Reggie Fils-Aime is one of the more likeable executives in the industry, but his claws were out at E3 2015. The backlash to Nintendo's lacklustre Digital Event led to some subtle probing from various corners of the press, and the Nintenboss opted to deflect those criticisms with barbed comments at the competition. Take this one on the prospect of a new Metroid Prime.
"The best way to launch a game like that is to surprise and delight [fans], to give them a launch date, in an environment like this let them play it versus what other companies do which is to announce a project that you may not see for five, six years," he hissed. "It's just not the way we do things." Fair point, but The Last Guardian aside, we don't think that Sony's in the habit of teasing projects that far off either – heck, prior to last week it was being lambasted for not showing enough.
Speaking with Polygon, the ex-Pizza Hut executive had another little dig: "We don't sell TV sets, we don't sell operating systems. We are in the video game entertainment space," he said. "So we have to constantly be thinking about what's next, what's the future? In always thinking about the future there always is the risk that there is going to be some slip or inadvertent disclosure."
Fils-Aime was responding to a question regarding the unannounced Nintendo NX platform, which is expected to be revealed next year. We kind of understand what he's saying: the House of Mario is only really engaged in one business, and so that's where its focus rests. However, we know that production on the PlayStation 4 started almost immediately after the PlayStation 3 shipped, so it's not like Nintendo's the only company constantly looking to the future. In fact, given current sales trends, one could argue that both Microsoft and Sony are better readers of the market than the legendary Kyoto company.
[source, via]
Comments 65
Calm down Reggie
That's one sour hypocrite.
Nintendo has a problem. They no longer appeal to the fans of the nes and she's in the 80s and 90s who are now aged 30-45. Sony and Microsoft have that space. They dont appeal to Children (we have 4 ds in our house) as they prefer tablets. They have lost trust in gamers due to the lack of big games on GameCube, wii and now wii u and the casual market has gone back to watching tv and are sat on candy crush. If the NX is anything but more powerful than ps4 or x1 its gonna die a horrible death. Without the capability to run cod its over and if they are taking on Apple unfortunately there's only one winner. The writing is on the wall. They need a big console to come out in 2017 which can run 60fps 1080p but I cant see that happening.
So he does not like when they announce a game that will be coming out in a couple years... Well Zelda Wii U was announced and that is taking quite a while to come out!
Don't forget it was Nintendo who created the PlayStation brand by screwing Sony over in the Super NES years.
They have their own problems they should worry about.
He is why I hate Nintendo, he annoys the f**k out of me. If you want to state your opinion that fine you don't need to be rude.
Be careful with your language - get2sammyb
To be fair, as I said with the last one, he is only answering press questions. But he definitely doesn't need to keep bringing up the competition all of the time!
Like most people said Nintendo is out of touch with there fans. He's probably upset cause the heat is on him to straighten things out. Nintendo fans want Zelda and a real Metroid Prime not plastic figures and a spinoff of on Metroid Prime. Stop giving stuff that nobody wants and start giving the fans what they want. It's pretty sad when the TV and OS manufacturer can give fans what they want but you cant. Instead of criticizing others look at your own faults.
He should be more worried about that Metroid Prime: Federation Force video on Youtube. 6,947 likes and 65,998 dislikes. HAHAHA!
I can kinda see where he's coming from. This e3's showing was abysmal, but overall Nintendo has been putting out incredible games for the Wii U, practically all on their own. But everywhere you look on the internet you see people applauding Sony and I am sometimes baffled by that as well; sure Sony's console is doing well and there is the promise of greatness, but judging on the first party must- owns Nintendo is simply delivering more than Sony.
I bet MS is feeling exactly the same by the way. Last year you could call it a tie with Sony glasses on, but this e3 MS simply gave gamers so much more to look out for this year, but people went mad over Sony's conference. You guys made a perfect analysis of Sony's tactic where they let the big third party games work for them, but I totally get why it would frustrate the heck out of MS and Nintendo CEOs; no matter what they do, Sony is being hailed as the console king.
