News - 2014, Week 01

Sunday5th Jan 2014

Saturday4th Jan 2014

Friday3rd Jan 2014

Saturday4th Jan 2014

  • Rumour PlayStation Italy's Teasing Something for 6th January

    Don't lose your mind just yet, though

    The gaming industry would be boring if there weren’t teaser images or developer tweets to overanalyse. Take this harmless picture of a DualShock controller carved out of coal. It was posted to PlayStation Italy’s official Facebook page earlier today alongside a cryptic message and a 6th January date...

  • News You May Be Touring the Dark Dungeons of PS4 Exclusive Deep Down After All

    Going underground

    Capcom’s curious free-to-play online adventure Deep Down may have been announced alongside the PlayStation 4 in New York City, but the Japanese publisher has only committed to a launch in its home nation thus far. Fortunately, a couple of European and North American trademarks have indicated that th

  • News You're Free to Try and Decipher This Conception II Trailer

    Shooting stars

    There are two types of trailer: the teaser that tells you next to nothing about the product that it’s promoting, and the epic that uncovers everything that you could ever want to know. This lengthy footage for upcoming PlayStation Vita role-playing game Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars falls into the latter category,...

  • News Murasaki Baby Developer Ovosonico Dreaming Up New Title

    Working on something original

    Ovosonico, the Italian outfit behind intriguing PlayStation Vita exclusive Murasaki Baby, is working on a brand new project. The company – which is fronted by Shadows of the Damned director Massimo Guarini – revealed the tidbit on its official website, noting that it’s currently in the pre-production phase on an...

Friday3rd Jan 2014

Thursday2nd Jan 2014

Friday3rd Jan 2014

Thursday2nd Jan 2014

Wednesday1st Jan 2014

Thursday2nd Jan 2014

Wednesday1st Jan 2014

  • News Promised PS4 Stock Availability Pushes System into Amazon UK's Top Ten

    January sales look set to start strong

    While it’s common for New Year’s resolutions to centre on trivial tasks such as weight loss and self improvement, we suspect that there are a few of you with something different in mind for 2014. It can’t have been easy to stomach Christmas without Killzone: Shadow Fall, and so we guarantee that there are...

  • Game of the Year Gold Trophy - The Last of Us

    It can't be for nothing

    We’d love for this article to come as a pleasant surprise, but we suspect that it’s more obvious than a brick to the face. The Last of Us felt like a Game of the Year winner when it lurched onto the PlayStation 3 all the way back in early June, and nothing has really topped it in our eyes in the six or so months since...

  • News Whoa, the PS4 Sold Over Half a Million Units in the UK Last Year

    Happy New Year

    It's a new year, which means that it's time for unachievable resolutions, mounting guilt due to monstrous backlogs, and, assuming that you went to a good party, ear splitting headaches. It also means looking back over what was an utterly stupendous year for our beloved platform holder. And what better way to get started than with a...

  • News Pssht, Japan's First PS4 Advert Is Pretty Predictable

    Where are the dancing fish?

    There was once a time when Japan used to create commercials that would force you to question your very own sanity, but this inaugural PlayStation 4 spot is about as conventional as they come. Posted on the platform holder’s official YouTube page overnight, it shows several of the system’s big launch events from around...

Tuesday31st Dec 2013

Monday30th Dec 2013