PlayStation Plus March 2015 PS4

This is where PlayStation needs to improve. We were expecting March's roster of PlayStation Plus freebies to be announced last week, but the platform holder failed to deliver an update. This wasn't so bad, as SCEE's ever approachable Fred Dutton provided a line of communication with European consumers, eventually indicating that we'd see the offering this week. As such, many had expected that it would reveal the titles today – the goodies are due to deploy tomorrow in North America, after all – but the company's since gone into radio silence mode.

Of course, we've been here before, haven't we? When the PlayStation Network was down over Christmas, the company failed to provide any meaningful updates for days, leaving sites like this one to handle the platform holder's public relations for it. To be fair, the Twitter account for PlayStation France – of all places – has said that we'll see the full lineup tomorrow, but we're working on a shaky translation to share that information. We understand that the organisation doesn't want to disappoint anyone, but would it have been so hard to post that snippet in English, too?

The net result of all of this is that mock-up images are appearing all over the web, the majority of which look like hoaxes. And people are, sadly, being pulled in by them – all because the manufacturer seems utterly unable to share information with its fans. We appreciate that there are plenty of cogs in a corporation of this size, and we also realise that announcing the latest selection of complimentary Instant Game Collection software isn't a matter of life or death – but the firm's silence is so frustrating sometimes. When will it learn?
