Michael Pachter has been a little quiet since changes to GameTrailers crushed his usual soap box, but he’s returned as part of the Bonus Round to share some thoughts on the PlayStation 4’s current success. In the video, he seems genuinely impressed by Sony’s foresight – and reckons that the current generation is the Japanese giant’s to lose. That’s strong praise from the analyst.
“Sony got its s*** together early in the cycle,” he beamed. “That’s where Nintendo right now is suffering because they still don’t have the quantity of exclusives to drive the console. Sony has this plan, and it’s peaking early next year, and that’s exactly when you want it to be, so that’s great – it’s really impressive.”
Asked for a little more information, the outspoken Wedbush Securities employee explained that the manufacturer simply has a stronger lineup than everyone else in 2015. "Normally you expect one [big exclusive] game in the spring, and then one or two more in the fall – but Sony has about six big titles," he exclaimed. "It’s probably double what we’ve seen from any of the manufacturers.”
He continued: “I’m surprised because I thought that the platform holders wouldn’t take the risk of developing for one console, and they’re taking it. [Worldwide Studios America boss Scott] Rohde’s done a phenomenal job, and [third-party relations gaffer Adam Boyes has] done a phenomenal job. It’s amazing.”
Asked whether next year’s lineup will be enough to keep Sony in first-place, Pachter had no doubts. “I mean, unless somebody just has a brain fart and [the company] screws up, yeah, [the PS4’s] going to stay number one,” he enthused. “It’s theirs to lose, how’s that?” Considering that the analyst predicted an Xbox One victory alongside former EA boss John Riccitiello, that’s quite the turnaround.
Of course, it’s not all over yet. Some fairly sensational bundles in the United States meant that the PlayStation maker lost its first NPD in eleven months to the Xbox One in November, and it’s looking like it’ll probably struggle in December, too. With a blockbuster PS4 lineup on the horizon, though, it’s going to be interesting to see if Microsoft can maintain its good form in the New Year – or if Sony will muscle its way right back to the top.
[source gametrailers.com]
Comments 25
Pachter is never right, fear Sony, fear.
.... really? everytime he says "Sony is gonna lose" or "Xbox is gonna dominate" who usually is right? Not Patcher.... besides he was super surprised that the Wii U came on top of its mark when smash came out! this guy doesnt know "Shatner" (Censoring a swear word with a celebrety lol)
He's stating the obvious. The order 1886, bloodborne, mlb the show, until dawn ratchet and clans redux, tear away unfolded, and uncharted! Not to mention other games like no mans sky, rime, shadow of the beast, hell blade, wild, the tomorrow children, rapture! And pc ports like killing floor 2, the forest, planet side 2, deep down! Tons of content on its way. I'm still amazed that people haven't "WARNED" anyone about until dawns cutscene game play, yet the order 1886 is litterally being crucified for having elements of it mixed with its gameplay. Lol. Looks like the fear is real of sonys in house devs. They gotta bash games in advance! Smh.
wait Nintendo don't have the exclusives?
yeah I stopped reading there because it was obvious he doesn't know what he is talking about, so far Nintendo has the best exclusive line up on current systems that's not what is holding the Wii U back it's lack of third party games
although exclusive wise Sony is catching up
I typically take what Pachter says and go with the opposite, but here I'll have to agree. Microsoft got a bump off of some killer Black Friday deals, but Sony's 2015 lineup looks much stronger. The Order, Bloodborne and MLB 15: The Show all release in February and March, as does The Talos Principle... the only thing I see coming out early 2015 on the One is Screamride in March, and that's a roller coaster sim from the makers of Roller Coaster Tycoon and Zoo Tycoon.
@FullbringIchigo It doesn't have enough to drive the system though. Third-party is pretty much a lost cause, so they need exclusives to be sucessful. The numbers back up what he says.
On another note, I'm not sure what he meant by the companies taking the risk of developing for one console. Either they don't put their games on the competitor, or the competitor is the only console to make games on. Is he talking about PC? If not, this wasn't going to change one or another.
Seriously I can do this guys job , act like I know what I'm talking about, be wrong, still have a job lol;) but in this case I hope he's right. Either way it doesn't change the fact that Sony is doing pretty good this gen so far.
Every time this jerk speaks, the exact opposite happens... now I am scared for Sony
Please watch the language -Tasuki-
Well yeah Sony will have both great exclusives and third party games something both MS and Nintendo greatly struggle achieving both.
Edit: Also

We should start worrying right now, or rather Sony.
SCE definitely has a great line-up next year. Most of them should also have a high amount of mainstream appeal with Uncharted 4 and The Order 1886 leading the pack in terms of mainstream appeal.
The Order 1886
Ratchet & Clank
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
MLB 15: The Show
Tearaway: Unfolded
Until Dawn
Hot Shots Golf
And digital download games:
The Tomorrow Children
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Super Stardust Ultra
Journey PS4
Drawn to Death
PlanetSide 2 (F2P)
Kill Strain (F2P)
So this may be the year why I'll get a PS4.
Wow. This guy is SO arrogant. I mean last gen he was dancing every month saying Xbox won, And now the shoes on the other foot. The best thing about this is the snide answers he gave the interviewer. I for one would NEVER want to interview him again...
Honestly, that's an ok lineup. There's definently some good ones but I am sure there many on there that will underperform.
Ratchet & Clank
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
MLB 15: The Show"
Honestly those four alone could carry PS4 for most of next year even if every other title flopped. You're right about one thing though: undoubtedly some of the titles listed will be less than enjoyable.
I think all of those games are shaping up to be good at least and potentially amazing.
I'm interested in all of those games except MLB 15, Until Dawn and Drawn to Death.
Looking forward the most to Ratchet & Clank!
I don't think I listed all the digital download titles by the way.
Nintendo has also had a full year head start on both Sony & Microsoft & are just now starting to kick out good exclusives at a decent rate.
Also, with Nintendo being Nintendo & releasing a console with "last-gen" tech, for me, it's really hard to compare them to Sony & Microsoft at this point.
The Wii U is a niche console & a good 2nd console to have sitting next to a PS4 or Xbox One.
Pachter reminds me of post man pat!.
@Godsire- You mean the PS4 and the XB1 are the niche console, good enough to have besides your WiiU and PC as a 2nd console
No, I didn't mean that. At all.
The Wii U has been a disaster and is just further pushing stubborn Nintendo away from 3rd party developers.
Pachter just won't shut up will he? He has absolutely no idea what he's talking about and is notorious for his ridiculous predictions. Not to mention he is one of the biggest Microsoft fanboys you'll see. This quote alone speaks volumes about just how clueless he is. “That’s where Nintendo right now is suffering because they still don’t have the quantity of exclusives to drive the console." Haha, you've got to be kidding, he honestly thinks nintendo is suffering a shortage of exclusives right now?
They have a lot of exclusives for sure, but at the same time those exclusives also make up the bulk of their game selection because there isn't much else. The key word is here quantity, they simply don't have enough to make up for the games the Wii U is missing out on.
@ferrers405 my same thought exactly... be afraid PS fans... we have a hard war to fight....
Straight away I'll say, Sony has the advertisement but feck all games and Nintendo has all the games but a serious lack of advertisment.
I have both systems. Ps4 is never turned on. WiiU is always on. It's all about advertisement and Sony clearly know how to sell a product.
Why do we care what some guy who doesnt play games says? Just ignore him and play the darn consoles you payed 400 dollars for.
Sony needs to sort out the storage of video and music on the hard drive. When that is sorted then sony will get there leading product back on top. All this power to a ps4 and they couldnt sort out things that made playstation so great.
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