It's that time of the month where we all begin building hopelessly unrealistic expectations for the next PlayStation Plus update – all so that we can vent our disgust when the actual offering doesn't come close to matching our pipedreams. Seriously, though, European PlayStation Blog manager Fred Dutton has revealed on Twitter that February's free software lineup will be announced mid-next week.
Pushed for more information on the upcoming update, he added that he feels that it's a "good selection" – but tempered that with a "to each their own". There were no other clues regarding the types of titles that we can expect, but he did confirm that the recently re-released Resident Evil will not be part of the schedule. What are you hoping for this time? Try to remain reasonable in the comments section below.
Comments 59
Counting down to the backlash in 3...2...
In all honesty I'm hoping for some quirky indies rather than generic AAA, started The Swapper last night and found it really hard to put down.
I'm expecting indie **** as usual
I really want Sniper Elite 3, but I'm guessing that's unlikely.
This would be a good month to put on something like assassins creed 4 and octodad for ps4.
Hoping for something all the family can enjoy X3
Put this man in chains!! Lol.
Pure speculative guesses:
Killzone: Shadowfall
Unfinished Swan
Ni No Kuni
A cross-buy indie
Murasaki Baby
A new cross-buy indie
This would fit into the pattern we've seen over the past few months - and would also be typical in that I own most of the above games.
Borderlands 2 on vita would be nice.
Pure speculative guesses:
Indie crap.
More indie crap.
A very old, mediocre retail title.
Indie crap.
Indie crap.
More indie crap.
This would fit the pattern of Sony releasing mostly crap on PS+ for months now.
I heard that Vita port is an abomination.
Why would you want any of the AAA trash that has released in the first year of PS4? Yeah lot's of these indie games suck but it doesn't get much better with the AAA games released so far either.
I'm actually glad that the Resident Evil remake isn't on the list since I have already bought it haha - Octodad would be a pretty nice Plus title to have though. I don't really mind what comes to Plus right now though, I have too much University work to complete and too many games to play!
Tssk, with all of these games in my backlog, I don't need anymore free games lol
I would love to see them put Saints Row: Gat out of hell on there. Haven't played SR4 yet so going I get that with my 10% discount this weekend and that would make a great add on for me.
Would also love to see Transistor for PS4 too. Was debating getting this the other week.
i'd like to see knack for ps4
the rest i no longer play so much...but would like to play knack but dont really wanna buy it!
Hmmmm. I do think 2015 will be a decent year for Plus purely because the PS4 has a broader selection of games than it did last year. Whether we get something relatively big next month, though, we'll have to wait and see.
For the love of God no more puzzle games for PS3.
Love to see hell divers drop straight onto ps+ in Feb..actually id settle for hell divers just being on the ps store in Feb...but saying that, there hasn't been any news for awhile..should have been out late last year I think
Saints row 4 possibly
Please no more indie games!!!!!:(
Honestly now that I use my PC for gaming ALOT more I may cancel my PS+ when it runs out in November, the free games aren't really for me anymore and I don't wanna pay for online when I can play on PC for free.
it better be SFV, Fallout4, a new fatal frame, Half Life3 and Silent Hills 1 AND 2 or im done with ps+
I don't care if it's indie or AAA or anything in between just good GAMES and that's it. I sooner have a 8/10 indie over a 4/10 AAA or Vice-Versa as long as it's a good GAME.
I think Bastion would make sense though.
PS4 guess: Knack and Transistor. 90% chance of being wrong.
Oh god I'd be so happy if Transistor was put on Plus
Never Alone, on the fence about this but if free Id give it a whirl.
Maybe Shadow Warrior for a laugh but otherwise I expect this "good selection" to be very similar mediocre Indie releases.
Uh oh, a negative opinion about Indies…
I think Knack has a very good chance of showing up this month.
@get2sammyb Given how cheap Driveclub is at the moment in Europe, and that there's been no news at all on the PS Plus version, I'm wondering whether they're lining up this to be completely free within the next few months.
Not for February I'm sure, but maybe March or April - what do you think? I just bought it, so not holding out for it, but a wild stab in the dark guess!
I reckon it's going to be last of us remastered or assassins creed black flag for ps4
I expect them to release 1 triple A and 1 indie for ps4, 1 newer triple A and either 1 older triple A or an indie game for ps3 and 2 indies for psvita monthly until atleast november.
Won't be seeing TLOU for a VERY long tie. In a few years maybe. The next AAA games to come will be Killzone Shadowfall.Knack, when who knows.
If at LEAST TLOU: Remastered, Battlefield 4 premium, Diablo 3, and Driveclub aren't all simultaneously free for plus next month, people are going to be unhappy with its "complete lack of value"
@Cloud7794 Haha.
That is extreme but I do agree somewhat that plus, for me has not been quite as I thought it would, as I had a PS3.
I have downloaded 6 maybe 7 of what's offered over the year and enjoyed only 2, Strider and Don't Starve.
So I could argue that is in fact NOT value, as the majority have been something I just do not enjoy.
