E3 2015 PS4 Most Anticipated Games PlayStation

We've got a backlog of articles as long as our legs, we're living on a diet of Pot Noodles and tea, and the rumour mill is rotating so fast that it's about to fly off its spindle – it must be E3 2015. While the industry always delves into a frenzy around this time of the year, we wouldn't be doing this job if we didn't enjoy the insanity – after all, this is what being an enthusiast is all about. Of course, the build-up is just as fun as the aftermath, so we figured that we'd put together a list of 15 upcoming PlayStation 4 games that we simply can't wait to see next week. We've decided to stick with titles that we know are coming, but haven't been outlined in enormous detail just yet. Of course, you're welcome to share your selections in the comments section.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate PS4 PlayStation

Assassin's Creed Syndicate

"There's no place like London," a certain Johnny Depp once caterwauled in Tim Burton's adaptation of Sweeney Todd. It's a song that we suspect the team behind Assassin's Creed Syndicate have been singing for the past few years, as the French firm aims to right the wrongs of awful Parisian outing Assassin's Creed Unity. We've already seen a chunk of in-game action from this Victorian escapade, but we're looking forward to learning exactly how Ubisoft aims to evolve the tiresome open world blueprint that has infected all of its games of late. There really is no place like London, though, so this better not leave Charles Darwin turning in his grave.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided PS4 PlayStation

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Arguably Square Enix's biggest hitter at this year's E3 that we know about, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided brings the gravel-voiced Adam Jensen to the PS4. A sequel to the PlayStation 3's Deus Ex: Human Revolution, it'll be interesting to see what new features the game brings to the augmented table. Staying true to the series, it'll likely boast a ton of player choice with regards to both gameplay and story branching dialogue options. One to watch for both role-playing game nuts and cyberpunk enthusiasts alike, then.

Fallout 4 PS4 PlayStation

Fallout 4

Easily one of E3 2015's most anticipated titles, Fallout 4 is likely the main reason as to why Bethesda's hosting its first ever E3 press conference. After years of speculation, the post-apocalyptic sequel was finally revealed just a week ago, blasting out of the vault alongside a very intriguing in-game trailer. We'd put money on seeing a big old gameplay demo at the publisher's presser, complete with over-the-top gore and a dusty atmosphere. That said, it probably won't even matter what's shown – the hype's going to be palpable when this one hits the screen.

Mass Effect PS4 PlayStation

Mass Effect PS4

BioWare's already won back a lot of faith from its loyal fans with the great Dragon Age: Inquisition, but we're sure that the developer's eager to bring Mass Effect back with a bang at this year's E3. Aside from a supposed information leak regarding the next game in the sci-fi series, we don't have much to go on when it comes to the Canadian studio's latest project. We've seen a few bits of concept art, and we know that the currently unnamed title's been in the works for quite a while, so if anything, we're just hyped to finally see something – anything – concrete.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain PS4 PlayStation

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Looking past the Hideo Kojima and Konami kerfuffle, we're still eagerly awaiting the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. We've known about the game for years now, but a good E3 2015 showing could still send fans into overdrive. Whether we get a gameplay demo or a super stylish trailer, Big Boss' latest escapade will no doubt remain one of this year's heavy hitters, complete with a detailed open world and more gameplay options than you can shake a bionic arm at.

Mirror's Edge Catalyst PS4 PlayStation

Mirror's Edge Catalyst

As the great George Michael once sang, you've got to have Faith. And despite the original Mirror's Edge failing to set sales charts alight, DICE is back with another rousing rendition of its free-running series. While this will be the game's third E3 showing, we still don't know a whole lot about the second entry in the brand. The developer's said that it doesn't consider it a sequel, rather a new game that honours everything that was great about the original. To be honest, as long as it ditches the gunplay in favour of some seriously intense parkour sandboxes, we'll be perfectly satisfied with this long overdue follow-up.

Need for Speed PS4 PlayStation

Need for Speed

No year feels complete without a new Need for Speed release. Of course, the franchise has had more ups-and-downs than a tuner's dream-mobile with hydraulic suspension, so it was probably a good thing that Swedish studio Ghost Games took 2014 off. The new Need for Speed – named simply that – is promising a return to all of the things that made the franchise such a force to begin with: great vehicular physics, limitless tuning options, and a killer storyline. Oh, alright – we sniggered at that latter bullet-point, too, but if Razor Callahan's back, you can count us in.

No Man's Sky PS4 PlayStation

No Man's Sky

We still get asked what No Man's Sky actually is on a regular basis, so we reckon that Sony's got its work cut out for it at E3 2015. It's a strange one, because the hype's certainly there for Hello Games' massively ambitious project, but with so many relatively vague gameplay trailers, many still aren't even sure what the release consists of. A good live demo and a confirmed launch date should dust away some of the doubt, so here's hoping that we don't just get another few minutes of sci-fi spaceships jetting on and off colourful planets with next to no explanation as to why.

