When the PlayStation 4 launched last year, it played host to a bevy of free-to-play titles – but the trickle of complimentary content has been a little slower over the past six or so months. Loadout has arrived just in time for the holidays, then, promising plenty of rootin’ tootin’ third-person shootin' – and the ability to assemble the weapons from your “deeply disturbing dreams”. Finally.
“This game has literally billions of gun combinations, and you can start trying them out on the nearest unsuspecting chump for free,” enthused developer Edge of Reality’s Greg Bauman on the PlayStation Blog. “Really, if you’re trying to determine whether a laser-guided tesla missile will kill someone faster than a flaming death beam, the best method is to test for yourself, don’t you think?”
There are, of course, microtransactions in the title, with Spacebux available as part of the North American PlayStation Store update this week. PlayStation Plus subscribers will get a bonus, however, in the form of the Superfan Pack, which will allow you to kit out your character in the PlayStation brand's blue and white colour theme.
There’s actually no word on when this will be deploying in Europe just yet, but we’ve got our fingers crossed that it will make today’s PlayStation Store update. Either way, for those of you in North America, this should give you something to play over the quiet Christmas period. Are you planning to reload your system with this free release? Fire off in the comments section below.
Update: Yes, the title's out in Europe today, too.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 9
I've had some fun with this on PC at a couple of LAN parties.
Yea I want this, whoop hurry on come to meeee
Cheer up EU players, you're getting the next DRIVECLUB DLC update before NA players.
Its out in UK store now. Looks fun
Yeah, out for all the play now in rainy Europe. Looks like it could be fun, I'll have a gander at least.
Remote downloading this as I type. I've been eyeing Loadout on Steam for a while, but my PC is a little bobbins so I'll just try it on Ps4 instead.
I'll be playing some of this tonight, I think.
@get2sammyb Hey Sammy do you know if Loadout is region locked? Im also having problems inviting friends to a pre game party. If you here anything could you let us know. Thanks
This is kind of fun. All my complaints are irrelevant when I consider the fact I paid zero money for this title.I might as well invest in a loadout slot and clothes to make my guy unique
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