Republished on Friday, 1st January 2016: We're bringing this article back from the archives as we look back at some of Push Square's features from 2015. The original text follows.
Originally published on Tuesday, 16th June 2015: Push Square Towers is in a state of shock. Uneasiness quickly dissolved into ecstasy, as Sony dropped bomb after bomb after bomb after bomb after bomb during its E3 2015 media briefing this evening. Prior to the show, we'd warned that it would be too third-party focused; in the days leading up, we'd pondered whether Project Morpheus would play too big a part. As it turned out, we could have done with a few more of the duller bits – it was honestly hard to keep up at points. Fresh from the show, the reactions of editors Sammy Barker and Robert Ramsey are below.

Sammy Barker, Editor
I'm utterly speechless. Writing about video games seven days a week, I sometimes have lapses where my passion for the medium dips. I'll openly admit that I've been experiencing one of these periods of late – but tonight's PlayStation E3 2015 press conference, and I don't say these words lightly, had me choked and tearful at times. There were moments when I genuinely didn't know where I was.
I daresay there will be some reading this who will think I'm exaggerating, but let me just recap some of the titles that appeared during the media briefing: The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy VII (the long-awaited remake, no less), and Shenmue III. The platform holder was, honestly, one Gabe Newell cameo away from a nuclear explosion – and what you read above are just three of the main highlights in a conference that was stacked to the brim with memorable moments.
It's a testament to just how exceptional the showing was that a game like Horizon, the gob-stopping new intellectual property from Guerrilla Games, wasn't the main takeaway. Or that Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, with its set-piece laden gameplay demonstration, got overshadowed. Let's not forget: No Man's Sky also looked sensational. And that Call of Duty partnership with Activision may have had your eyes rolling, but is a massive deal.
This was E3 press conference history in the making; it was the Jack Tretton smackdown from E3 2013 and the legendary Shigeru Miyamoto sword and shield moment multiplied, amplified, turned up to eleven – and then sent into outer-space. And yes, you could argue that Shenmue III is "just" a Kickstarter and Final Fantasy VII doesn't have a date – but it doesn't really matter. If this is a sign that Sony's getting complacent, then thank heavens for that.
You and I just witnessed the greatest press conference in E3 history.

Robert Ramsey, Associte Editor
I'm honestly still in shock. In all my years of following the games industry, and writing about it for Push Square, I have never seen a spectacle quite like Sony's E3 2015 press conference. Over the course of an hour and a half, the company dropped numerous incredible announcements that other firms could only ever dream of. This is a presser that will go down in history as one of the most utterly ridiculous events that gaming has ever seen.
If you had told me that Call of Duty: Black Ops III had completely switched sides and moved over to PlayStation as part of a fully fledged co-marketing deal, complete with timed DLC exclusivity, I would have been blown away. But compared to what else the Japanese giant revealed, that now seems like a mere drop in the ocean.
I mean, the show started with The Last Guardian – a title that's been in limbo for so long that I haven't even bothered counting the years. Shawn Layden just threw it out there, and people lost their minds – we were barely five minutes into the presser. And here at Push Square, I was the cynic; I never thought that The Last Guardian would ever show its face again. Now it's coming in 2016, and it's actually alive.
Amazing stuff, and you could already hear the fans declaring Sony's 'win'. But the part that still has me collecting my thoughts is that it didn't stop – the hype just kept rolling like a storm. Sure, the conference had its downtime with the likes of Disney Infinity, that's undeniable – but I could hardly care when a PlayStation 4 remake of Final Fantasy VII had just been announced.
To me, Final Fantasy VII represents a time in my life when gaming first truly spoke to me as more than a form of entertainment. The PSone was at its height, and Cloud and co.'s journey captured my young imagination more so than any game prior. I never believed in a full remake, and I can hardly describe how I felt when I saw that trailer – CG or not. I stood up, put my hands on my head, and just gazed in absolute awe at the screen. When I saw that buster sword on Cloud's back, as daft as it may sound, it felt like time stood still.
And then you've got stuff like Shenmue III, Horizon, Dreams, No Man's Sky, and all of Devolver Digital's games. I'm probably missing some things, but again, I'm struggling to wrap my head around what's just transpired. Oh, and how about that Uncharted 4: A Thief's End gameplay? It was easily one of the greatest demos I've ever seen at E3.
