last year.
Thinking about when will I be able to play the PS+ version...
So shadow of mordor get near perfect because of open world and this is not.
Well I really hope this will be great but I will take project car rather than this anyway
Another PS4 game, possibly, disappointing. Ugh. Are we going to get that true 'next-gen' killer exclusive.....ever?!! This is getting ridiculous.
(Runs over to his PS3 to give it a hug)
I never planned to buy the game, I'll stay with the free version.
I have to shy away from any website giving this game a 5 or 6 out of 10. That just seems like an agenda more than anything. Even though I haven't played it yet but I've watched live feeds, the game is solid. 8/10 seems more like a fair score. ROFL @ IGN 7.9, get the @#$% out of here IGN. o.O
@Godsire- PS3 didn't really start sprinting until 2009 with Uncharted 2. I personally think the start of this generation has been much better than the last one. As @Bad-MuthaAdebis points out, though, the Metacritic page paints a slightly different tale, and is much more positive. I tend to pick five wide randing reviews for these articles, because that gives you a good spread of the opinion.
If this goes under 80% on metacritic can we have mgs v ground zeroes on wed instead?
Honestly the only sites review I care about is Pushsquare's. Its a shame you guys didn't get a review copy.
What I've read so far is about what I expected from the game anyways. Nothing groundbreaking at all. I guess I'll get it further down the line when I'm not busy playing other games.
@Johnnycide Oh ho ho. Oh you!
Review scores are what everyone expected surely? Game's been in trouble hence the delay. The fact the retail version is apparently lacking in depth makes the PS+ edition even more worrying. Canny judge until I try it tomorrow, of course, but so far it's not looking good for Sony's one big hitter this Christmas.
@Punished_Boss Yeah I know, what am I like!
@get2sammyb i totally agree this generation started out better than ps3. The ps3 didnt come out with games like kzsf and infamous within the first few months. I guess its because sony has a lot of well established studios and franchises now.
When does the ps plus edition come out?
@Demi_God igns score burned me a bit. Not because its a bad score, but because the negatives they list for the games were
Eurocentric car list
Single player exhausted after a few days
....sounds like every racer ever? And im sorry but europe gets the most bada** cars anyways other than a very small handfull of american muscle. It seriously irked me a bit.
It's gonna be tough for Drive Club to build the connected audience it needs to thrive with Project Cars and The Crew hitting PS4 soon too... But I LOVED the original MotorStorm so much that I will be buying DC day one and investing some time in it to see how it develops. Would be a good move for Sony to announce Gran Turismo 7 (which lets face it is the real Forza killer)!?
A Metacritic score of 74 is not a positive score for a game like this. Not really a positive score for any game, for that matter.
As I have said, when the top SIX rated games on the system are last-gen ports, you are doing it wrong. That's embarrassing.
Knack - 54. Thief - 67. Killzone - 73. DiveClub - 74, so far. Destiny - 76. COD: Ghosts - 78. Alien: Isolation - 78. Wolfenstein - 79. inFAMOUS - 80. Watch Dogs - 80. Etc. Etc.
There isn't one MUST own in there & those are all big time releases. In fact, some of those games are pure crap. Take Metacritic scores for what you will, but at best......this 'next-gen' has been extremely underwhelming.
Oh and the 'indie' games are doing just as bad, if not worse.
You could make an argument that Shadow Of Mordor is the only big retail, non sport related (even some of those have struggled) & non last-gen port, to either meet or exceed expectations.
Yea my PS3 may have to put a restraining order out on me. lol.
Well, at least there's a free version for all to judge and anything 70/100 or above is a game that you can feel pretty comfortable buying but I'd be lying if I said this isn't disappointing but I also expected this and that's why I went ahead and bought an Xbox One with Forza Horizon 2 playing a large role in that decision.
On the plus side, if it makes people feel better, the the Forza Horizon 2 user review page on Metacritic was hit hard by fanboys today and we got this little gem:
"Hugeee letdown..or maybe not since I figured itd be all flash with no substance..great graphics and thats where it ends..its a shame thisncould have been very special instead sony has more work to do 2" score 0/10, of course this user doesn't even know who publishes Forza.
Sadly, 1 person actually said this 'review' was helpful. I'm begging metacritic to do away with the user crap.
