Pushrewind Logo 2015 1

Bloodborne has dominated our thoughts, headlines... and patience this weekend, so if you'll excuse us of the usual witty pre-amble, we'd very much like to put this edition of Push Rewind on the road. Other headlines this week included the release of PlayStation 4 firmware update v2.50 and another Batman: Arkham Knight delay – albeit a small one. Here's everything that you need to know.

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Toukiden: Kiwami - 8/10

If you missed out the first time around, Toukiden: Kiwami shouldn't be avoided. The expanded storyline provides a great backdrop for the property's addictive gameplay loop, and a wealth of new content, coupled with some thoughtful tweaks and additional features, gives returning players more than enough reason to renew their slaying license. Koei Tecmo's creation is starting to truly blossom with this enhanced re-release, and we can't wait to see where it goes next.

Life Is Strange: Episode 2 - 6/10

Life Is Strange: Episode 2 – Out of Time has an excellent ending, but it's letdown by pacing issues that make the events leading up to that point feel inconsequential. There are a lot of interesting and engaging elements working in this release's favour, but it's yet to really pull them all together in a fulfilling manner. In some ways, this is an improvement – the dialogue's better for a start – but it really needs to step up soon. To use a tired baseball analogy, it's had two strikes now – one more and it's out.

Other Reviews

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First Impressions: Final Fantasy XV Has Massive Potential

To be totally honest, we're still having trouble coming to terms with the fact that we've actually played something related to Final Fantasy XV. If you've been keeping up with the game's development, all the way back since it was announced almost ten years ago, then we imagine that you'll feel the same. Episode Duscae, the title's playable demo, comes bundled with early copies of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD. Boasting around two to six hours of gameplay depending on how slow you take things, it's a meaty first look at Square Enix's next big deal, and the best part is that once it's over, you can keep coming back to it, levelling up your party and generally just exploring every inch of the countryside.

Guide: Mastering Bloodborne's Brutal Basics on PS4

There's a good chance that you've been looking at this week's Bloodborne coverage through worried eyes. From Software's latest foray is a critical darling, there's no doubt about that – but despite it being praised as the first must-own PlayStation 4 exclusive, the developer has a terrifying track record. Indeed, this may not be a 'Souls' game by name, but it's very much a spiritual successor to the likes of Demon's Souls and Dark Souls – and that may have you conflicted about whether it's for you.

Other Features

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Batman: Arkham Knight Delays Its Vigilante Justice on PlayStation 4

We're sure that this won't go down well with some particularly hardcore Gothamites. Batman: Arkham Knight, the latest in the critically acclaimed Batman Arkham games, has been delayed - but only by a couple of weeks.

April's PlayStation Plus Freebies Will Be Announced Next Week

Oh goodie, it's that time of the month where we take to stalking social media accounts in order to glean just the teensiest sliver of information on PlayStation Plus. April is one of those awkward months where its first day is a Wednesday, but it looks like you won't be getting your Instant Game Collection freebies then. Writing on Twitter, SCEE's Fred Dutton has confirmed that the roster of complimentary releases will be revealed next week – assuming that it's on time.

Bloodborne's Long Load Times Will Be Addressed in Future PS4 Patch

Bloodborne is a smash hit, securing some seriously stellar review scores. However, as we reported last week, it does have some loading issues – and these have been mentioned in the reviews. In fact, according to Digital Foundry, it can take up to 45 seconds to respawn in Central Yharnam, which is not exactly ideal for a game that expects you to die over and over again. Fortunately, developer From Software's already on the case.

Sony, Why the Heck Have You Moved the PS4's PlayStation Store Icon?

If there's one thing that this author can't stand about Sony, it's the company's needless obsession with tinkering. This can be a good thing in some instances, as it strives to improve its systems with tweaks and changes – but sometimes we get the impression that it just makes adjustments for the sheer sake of it. And it's followed that trend with PlayStation 4 firmware update v2.50 by putting the PlayStation Store icon in the most annoying place possible.

Sony's Shutting Down Destiny of Spirits After Just 15 Months of Service

We hope that you enjoyed your time with free-to-play Vita title Destiny of Spirits, because Sony's closing its servers down on the 30th June, 2015. "After this date, you will not be able to play or access the game, and all unused Destiny Orbs will expire," the game's official website states.

Other Noteworthy News

Video of the Week

Oh No, They Put System of a Down in the Mortal Kombat X Commercial

Well, this author's just been transported back to 2001, when baggie jeans and Linkin Park were considered cool. Fortunately, we all know better than to walk around with painted nails and eyeliner these days – but if any game was going to plot a return to the nu-metal days of the early noughties, we'd put money on it being Mortal Kombat X.