All in all, you'll just have to come back to me tomorrow or something, after I've picked up the pieces of my broken mind. Sony somehow squeezed several unforgettable moments into one press conference – moments that you'd be lucky to see individually at a single presser. And here we thought that the company was going to spend an hour or so talking about Project Morpheus. Ha!
Are you in awe like our editors, or did you think Sony's showing was a bit meh? Collect your thoughts and try to form a sentence in the comments section below.
Comments 152
I really enjoyed it. But I thought the Xbox conference was better.
@KelticDevil @Superstick Just to check: we all watched the same thing, right?
I completely agree. I have never seen this level of @#%@#%-ism(edited for Tasuki's sake) in my life. Most of what people are getting excited about is vaporware, at this point.
This title is hilariously hyperbolic. Greatest of all time my ass.
@Superstick the xbox conference showed a few slick games but had no megaton announcements, halo was boring, recore only had a cg trailer, tomb raider was retreading uncharted 2's ground, no one cares for fable legends especially since it went f2p, rare haven't made a decent game in god knows how long, gears barely showed anything and overall everything was pretty standard fare.
You're all genuinely hysterical.
I felt like that press conference hit right at the heart of everyone who grew up in my era of gaming. FF7 remake, Shenmue sequel, TLG, etc.
It was absolutely brilliant. I enjoyed Microsoft's presser, as they did well, but Sony's was jaw-dropping. I rarely cheer out loud during a live stream.
Good stuff.
i see the ridiculous cynics strike again.
I will say it surprised me. I never have played Ico or SotC so I couldn't get that excited about Last Guardian but I did feel the excitement from the crowd and I liked what I saw. I really liked the look of Horizon and got misty eyed when Shenmue III was announced. As for FF VII well I could have cared less. I am glad for the fans that they are getting this but I just couldn't get into FF VII not after the great story of FF VI but that's another story.
Overall I was pleased I still thought Jack's 2013 smackdown was better but that is just my opinion. This one was much better then I thought it was going to be.
I don't think I can say greatest ever. But those saying it was poor are the ones who are beyond ridiculous. Haters will do what they do though.
Hm.... The most sorry thing is that we knew about all those games before E3. Also, those games should have been realesed years ago, to be honest. My exitement for them is gone long ago... I mean, OK and all, but I want to see new game from Fumito Ueda, not this one =).
I mean, Sony did with Fumito Ueda almost the same thing Konami did with Kojima, if you ask me. I will definetly play The Last Guardian, even if it was designed 6-7 years ago, but somehow can't find even a little bit of exitment inside.
Do I think it was the greatest of all time? No
Do I think it was one of the greatest of all time? Yes!
Idk, even though Fallout 4's environment looked good, I felt that the characters kinda looked last gen-ish to me. Sony still had the best show so far in this year's E3
@KelticDevil Not even going to bother with you.
Shenmue 3, FFVII Remake and The Last Guardian should have been buried and left in peace. This show feels like tribute to zombies =)... Dead ressurected to life by some wiked necromancy. Yeah, it's the same games, but something feels not right about them, something evil.....
@WanderingBullet Looked like PS3 Xbox 360, 2009
Who won E3? We the gamers did, doesn't matter what platform your on or prefer I think we can be very happy today, come on Nintendo let's make it a hat trick.
Microsoft says, "Here have backwards compatability.....for free."
Sony's response? Nothing. They will continue to overcharge you to RENT (not own) PS3 games on the PS4. Not to mention Sony spent millions & millions to buy the technology to stream these rented games.
Microsoft showed lots of games & exclusives that will either come out this year or early next year.
Sony name dropped several "big" titles that showed zero gameplay footage & have no release date in sight. Not to mention, some of these titles are very niche Japanese games, so they may not even be a big deal to some people.
Oh and it's not like the FFVII remake is a PS4 exclusive.
Don't get me wrong......Uncharted 4 will, no doubt, be amazing. And Horizon sounds very interesting. But I think some people at this website have had too much caffeine today if they think this is the greatest E3 conference ever.
@KelticDevil Take the fanboy crap elseware. If you want to discuss then discuss but quite trying to egg people on.
I edited out the word "fanboy" just for you. Happy?
And you used the word, "crap". Are you going to leave yourself a little "watch the language" warning? No? Didn't think so.
@KelticDevil Don't get smart. There is no need for that kind of attitude, you don't have to agree with what we say in fact that's great you don't but you don't have to have an attitude about it.
@Tasuki Sheriff in da town?