DriveClub 'review':
"So much hype from Sony, Evolution studios and the Sony Fanboys - enough to convince many (like myself) to buy a PS4 over an Xbox One; well the visuals they feeding the press always looked too good to be true, and now come launch day it's obvious to see 2 facts. 1) The game looks terrible compared to what was promised 2) The game is not finished Weather? Patched in at a later date
Tracks? Patched in at a later date
Cars? Patched in at a later date
Even shadows are being patched in for crying out loud - how long have they had to fix this game and they forgot to add shadows? (official announcement by Evo here:
You can't even customise your car (after all this is a driving game is it not?) but for some reason you can customise your head and hairstyle...that about sums it up.
The cars sound awful, full of screeching like fingernails down a blackboard, and they all look like they are hovering 1ft off the ground - it's almost comical until you realise that this game cost you $60 bucks.
I think we all realised that this would never be as fun or have the longevity of Forza Horizons 2; but the saving grace was to be the sublime graphics and effects, but we don't even have those, so what are we left with? Another overhyped, bullshot ridden driving game that has done nothing to demonstrate the PS4's supposed power advantage over the Xbox One." Also 0/10 and somebody clearly didn't want to make up their own mind when choosing a console.
User reviews, or as I like to call them corporate slave reviews, need to either be taken down or there needs to be a new structure put in place where reviews need to be approved. Nothing you can do about user score unfortunately, but that's where the fanboy battle should be fought. At least just putting a number you don't have people spreading bs and lies at another website.
Ouch...some of the reviews are harsh. Whether the Forza killer tag line was seriously intended it exists and leaves this open to criticism. I won't even be trying the free version but I hoped for Drive club to turn out well for the greater good of the console...even if a game isn't my thing I'd hope it does well and helps the Playstation continue to be successful.
Unfortunately it's likely going to be 3 years, just like PS3 took, to start getting that consistent flow of top quality, new-gen games, but once the big boys start showing up with their games we'll see some good stuff. Bloodborne isn't too far away. And LBP 3 could be a game that sneaks up on some people. It's kind of getting buried but every time I read a preview for it I get more hyped.
Yea this 'next-gen' needs that run of big games to show people what the PS4 is capable of. New IP's would be great too. 'Last-gen' games like Mass Effect, BioShock, Uncharted, etc. were pivotal to the success of the industry, as a whole, bc they were new IP's & brought something fresh to the table.
Jesus christ, these reviews are harsh! I hate being 'that guy', but is it because it isn't open world?, i'll probably regret typing this later, but Forza horizon 2 got fantastic reviews, was it because it was an open world game? So, does a game have to be an open world game to get good reviews(I mean for
next gen)? All i know is thar Xbots are going to have a field day with this one, and it sucks. It's like Sony can't ever catch a break, even when they've been really successful with the PS4.
Yea user scores on Metacritic are the most worthless things on the planet. Like you said, Metacritic should just get rid of them.
Yeah, Forza Horizon 2 was sitting at 8.5 userscore today and had been getting pretty good scores. DriveClub comes out, doesn't quite live up to what I think people were hoping for and not surprisingly there's a ton of new 'reviews' and scores given for FH 2 that have dropped the game under an 80. Coincidence? I think not. But people still tell me I should take user scores and 'reviews' more seriously than professional ones. I'll agree some websites are shady but there's also a lot of trustworthy ones and certainly I'll take the word of a somebody, even at IGN, over a fanboy whose review is a run on sentence full of poor grammar and bullsh*t.
@Godsire- Like @Gamer83 pointed out, it depends what you're comparing it to. It's perhaps a little easy to forget that the new systems have only been out, what, like 10 months. I get that it's a bit disappointing, but the content will come. The sales are looking strong for both machines, so at least we know there's a market there now. Publishers will invest appropriately.
@Godsire- @get2sammyb
I think next year looks great across the board. Nintendo is bringing Zelda and Star Fox to the Wii U along with some quirkier looking games that could be cool like Splatoon. The PS4 has Bloodborne and hopefully Uncharted 4 and Xbox One has Halo 5, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and hopefully two of three out of Quantum Break, Scalebound and Crackdown. And third parties will be stepping up with he multiplats. The Witcher 3 and Batman: Arkham Knight look to kick off and end the first half of the year in style. All the delays this year sucked but I guess if there's one positive, 2015 should be a fun year.
