Keiji Inafune and crew must be laughing all the way to the bank, as another round of crowdfunding has been revealed for Comcept’s upcoming Mega Man-inspired Mighty No. 9. Clearly not content with the $3.8 million that it accrued for the main game, as well as the $100,000 post-campaign funds that it secured for full English voice acting, it’s now launched a third funding drive for some DLC. Talk about cheek, huh?
The firm’s currently asking for an additional $190,000 from what it refers to as ‘slacker backers’ to add an additional boss battle to the game. To be fair, as far as we can tell, if the money is raised by the end of the year, then all existing funders will get access to the additional content for free. Moreover, the organisation has outlined exactly where the money will be spent, and stressed that work won’t begin on the DLC until after the main game is finished.
Still, while we can’t condemn the company for cottoning on to the fact that it’s essentially created a cash cow here, we can’t say that we like the idea of the organisation crowdfunding DLC for a crowdfunded game. Here’s a novel idea: why not finish the title, release it, and, if it sells well, use some of your profits to make this extra character? We guess that that would be too much like high risk.
[source kickstarter.com]
Comments 12
Sammy, you make a good point here.
I kind of think this guy is looking for nothing more than free cash for the privilege of making the game. I doubt all of it will be used, I think he is going to pocket some of that. Be it illegal, I doubt anyone will know because all they'll see is the game, but not how much money actually went into it. This guy is like any other developer, always wanting more money before all is said and done. meh. I'm glade I didn't give this "gump" a cent.
omg, this is a really big bs.
Madness. It's already pretty clear from the interest so far that this game is going to sell by the bucketload when it releases. If DLC development is only going to start post-release, there's no reason they can't use profit to fund this.
If they're going to ask for people's cash in advance, then there is absolutely no justification for releasing this as DLC - it should be included as part of the main game, pure and simple.
This just feels wrong, completly wrong.
Not sure what they are exactly thinking at this point, any company at this point would be willing to throw some money at them if they ever needed some funds, they already proved that this is going to be a succesful game and its not like they still don't have some spare cash from the first campaign.
The Greed is real on this one.
Capcom taught this man well.
Lots of shadiness going on recently.
This is bad on so many levels... It's morally wrong and they are clearly milking it for some extra money.
To be honest, sh*t like this really p*sses me off...
@Jazzer94 Lol
Wow. haha. I might buy this eventually...but I would not want to contribute to saying that this is okay.
What's so wrong with this? The game itself is already kickbacked so the main game content itself will be made. And like their email said, this is content that would be made AFTER that base game is done and ready to be sent out (but not necessarily before the actual launch- which is a reason people think that launch day dlc for bigger disc-games sucks).
Because crowdfunding should only be used when a developer cannot find any other alternative means of producing the game. Publishers all refused to fund the game, no cash on hand to invest, banks won't lend money... All other options should be exhausted first.
This here, this is just taking advantage of the situation. They know how successful this game is going to be. I question whether he should've even kick started it in the first place, but I was willing to overlook it because I wanted the game badly. But I will not allow my desire for a game cause me to turn a blind eye anymore.
To crowdfund DLC is to imply that they are going to make no profits from the game to further invest. When crowd funding is used, it should only be to get on your feet enough to start funding further projects for yourself. Surely they will make enough profit (more than likely it will be money hand over fist) after the game's release to develop DLC.
Clearly the studio has money because they are releasing plenty of other games that weren't crowd funded
I kind of think Capcom is behind this, even though their name won't be on the box, I think they are more behind the scenes on this. He's doing exactly what Capcom would do, but this is a bit more tricky. Yea, Capcom is definitely behind this whole thing.
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