Main reason I think Xbox's conference was better was because they had a lot more exclusives I was interested in. Halo 5 and Tomb Raider as well as those collections like Rare Replay and Gears of War are all coming this year. Sony showed some awesome games but most of the heavy hitters do not release until next year and they were lacking in terms of exclusives. I love my PS4, don't get me wrong. But they mostly showed off exclusive content for third party games and exclusive betas. FFVII remake was amazing but I was really disappointed to hear that it's not really an exclusive. And I was expecting something huge at the end but they just showed off some more Uncharted gameplay. (Which was pretty good btw) That's just what I think. Both conferences were really good though imo.
@Gemuarto We value people's opinions but as I said do it in a respectful way. I don't like to come off like I do but come on is it so hard to treat people with respect. We are all gamers in the end who cares what systems games etc. We like. It's just stupid to look down on someone cause of what system, game, company they like.
Yeah, as @Tasuki said, please feel free to disagree with the article and counter the points raised - but let's try to be polite about it. Let's have a debate rather than an argument.
Everybody calm down. It's absolutely fine if you don't agree with the article, but please express your opinions in a collected manner, much like @Superstick has.
I know E3 can get a bit heated, but that's no excuse when it comes to things like harassment or purposefully goading comments. I'm not saying that these things have occurred, but please stick to the site's rules.
The timed-exclusive nonsense needs to stop, I agree completely with that and I've been saying it for the last year. If a company is going to pay for exclusivity do it for a game that makes sense and go full exclusive or screw off. Though in general I don't care for third party exclusivity and never have. Especially for franchises like Tomb Raider and like Street Fighter which have for the most part been multiplats.
in my op this is my list
1.Sony,Bethesda (Couldn't decide between them)
2.Ea,Microsoft, (Couldn't decide between them)
3.um yeah...Ubisoft
Yea I agree.
I was also surprised Sony just didn't pony up the $ to make FFVII an exclusive. Oh well. It's good for the industry if all gamers have access to that long-awaited remake.
Cynics are the reason I hate the world we live in. They purposely try to ruin things for other people. I will agree with the article and say yes, that was most definitely the greatest E3 press conference yet! It was megaton reveal after another, then No Man's Sky, then third party stuff, and finishing off the show with that Uncharted 4 footage was icing on the cake. Go be entitled little brats elsewhere if you don't think Sony had an amazing showing.
I wasn't trying to attack anyone or cause anyone any mental anguish by using the term, "fanboy". I apologize if I caused you or anyone else any mental or physical pain with my comment. I have since edited it myself & I will refrain from bring "smart" from now on. Thank you for your time.
I used the term, "fanboy", once. So I guess that means, the "Sheriff" gets to do his thing. Lol.
LOL really? Best ever? If you say so. I will say that the E3 as a whole, looking at all conferences together (which is what I do anyway because I'm a genuine GAMER and not a fan boy) it was definitely an amazing day. I don't think one specific publisher or platform knocked it out of the park completely but as a gamer that plays on everything there's an absolute ton to look forward to. I love it. Can't wait to play the great amount of xbox exclusives and man that game horizon looks incredible on ps4. And then all the multiplatform single player games I'll be playing on pc of course best place to play... but the sweet coop games like ghost recon the division and mann oh man battlefront I'll be getting on whatever platform my friends go with. Oh and can't forget for honor !!! Looks insane. Great time to be a gamer.
Totally on the same page. It was mind explosion after mind explosion. My brain is a still in shock, no sleep for me tonight. The only disappointing moment for me was no release date for no man's sky
But to be added Microsoft's conference was epic too. Best E3 I've tuned into.
Yea this E3 has been pretty good so far. Hopefully, Nintendo brings it too.
See....now this type of comment may be considered an "attack". Hrm. Just sayin'.
Where is that "Sheriff" from earlier?!
@adf86 Definitely, due to work I didn't see the Sony conference. I'm genuinely gutted. This E3 has been great and xbox,Ps or wiiu we all have games to get our mits on.
I'd say stick around. It's a trio of connect websites and NLife has the biggest population and as such, the most fanboys. There's the long rivalry and the butthurt still exists from Sony coming in during the PSone and 2 era and beating Nintendo down (helped along the way by Nintendo's own idiocy). These guys are still sore and they're especially sore now because Sony is doing well again and they HATE seeing that. But you get used to it. I've had my frustration with this community before too but the truth is, there isn't a better PS website on the internet.