@Boerewors I don't entirely agree with your comment — you're ignoring the fact that Bloodborne came out earlier this year for starters — but I kinda see what you're saying. I'm not going to deny that Nintendo's putting out absolutely amazing games, but clearly they have a problem because they're not selling as much hardware as the games deserve.
I know it would never happen, but I would like to peer into an alternate universe where Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros released on the PS4... I imagine they would have been absolutely gigantic — either that, or maybe that dedicated Nintendo fan doesn't exist quite like it used to anymore.
I dunno... That's a topic for another day and perhaps better suited to Nintendo Life. I guess my point is: it's not all about first-party, even though it is important. An engaging ecosystem that people want to invest into is just as necessary IMO.
Without 3rd party you're screwed and the article you guys put up the other day concerning Sony's approach was really insightful. MS is letting their huge franchises compete with other huge franchises which just doesn't make much sense, whereas Sony even had a game like the Order selling like hotcakes.
So we can see at nintendo that you can't survive on 1st party alone, no matter the quality of those games and MS is too focused on the holiday season which isn't a very smart thing to do (MGS&Destiny vs Forza, Halo vs CoD&Battlefront and Tomb Raider is actually releasing on the same day as fallout, which is insane: people can only spend their money once).
Sony isn't just the current leader in console and software sales because of MS' lousy start, Sony is sticking to the plan and I'm sure that moving Uncharted back isn't something they feel bad about or maybe it was a business decision even. And we shouldn't forget that if everything fails, they can still pull their biggest card out of their sleeves: the battlefront or CoD bundle for $349 instead of $399!
This is not an "attack" on Playstation or its fans. I don't know why people are getting defensive about this.
It is more than true that Nintendo tends to (and there are always exceptions) but they generally speaking announce games several months before they release, just kind of spring it on us. They're known for that. Well of course some of their big titles they do give a heads up a couple years in advance, as does anyone.
But it is also true that there are many games announced on other platforms that don't come out for 5, 6, 7 years after the fact (Last Guardian, FF15, Kingdom Hearts 3, Mass Effect 4, etc).
Nintendo is doing its thing, just let em be. Not everyone might enjoy their games but I certainly do. And I actually think a lot of people would if they would actually give them a try and expand beyond just the Mario and Zelda brands (Splatoon, Pikmin, Donkey Kong Country, Star Fox, etc). Although, Mario and Zelda are so freakin fun Id probably buy a console just for those two franchises alone.
They're having some issues with their home console. Sony's having issues with their handheld. It happens. But life goes on. They pick up the pieces and try again. But one thing I can say is even though Wii U isn't selling well, it's got a dang fine library.
My wii u library of exclusive games is far better than my ps4 offering of exclusives, all in all I am actually really happy with the wii u and 3ds sure the wii u lacks quality 3rd party games but the 1st party games are top notch
Bitter, pathetically bitter.
They DEFINITELY dropped the ball on no new Metroid Prime. Everyone wants that to happen. And the Zelda delay is a whammy for sure too.
But, I wouldn't go so far as to say they're completely out of touch because they've actually put out a lot of games that I've been wanting for a very long time- they brought back Pikmin on Wii U, Donkey Kong Country (I do love those games and was afraid I'd never see another one again), Splatoon is just off the charts (already broke 1 million sold which is pretty good for a brand-new IP from Nintendo- usually their new IP's don't sell well... Clearly this is what people have been looking for, I know it is for me anyways), they're bringing back StarFox, and judging by amiimo sales I'm not entirely sure I'd say it's not what fans want. I actually think fans love the Amiibo- there's a lot of long time fans who have a special place in their heart for Nintendo franchises and like to collect their faves.