@Dodoo metacritic? Pfffft
@get2sammyb Having played the full version I can honestly say that apart from the single player Driveclub its actually pretty good. This single player AI is far too dumb and aggressive. They also seem to ram you on corners and stick to the racing line like a "Scalextrix" car did back in the day. Yeah I know im showing my age lol. So if you play it for the online competitive side you should enjoy it alot more. The only thing I don't like is, if someone rams you of the track you're the one that get penalised. ie You loose points, your place in the race and the game stops your car from accelerating for a few seconds. Those issues could easily be fixed in an update. When played with friends is when this game shines. Which if im right remember right is how the devs, Evolution studios intended for Driveclub to be played.
I think if Evolution studios listen to the fans they could eventually turn Driveclub into a great game. ie An update to give us the option to tune and do custom paint jobs would give the Driveclub user a sense of ownership for there favourite cars. They've nailed the look, feel and sound of the cars and tracks but it just need a few more options.
Some of the criticism wasn't just harsh, it seemed unfair. You can't blame an arcade racer for being too arcadey in my book. And the criticisms it does deserve, that the game needs a lot more meat on its bones to compete with the standard we're used to, isn't highlighted enough I feel.
Anyway, for me personally I read what I hoped to read: I want a drop dead gorgeous arcade racer which doesn't take hours to get into. I want a game to showcase my PS4's capabilities and quick and fun racing session. Maybe it's the age or the lack of spare time, but I had it with games that "make me work" to get to the fun part; the journey should be fun as well... And I believe that is where Driveclub succeeds.
Theres just too many open world racing games nowadays. I prefer sticking to a certain route and learning how to go full cotter round each corner
@LDXD Agreed, The Witcher 2 was a really good game and now to have that game in an open world with tightened up controls and better graphics with the usual great story telling The Witcher 3 will no doubt be a great game. Easily a Skyrim beater and its at number 1 for my game purchase for early next year. Unless they announce Fallout 4 lol.
Having actually played the game, I can say Forza Horizon 2, easily, deserves the high marks it's getting and then some. It's among the best open world racers ever made, any suggestion otherwise is simply fanboy ignorance and jealousy. From the very start concerning DriveClub the hype was about the graphics. Last year the game had to be delayed because from all accounts it was heading towards disaster. It seems the 11 month delay at least made it a competent game, which is good, but clearly it isn't up to scratch with some other games. Frankly both racers are different types and you have to decide what you like but nonsense like 'Sony's Forza killer,' (hilarious when you consider Sony already has most acclaimed racing franchise of all time on its roster in Gran Turismo) means it's going to draw comparisons and this has played out just like the 'Halo killer' nonsense played out. The fact that this game wasn't hyped as much as say inFamous: Second Son or even First Light, a downloadable game, shows how much confidence Sony itself had in it. There's no conspiracies, there's no agendas, the game is just an above average to good racer at best while its main competition in terms of an exclusive happens to be among the best of the open world racing genre its in. As for the Xbots having a field day, what would you be doing if DriveClub wasn't a disappointment and was averaging a 92? Put some of the blame on Sony for this, it should've known better than to stoke the fanboy flame wars with ridiculous stuff like calling the game a Forza killer. Save the arrogance for a series (GT) from a developer that has a right to be a bit big headed.
There goes the "Forza Killer", to be fair wasnt expecting much more... it always felt "lacking" in every possible way, all the social features sounds right on paper but (reading the reviews) just doesnt seems to work.
Just saw this excellent review added to the DriveClub page:
"Xbox One rulez !!! Xbox One rulez !!! Xbox One rulez !!! Xbox One rulez !!! Xbox One rulez !!! Xbox One rulez !!! Xbox One rulez !!! Xbox One rulez !!! Xbox One rulez !!! " 0/10 of course.
Seriously, can somebody tell me how metacritic allows this type of crap to continue to exist? I guess they really don't care if the site looks good or not. Like youtube it has become a haven for imbeciles.
Oh yeah, GameSpot, can be pretty bad as well. I just visit that website to post on the system-specific forums from time to time.
