Mmm, Hobnobs

It's a brief WAYP this week, as everyone at Push Square Towers is too busy actually enjoying their weekends to talk about it. This editor may have to resort to new tactics to encourage further engagement – perhaps the promise of office Hobnobs will do the job? We shall see.

Sammy Barker, Editor

It's a mixture of all sorts for me this weekend, as I pen reviews for Resogun: Defenders and Hustle Kings. I particularly like the Commando mode in the former – Housemarque never fails to impress.

Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor

After blitzing through Dead or Alive 5: Last Round for our recent review, most of this weekend will be dedicated to really sinking my teeth into a couple of other review titles. I can't say much about them just yet, but you'll definitely want to keep an eye out for the write-ups here on Push Square next week. When I've got a few spare hours, though, I'll be teaching family members a thing or two in the aforementioned Tecmo brawler. I just hope the kids don't discover the game's plethora of skimpy costumes and start asking questions.

Nicola Hayden, News Reporter

As the little one is free off my hands this weekend, my hubby wants to spend some quality time together. Naturally, this means that we'll be playing Tales of Symphonia: Complete Chronicles [Naturally! – Ed]. He will have to fight me away from Destiny first, though, as I bit the bullet and finally bought The Dark Below. After spending my entire Friday night trying to fill strange urns with friends, I want to see what finally happens when the damn thing is filled.

Alex Stinton, Reviewer

This weekend, I'll be taking a walk through 'Old London Town' in The Order: 1886. It's been a while since I've experienced the opening hours of a game this dull and pedestrian, and I'm left to wonder when something exciting is actually going to happen. On the upside it really is visually stunning, and in my opinion already contains the finest selection of facial hair to ever grace a game.

Graham Banas, Reviewer

While my excitement for The Order: 1886 has burnt out by now, I do still intend to play it, and I think that I will be able to at least enjoy it to some extent. I'm not really expecting to be floored by it, but anything to pry me away from NHL 15.

Marcello Apostolico, Reviewer

This weekend for me will be a historical one, as I will be playing through The Order: 1886 which I've been waiting for since its announcement. Upon focusing my time on that, I may switch off to Sniper Elite 3, which I just picked up for a mere $7.

Hobnobs it is, then. Who wants Hobnobs? Tell us what you're playing in the comments section, and we'll give you Hobnobs. Everyone likes Hobnobs, right?