So in some respects (still no new Metroid, still no new F-Zero) Nintendo hasn't answered the call of the fans. And I'm definitely crushed by not getting either of those two franchises this generation. On the other hand, they've done a lot right this gen and there's a lot of in-demand franchises that we have gotten. So it's give-and-take really. I definitely think they're getting better and are finally starting to listen (this generation has been so much better than the last, and Reggie actually acknowledged that they are aware we want Metroid Prime 4, so just the fact that they hear us is a good start)
@JaxonH - Dreams was also shown during the PS4 unveil about 2 1/2 years ago by media Molecule as some marionette making thing, but it was the beginning of Dreams. Still no date. No Man's Sky has been around since 2013 as well, still no date. And Shenmue 3. I think FF Agito took forever as well.
XC was shown of about 4 years before release though as Monado at the Beginning of the World or something. But it was Nintendo, and they showed it off way before launch.
I think all these E3 Reggie articles need to begin with - Reggie, after being but hurt at the NWC by HungryBox, ...
I grew up through the 80's and remember getting my first Nintendo, which was the NES. Even though I also had a Sega Master System I favoured my NES. I upgraded to both the Super Nintendo and Sega Megadrive but still favoured the Nintendo. This carried on right up to the original Xbox which replaced my Sega's and I got as far as the Gamecube with Nintendo's console. I actually really liked the Gamecube but my interest started to slowly die once I got the Wii. I was losing interest for the company I had loved and supported for over 20 years. Yeah they had and still do have great first partys but they have almost zero third party support. As good as first party games can be there just isn't enough to fill the void left my the absence of third partys. I was very close to getting the Wii U but after going into my local games store and seeing what Nintendo had to offer I decided to get the XB1 as my second console, what a good choice that was.
I honestly feel as though I dodged a bullet. I don't like how Nintendo as a company seem to have no clue on todays market.
I hope there next console is a hit otherwise I fear the worst for them as a home console manufacturer. They don't even have to make a system as powerful as the PS4 or XB1 (though I wish they would) as the Wii was weak in terms of pushing pixels, but it sold in the millions thanks to striking a cord with gamers and none gamers.
I think Nintendo should release all there back catalogue of games on both PS4 and XB1 via digital download. They dont have to release anything past the Wii as I understand they have to give people a reason to buy the Wii U or Nintendo NX or whatever its called. That would rake in millions in revenue. Hell, I'd love to buy old games like Super Metroid.
They should have never screwed Sony over in the 90's by going with Philips. Imagine how different thing might have been today.
I have to admit though, as soon as they release the new Zelda I'll grab myself a Wii U, though I won't pay more that £100 for the system.
Nintendo needs to stop with hardware gimmicks and focus on innovative gameplay like they did back in the golden days. They need hardware to push the visions they have for their games and not let the hardware dictate the type of games they make. They need a functional controller with options (Dual Shock 4 anyone?) not one where they think everything has to have gyro or touch controls. Nintendo keeps saying their focus is games but they keep bringing out funky gimmick hardware that limits the types of games that actually can come out for the system. Nintendos innovation needs to come in the games with hardware to run everything they desire to put on it while allowing third parties to port over everything they'd want without having to worry about tailoring to the consoles gimmick controls or what have you.
I love Nintendo and are always my first choice in games, but you can't deny the variety and amount that comes with Playstation which is why I have to own both. I will probably always be a 2 console guy at least (Nintendo + Sony) as Sony has amazing IPs as well but it would be nice if for once third party support was equal on all consoles. Could you imagine a KingdomHearts X Nintendo type game where Sora and Micky meet Mario and team up throughout the game ? Waaaaaaaaay wishful thinking !
On topic though, Reggie needs to worry about actually giving fans what they want instead of assuming he knows what fans actually want....
I hate Reggie, personally.
Nothing he said was a pop at PlayStation or anything wrong either. As the article itself states he's answering a question, that's all. Just seems like giving people the belief that Reggie is slagging off PlayStation - which he simple isn't - gets more people talking on so bash out another story. Expect that on plenty of sites but on here? Got to be honest, I expected better.
