PlayStation Developers

We suppose that it was inevitable: the PlayStation 4 is the undisputed market leader right now, so of course cynics are heralding the return of the evil Sony of old. To be fair, the organisation's not perfect – Shovel Knight couldn't even release on time, for starters. But, as far as we're concerned, there's absolutely no sign of it getting complacent – and this one developer agrees.

It's a slow news day, so sue us if you like – but Sophie Houlden, the British indie behind a whole slew of games, wrote on Twitter earlier this week: "Since becoming a licensed PlayStation developer, I've learned: wow, Sony is working non-stop." She later joked: "Take a break, Sony. I'm sure everything will be cool if you just, like, take five minutes." Team17's boss Deborah Bestwick then responded: "They have machines that read our minds."

Alright, this is an empty, vacuous, shell of a story – but it does at least show that developers are feeling good about making games for PlayStation right now. And to be honest, while that doesn't affect the likes of us directly, it does mean that studios are likely going to continue building titles for the next-gen format. Ultimately, that means that we can all complain when they're announced... Because who needs another 8-bit indie sidescroller, right?

[source, via,,,]