What I like about this site is the writers don't bullsh*t us. Whether its an exclusive or not, I trust the reviews here. Killzone: Shadow Fall could've easily been cut some slack and given a 9/10, same goes for inFamous: Second Son and First Light, but they didn't do that. If a game scores 8 or above here, you can be assured its worthy of a purchase. Hell I'd say a 7 here carries more weight, at least imo, than 10/10 from some of the more well-known websites.
NL is good as well, best place for Nintendo news for sure. And PureXbox is a great website as well.
Where is the PS Plus edition? Can't seem to download it remotely from work somehow...
@get2sammyb I did notice a lot of the reviews complained of a lack of open-world but it bothers me that critics took that into effect. It's not like DriveClub was meant for that. Personally, I prefer having a track-based arcade-style racer than an open-world one any day. I feel like too many games nowadays try to go for "bigger is better". I am excited still to play this game as it has been on my radar since the very first reveal, not to mention how stunning the visuals and audio seem!
"the single-player loses zest once the solo content runs dry." -IGN
are they seriously putting that in a review? Since when does finishing single player mean more stuff to do in single player? Reviews are a joke sometimes.
I personally love the game - the handling and suspension systems are top notch, granted its arcade-y with hitting stuff, but so far the game is awesome. It definitely needs a patch - but for sure everyone should get the PS+ version before making any decisions.
I don't read or ever bother going by what any online game reviews say. But what i do, do is always add '2 points' to all 'PS Exclusive' reviews i see because i 'KNOW' that if it said 'Xbox ONLY' on the box it would get higher scores from 99% of gaming sites. Xbox only games just seem to have to be average and they will always get a good score. Oh well.
Wow look at all those comments. What is this? A Nintendo Life article with the word 'Ubisoft' in the title?
@get2sammyb where is the free version in the ps store. I can't find it anywhere
@AD-80 where is it in ps store? Don't see it on ps plus page
@get2sammyb also when did Evolution ever say it was going to be open world? Lmao I feel that these reviewers are completely oblivious to what this game is supposed to be in real life. Gorgeous - great mechanics - a little arcade-y - and just an all around great game. It has some issues - but after playing it last night for 2 hrs - it really is the game I thought it would be - no surprises.
@soracloud28 --- sorry I pre-ordered and got midnight release But once PSN store updates today - it will be free for PS+
@AD-80 the other ps plus games are already up and I've downloaded them, can't find free driveclub anywhere though
@soracloud28 --- Hmmm, well then. I'm confused as to why you can't DL yet! Sorry to hear bro
@Carl-G — Wow great stuff - couldn't have said it any better than that right there.
@Glacier928 Yeah bigger is not better! If its 80% filler and 20% good game stuff then that's a loss in my eyes - GTA 5 is huge - but is boring without any single player missions or heists. I 100% agree with your statement.
I'm playing it right it a good it omg its better than gran it I see it standing the test of u can't b*tch for a free download..who cares what u do or do not get its FREE...u want more content... Buy the whole game....myself I got the psplus preorder deal..Nd I got the season pass...if anybody has something to gripe about its me...but I don't...its a solid 8...maybe a biggest gripes are 1.. the its mad variations of the same tracks....5 or 6 locations chopped up in to raceable bits Nd pieces...that's weather effects makes it stale af....2 the lackluster selection of no Lamborghini... Really... U can't have a true racing game with out a gallardo..aventador..huracan or countach...Hopefully that'll b up for download asap...but other than that its definitely worth a buy....
@get2sammyb I'm really no big fan of open world driving games. When I'm racing I want to know where I'm going - I hate having to check a fold out map just to know where the next race is. The last driving game I played that I felt really nailed the formula was Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit - the fact it was the first game to use autolog was no small part in its success, and I think DriveClub builds upon that. Will give the Plus version a go - will reserve judgement until I've given it a few hours play.
@Diddy_kong Are you impressed that fans reacts the same regardless of the situation ?
Wow, this thread blew up. For perspective, the Metacritic's at 74, which seems like a perfectly good score. I know we're all waiting for that big PS4 blockbuster, but for perspective - that's only two points less than Destiny!
It's going to be Bloodborne, at least in terms of exclusives. Unless The Order 1886 turns out much better than it seems right now.
@get2sammyb NO open world, year of delays and this is it? Truly disappointing. I'm sure they have problems with the games, no way they spent a year working on the "technical aspects"
@LDXD same thing in Canada mate!