I just dislike this stuck up attitude that everyone worships games like Final fantasy and shenmue. I've grown up gaming but I have pretty much no interest in RPGs
Easy tigers, It was good, verging on very good. It did have megatons, you have to call TLG reannouncement, FF remake and Shenmue 3 a pretty big deal... In addition to the fact there was a change in sides, new first party reveals and a limited number of leaks...
There's only one disappointment which really doesn't need to be acknowledged anymore.
@rockman29 That's enough from you as well.
I am tired of warning you all. I know it's E3 but that doesn't mean we stop being civil to each other. I don't want to start handing out vacations but I will now if this continues. Take this as a last warning. @get2sammyb @ShogunRok and I have all asked you to now to be respect we don't want to ask again.
It is a shame Sony doing well caused this much of a blowup.
I'm guessing that disappointment would be the Vita?
Yes, It's negligible however.
I, literally, made 2 comments this thread before this whole situation you refer to. In one, I used the term "fanboy" but edited it due to Tasuki being.......well, Tasuki & I wasn't trying to start an argument. I was just bringing up a point. I already apologized for using the term. Move on.
The 2nd comment was a few bullet points that I felt were relevant. In no way did I attack anyone. They were opinions. If you don't agree with those opinions, so be it. I don't care.
I just had, literally, 8 emails from you editing your comment towards me which is, well.....sad. I already said I thought it's been a great E3 overall (so far), no matter what console you own.
But if you are going to get THIS upset about what some people, you don't even know, say in a comment section of a video game website......then it is I who feels sorry for YOU.
Also, I am no Nintendo guy. I have owned every major console ever released going back to the Atari. So, what I said comes from a gamer's opinion. I have no allegiance to one company.
Hey, they did show a game for the Vita.
@rockman29 No I am not chastising you for being unhappy but it's the fact that you lashed out at him too. Just cause he lashes out doesn't mean you can right back.
Unfortunately, it was the only Vita title that was announced. Such a waste. The Vita is an awesome, little device.
I'm guessing that last sentence was directed at me because I brought up the 'Nintendo guy' comment. I wasn't talking about you, rockman mentioned what was going on in the comments during the live stream, and there was some nonsense from obvious PlayStation haters guys who are from the Nintendo side who are here from time to time with the intent really of bashing Sony and seemingly happy to see the company fall over itself from time to time. I find that pathetic. Just want to clear that up. I don't need another riff on here, already had a 'vacation' not too long ago.
Nah, I was just mentioning that to him. Not you. I knew what you meant. The only comment to you was about the poor Vita. Lol
I just wanted him to know that I am no Nintendo loving, Sony hater. Like I said, I don't stick with one company because they all make great decisions, at times & they all make awful decisions, at times.
My slamming all 3 companies has gotten me into trouble a few times. But anyway. Yeah it's sad what's going on with Vita. But even if the game that was announced for it last night is a spinoff and does have a version going to the much more popular PS4, it was still one more Vita announcement than I expected. Seems like a nice match for portable play as well, at least judging by the cutesy style. I'm actually more interested in that than the FF VII remake because for as much as FF VII is lauded and as much as I respect it for that, it was a game that never clicked with me. Most would say FF VII was GOTY 1997, I'd take GoldenEye any time over it.
@Superstick Tomb Raider is a timed exclusive just like FF7 though, so that part I don't understand.
Did anyone notice if the rare collection had anything from when they were ultimate:play the game, be awesome if it did...
The xbox presser was their best over these past few E3...but it just feels like halo has lost its magic which saddens me.. Lol might nip over to ign and check the comments from the cod/xbox fan boys, im guessing they will all suddenly be cod haters 😉
I thought MS' show last year topped the one this year. Mainly because there were 3 big hitters that were held back. I have a feeling it also allowed Sony to hold off on some stuff. As good as this was, I was hoping for a God of War 4 tease or a look at whatever Bend is working on (hopefully Syphon Filter).
Yea it's a shame that, because of licensing issues, GoldenEye can't be included in that awrsome Rare compilation the Xbox One is getting. Oh well.
And it's just really sad that the Vita got, basically, zero love this E3. I was hoping (not expecting) Sony would surprise everyone & try another big AAA game for it, but I guess not.
@Gamer83 so much sony didnt show...paris is going to be so good and yeah you might be right about last years ms conference..close call though
The Rare compilation contains 30 games from them released all the way back to the Jetpac days. So even the N64 titles will be on the disc (or discs). It will also contain their Xbox 360 games, which is pretty cool (even though Perfect Dark Zero & the newer Banjo game were massive disappointments to me). And it will cost only $30, apparently.
