You can always count on seasoned Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter to stoke the flames of the fictional format war. Speaking as part of a wide-ranging interview with Game Informer, the outspoken executive has suggested that Sony doesn't really care about outselling the Xbox One with the PlayStation 4 – but it'd still like to be on top as much as possible.
"I'm curious to see if Sony is as serious about winning because when you speak to the Microsoft guys and you say, 'Do you really care if Sony sells more consoles than you, but you sell 150 million consoles of Xbox?' Microsoft would – and I'm paraphrasing – say, 'F***in' A, yes I care.'" We suppose that that explains all of the price drops, huh?
Pachter continued: "If you say the same thing to Sony, they would say, 'If we sell 150 million consoles, who cares what Microsoft does?' So I think that the attitude at Sony is to perform well and make a lot of money, and I think that the attitude at Microsoft is to win. People have different opinions about what's the better way to be."
As a result of this, the former Pach Attack host isn't sure whether the Japanese giant will match Microsoft's most recent Xbox One discount in North America. "They don't mind if they end up in second, but they want to be in first as often as they can, so it's good for gamers," he concluded. "If the price of the PS4 comes down to $349, everybody wins. At $349, you're getting a lot."
Of course, Pachter's not necessarily looking at the global picture here, where Sony's next-gen machine is pushing 20 million units compared to Microsoft's mere 10 million units. With the system flying in Europe, and a good couple of months likely in Japan, we can only see that gap growing over the coming year – price drop or not.
[source gameinformer.com]
Comments 22
Well...this certainly explains some of Sonys decisions if it's true...
Isn't he the idiot that made all the false predictions some months ago ?
@Jonny What have they done wrong, though? They're still keeping pace with the Wii.
They're doing nothing wrong, just after going above and beyond at E3 2 years ago they don't seem to be making as much of an effort anymore, as if they've got their sales and they're happy with how things are going...I mean they had a head start and if they wanted to they could have crushed MS with a bit more effort.
Can we stop giving this guy space ? He says the most OBVIOUS things around, its not even funny
@Jonny Hmm, I guess. I suppose you can only sell as many as you can manufacture, though, so there's no point in 'going for the throat' if you don't have the stock to support it.
I think sony have the right frame of mind, it's not always about winning or who sold the most, for a company it's about the money and I'm sure they will make more than enough with the PS4 to be happy
I reckon Sony will go for the kill this Christmas in the US with PS4, much like MS did last year.
talking like brats, if they were the loser they even won't bother theirselves to mention that.
please watch the language
Of course Sony does not care about selling more, since that is exactly what they are doing now. Kinda like the supermodel telling you that looks are not what is important.
Just seems like a cultural difference to me, both from a country and corporate perspective. MS has always been about winning no matter how many laws they have to break, Sony has a history of msking great and inovative products. And the US is just much more competitve and capitalistic over all.
Apple doesnt care about lowering its highly inflated iPad mini prices to match Samnsung or Amazon and at least their stock price seems ok.
20m vs 10m vs 9m, why are we even having this conversation again?
Pachter is an utter moron who is constantly given the time of day by that piece of trash rag, Game Informer.
This is the same guy who was adamant that the Wii and DS would flop, and that Nintendo should release games on PS4...
What is more shocking than Pachter opening his mouth now & then is USA gamer's(& some UK gamer's & the few Rest of the World gamer's) trusting Microsoft after they tried to DRM all their Loyal Fans with the Xbox ONE?! Hmm can't they see what is coming? i.e they will be restricted(DRM'ed) beyond belief when the next Xbox comes out(or later on with the Xbox ONE once MS have more owners of the Xbox ONE) MS & EA are gagging to do it + i hope SONY end up being number 1 in the USA with the PS4 at the end(but PS USA seem to weak to take on MS like with the PS3 vs X360. It's like they never even tried) Oh well.
I think this has more to do with a North American (+ UK) mindset. Usually we hear about how the XB1 price cut has propelled that system ahead......but we forget that the for the most part, Sony dominates Europe and Asia.
I do also agree that perhaps Sony does not mind if Microsoft sells slightly more in the Anglosphere. As long as the PS4 is still selling well and as such is remaining competitive, why drop 50 dollars off the total?
Does it really matter which console sells the most units? To any company, I would think that profitability would the most important. After that would probably be its public 'image'. No company would want to sell the most if it isn't profitable or even loses them money and/or creates the wrong public image - especially if it will impact on their long term future.
@Faruko couldn't agree more pachter is a nobody and should be treated as such.
The guy just says his opinions all the gaming press reports it, well I would rather listen to the opinions of anyone here on push square ya know gamers, I get sick of the attention this idiot gets
@rjejr If you think unrippable CDs is "innovation"...
Patcher is wrong more often than he is right.
I actually like it when sales are close. It keeps both companies trying. Both these companies have shown greed, laziness, & pure stupidity in the past when they were way out in front, so it's better for us gamers if it remains a tight race.
Pachter has an interest in Microsoft doing well, I used to watch his weekly show on gametrailers and it was xbox centric. His whole take on the ps4/x1 clash was that the x1 would win hands down and the tv services would become essential in the future. His claims at the time sounded fair enough, however looking back his analogy was sheer speculation. I wouldn't be surprised if he had convinced a bunch of investors to plow into MS for a quick win and is now trying to convince them to stay in for the long haul.
@Faruko Not only is Sony music far and away different from Sony Entertainment Network (further than SoE, which Sony just sold off), but they never made unrippable CDs. They made some CDs for a short period of time that had a experimental DRM that only ever did anything to Windows users (and thats only if you had autorun on, so that it could install its DRM). Even then it wasnt the DRM that was the issue, it was the fact that the DRM (the root kit) had security flaws in it that allowed for hackers to do nasty things with the "infected" computers.
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