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Before you say it: yes, we know that this edition of Game of the Month is a bit late, but we've had video editor Ben Potter locked in the basement for about three weeks as we forced him to review Bloodborne. He emerged only yesterday, clutching his handwritten essay, and ranting about his apparently cursed blood – but we just told him to bugger off back to his tiny video editing cubicle and start working on the Game of the Month video.

Bronze Trophy: Axiom Verge

Verging on greatness

A blast from the past in the best way possible, Axiom Verge may just be the shot of nostalgic brilliance that your life sorely needs. Borrowing from Metroidvania classics, Thomas Happ's retro creation earned a 9/10 from reviewer Ryan Oehrli, who wrote that "Axiom Verge is PlayStation's very own Metroid". He concluded: "If being compared to one of the most beloved game series of all time isn't a compliment, then we don't know what is."

Silver Trophy: Resident Evil: Revelations 2

Back from the dead

Described as a very pleasant surprise by editor Sammy Barker, this episodic undead romp embraces Resi's ridiculous scenarios – and it's all the better for it. "Resident Evil: Revelations 2 strikes an almost perfect balance between combat, puzzles, and outright silliness," Sammy wrote, adding: "Almost everyone should get a kick out of the explosive action, whether you're playing solo or with a friend." The shufflers made off with an 8/10.

Gold Trophy: Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

Dialled up

A sequel with a heck of a lot to live up to, Dennaton Games' second venture into the world of brutal violence and creepy animal masks managed to really impress reviewer Adam Joseph Ramsey, who wrote that "while newcomers may be left in the dark, fans of the first game will most likely complete it feeling pleased and satisfied". Admittedly not quite as good as it could have been, Adam concluded that its flaws weren't enough to "make it anything less than great". An 8/10 for you, too.

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Platinum Trophy: Bloodborne

What else could it have possibly been? The game that everyone refuses to shut up about, Bloodborne is a "sensationally designed and superbly refined offering", according to video editor Ben Potter, who awarded From Software's latest epic an impressive 9/10. Simply put, this month's winner is the PlayStation 4's first must-play exclusive. Its punishing yet almost perfectly realised combat will have you gripping your DualShock 4's contours like your life depends on it, while the game's superb style and consistently menacing atmosphere will keep you enraptured throughout. Game of the Year already? It could well be.

Do you agree with our winner, or even our nominees? Remember to vote for your favourite game of February in our poll, and tell us your reasoning in the comments section below.

What was your favourite game in March? (43 votes)

  1. Axiom Verge%
  2. Bloodborne%
  3. Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Numbers%
  4. Resident Evil: Revelations 2%
  5. Other%

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