Wish sabrewulf was on the disc..loved that game
I wonder if Batletoads will have the two player glitch on that collection.
@teknium_ It is
Yay!... Reason to buy an xbone...possibly
Sony tried early on and the Vita still never became a huge success. With PS4 being a success and Sony not being in the best place financially I can understand why the Vita has been unceremoniously kicked to the curve. The first couple years of Vita were actually pretty great so I'm not disappointed with the purchase and it looks like we'll still get a good indie game here, potentially a decent bigger budget game like World of FF there. It'll be a slow, painful end, but if we get a few more good games out of it, I'm all for that.
I'm interested to see if Sony was holding back for Paris or more for the PlayStation Experience. From the talk last year it seemed like it wants to make the PSE an annual event.
If you didn't catch Rare's newer stuff, you aren't missing out on much. A lot of the people that made Rare so awesome when they were under Nintendo's umbrella are long gone.
Their Xbox 360 stuff was very hit or miss. Kameo was a decent game. And I loved Viva Pinata. Then Microsoft relegated them to making Kinect games, which was a massive mistake. Hopefully now that Rare is back to making "real" games, they can regain some of the glory from their N64 heyday.
I think both companies held a lot back. I am sure Sony is reading the next God Of War & maybe whatever Sony Bend is working on.
And I am sure Microsoft will have Scalebound ready to show & maybe Quantum Break or Crackdown.
Either way, the longer this is a 2 or 3 horse race......so to speak.....the better it is for us gamers.
Ive had a 360 since launch day(5 in total actually.. 5th one we have a for a few years now, still going strong) got kameo at launch too,i havent missed much by rare on any console really.. But im remembering them from zx spectrum days when i was about 9/10 yo
I was few minutes late to the show, and I actually recheck and reload the browser... think there might be something wrong the stream was showing The Last Guardian footage... Dropped my jaw when I realised it's brand new footage... BEST SHOW EVER
I wasn't overly impressed with the Microsoft presentation, feeling it lacked actual gameplay from most titles and just felt what was shown was increasingly generic and formulaic.
However, I was expecting even less from Sony but came away surprisingly optimistic. I felt there was more actual gameplay on show and there were a few creative risks, such as Dreams (currently unexplainable) and that Uncharted demo made Tomb Raider look even blander after that oddly familiar piece of gameplay shown by Microsoft earlier on.
My heart does sink every time "exclusive content" is smugly revealed, usually by the least convincing "gamer" from whichever company is presenting. In this area I feel we are being played by developers, publishers and manufacturers alike and it leaves a bad taste in the mouth. "Mines got more levels than yours" makes everyone look childish and just encourages the more extreme "fans", regardless of their console choice.
Seriously, I'm 28 years old and feel like a 13 year old again. I just want to run home from work and draw pictures of Clouds Buster Sword.
I'm surprised noone has mentioned the quirky looking Final Fantasy game announced for Ps4 & PSVita. Or even the MM looking oddball in Dreams. It's a shame Horizon is being overshadowed so much too as it genuinely looked interesting & fantastic, better than I was expecting GG latest to be. Uncharted 4 finally looked worthwhile too. The trailer shown during the Project Morpheus mini segment also had a few games that looked interesting.
As for the 3 main bombs - Not interested in FFVII to be honest as everyone knows FFIX is more deserving of a remake, and it was only a CG trailer afterall. The Last Guardian looked fantastic and the 2016 date was surprising. Shemnue 3 was only a Kickstarter launch afterall too, which will no doubt be funded, but it would've been a genuine bomb by Sony if it was exclusive.
It's been a pretty good E3 so far, now I just need localisation announcements for Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory II & Senran Kagura Estival Versus to make it great.
Checking out what other websites (that I won't mention for obvious reasons, but will if you really want proof of what I am about to say) & comment sections are saying.......I am actually reading a lot of people hating on Sony's press conference calling it a lot of fluff to cover up the fact they, literally, have almost no exclusives coming out this year.
But a few points are very interesting to me.......
If Sony really believes in Shenmue 3, then why does it need a Kickstarter campaign at all? Why doesn't Sony just fund the game? And it's not even being developed yet? Who knows when the game will finally be released & what consoles it will be released on. It could end up on Xbox One.
The FFVII remake is, also, not an exclusive. Why everyone is acting like it is, is beyond me. Just like RotTR, it's timed exclusivity. And once again, no release date or naming of platforms. So, once again, it could be an Xbox One game too.