@Tkyti Irony isn't for you, is it?
I actually agree with him to a point. Sony is generally pretty good about at least getting its Western games out but wasn't The Last Guardian originally announced in 2008? Yeah. And SquareEnix has a well known track record for not getting games out in anything resembling a timely fashion. Shenmue 3 is probably a long ways off too but I at least see that game being released in the current gen. I'll believe TLG and FF VII Remake are PS4 games when I see them on store shelves.
That said, after E3 and with Nintendo in its current position I'd still stfu if I were Reggie Fils-Aime. But since he's not a Sony or MS employee he'll get a free pass from most people outside of PlayStation related websites. And it's also pretty hypocritical from Reggie given that Nintendo has had its f ups in regards to vaporware as well. All companies screw up and contrary to the popular belief of the Nintendo is perfect crowd that has migrated over here the last couple weeks to crap on PS4 since Sony actually showed some stuff at E3 worth being excited about, Nintendo isn't perfect and the people running the show there are just as scummy as the people at Sony or MS. In fact, since he burst onto the scene with his idiotic 'kicking a$$ and taking names' quote at E3 2004, I've considered him among the least likeable execs in gaming.
It'd be a lot different. I actually don't think I'd like it. One of my favorite games last gen was GTA V. GTA wouldn't exist, at least in its current form, if Nintendo had never lost its grip on gaming because Rockstar would've been forced to tone stuff down to appease Nintendo and its family-friendly way of doing things. I actually think it's a great thing PlayStation burst onto the scene because Sony caters to a segment of the market Nintendo doesn't. And its great to have MS there now with Sony so the two can kind of keep eachother in check. I actually respect Nintendo and it's definitely a company that's needed because a balance is needed. But gaming would still be considered a pretty much kids-only affair if Nintendo had kept its stranglehold. Maybe there'd still be the Fallouts, Elder Scrolls, Gears of War, etc on PC, but who knows for sure.
All I know is if PlayStation and Xbox didn't exist, I'd probably have given up console gaming a long time, I'd have the 3DS for stuff like Mario 3D Land and A Link Between Worlds but that's it.
Iwata and Reggie will lead Nintendo to its doom
@Gamer83 "Kicking ass and taking names" and "my body is ready" are the only good things Reggie has ever done. And that was primarily because they were amusing until memes became a way of showing how funny and original you are by not being funny and original.
He's as moronic as certain people at Sony, Microsoft, every company ever. Just a shame people forget the idiots in their favoured company when one of the others opens their mouth. Can't quite believe he's even allowed out in public (before or after this years E3) but when he answers a question honestly and (for once) speaks completely sensible truths it's not really worthy or a story as it's just trying to start a row. Insert generic meme of someone say eating popcorn with the words 'this gonna be good' here to show just how funny and original I am.
He's acting like a kid, and nintendo is a brand for kids. Ooooohhh the irony of it.
They're all talking head dbags but people worship them. I don't get it. It's the same with MS guys and Phil Spencer. I hate this 'he's our friend' nonsense. Phil Spencer is not a friend of any of us. Adam Boyes and Yoshida are not our friends. Reggie certainly isn't. Miyamoto is the only one I can tolerate but even he is on my last nerve these days because I feel like he refuses to change with the times. At least he doesn't pretend to be sucking up to people like a lot of other execs though, so credit for doing his thing and moving on, even if it's stuff I'm not into anymore.
I know PR is a huge part of this gig, but I do wish these guys would just show me games to get hyped about. Which I felt both MS and Sony did this E3, drop the mic and walk off.
Nintendo is dead as home console, reggie is just a sour guy with sod all to work with.
Not dead, just at a crossroads like they were in the Gamecube days. Whatever NX is, it needs to be a smash-hit like the Wii.
Compared to PS and MS it's dead. I really like nintendo , but lets be honest the WiiU has been a disaster .
