This is not a review. As is the case with virtually all other publications, we only got access to Dying Light this week – around the same time as its North American launch. To be honest, it hasn't exactly been the smoothest release for Techland's undead-'em-up, with retail copies inexplicably being delayed in non-American territories for an entire month – and the digital version going AWOL on the European PlayStation Store. These distribution issues aside, though, has the Warner Bros published title managed to buck late 2014's trend, and launch in a playable state?
We're not ready to deliver a definitive verdict, but after several hours of play, we can safely conclude that this isn't a technical mess – not just yet, anyway. That's actually quite a feat for the Polish studio at the helm, as its portfolio doesn't exactly inspire confidence. This author was forced to wipe clean several hours of Dead Island progress when his save got corrupted several years ago, and the less said about Call of Juarez: The Cartel's embarrassing performance on the PlayStation 3, the better. The consistently inconsistent studio has clearly put its A-team on this project, then.

That's not to say that it's not without problems, however, even at this early stage. The voice acting, as has become customary for the company, is beyond abysmal, with featureless characters spouting barely incomprehensible dialogue at you given any opportunity. You essentially assume the role of an archetypal tough guy, who's been sent undercover to recover a document from the infected city of Harran. It's a location brimming with South American flavours, from shabby slums through to fallen favelas, and it's subsequently got lots of character – more than the core cast, at least.
As the gruff everyman, it doesn't take long for you to be put to use, and it won't be many hours into the game before you have a quest log as long as your bitten arm – you're infected, of course. There's a hub area packed with non-playable characters that you can explore, and it's in here that you'll be picking up most of your missions, as well as buying and trading items like weapons and medical supplies. There are definitely Far Cry, Fallout, and even Dead Island overtones, as you pick up blueprints to forge new items – and go in search of obscure objects to supercharge your armaments.

As you progress, you'll encounter other densely populated areas just like the aforementioned. However, it's the wide expanses outside of them that you need to worry about, and, of course, you'll be going out into the field to gather supplies and act as a general dogsbody. Fortunately, this gives you an excuse to partake in the game's primary gameplay loop, which centres on parkour. Climbing is mapped to the R1 button, which feels strange at first, but it's actually an inspired decision, because it keeps your fingers on both of the sticks.
And you need this extra layer of control, because when you're sprinting, the game moves very fast. Holding the jump button and pointing the camera in the direction of a ledge will enable you to climb, and the world has been thoughtfully designed with lots of different rooftop routes in mind. This is the quickest way to travel, as you'll mostly find yourself impeded by zombies on the ground. These aren't particularly strong, but as your weapons are fragile, you'll likely want to stay out of their way. This becomes even truer at night time, when they significantly increase in strength.

One thing that the game does really well is make you dread the dark. It's not a particularly scary title, but it makes a big deal of the setting sun, and when you're stranded in the shadows of the evening, you'll find yourself pretty powerless. Fortunately, there are safe houses littered all across the world, and sprinting to these is a real rush. Like a racing game, there's a dedicated 'look behind' button, and this is really useful when you're being pursued; it also looks pretty darn cool, as it temporarily slows down time.
Combat is based upon melee attacks, but it's already clear from our hands-on time that you're going to be able to get creative with these. The world is littered with explosives, spikes, and more – and you earn more points if you come up with some crazy kill combos. It's a bit like Bulletstorm in the sense that you can organically chain different manoeuvres; kick a corpse into a gas canister, crack him around the skull with a pipe, jump backwards, let the explosion push his body into an electric fence, and enjoy the chaos – it's very much designed around 'water cooler' moments.