And many gamers (and writers) who frequent this site would say, "Who cares?" if it was Microsoft getting exclusive timed DLC for games like COD, Batman, Assassin's Creed, Destiny, etc. like it has in the past. But, that was a big part of Sony's show. And all of that DLC is coming to Xbox One at some point. Funny now that the shoe is on the other foot, so to speak.
And nobody seems to know what the heck Media Molecule's game is about.
Why wasn't Persona 5 shown? It's one of the only PS4 exclusives slated for 2015. You think they would want to show at least one game coming out this year. Persona 4 was amazing. Missed opportunity there.
So after you look past all the "fluff", you are left with Uncharted, Horizon (which looked interesting), No Man's Sky. And who knows when The Last Guardian will be released & if it will even be good after all these years in development hell.
So no......Sony did not have the best E3 conference ever, in my opinion. Not even close. They used a lot of clever tricks to try to hide the fact that they have squat coming out this year that isn't going to be on Xbox One. And some of the games that people are going crazy about here are not even exclusives & will end up on Xbox anyways.
Once again, not trying to be argumentative or attack anyone. These are solid & valid opinions/points. Sorry if you don't agree with them.
Goosebumps all over.
@KelticDevil shush, honey x
Meh was decent, not great and definitely not the best press conference ever
@KelticDevil Where ma sugar at?
@rockman29 Foolish.
Best ever? Hmmm not sure yet, will need to let the hysteria and excitement die down first. Right up there though. Simply an astonishing number of games that will help the PS4 as it heads towards critical mass (if it isn't there already). Microsoft's was very good too, fingers crossed for Nintendo today.
It is however, depressing to see some posters trying so very hard to be negative. That's modern gaming for you I suppose. Genuine and justified excitement is just something to complain about.
@BLPs It sure is subjective. For me, it probably was the best E3 conference of all time. Whether this article should be entitled as such, for the sake of balance, is debatable, as you say. Unless of course it's an "opinion piece". In fairness I think it can be considered that since it's clearly summarising Robert & Sammys take on the event, as PlayStation fans. Get what you're saying, though.
Edit: Just to expand slightly on why it was the best conference for me, it's that it was a very clear demonstration that they are truly listening to what fans want. They shouldn't be slaves to our desires, and have the freedom to innovate, but for too long we've been served rubbish and told it's what we want. Is the software all exclusive? No..is it all coming out this year, or even early next? No.. But it's the "precident" that you too often hear people clamouring for. It says something about the culture at PlayStation at the moment which we can hope to rely on. I hope for a good few years gaming with my PS4 and it's nice to know Sony have their head screwed on. Now show us Morpheus - you've earned our attention!!
@BLPs did Yoshida run over the family dog? We all know you love the WiiU n all, but folk other than Nintendo can make good games too.
And your last point garnered a chuckle considering almost every Nintendo exclusive for at least the past year has been hyped by mainstream outlets. Hell, even the Pokemon remasters for 3DS got hyped even though remasters are supposed to be an evil of unspeakable evil...
@ Sammy and Robert: wasn't supposed to be Dark Souls III present in the Sony Conference? did I miss it?
And also, anyone hyped for For Honor? it looks like a mix between a dynasty warriors (the amount of foes) and Dark Souls (the combat system).... it could be amazing...
@arnoldlayne83 It ended up at Microsoft instead. We'd heard that it would be at PlayStation, but we got it wrong.
Also, @Tasuki and I have decided to be lenient with some of the transgressions above seeing as it's E3, but please can we try and be calm and measured henceforth.
Again, feel free to criticise, debate, and discuss with both the authors of this site and other members - just remember to be civil in the process.
It's interesting that not much has been made of Dreams - I don't get it yet, but given MM's pedigree, I'm looking forward to the time I do. It's such a breath of fresh air that there are companies trying to do something completely different like that, and it's a shame it's already been written off as "not really a game" by some, since so little is known about it.
Also, I don't get the big hype around backwards compatibility either. But if you do, it's nice that you can access it on both systems now, though I'd imagine it's one of those things that many people say they want, and then never actually use. I don't even have the time to play all the PS4 games I'd like to, let alone older games I missed on PS3 / Xbox 360!