The Wii U itself, maybe but not Nintendo. And there's a chance Nintendo can pull off some magic with the NX. You just never know. My confidence in Iwata and Reggie is at an all-time low, however. I'm not calling for them to be canned but I do think some younger, newer blood, more in tune with today's gamer who can read the market better is needed to lead the company into the era of NX. And go with an actual gamer, no more Pizza Hut guys.
Nintendo is the last company that should be talking any kind of smack. Xbox and PlayStation have been giving there fans exactly what they want, and selling there consoles very well. Xbox and PlayStation listen to there fans and constantly try to please them, Nintendo basically gives there fans the middle finger, laughs at them and saids "you'll buy any crap we make cause it's got the Nintendo name on it and is over looked but Miyamoto", when in truth, your quickly loosing your fans, even the most loyal fans are moving away from you.
Reggie is right, there not in the business of operating systems and tv sets like your competition, you are only the gaming business, and yet the companies that do the operating systems and make the tv's are kicking your a$$ in the only business you guys do!
I think it's time Nintendo goes third party....i thought i would NEVER say that, or they should get rid of Iwata, Reggie, and Miyamoto and bring in some younger people that know what gamers now a days want. Also, it would hurt for Nintendo to listen to it's western gamers and branches instead of just the stupid Japanese branch.
Just two weeks ago I would've said Nintendo is probably the best at pleasing it's hardcore fans (it's really the non-Nintendo fans or lapsed fans like myself it needs to win over, and that means for the love of all that is good get some damn third party support like GTAs, Fallouts, Doom, etc) but after E3, I think have to agree with you. It doesn't seem like the current leadership knows, or cares about, what anybody wants. So yeah, new blood wouldn't hurt.
Reggie has always irritated me and I don't see why he is the PR spokesman and Head of Operations in the US. At least Spencer pretends he likes his customer base.
Said this a hundred times even when the Wii was released Nintendo stumbled onto a great idea and in the end even they were surprised. When you stumble on an idea it makes it always difficult to reproduce.
Great companies listen to their fans and create products (within reason of course) that make them want to come back for more. Nintendo are making that happen on the hand held.
If I were Nintendo I'd make the NX the best possible hand held console they could ever make. If peeps want to play on TV develop a tech that enables seamless transition over WiFi or through mini HDMI (possibly an external controller).
@WebHead agreed. They've done the same thing for twilight princess, even delaying the GameCube version to encourage us to buy a wii
This is ridiculous... Sony doesn't release games 5 or 6 years after they're announced unless something goes very wrong. You need a balance of announcing stuff well ahead of time, and when it's gonna release really soon. They've done this with Zelda, and with SMGxFE (though this was one too early on), now they're saying they don't do stuff like that? No, you're making excuses, and you're either terribly misinformed for someone is your position, or your being pathetic. I'm betting on the latter.
That's actually true too. Outside of The Last Guardian, Sony has generally been pretty good about getting games out in reasonable time. So has MS. The quality of releases from these companies can sometimes be questionable, although both have studios which put out some real gems (I've never played a bad game from Naughty Dog, Sucker Puncher or Turn 10). And both get great third party support. I can understand some frustration from Nintendo because due to having no third party support at all its all down to first parties to get stuff right, but even Nintendo's first parties have released some mediocrity and downright crap. It's hard for some here to believe that it seems but it's true.
I really didn't want to get going on Nintendo because I do still want to love the company that got me into gaming, and it seems everybody has piled on since E3, but Reggie won't shut up and the hypocrisy is laughable. He could've simply said 'we don't talk about games before they can be announced and released in a timely manner.' Simple to the point and you're done. Instead he had to bring up 'other companies' and we know who he's talking about. Right or wrong, doesn't matter. Nintendo has its own issues right now. Fix those first (like getting the big third party multiplats, please), then get back to me about how bad MS and the 'evil Empire' of Sony are.
