What was then Japanese developer Level-5's biggest ever project, Rogue Galaxy remains a brilliant action role-playing game. A sci-fi tale of adventure, space pirates, and, of course, an evil empire, it's full of memorable characters, boasts a great battle system, and is set across some gorgeously diverse locales.
As far as RPG parties go, Rogue Galaxy has one of the most varied. Made up of aliens, hardened warriors, and an android named Steve, the cast is one of the title's best assets, and there's a real sense of wonder as you meet each member of the team for the first time. Following the story of blonde teen Jaster, you're swept up in galactic events that quickly unfurl into a plot of rather epic proportions. The narrative itself isn't anything special, and at times, it drags a bit, but as mentioned, the characters are interesting enough to keep things engaging throughout this meaty 40-or-so hour journey.

The gameplay's got a lot going for it, too. Environments are relatively large, and battles happen in real time as you explore. The PlayStation 2 release is great at instilling a hunger for adventure, and you travel from one uniquely designed planet to the next as the game goes on. Traversing the depths of space aboard the delightfully named Dorgenark, gameplay follows a somewhat linear structure as you watch a cutscene, fly somewhere new, explore, battle, fight a boss, and then watch another cutscene, but it's all paced incredibly well, and there's even plenty of optional side-quests and activities to burn through whenever you feel like doing something different.
Alongside a hefty crafting system and a catalogue of monster hunting bounties, the title's most memorable optional time sink comes in the form of the Insectron Tournament. As you go about your galaxy saving business, you'll come across insects that range from bulky beetles to dazzling butterflies, and you're able to plop them into a portable bug catching cage, where you can raise and breed the little critters. Once you've put together a team of tough insects, you can then enter competitions with them, where battles take on a chess-like guise. Needless to say, it's all horribly addictive, and seeing your favourite horned beetle smash the opposition provides the same sense of pride that you'd expect from a Pokémon game.

Still, watching bugs maul each other isn't quite as good as hacking and slashing through enemies as Jaster and the gang. Each party member comes with one close range weapon and one long range armament, and finding a balance between using the two is key to being successful during trickier battles. With up to two computer controlled allies, unleashing flurries of attacks on nicely designed space monsters with high-tech swords, axes, and ray guns is just as enjoyable as it sounds, and while the game stumbles now and then with some unwelcome difficulty spikes, it's hard to think of an original combat system that outshines what's on offer here.
Back when it originally launched, Rogue Galaxy was praised by critics and RPG fanatics alike, but its sales didn't quite light up the stars. And that's a shame, because Level-5's sci-fi adventure is pretty special. It manages to stitch fantastic gameplay elements to a wonderful world, and it's all topped off by a diverse cast of crazy characters. It's arguably one of the PS2's most accomplished releases, and it's certainly a bit of a tragedy that it was never expanded upon with a much deserved sequel. Come on Sony, you can publish another one, right?
Comments 22
I love this game
Made me replace Squeenix w/ Level 5 as my - if they make it, I will buy it -company. Hence the Wonder Flick avatar.
The ending was rushed and anitclimatic, but the middle cut scene was better than the end of almost every other game I've played, so it balances out. A sequel would be a Day 1 purchase. Or a PS3/4 HD remaster.
And I don't think it sold well due to it's being a new IP and releasing around the same time as several other JRPGs, possibly Xenosaga 2 and FF12? And I think PS3 may have already been announced and due out around the same time before it's year long delay? Xbox360 may have launched then as well.
Definitely one of the best PS2 games!!
I got this recently but still haven't gotten round to playing it, looks fantastic though
It was a really cool looking game back in the day. I like the Level-5 games.
I almost impulse bought this one day - then I realised I had too much to finish in terms of games.
I would love for them to bring this to the vita please this game was so much fun plus that amazon chick was sexy lol
I almost rented this game from my local BlockBuster when I was a teenager, but it never really "grabbed" me enough to ever give it a shot.
However I'd gladly give it a go if it ever becomes available on PSN or gets a remake/reboot etc.
I bought it, but never got around to play it. Still gathering dust on a shelve.
I've played, pretty poopy game, if you ask me.
Language - Robert
I played this game one summer when I was laid off (2009) and will never forget it. It will always have a special place in my RGP heart. Great Memories. Its a must play. I think I paid like 8$ for it brand new when Circuit City was going under. Graphics were top notch for ps2 days. Ahhh.....memories............
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Nor me.
Don't even know the company.
As far as the combat goes, is it turn based or real time?
Can you play this on PS vita?
@ToOGoodOfAPlaya level 5 make the professor layton games and inazuma 11 (kids footy games for the ds). They made the critically acclaimed Ni no kuni as well. To be fair Ive never heard if this game before either.
I remember hearing about this game when it first came out. I wanted it but I never really got a chance to try it. I haven't been able to find in any game store either.
Played the demo. Liked it, but never purchased the game. It was right at the end of the ps2 era and god of war distracted me from this.
Sony should remake this and legend of dragoon and stop playing around.
My favorite PS2 game. I am still holding out for a remake or remaster for ps4/vita...Any day now. cries self to sleep
Sony's got way too many underrepresented RPG's in their stable. They need to revisit at least one of them for the PS4 or Vita.
This one has come up in conversation too many times recently and now I'm just sad that a remake / re-release is so unlikely.
I may well just buy a second hand PS2 and dust off my original copy. Would give me a chance to pick up Silent Hill 2 in its original format as well!
@jmburks Nope Rogue Galaxy is PS2 exclusive.
I'm intrigued by the PS4 re-release. Is it worth getting? I've heard good things about it but I'm still on the fence a bit.
I played it on PS4 and have fond memories of it. Very very good gameplay, story, the graphics holds up to this day. And the story is better than you can expect. If you can, play it!
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