"Dude, that can't be the time"

Wow! It's been a breakneck, busy, bananas kind of week behind-the-scenes here at Push Square Towers, so apologies if our usual programming schedule has been a bit all over the place. The exciting news is that Monday's bureaucracy paved the way for Friday's exuberance, so this author is sitting here with a renewed sense of enthusiasm right now. Still, what better way to belatedly celebrate the arrival of Saturday than with your weekly prescribed dose of WAYP?

Sammy Barker, Editor

My head is swimming with ideas and other such stupidly awesome things right now, so I guess I'm going to need something to bring me down from my totally-not-sugar-induced high. Assassin's Creed Unity: Dead Kings should do the job, because it's failing to resurrect my interest in this shoddy sandbox game.

Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor

It's always a sad time when you finish off your Christmas games, but that's what I'll be doing this weekend. I'll butcher a few more orcs in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, grab some endgame loot in Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition, and then it's off to Fabletown to start a new adventure in The Wolf Among Us. Hopefully I can solve its mystery quick, before 2015's review duty extravaganza begins in earnest.

Kell Andersen, News Reporter

I've almost completely managed to topple my 2014 backlog, but Far Cry 4's dense jungles still stand in my way. As such, that'll probably take up any spare time that I get this weekend. If not, I might dive back into the absurdly addictive arcade action of Woah Dave!.

Nicola Hayden, News Reporter

With Dragon Age: Inquisition rushed to completion, my platter is free for all of the niche titles that are flooding in these first few months. I'm still playing Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation, as it's Dragon Age's polar opposite, and a good wind down from the massive commitment. I did end up buying Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, so I think that I will hit it quick before it becomes part of the backlog.

Alex Stinton, Reviewer

Now that I've finally finished Dragon Age: Inquisition, it's time to dip once more into the backlog and make a start on The Evil Within. I'll also probably try and finish Bayonetta 2, a fantastic game that I only got about halfway through before getting completely swallowed up by my duties in the Inquisition.

Jamie O'Neill, Reviewer

I'm taking opportunity during the relative calm of January to reflect upon my favourite games from last year. Excluding a couple of well-appreciated remastered titles on the PlayStation 4, inFAMOUS: Second Son was in my top three PlayStation picks of 2014, so it's an apt time to see if I can beat inFAMOUS: First Light in a single sitting this Sunday evening.

Joey Thurmond, Reviewer

It's a bleak weekend for me since my face will be stuck in schoolbooks for many an hour. I did finish inFAMOUS: First Light recently, which is a nice piece of DLC to pick up for free if you're a PlayStation Plus member. Anyway, if I do have some time to spare, I'll be aiming to plug some hours into Transistor or The Evil Within.

Our gobs have finished flapping, so it's time for you to animate those perfectly square jaw lines of yours. What will be keeping your consoles busy this weekend? Say it like you mean it in the comments section below.