@rastamadeus Not really that just me and I don't call people out for no real reason, unless I hate them or they hate me. Besides he should be little dignified for a rep, he is a rep isn't he?
Reggie is a slimebag, like most execs. The problem with him is he shows no humility at all and makes a complete a$$ of himself 90% of the time he opens his mouth. He's a lot like Jack Tretton was actually. Tretton made some idiotic remarks during his time with Sony, the real doozie about 3DS being a great 'baby sitting tool' while it was smoking the Vita in sales. Sometimes you need to just admit when you're messing up and then try to fix it. I don't think anybody at Nintendo has ever admitted when they screw up, and even when they admit to it, it's more of a 'we're not really screwing up, people just are too stupid to understand us.' This has actually gone back to the days before Iwata was in charge. During the N64 days they went with cartridge over CDs, never admitted it was the wrong choice though third parties couldn't jump ship fast enough and it was partly responsible for Final Fantasy VII ending up on PSone and pushing that console well ahead of N64. During the Gamecube days I remember quotes coming out of Nintendo that third parties were 'useless companies' though hilariously at that time Nintendo was also hyping the 'Capcom 5.' So, nothing new but it's ridiculous this 'we're right, you're all idiots' nonsense is still going on and it's clear Iwata and Reggie have never taken even a brief course in PR.
I actually really like Nintendo, and I like Reggie, but they've been very strange in the last few years. For some of the great decisions/releases that happen, there are also some ill-judged ones too. And it's not a popular opinion, but I think they need to put less stock in what Miyamoto (aka Shigsy) says as I think he's lost it a little bit. But there you go.
They are a company with all the potential in the world but I feel Kyle Bosman's summation of Nintendo as a slow moving elephant is pretty accurate.
@Tasuki totally agree. I would thumbes up if i could.
Reggie is in PR defense mode. ALL companies do this after a mediocre showing - Sony included. This isn't really unprecedented.
With that said, I don't think Nintendo's E3 was as bad as the whiners make it out to be. Could it have been better? Definitely, but EVERYONE has bad E3's - Sony arguably had the worst last year, and Microsoft's was a disaster in 2013... But apparently they get a free pass. I don't hear calls for THEM to go third party, or that they should exit the console business.
I said this before, and I'll say it again - people just love crapping on Nintendo because they do things differently.
MS got a free pass for E3 2013? That's why it backtracked on pretty much everything that was originally planned and made some major changes among the leadership group for the Xbox division.
I agree the calls for going third party are ridiculous because Nintendo is one of the financially secure companies in this industry right now. But, this was a putrid conference and it's not whining, people are rightly crapping on it. You deliver crap, you get crap, period. Doesn't matter what company it is.
Sourcing articles from Polygon now? Eew, gross!
Someone shove a pizza in his mouth.
Reggie, have a snickers.
"he hissed"
lol, really guys? This reads absolutely innocent to me. Nintendo doesnt like revealing things that are too far off release-wise, they made that mistake revealing Zelda U (and a few other titles) during last years E3. The words sony or playstation never even show up in those quotes, who's to say he isnt referring to an XBO game like ReCore or Crackdown2....or just referring to the rest of the industry in general since PC games do this too.
Sounds like some sony fans are bitter and making huge assumptions here. So much so that you're literally putting words in his mouth. I'm as much of a Sony or Microsoft fan as the next guy, but this is hilarious.
"So we have to constantly be thinking about what's next, what's the future? In always thinking about the future there always is the risk that there is going to be some slip or inadvertent disclosure."
Let me have a crack... Super Mario Bros, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart , Mario Party, Mario Tennis, Metroid and Zelda? All sold on an inexpensive system at an ongoing expensive rate?
Iwata is the captain of the Titanic and Reggie is that one crew member who runs around the deck and tries to convince people that the ship is not taking on water.
