PS4 Firmware Update 2.50 Ultimate Guide

This has been a much calmer PlayStation 4 firmware update day than those that have come before; that leaked beta test must have helped. While it's possible that issues may yet crop up, PS4 firmware update v2.50 has rolled out flawlessly thus far – well, as long as you're able to overlook that God awful PlayStation Store icon that's in the wrong ruddy place. We've actually been quite impressed with some of the new features; Suspend/Resume and 60 frames-per-second Remote Play are two welcome additions as far as we're concerned. But just in case you've missed anything, or need some help getting the best out of the system software overhaul, we've compiled all of our coverage in one place. Yes, we are milking it, but it could be worse – after all, we haven't gone full on Buzzfeed. Yet.


Guide: How to Use Suspend and Resume on PS4

Arguably the most anticipated new feature in PlayStation 4 firmware update v2.50 is the ability to Suspend/Resume your game in Rest Mode, meaning that you can put your console in a low power state, without ever needing to close the application. There is some setup required before this will work, but follow the steps, and you'll be jumping in and out of your games in 15 seconds or less.

Guide: How to Enable 60 Frames-Per-Second PS4 Remote Play

Remote Play, for the uninitiated, allows you to beam your PlayStation 4 to a PlayStation Vita or PlayStation TV. This means that you can play your games practically anywhere, as long as you've got a decent Internet connection. While it's always been impressive, however, it did have limitations – such as games running at 30 frames-per-second, irrespective of their native output. That's now been solved as part of PS4 firmware update v2.50.

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Feature: What's New in PS4 Firmware Update 2.50?

There's one thing that you should know about running a PlayStation website: you never, ever get a rest. After a long, hard day at the office – moving into the 14th hour now – this author was looking forward to some sleep, but alas, the platform holder has confirmed firmware update v2.50. There's, er, no rest for the wicked. Fortunately, a lot of this information has already leaked, so it won't take us long to run through the new features of 'Yukimura', which is what the platform holder's dubbing this new update. It's named after an ancient samurai warrior, for those not up on their Japanese history. As for a release date – well, the manufacturer's simply saying "soon" for now. Here are the features that have made the cut.

Poll: What Do You Think of the New PSN Logo?

Those darned PlayStation Network outage articles have clearly left Sony scarred, as it's done away with the service's old logo. For the past ten or so years, it's employed the purple sphere symbol, but today's batch of firmware updates rendered the icon obsolete. You'll now find a much more contemporary circle on your PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and Vita, which is perhaps a little less striking, but much cleaner all the same.

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