There's clearly going to be a darker side to The Order: 1886 than we've seen so far, as a lot of the game's European commercials have had a horror vibe. This new one named 'Bobby Paige' is a particularly petrifying affair, as a child recites a rhyme regarding the titular lout's transition into a lycan. More of this sort of thing, please.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 15
That was... Creepy indeed
The fact they hired a child, to sing about " Tearing his parents, Limb from Limb" is actually quite disturbing.
I like it. However I'm undecided about the game, having pre-ordered and cancelled several times. The premise and story sound brilliant; steaampunk London, Tesla gear, Arthurian threads, Lycans. What's not to love about it? I'd love to know if others are in a similar quandry.
@nathanSF I think everyone has Their doubts about the ORDER.
Like you say it has many great things going for it, But gameplay worries me. It seems like for every 3minutes of gameplay there is a 5 minute cut scene.
Game seems linear and leads u by the hand, far too much for my liking.
It think its going to be a 6/10 effort myself. Hope I'm wrong.
Good can't wait. F the haters. The Order gets all the hate for being just another TPS. I've never seen other TPS get hate for being just another TPS. This game has an awesome setting and atmosphere to it. With great lore behind it. That's already more than most TPS's have.
@Davros79. Cutscene? Everyone loves a cutscene! Uncharted, the last of us! Filled with cutscenes.... You're entitled to your opinion but giving a score without playing it is just plain stupid..
@Dohv agree! To many people hate on this game but praise horrible games like bioshock infinite... Shivers what a borefest
@Dohv 100% agree!
@Sanquine yes there is nothing wrong with cut scenes. I just hope you dont get one every few minutes thats all.
I was also guessing a round about review score. I never said that its a cast iron certainty the game will get 6/10!! Just my gut feeling thats all. I also said "I hope im wrong"
@Dohv Half the time when a so called "Next gen" game arrives people expect some innovation in gameplay or want to know everything about a game before it releases. Just look at Watch Dogs, Destiny and Titanfall as been games the media and consumers hyped-up to be something they weren't.
This isn't a cash grab title. Ready at dawn are crafting this game with love, all that work, all that time out in this game, I find it hard to believe it'll suck. I just think most people don't agree with their design decisions, but there is a huge piece of mystery to this title. If also like to add people commenting on cutscenes yet nobody has an issue with metal gear, a series littered with them, when you skip the cutscenes in mgs games you realize how little game play there actually is, yet not one complaint! I'm not trying to give R@D a free pass, just stating this game has been unfairly critiqued since inception and I just don't get it. I personally think this is a story driven adventure game like uncharted or the last of us, more so than a "pure" 3rd person shooter like gears of war. I hope it reviews well so ready at dawn can continue their vision of this world with sequels, but I have an overwhelming feeling that, the 6/10's are already written and waiting for this games release sadly, regardless, I'm excited and will be getting this game day one. My expectations are tempered and I want ready at dawns product to either impress me, or let me down in its own merits, not what some journalists opinion of the game is. I heard good and bad press coverage for the order, it's up to us as gamers to research and decide if it's for us as gamers or not. Personally, this is my type of game. It's like ready at dawn made it just for me! Cutscenes and all, the only thing high reviews scores can do is validate the purchase on a community level, if it gets low scores, prepare for the ps4 has no games argument to continue. A shame and sad, but that's the internet for you. Hopefully this game can be judged for what it does well, what it is, and not be bashed in reviews for being what it's not (open world, co-op, multiplayer, etc)!
Sorry for the wall of text.
I don't mind story-heavy games. Uncharted and The Last of Us are both story, cut scene-heavy games but they have the gameplay to back them up. I think that's what people are worried about. I've gone back and forth about the game. I'm excited because the story, characters and setting all seem cool and I don't think there's any doubt this is a graphical showcase for the current gen, could argue the graphics look better than Uncharted 4's. The gameplay is the mystery. What concerns me is I've heard there's a lot of QTEs, if they overdo it that can ruin the experience. If it's more in line with the original Gears of War, well that brings nothing new to the table, but you don't need to be innovative to be good. We'll see.
@Gamer83 well from what I've seen theirs qte, mini games, puzzles, stealth, and 3rd person shooting. Nothing new, no, but if done right, and supports an amazing narrative I'm not getting why "this" game is being held responsible for innovating the genre, is all I'm saying. It just sounds like a bunch of nit picking, IMO. And I doubt ready at dawn is trying to emulate a quantic dream control scheme for the order, but, as you said we will see!
I think that all the "hate" and skepticism surrounding this game is because everyone got burned in 2014 with games like Destiny which had SO MUCH hype then very mediocre reception (BTW I love destiny, but doesn't change what happened). DriveClub is another game that was disappointing at release. Etc. Hence all the calls to stop pre-orders to force quality products at launch, and hence all the skepticism when a game won't show its gameplay. Most likely the gameplay isn't any better than say Warframe (which I like too, but is relatively goal-less), but that doesn't make it bad.
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