Obviosuly there is some delay to the PS Plus version of Drive Club. Sony hasn't said why yet but I am sure as soon as Sammy and the gang hear what's going on they will post an article. Until then just stay calm guys and play some Dust, Splunky or that cat game that I dont remember the name of now.
@Tasuki skip Pix the Cat... horrible horrible stupid game!
@get2sammyb That's why "The Crew" is gonna kick butt!!
A next-gen racegame without Japanese cars and almost no USA cars is a "no buy" for me.
Seems like a decent game but it got a bit overshadowed by horizon 2. You can tell the reviewers feel very restricted when playing driveclub compared to FH2, hence the whole 'no open world' arguments. By no means does that mean its a bad game. And its also partially driveclubs own fault by comparing itself to FH2. Had this game come out a month earlier the reviewscores would no doubt be higher, even though itd be the exact same game.
@get2sammyb really though, if you think about it, Driveclub is/was still a close to launch game, but it was pushed back a year. I think graphically the game looks good, control wise I heard no problems, it's a racing game so I really wonder what the agenda is with IGN and their half-@#$ score. I mean, it's the same website that scored Alien Isolation due to it being hard while playing it on hard o.O
@Dodoo please don't allow a critic to ruin this game for you. they will all give Project Cars a 9/10, and if you watch game play of it, it looks like Driveclub light. play it for yourself, i recommend cockpit mode to get the speed and intensity.
@wittypixel so all racing games have to be open world to be good? i guess they will have to give Project Cars an even worse score cause all it has is racing, not even challenges...right? nope they will give it a 9/10 just because they will say it's a sim game...childish critics!
@Flurpsel i bet they will give Project Cars a high number and say it's because it's a sim racer, even though the only real difference will be the damage and car tune ups. i call it being bias....ign gave it an 7.9, and would have giving it a 9 with the weather effects. that's what this game should get and they were right n the money. a 5/10 is insulting and that reviewer should be fired for starting a game already wanting to hate it just because of the delays.
@Midzark played the crew and played FH2, i thought they were just ok, but that's because i think open world is a little boring...i like to come home and put on the game and race fast...but i guess that kind of racing game isn't considered a racing game any longer. just hope the critics who bashed DC for being a traditional racer also remember this when Project Cars comes out...but i bet they won't and that will show me that their bad review of this game really had nothing to do with the game it's self and more to do with them being upset that it was delayed for a yr.
@crazykcarter when you play the game you will be pleasantly surprised. don't let a bias critic decide what you should like. watch this video and tell me what this guy would give the game?
@Crimson_Ridley remember, some critics are bias for whatever reason.
what do you think this guy would rate the game?
@sampson3121 yes I agree I also like "track" racing, yes open world is fun but I'm also a track man! I'm just SOOO disappointed with DC, I'm also hoping that F1 2015 will be good! This is the only thing holding the PS4 back a GOOD (track) racing game!
@Midzark one thing i noticed..people playing the game in third person view a lot and this game really only shines in cockpit, IMO.
i can't tell you how many times i've told people streaming the game to play in cockpit mode, only to have them say wow! you're right! it is more intense and fun in cockpit mode. so if you play in third person, i strongly suggest you play in cockpit mode for the intensity. this game for me is a blast. i posted a game play video of the Mclaren P1's KERS & DRS being demonstrated by a FH2 fan who bought the ps4 just to try DC...check it out if you already haven't. and do yourself a favor, don't listen to people who never tried the game, or critics who just couldn't wait to hate it for whatever reason or another.
@crazykcarter great...i really think people are buying into the x1 fanboy version will take care of that.
@sampson3121 You didn't understand anything I wrote and you have a bias. You can't read everything LITERALLY and no I'm not going to explain it again.
@wittypixel so no one should take your comments literally? read some of the reviews and some comments from people in the gaming community who say it's garbage that have never even played the game..and you think I'm bias?people are upset cause the game was delayed and couldn't wait to bash it. telling someone not to take what one says literally while scolding them, is just a failure to communicate.
@crazykcarter agreed, 7/10 when 75 percent of the game isn't even working isn't bad at all. what these reviewers need to do is go back after the game is fully functional and review it again.
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