As for his remark about Sony unveiling games that don't come out until years down the road - shut up, that's exactly what Nintendo does with every core Zelda game. The Wii U Zelda was first mentioned as being in development in January of 2013. It was shown at E3 2014, and it skipped E3 2015 entirely. I highly doubt the game will be out by E3 2016. So shut your mouth and get your facts straight, Reggie.
Was he popping off at Sony or just making an observation about the industry in general hmm, seriously this is a bit click bait.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi True plus a plethora of games that aren't Mario, Zelda or Pokemon which you would know if you actually owned or played a Nintendo system.
I love some Nintendo games, but I wish they went third-party already. They skipped a whole generation with the Wii (rebranded GameCube) to appeal to the casual marked and now they got what was coming to them.
"Fair point, but The Last Guardian aside, we don't think that Sony's in the habit of teasing projects that far off either – heck, prior to last week it was being lambasted for not showing enough."
My buddy bought a 360 at launch to play alan wake HUE HUE HUE.
Nintendo makes me sad, l had high hopes for Wii U. Nintendo makes decent systems but never supports them correctly. Enough early childhood games
Oh Reggie, just one of the reason's why I am looking to play less Wii U and either more Xbox or PS4 (still can't decide which one to get).
Silence. Reggie and Nintendo are not to be criticized. Everything they say is innocent, not hypocritical at all and just for the good of the industry. Everybody at that company is perfect and they're just trying to help us fools 'get' the industry the way they do.
Nintendo does make some early childhood games but to be fair I think most of that stuff is relegated to the handheld market where as the games they put on Wii U may in some cases look like childhood games but are actually ones that can be enjoyed by all ages. The problem really is, its console just seems so overwhelming stacked with those games because it misses pretty much every big third party release and to some people comes off as a children's toy. I don't think that notion has actually ever been accurate but Nintendo doesn't do itself any favors by not having GTA, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, Mortal Kombat, The Witcher...
@themcnoisy I agree with most of your statements, but "lack of big games on GameCube"? You're out of your mind. GameCube was freaking awesome.
@SecondServing Super monkey ball, f zero gx, Mario sunshine, virtua striker, wind waker, timesplitters 2, Mario kart double dash, metroid and that's it. Similar to the wii and wii u if you take a look.
LMAO.. Horizon and UC4 alone is killing the competition for me.
@Kage_88 Sony going 3rd party? LOL, Cus that's not possible, they can just sell the gaming division if it becomes unprofitable but Sony is never going to be 3rd party because they have many other divisions. Sorry.. Nintendo is only gaming company, no different from SEGA was.
@Heiki they slowly become third party (for mobile). lol
I'd rather wait 7 years for an original game than keep getting the same 5 or 6 games re-released every one of those years with a slightly different title.
@Paranoimia I couldn't agree more.
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2 Echoes
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil Zero
Star Wars Rogue Leader
Super Monkey Ball
Super Smash Bros Melee
Super Mario Sunshine
Viewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe 2
Soul Calibur 2
Gotcha Force
Mario Kart Double Dash
Chibi Robo
F-Zero GX
Star Fox Assault
Star Fox Adventures
Tales of Symphonia
Battalion Wars
Luigi's Mansion
Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
And the list goes on and on. Wii U is no where near GameCube's level.
@SecondServing Luigis mansion was ok, but too short and star fox adventures was weak. The rest of the list is epic to be fair.
I had a gamecube - it was the first system I bought that gen (xbox and ps2) and the games I had were brilliant. But we got starved of the big franchises at the time. PES, Final Fantasy and MGS. (I'm not counting crystal chronicles or the mgs remake obviously) and tons of others. I can remember the magazines I used to read, we would have two or three reviews a month and that truly dried up about 30 months after release. So that was my point.
But Rogue squadron, soul Calibur and viewtiful Joe were boss. Henchin a go go baby.
@BertoFlyingFox Thanks for posting my sentiments. When I read the "hiss" part I thought this was a parody piece mocking ppl who overreact to anything Reggie says. Instead it is just a clickbait article.
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