Activision is tuning up a new entry in the Guitar Hero series for the PlayStation 4, separate sources have told Kotaku. Apparently, the reboot – which will adopt a more realistic style – will be officially announced at E3 2015, and will come with a brand new round of plastic peripherals for use on Sony's next-gen system. Bizarrely, this follows reports that fierce competitor Rock Band is also due a comeback soon.
If true, the aforementioned publication adds that the shred-'em-up will deploy before the end of the year, marking it the franchise's first full entry in five years. The series was put on hiatus in 2010 after Warriors of Rock flopped, and developers NetherRealm and RedOctane were both subsequently shuttered. Apparently, the title's being developed by one of the publisher's West Coast studios, which rules out the possibility of creator Harmonix being brought back into the fold.
There had been some speculation that the Massachusetts-based studio could have been tasked with rebooting Activision's brand rather than its own series, but it looks like instead, we could be heading for another battle of the bands. Is your living room ready for more plastic instruments, though? Strum a few power chords in the comments section below.
[source kotaku.co.uk]
Comments 15
I am curious by what it means by adopting a more realistic approach. It needs to shake it up a bit though, despite how much I enjoy it.
Ironically enough, I was actually thinking "man PS4 needs a guitar hero-esc- game" this last week or so and now I've read this... Think I'm ready for some prettier hammer-ons and pull off's (hope there's a decent song selection ofc!)
@Gr3ggl3s I think they mean more realistic graphics, but I guess it could apply to the gameplay, too. I would imagine they're ditching the cartoon visuals.
Am I the only one that wants to also see a DDR reboot? lol
YES YES YES I am sooooooo ready!
Rock Band would be even better. Just a shame all my peripherals and 500 tracks are for xbox 360....
@zeldagaymer93 not at all. I would really consider a new ddr.
Much prefer Rock band, but I suppose competition is always good.
I'd rather have Rock Band on PS4 personally. I lost interest in Guitar Hero after 2. 3 and 4 just weren't that great in my opinion, and I didn't even bother with Warriors of Rock.
I'd love this and Rock Band, I adored them on PS3. I really hope the old peripherals work with the new generation games too and that they work on both titles like with the PS3 iterations. Would be ace to use the Beatles guitars I already have.
Liked guitar hero on the Wii although it did not have as many tracks to download as the PS3 & 360. If rock band rumours are real might plump for that instead as I never played rock band
I hate Guitar Hero; well I hate their guitars, its awkward to play with and the buttons are spaced way too far apart. The RockBand guitars are much better, please learn from them!
I really want the competition (although I doubt I will ever play GH), but I feel that RockBand has been getting lazy (RB3 crashes two or three times per session) and it could really use the competition.
And please for all that is good in this world, WIRELESS instruments this time around! The worst thing about playing RB3 is the nasty little daisy chain I have going on to hook up 5 instruments into 2 USB ports!
@thedevilsjester The main thing I hated about Guitar Hero's controllers were the clicky strum bars. That crap was incredibly annoying, especially on really fast songs.
@JesWood13 I am no pro, but I am far from a novice (with RB), and I tried playing GH in an arcade a few months ago, and I could not spread my fingers between the different buttons with any kind of accuracy, and I have long programmer fingers! Seriously, I did not enjoy it in the least bit. I can't imagine the average person being able to contort their fingers enough to play it, let alone enjoy it.
@thedevilsjester from what I have gathered, it really depends on which game you started with. I started with rock band and I HATE the gh controllers. But I know people who are vice versa.
It's not just the guitars, mind you. It's also the timing for strumming. I feel like on guitar hero, you have to strum ahead of the beat.
@get2sammyb I read they may do live shows with an audience and stuff. Would be cool.
@thedevilsjester I found playing with the GH guitar alright but a fast song on hard or expert would leave my hand feeling like it slipped into a meat grinder.
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