@arnoldlayne83 dark souls 3 was in Microsofts presentation
@professorhat dreams really did have me scratching my head so i guess media molecule got what they wanted haha
I'm glad to hear others enjoyed it so much. I thought it was good, most certainly, and I'm very excited for Last Guardian, Horizon Zero Dawn and FF7. But I still think Microsoft had a slightly better conference. And neither one of them were in the vicinity of greatest of all time. But I guess compared to last year they both blew it away
@ShogunRok you really cant ask people to be calm down when the tittle and the article are complely hyperbolic that will cause people to react.
The moment i saw the tittle i said "oh boy, here comes the internet", for every action, theres a reaction...
Dont get me wrong, i know its an opinion but the tittle... IGN still gets sh** for their old " 3DS is doomed" article (people still post in that one hahaha)
@BLPs yesterday i followed ubisoft conference from nintendolife site, since pushquare was deserted at the time....
I have seen (read) so much of hate towards everything was thrown at the screen: "uhhh another fps" "uhhh so original" "ohh so boring".... And today a lot of people trying to be very harsh about Sony conference again... While objectively it was fullfilled with contents, not too much cgi but ingame footage, a lot of fan service and very well paced. Just to say that fanboysm is ruining what could be a nice discussion. I could say the same for Nintendo so far... Everyone got hyped for just new characters thrown into a months old fighting game and... Woah, a editor of a 30 years old platformer.... I really hope instead Nintendo will throw some novelty into the pot... Since we are getting only new versions of old franchises all the time....god bless splatoon... And possuble new contents and voice chat to it...
@arnoldlayne83 You cant really blame Nintendo for sticking to their guns, in fact, even a lot of their guns dont sell as well as people make it out to be. People may ask for new IPs all the time and new games of old franchises, but if they dont end up buying it, why doing it ?
Theres a lot of hypocresy on Nintendo fans
I'm still in awe at the Final Fantasy 7 announcement. It seems Shenmue is console exclusive to ps4 to.
The show was great for gaming in general, but the lack of exclusives ots worrying :/
Shenmue 3 and FF7 are both coming to PC (Extremely happy !), that means better frame rates and much better graphics (not to mention some kind of mod supporr for FF7)
@Faruko I totally agree with you... In fact I slowly and steadily moved away from that community... Both for the lack of new games, both for the fact that on paper they are all for innovation and gameplay but at the end they just wanna have Mario and Zelda.... I believe Nintendo is gonna slowly dying, first reason is their fanbase....
I see much more variety and "open mind" in the ps and pc community. That is what I enjoyed of Sony conf yesterday, and generally from this e3, a lot of everything and everyone excited for something
Not worried about the exclusives to be honest. More will be shown at Paris and I'm certain by E3 Next year Sony will be more prepared with exclusives.
@stevie85 do not forget the Ps experience event... And gamescon too
@arnoldlayne83 Exactly. Sony has so many developers. Plus Quantic dream are due a game I think and they are a French Dev and Paris is next, so who knows
@stevie85 they have definitely other aces in the deck... They didn tvtalk about gt7, ratchet and clark, new naughty dog game, the confirmed Bloodborne expansion... We are gonna see even more announcements in the following months...
@arnoldlayne83 I'm almost certain The Last of Us 2 will be revealed this time next year
@stevie85 can t wait...
@Punished_Boss_84 - "There's only one disappointment which really doesn't need to be acknowledged anymore."
Half-Life 3? Ratchet & Clank which we've already seen plenty of?
I seriously want to know. I kind of need to know, as I'm in 100% agreement w/ @get2sammyb and I don't even care abut Shenmue personally, but I acknowledge that the 3rd being made is a HUGE deal to a lot of people. I don't care about any of the Half Life games either, or Portal, but if they announced sequels to any of those I'd still appreciate the magnitude of the announcement.
I see it, very simply, like this:
The Last Guardian, FFVII, Shenmue 3
Game. Set. Match.
@arnoldlayne83 indeed
It was good nay very good and easily best conference so far this year, but best conference of all time no. The pacing started really well Last Guardian looks like it will be amazing Horizon looking promising Uncharted looked like Uncharted (which is never a bad thing) MM are doing their trademark nuts thing (which I'll love) SFV is looking smooth (those animations) and No Man's Sky just feels so huge that I'm not sure what to really think (except that it will be awesome).
Why I feel it wasn't the GOAT bored of the constant time spent bragging about exclusive betas/dlc/editions/etc, I don't care that FF7 is getting a remake, I love the game but honestly just at the point where any remake doesn't interest me unless I've not played it. Another thing was the fact that overall there wasn't a ton of stuff shown (imo), Shenmue 3 being a kickstarter was also something that bothers me a lot I just feel like bigger named developers are really starting to abuse it as an easy low risk solution when that was not the original intention of the service (oh well).