Persona 5 PS4 PlayStation

Persona 5

If Sony's got any kind of sense, it should be pushing Persona 5 as one of its big exclusive titles. The Persona series has been on the brink of exploding into near mainstream popularity for some time now, and with Atlus' atrocious localisation record, we think that the PlayStation manufacturer would do well to put some of its weight behind this incredibly stylish role-playing release. Whether it actually does so remains to be seen, but an E3 2015 showing would surely help cement the franchise as a big deal here in the West. Either way, we'd just love an excuse to see the title in action once again.

Ratchet & Clank PS4 PlayStation

Ratchet & Clank

Stop press! We've already seen a big chunk of Insomniac Games' inaugural new-gen Ratchet & Clank game, but with the title set to appear on the showfloor, we're already looking forward to learning more about PlayStation's most loveable Lombax and friends. A franchise that seemed to get increasingly irrelevant on the PS3 due to an overemphasis on spin-offs and experiments, Sony seems eager to re-launch this series as a real force, with the movie set to accompany the game next spring. Honestly, we've got a sneaking suspicion that this is going to be bigger than Captain Qwark's pompous bonce.

Star Wars Battlefront PS4 PlayStation

Star Wars: Battlefront

Wookie here, the Star Wars franchise is back from a galaxy far, far away – and Star Wars: Battlefront is probably going to be the biggest game of the year as a consequence. With publisher EA Games keeping gameplay footage under force-like protection, E3 2015 will hopefully prove whether or not the release actually looks like that debut trailer. Either way, there's a lot that we want to learn about the hotly anticipated title in Los Angeles: how will the co-op missions work, for example? Expect this one to pop up during several different press conferences – everyone wants a piece of that The Force Awakens pie, after all.

Street Fighter V PS4 PlayStation

Street Fighter V

Although the shoddy Ultra Street Fighter IV PS4 port has undoubtedly had a hand in dampening the hype for Street Fighter V, Capcom's upcoming project will still bring the fight to Sony's E3 2015 press conference. Now more than ever the brawler needs to hit big at the Los Angeles expo, so we're expecting good things. A live demonstration would be nice, and a thumping trailer would go a long way in rebuilding some confidence. With or without a positive showing, though, it'll still be interesting to see how the crowd reacts.

The Last Guardian PS4 PlayStation

The Last Guardian

Yes, we realise that there's more chance of us encountering a real cat-bird than The Last Guardian ever appearing at a PlayStation press conference ever again – but there are real sources this year, claiming that Fumito Ueda's long-in-development foray is finally ready for primetime. Oh, alright – the same thing happens every year, but we simply won't give up hope until Sony says that the project is dead. We'd settle for a logo here, to be honest – but seeing as the game is already several years late, we suspect that the Japanese giant's going to have to show a lot more than that should it re-reveal the release. All or nothing, then.

The Division PS4 PlayStation

Tom Clancy's The Division

A game that was lavished with apocalyptic levels of enthusiasm at E3 2013 and little other than polite applause twelve months later, Tom Clancy's The Division finds itself in that awkward position of being announced too early. With publisher Ubisoft's open world philosophy starting to get tiresome – and its releases regularly marred by claims of downgrades – the intrigue surrounding this role-playing shooter has died a little of late. However, if the firm can capture the sheer thrill of that original unveiling, then there's still hope for this promising project yet.

Uncharted 4 A Thief's End PS4 PlayStation

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

If the lengthy gameplay segment at PlayStation Experience wasn't already a hint that Uncharted 4: A Thief's End would feature heavily at E3 2015, then the giant poster of protagonist Nathan Drake leering over the LA Convention Centre should probably do the trick. We're expecting Naughty Dog to go hard during Sony's press conference, with new single player footage, a full multiplayer reveal, and more. Don't be surprised if the game also gets dated, with a late March launch looking likely from where we're sitting.

Which games are you most looking forward to at E3 2015? Has our list got you hyped, or are you interested in other things? Play favourites in the comments section below.

Which PS4 game are you most looking forward to at E3 2015? (122 votes)

  1. Assassin’s Creed Syndicate  0%
  2. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided4%
  3. Fallout 419%
  4. Mass Effect PS46%
  5. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain6%
  6. Mirror’s Edge Catalyst2%
  7. Need for Speed  0.8%
  8. No Man’s Sky5%
  9. Persona 517%
  10. Ratchet & Clank6%
  11. Star Wars: Battlefront7%
  12. Street Fighter V2%
  13. The Last Guardian7%
  14. Tom Clancy’s The Division2%
  15. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End15%
  16. Other3%

Please login to vote in this poll.

[ Words: Robert Ramsey and Sammy Barker ]