Speaking of points, you have three different experience bars: Survivor, Agility, and Power. As you engage each of these, you'll unlock skill points, which can be used to enhance your abilities. Even after a few hours with the game, we don't feel quite as 'cool' as the trailers have shown, but we are starting to unlock abilities like slides and dodges now, so we're hoping that there's going to be a good sense of progression throughout the entire campaign. For a game that's all about acrobatics, though, we can't help but feel a little underpowered right now.
Of course, you're probably still wondering: is Dying Light worth buying? Well, it's too early to say from our perspective, so if you're unsure, we'd recommend waiting for our full review. The parkour is fun, and the day/night dynamic is a really clever hook. This is important, though, as even early on, we get the sense that the story's going to be a predictable mess, complete with shady organisations, pantomime villains, and actors that aren't quite sure which country they're supposed to be from. Still, if all you want to do is climb buildings and hit corpses with a wrench – well, this may be for you.
Have you picked up Dying Light yet, and what are your impressions? Are you waiting for more reviews before making up your mind? Sidestep the dark in the comments section below.
Comments 28
Ppl who play a game like this for its story should be neutered. They play it to have fun killinng zombies and from what I've seen on forums people are liking it for that
@stalepie2 Why not have both?
@get2sammyb It's not possible to take seriously. Anything about zombies is stupid. They never made any sense. What happens when zombies eat all the humans? Do they eat each other? Why are they eating flesh? Is it brains or flesh they prefer? Why does getting bit by one turn you into one? You don't even have to die first, even though they're supposed to be risen from the grave.
I've finally been able to download it, and all I can say is OMG, The graphics are amazing, the gameplay is so smooth, I've only played couple of hours so far, but I'm hooked!! Loving the running and jumping! I got so excited running from roof top to roof top, I jumped onto a hay roof and feel through landed on top of 3 zombies who I also knocked down (that was cool), then killed them and carried on........that was till the night come, then It's like a hole new game, scary music on every turn (coming through the controller too), zombies are smarter,faster and way more powerful, I was screaming "SAFE HOUSE" lmao.
Well worth the money in my eyes.
Can't wait till your full review is out, see what you really thought.. And what you score it too,
Yea, I have this game on my xboxone, saving hdd space for the order and bloodborne. This game is tons of fun so far, I could recommend it, actually! It's dudebro Mirrors edge meets dead rising, that gets mid evil when it's dark! Lots of fun. And be the zombie mode is fantastic fun also.
took it from a friend
its a cool game, but it bites A LOT MORE than it can chew, would have liked it a lot more if the studio focused on fewer things i guess, like they said "jack of all trades, master of none"
will wait for a price drop (hoping for a 50% steam sale in a month or 2 ), and i do have a lot to play lately (and even less time now that i changed job and have a normal day (9 to 5) :/
@stalepie2 @get2sammyb are you saying that you didint take the last of us seriously?
@SKC_Diamond of course not.
I'm actually quite glad of the delay for physical copies here in the UK. It gives me time to finish Far Cry 4, AC:unity (Which as an aside emailed me the other day to ask why I hadn't been playing it. Weird.) and Inquisition. Then come Feb 27th I can trade those in and get a copy of this. What I've seen and read of it looks good. I liked Dead Island, I like collecting things a la AC or FC and I loved Mirror's Edge. Seems that Dying Light ticks all those boxes. Plus give it a month and it'll be way more stable although it looks pretty good at the minute anyway.
@stalepie2 yeah I can't take you serious after that comment. Sorry but the last of us did zombies completely different and I very much took that story seriously. I took it serious enough that I can say I was extremely emotional throughout the entire game the first time I played it...
So yea I've been playing this game since Tuesday and I'm just now really starting to love it. I was enjoying it before but now that I'm quite a bit leveled up and have some badass weapons it's much more fun. You really can start to do some pretty crazy stuff once you get past around level 14 on each of the skill trees. Pretty awesome game thus far... but yeah as far as the story goes don't even bother trying to take it serious lol its horrible and the voice acting is just rotten. But who cares.. not every game has to have award winning performances in my book! As long as it's super fun.. which it definitely is!
@mitcHELLspawn I didn't think they were zombies. I thought they had a virus? They're small pox zombies? And fast runners, too. They should be in the Olympics.
Why are they kept out of the Olympics? Is it some kind of zombie racism? It reminds me of Resident Evil 5. Now that was a game with a great story in it. Truly Shakespearean.
@stalepie2 how does someone even respond to a comment like that lol.. lay off the red Bull.
zombies are treated as some kind of second class citizen.
This game is fun. The game moves fast. Sometimes the motion blur really bothers my eyes
to put it simply, i LOVE this game! typical videogame story but it works. absolutely beautiful graphics. and very satisfying game play. they have created a great atmosphere. still havent tried any multiplayer but from the sounds of it it should be pretty fun. imho anyone on the fence about this should definitely get it. its top notch. prob my fav ps4 game so far by far.
SOOOO glad I watched Jim Sterling play this so I didn't have to spend my money on it haha. And this helped me even more to not feel bad not buying the game.
Am big zombie fan and am looking forward to making a mess of some. But I wont be getting digital so I've still got to wait a month anyway. Hopefully all online niggles will be ironed out by then
The responses inspired by @get2sammyb are gold!
As for this, i was going to buy it but it got canned for last gen. So now its been pinned for the future.
@GraveLordXD hahahahaha
@get2sammyb got to agree, why not have the the cake and eat it
For someone who really hates the zombie craze which should've stopped when it was fun 6 years ago, I absolutely adore this game and what it does. The way you progress from scared lil guy picking his fights really carefully to a zombie massacre machine, without ever going full Saints Row on your ass, is just the best feeling in the world. And don't get me started bout the co- op; my brother and I are a couple of days in and already have more stories to tell than we did in the entirety of 2014.
Why does everything has to be heavy on the story? I don't wanna have my cake an eat... Sometimes I wanna have my cake and smash it!
As someone who had lost all respect for Techland and their complete lack of any credibility following Dead Island and that other shooting game we wont mention, I came into this with a complete expectation to be dissapointed.
I am however 15-20% in and am thoroughly enjoying it, what it does with combat and traversal, it does superbly!
Imo its a really good game indeed.Real good.However,i find the hud a bit intrusive.Constant on screen mission objective text and xp meter is just unnecessary.Finding it hard not to be ocd about it.I contacted Techland and ranted on a couple of posts on the official forum on the subject.Apparently one of their mods has taken note of the hud options gripes and is passing it on to the devs.I'm just crossing my fingers right now instead of playing it cos like i say its a rad ip but i can't help being distracted by the hud when i should be engrossed in the gameplay.
@stalepie2 - "Ppl who play a game like this for its story should be neutered."
People who buy this gamer for anything other than the parkour system should all be deported to Antarctica, The combat is left click 5 times and then stop for a couple seconds, and the story is just "hey go get my groceries"X100. The parkour is great though I love climbing things so much, radio towers, buildings, fences, zombies, you can climb it all.
Looking forward to this
I was on the fence about this.
I hate Zombie games.
Friends wanted to talk me into it.
I wasn't expecting much in the story department.
That said, I took the dive yesterday, lovin' it!
I'd rate it 8/10 easily so far!
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