What time do you call this?

WAYP waits for no man – well, apart from this author when he's running behind schedule. Yes, it's a Sunday, and yes, this article should have been up over 24 hours ago – but heck, at least its tardiness has given us something new to type in this introduction area. What are you playing this weekend? There's only a few hours left, but tell us your itinerary anyway.

Sammy Barker, Editor

I hated Flame Over when I started it for review last week, but I'm genuinely addicted to the fire fighting foray now. I'm not entirely sure what it is that's got me hooked, but I'll definitely be getting steamy with that release over the weekend.

Alex Stinton, Reviewer

Is it just me or have there been a lot of hunting games cropping up in my weekend plans in recent months? I certainly feel like I've spent a lot of time stalking beasts, and this week appears to be no different, as I'll be venturing into the Valley of the Yetis to try out the latest piece of downloadable content for Far Cry 4. I'll also be continuing to work my way through Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on my 3DS, which keeps me coming back again and again due to its massively satisfying loop of hunting and crafting.

Ben Tarrant, Reviewer

Recently, I've been sprinting about sun-kissed sidewalks in Dying Light, enjoying the excellent lighting and Skyrim reminiscent combat. It's the first game since P.T to really give me the willies, too. The moment that the sun goes down, my heart rate goes right up – the pursuits are a nail-biting affair to say the least. It's a clever concept that I'm thoroughly enjoying exploring.

Graham Banas, Reviewer

I've really wanted to play Ori and the Blind Forest for a couple of days now, but so far I've managed to play it for about 40 minutes. I keep getting sucked back into Hotline Miami 2. Dennaton killed it again, and the challenge is going to be whether or not I can pry myself away from Wrong Number.

Joey Thurmond, Reviewer

Wow. I went on a two-day gaming marathon on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively completing The Order: 1886 and Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus. That's something that I haven't done in a very, very long time, but my time with those titles proved to be enjoyable experiences. While it certainly wasn't perfect, I enjoyed Ready at Dawn's dark, serious, and cinematic game, and how could I not be entertained by a main entry in Insomniac Games' flagship franchise? This weekend, though, there won't be much gaming for me, but I'll play some Shadow of Mordor and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D here and there before spring break is over.

That's us done jabbering, and in record time, too – we're really running behind schedule here. What's keeping you occupied this weekend? Let us know in the comments section below.