Destiny’s been at the butt of our jokes for several weeks now, but we can’t resist one last subtle prod. The folks over at Smosh – remember when they used to lip-sync Pokémon songs? – have concocted an ‘Honest’ trailer for Bungie’s mega shooter, which depicts how the first-person affair should have been marketed.
Throughout the four or so minute clip, it casually dismantles the release's atrocious loot system, dire storytelling, and dull as dishwater mission design. It begs the question, though: why didn't the developer pick up on any of this earlier?
[source youtube.com]
Comments 32
The game everyone hates but keeps playing anyway sums up Destiny rather perfectly.
I was quite fond of the flying Paul McCartney!
Can't wait till the full story bout this game comes out. There will come a time when a dissatisfied (former)employee starts talking and I believe Activision should brace theirselves for a massive sh*tstorm then. I've got absolutely zero evidence, but I'm sure that the entire story of Destiny was ripped out because it was either not casual enough, or it was chopped up in easy to sell pieces of DLC. There is abslolutely no way thís is what the creative minds of Bungie came up with... NO WAY! I'll pick Destiny up when it gets a beefy goty edition because I'm still really fond of the mechanics... But 2014 won't be the year of destiny as I imagined it to be before; it'll be the year of Halo MCC, Bayonetta and SSB. My Playstation will get love through PES, Driveclub and ME: SoM and in February 2015 I won't leave its side and we'll all have forgotten about Destiny....
@ShogunRok I said the exact thing to a dude yesterday on Playstation.
"Featuring 3 races that make zero difference, and 3 classes that make a slight difference every few minutes."
That got me.
@Boerewors There is some evidence that the story was more substantial at some stage, and what left in feels disjointed like scenes from a bigger story we are missing. There is a lot of detail, and care and work hidden away in this game...there are glimpses of it in the collectible grimoire info cards...it's a shame almost none of it is in the game, and what little is in is mangled by terrible scripting. I believe Destiny was a much deeper game at some stage, and that what we got isn't what was intended by the creatives behind in.
@Confused_Dude It's true the races you fight in it have zero personality...no back story, no reason to fear them....just shapes to be shot. And as far as I can see the three classes we can play as are the fantasy cliches of the knight, the thief and the wizard...the trailer nails it all.
As someone who has never had any interest in playing this I'ld say the trailer was spot on to what I always figured it was. And if it wasn't at least it was funny.
Poor poor Peter Dinklage.
I love Honest Trailers! They always make the best points
Well, I'm quite not into the game anymore as from what they said during E3 most certainly doesn't match the final product. Now, they did say closer to release it's only 3 players per server or whatever, but they didn't say that during E3. The big turn around was near the release, however, I did ignore that part thinking the game would be awesome. While I did like the game when playing it, this is certainly not going to last even 2 years, no way in hell, there is just way to little content on the base game to be worth anything at all. I'm starting to think Bungie is nothing more than a one trick pony.
In the end, the game is good, but for the base game it's nothing more than butchered to make room for expansions to make more money, that's all this game is basically. Basically, after the 2 other expensions come out, that is what the base game should have been. With that being said, I'm trading this in on monday for getting at least $40 back and putting all that on another game.
@ShogunRok Shadow of Mordor is gona fix that. Thank god my brother bought Destiny and not me! Brutal
I had high hopes for this, but also many reservations. I'm glad I didn't bother with it.
Everyone kept saying it was bound to be great because it was by Bungie, but I didn't place much stock in that. I tried the first two Halo games and thought they were very average; for me personally, Bungie remain a dev with very much to prove.
For all its flaws, it is personally the best gun-play I have ever experienced in a game. Despite all the criticism (some of which is warranted) I think that the reason everyone keeps playing is clear. The core game-play is awesome. That is what brings people back. If someone is looking for a shooter, I cannot think of one I would recommend over it.
From everything I keep hearing about this game I am glad I didn't buy this straight away
When I'm talking about Destiny, I'll just show people this because it summed up Destiny exactly how I've been doing for a while...
So bookmark.
@Paranoimia I think it will be great. For me, there's just not enough content right now, and too many dodgy design decisions. The gunplay is superb, though, so they at least got that bit right.
Destiny and I decided to see some other people. Destiny is with my brother now and I'm with ssb4.
Traded mine today. 3 legendary loot drops in 2 weeks - one ended up as a rare gun I already had, another legendary armour for a titan (Im a warlock) & finally something usable as I got a legendary shotgun. Joke of a loot system for about 40-50 hours gametime. Superb gunplay though, so I'll pick the game up again later down the line when its finally out of Beta & there's more content to play. A lot more.
I remember when I said this game was terrible and someone got upset at my comment! "Wait you agree with me now?" WOW
@BoltedArc well good thing I don't see one person calling this game terrible here. Not one. Most people continue to play it. Was it as amazing as some hoped it would be? Obviously not. But a 7/10 game is far from terrible.. get off your high horse. This game is still a blast to play with friends and the gun play, as stated many times, is pretty much perfect.
@mitcHELLspawn I like being this high! Also while few will admit it this game is less than a 7/10. I get its a new IP and everyone was looking forward to this game being the epic game its not but fact is people would rather play the game they spent 60$ on then send it back and get less for it. This game was over funded only to come up short on gameplay. 3 classes and the same missions to replay over and over with the same weapons over and over. I don't get why this game doesn't get a lower score officially with only a few good point and I mean very few. Im glad you enjoy it greatly but when I beat a mission solo on the hardest difficulty and get nada for it! Bad ,really bad , in my opinion.
@BoltedArc Total agreement there. I bought Destiny to pass some time and couldn't even enjoy the single player if the servers went down, WFT? Played and finished it once, traded it in for Shadow Of Mordor, which is a hell of alot better. Worth my money. Destiny was a joke, and almost EA-esque move.
xD omg that was great, im subscribing now! lol
Destiny is a poop game PERIOD.
The best thing about Destiny was, I was able to get most of my money back for it. Spent the money I got back on, Metro Redux, inFAMOUS First Light, Transister, Pure Pool and Sparkle 2. Transister & Sparkle 2 were in the UK PSN sale. I now have 6 games for less than the price of one and im much happier.
Loved the video!!!
Bro traded in Destiny for Shadow of Mordor, excellent move.
The rare loot system doesn't bother me at all, it's the lack of loot and the differences between loot, at the same time the lack of content all around the game. If it takes a week to get a few legendary pieces or even longer, that part doesn't bother me, but there just isn't enough in this game to keep me interested. It's very barebones imo, I was hoping for more but yea, I think this is the last time I get a game developed by bungie.
update: just traded in my Destiny and got $43.00 back o.O putting it on CoD, at least with that game I know what to expect.
I never thought Halo's story telling was all too special
Atm the Destiny is the most polished shell of a game you can buy, it will live or die by it DLC's which will hopefully give it the depth it so desparatly needs, as someone has already pointed out the gunplay is excellent and everything is there to build on for it to live up to its hype.
@WARDIE I did something Similiar when i bought Watch Dogs, i hated the game, and i traded it in when Gamestop in the US was Selling Assassins Creed1, 2, 3, Brotherhood, and Revelations for just $24.99. And i still had money left over. They couldnt find a copy of the first game at first and if they couldnt it was going to cost over $40 for just 4 games, and not the 5.
@dray67 But the game should have had the content in the first place.... Game developers are getting way to lazy.... >.>
@Alpha True, but because of the decision to release as it was it will live or die by the DLC.
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