Many would argue that it's about darn time, but the PlayStation 4 finally looks poised to rack up some significant sales in Japan, thanks to its upcoming selection of releases.
And we're not sure that we can argue. The above picture shows the console's lineup for the coming weeks, and it's a stellar one at that. Resident Evil: Revelations 2, Yakuza Zero, Dragon Quest Heroes, and One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 are all guaranteed to sell well, as is expected of each franchise, and although most of those titles are heading to the PS3, we reckon it's still more than enough to move the PS4's needle.
Throw in God Eater 2: Rage Burst, Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, and Bloodborne, and you've got one of the most rock solid release calendars that Sony's seen in Japan for quite a while.
What do you make of the line-up? Do you wish you were Japanese? Cast your widened eyes to the comments section below.
[source neogaf.com]
Comments 21
This is the big one for the PS4 in Japan.
I don't know when the "no games" will retire, so yeah the big one before the actual big one.
PS4 is already on the rise.
Apart from One Piece, I'd like to play all of those. Some more than others for sure, but that's a great lineup.
Yeah that's pretty damn solid! This year is not the one for my bank balance, or at least it wouldn't be if I was buying all the new titles I want. I'm slowly resigning myself to the fact that finances dictate I will play most of the big games a year behind, once they're down to around £20!
However, that's not necessarily a bad thing, as I've just finished Second Son, and can now look forward to (hopefully) going through Wolfenstein, The Evil Within, WatchDogs, Shadow of Mordor, Alien Isolation, Far Cry 4, AC Unity and Metro Redux all in fairly quick succession now that you can easily grab the whole lot for less than the cost of 3 brand new releases!
It seems like the Japanese aren't huge early adopters, valuing an exsistence library over the new piece of kits. Sure you have people lined up on launch day, but pretty much every recent console, to include handhelds, have taken some time to gather steam. Even the 3DS didn't initally blow up the sales chart during most of 2011, now it's unstopable.
I think the PS4 will do very solid in Japan, just don't scream doom and gloom when your still within that year one launch for them.
The PS4 is really picking up in Japan
Just wait til Persona 5 comes out. Im predicting that'll be the month the PS4 takes over Japan. Sony will probably do a cool package deal that'll look awesome and win people over
To be honest the only one that really jumps out to me is Bloodborne but that is releasing here and I am still undecided on it. I used to like the Resident Evil series but after 5 I have moved on - the best Resident Evil game in recent years was the Evil Within in my opinion
In fairness to the other titles, I know very little about them and therefore have no opinion of them and therefore cannot be excited or disappointed by that line-up.
Think the PS4 sold 21K last week in Japan(if true) so hopefully these games will boost it even more(but it's a shame all those games are not just PS4 only really)
It's kinda sad to see how insular Japanese development has become.........western studios are amazing, the east could still learn even more from them,.......but western titles often lack that special charm.
@sub12 I strongly believe Japanese game development is about to embark on a renaissance period. That lineup is awesome. In many ways the Japanese studios lost their sense of direction over the last 7-8 years. They have looked towards the western games and took the worst parts. They should just be themselves and develop awesome games.
Looks like you won't be bored for a while : )
"Cast your widened eyes (?!) to the comments section below." Oh no they didn't?!
@themcnoisy: ever since TGS 2014, or actually the preview event, my trust in Japanese development is back. They seem to understand what the audience wants now and aren't afraid to mix some western elements in to make the perfect mix we gamers have been waiting for. For years Japanese devs were completely out of touch with the rest of the world and because they didn't feel they were reaching a broad audience, there games started to become more and more niche. But with games like Dragons Dogma or Dark Souls f.i. I felt there were still developers out there who still got it, next to Nintendo. And in 2014 we've seen a line up of games that's nothing short of amazing and I'm positive that lots of these games will attract huge crowds in the west. When they saw Western (indie) developers doing J-RPGs better than Japanese devs themselves, their pride must have kicked it and they started working until something clicked...and the coming years are looking very promising with at least 50% of the great games coming from Japan!
@BetweenTheTrees dude my backlog is currently 114 games (after clearing about 25 from it this year so far) plus about twice that in my wishlist for the consoles I currently own (PS3, PS4, PSV and 3DS), before you even include stuff that hasn't come out yet.
There's plenty out there to keep me busy, it's just a case of finding the time and money for it all!
I'm only interested in playing Resident Evil: Revelations 2, Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, and Bloodborne.
Maybe Dragon Quest Heroes too, depends on how long and good the single player storyline is.
That is quite the backlog. Mine is only 10 maybe a bit more.
@Boerewors Couldn't agree more and well said. All I need now is a streets of rage remake. Will be intriguing to see how type 0 does - never played the game on PSP so with that Yakuza and Dragon Quest heroes its an excellent line up. I would of mentioned Bloodbourne but I absolutely suck at Dark Souls.
the main problem is that most of those are also available on PS3 or Vita
Where can i get Doraemon's auto translate bread?
Hopefully some, or if we're lucky, most, will come to the West also and sell well. I miss the good old days of Japanese developers before they either went to mobile or the suits running the companies went insane and started 'Westernizing' games that didn't need to be because they were already loved by us. Nobody asked for Resident Evil to be a mix of CoD and Gears, that was just stupid people looking at numbers of certain games and thinking 'hey if we do this to our game we can appeal to that market too.' Idiotic. Anyway, I hope we get God Eater 2 and Yakuza Zero. I'd buy both. And I'm tempted to buy Toukiden: Kiwami just to support Japanese developers taking a risk with these 'B' level efforts that are sorely lacking but we used to have in abundance. Some say the indies fill that role, but I disagree, especially since a lot of indies have fallen into traps as well like retro-izing their games.
I think they'll need a bundle since there's a PS3 version. They'll need to give people a reason to upgrade. The latest Japanese poll of most wanted games had the PS3 version higher (though not by much).
Type-0 is a bit of a toss up. Unlike the West they have played this game before. However the FFXV demo will definitely encourage some rebuys.
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