News - 2014, Week 04

Sunday26th Jan 2014

Saturday25th Jan 2014

Friday24th Jan 2014

Thursday23rd Jan 2014

Friday24th Jan 2014

Thursday23rd Jan 2014

Tuesday21st Jan 2014

Wednesday22nd Jan 2014

Tuesday21st Jan 2014

  • News This PS4 Error Will Corrupt Your Save Files and Make Your Games Unplayable


    Imagine the scenario: you've successfully managed to save the last human, slaughter the entire Helghan population, and plunder your way through every pirate infested inch of the Caribbean. All that's left to do is bask in your well deserved glory – but instead, your precious save data is mysteriously corrupted, and your games are rendered...

  • News Devil May Cry's Dante and Virgil Return in Sengoku Basara 4

    Back from the dead

    With the recent reboot of Devil May Cry, many franchise fans worried that the old Dante design may be left to rot in a gaming graveyard. However, footage of a DLC add-on for the upcoming PlayStation 3 title Sengoku Basara 4 shows that the silver-headed hero's time isn't up just yet, with Dante and Virgil costumes available for two...

  • News Unlock Free Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Content with PS3 Demo

    Dressed to impress

    The best price point on the planet is the one that doesn’t exist at all, so Square Enix is going to lavish you with complimentary gifts for merely giving PlayStation 3 sequel Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII a shot. The title – which is set to hit Western shores as early as next month – is poised to receive a demo this...

  • Review OlliOlli (PlayStation Vita)

    Cool boarder

    Once at the apex of industry excitement, the extreme sports genre’s popularity has faded faster than the artwork on an abused skateboard. Now a pastime for Hanson imitating teenage misfits, the days of earnestly discussing kickflips over a curry in the office canteen have long faded. British indie Roll7’s hoping to turn back the...

  • News UK PS4 Stock Sneaks into the Spotlight at Amazon

    Lightning strikes

    Despite some meaty shipments all over the globe, it’s amazing that the PlayStation 4 remains a real challenge to track down. Granted, it may be a bit easier to skewer a system this side of Christmas, but any available stock is still getting snapped up within hours of it becoming available. If you’re stil

Monday20th Jan 2014

Tuesday21st Jan 2014

Monday20th Jan 2014