However, the whole "All indies ever made are crap and only triple a should be on plus", argument is a bit ridiculous!
Trolls and crazies are out in numbers I see! I enjoy the offerings of plus games no matter what they are, I have the option to take it or leave it at no cost. I have downloaded all of them PS4 PS3 and Vita. I i like them i will play them if not what is there to complain about when the cost is ZERO!!!!
You want new games go join GameFly and pick whatever you want. Its ONLY $191.40 a year
Hoping for Killzone SF but thinking they might include DriveClub PS+ Edition as one of the games for Feb
Ive got no clue what will be on PS4 but im hoping rain on PS3 will be free for plus one of these days.
There are not any games that I want to buy on the PS4 right now (other than a couple $60 new releases), so the PS4 plus selection is going to be pretty lame I think; and I don't care about PS3 or Vita titles anymore, so it's going to be awhile before plus is useful to me again.
Honestly wouldn't be surprised to see Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel included. Sony have a habit of releasing a game on PS3's PS+ just before it comes remastered on PS4 (hello Tomb Raider) and it even put Borderlands 2 up just days before the Vita port came out. Common sense doesn't seem to work with the people who make these decisions.
I also expect Knack or possible Killzone on PS4 as proof of "AAA" games coming to the service. That neither game is AAA isn't important, they're first party which for some reason seems to count as AAA even if they're just D and B class games like these two.
For once though, this week let's not have people moaning about the moaning more than people actually moaning about the selections?
Indies please. ain't nobody got time for retail games.
I'm hoping for some good indie games to discover, like Never Alone. Maybe Killzone SP or MP for PS4.
Barriers at the ready!
@Godsire- to be fair, sire of God, your comments of misery and entitlement are a lot more mediocre and predictable than the ps+ lineup.
@hi_drnick are your attempts at wit.
You do have a point. Lol.
@JohnKarnes do realize that you PAY MONEY for PlayStation Plus, right?
I love the irony of a guy calling people "crazies" & "trolls", but then goes on a rant about how the PS+ games are free. lol.
@Godsire- better to try and fail at wit, than to be a permanently miserable git
......swing and a miss. Strike two.
Remember @Godsire you arent allowed to put things like that. You MUST only post positive comments, and you MUST follow and share the opinion of others.
You simply cannot dislike Indies at all, as that automatically qualifies you as self entitled.
@Godsire- do realize that you PAY MONEY for PlayStation Plus Services like online mulitplayer and cloud back ups Everything is listed what your a paying for. And it says as a bonus you get free games. If you were just paying for the game you could cancel and not have to come and complain about paying for indies!!
Plus works out to about $4.50 a month cancel your membership take your $4.50 to game stop and buy 6 AAA titles each month for the next 12 months
2 for ps4, 2 for ps3 and 2 for vita I would love to see the irony of you coming home with NOTHING!
Dead island 2 for ps4. Dragon age inquisition on ps3 and killzone mercs on psvita looool
If they give killzone for free I'll be damn happy. I regret turning that game in.
I'd like Arkham Origins for ps3. I knew the game was never going to be as good without Rocksteady & they have a habbit of putting up Arkham games. For ps4 transister would be great. TLOU remastered would make me lose my mind & I think second son or Drive Club will show up soon.
Thx for the info! I appreciate it.
(Runs back to stack of AAA games in his backlog).
Actually, since I don't have a PS4 I don't PAY MONEY for online multiplayer. So the quality level of the "free" games is kind of a big deal.
And just because Sony has trained you defend them for now making you pay to play online games (even with PSN having more problems then ever), doesn't mean you should get crap games for the PS4 either.
Either way, none of PS+ is "free".
Infamous Second Son for PS4. Aliens Colonial Marines for PS3 (long overdue). The Walking Dead for Vita. That lineup is really not too much to ask but just maybe pushing it.
@Godsire- If that works for you fine! PS3 gets AAA games with Plus and almost every indie has a meta score of 75+ so i wouldn't call them crap. PS4 just got Infamous First Light with Plus. When PS4 has older AAA we will see them also on Plus. You don't have a PS4 WHY are you here!! Why are you reading about whats coming to Plus? If I didn't have a PS4 and a member of Plus I wouldn't waste my time trolling news about it.
I am here because I have a PlayStation 3 & PSTV & may get PS+ if the PS3 & Vita get games I want on the service. PS+ applies to all devices under the PlayStation brand. Not just a PS4.
@Godsire Ok Ps3 got several AAA games last year You can find all the titles on Wiki for 2014 look at them and see if you think it was worth $49.95 for the whole year not any one or two or even 3 months. Plus has bad months even for me but im paying for a year and over that time I always get more then my money back. I also take advantage of the sales and save extra by being a plus member. We are all different and like different games.
No one should go by what I say is good for me. But Look into what you can get over the whole year before you make YOUR choice.
Here is the Link list everything from the start of Plus I see great titles in 2014!
Thief will most probably be one of the PS3 games (at least in EU) as it is showing up among the What's new-tiles on my PS3 with a PS+ headline...
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