Overall though this may be my favourite Sony E3 conference but it really is hard thing to decided and I just that you two might be having a knee jerk reaction.
The Media player was a very welcome overdue feature in my opinion.
@Superstick lol was it heck.
Apart from Rare Replay and gimpy backwards compatibility (that will probably not be used often since it's up to devs if they can do it) they showed NOTHING that screamed "buy an Xbox One".
RoTR looks absolutely horrible, Halo was the same boring crap, Gears 4 just looks bad and ReCore has NO gameplay footage whatsoever.
Rise of the Tomb Raider is timed exclusive anyways
I was dreading a 1 hour on V.R stuff but it didn't come to(thanks SONY for listening to me!)
They totally smashed MS Show out of the water to! MS show was just predictable as always(for the games they showed)
Megatons I know, Vita was the negligible disappointment I was referring to.
But the greatest conference of all time? That's pushing it. Now the greatest conference of the year? Yes.
I can understand how with such awesome retro announcements like TLG, FF7 & Shenmue 3 the hype could be best E3 conference of all time. That is a little beyond my opinion, but I can see why some would think that. I thought overall it was a fantastic convention but I do hope that sony works a better form of backwards compatibility in. In regards to games I always Microsoft a chance to get me hyped enough to buy a system but it didn't happen this year, if I didn't own a PS4 I would have bought one based on the games presented. All in all I can stop making fun of myself now for believing that I would one day ride a dog bird and the Last Guardian exists as the opening moment of the panel. I won't go to greatest of all time, but will say it was a fantastic show.
@Punished_Boss_84 - Ah Vita. But it had a game. That really sad lame 3DS looking FF game. Which I suppose is 1 more game than I expected. Didn't Sony say about 2 years ago they weren't making games for it anymore? Or was everybody still expecting Gravity Rush 2?
I was just doing laundry and thought maybe you were referring to MGSV, you know b/c of your avatar selection and all, but then I remember they did show it.
I'll admit "best of all time" may be a bit much - though I agree, except for maybe Ninteod's Spaceworld where they showed Star Wars Rogue Leader and Link fighting Ganondorf in 3D - but even w/ my fanboi TLG/FFVII remake removed, I sitll see it as a really good presentation. Did you watch last years? Or the year before w/ Wonderbook? (maybe that was 2 years ago) I can't complain about the show - it started w/ 5 games, had very little Morpheous filler, and ended w/ U4. If I can't complain then I have to say it was really good. Heck I think even Gamer liked it. Now that's an accomplishment.
I was happy with it, no quite megaton dropping but still very very good. As a former Xbox owner, the remakes are handy, although even i am tiring a bit of them. But in gaming terms, whether third or first party, i'm a happy camper.
Besides I have to finish off a fair few games as it is, so a bit less overall is actually a bit of a godsend until later in the year.
All i know is that when you look at the line up from October onward... I don't imagine I'll be bored through the Christmas and beyond.
I have owned every single Sony gaming device except the PS4 and even after last night I still have not seen anything that makes me want to buy a PS4.
I own a Xbox 360 and I honestly thought I would never buy another, but after last night I am considering now buying a Xbox One.
I have a feeling Nintendo is going to blow everybody out of the water.
Gamers win all the time regardless of what platform we play on. Just think all the times the media tried to get pledges on banning video games. Remember China? We shouldn't take anything for granted. I've been playing games for 32 years, and always enjoy it. Responsibility first. Game later. Always enjoy!
I'm curious. The people saying this wasn't the best ever, which do you think beats it? I can think of certain E3 moments that compare to some of those glimpsed during this... But I can't think of a single E3 press conference that had four or five of those moments condensed into one show.
@Faruko Yeah, but, is it really hyperbolic? Because thinking about it, it was easily one the greatest conferences of all time. In our opinion it was THE greatest. I think that's fair enough when you consider what was announced.
It's a good point: a conference that has The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy Remake, and Shenmue III can't be named the best ever, what the heck can? It may not have suited you personally, but you can't possibly argue that any conference has ever had so many incredible moments.
And all of this was topped off by some amazing stuff like Horizon and No Man's Sky. I've seen great press conferences, but I really fail to see how any of them have been better, purely from a spectacle point of view.
This is an argument that will never have an end, the greatest of something its based on an opinion, a belief. And that will never change.
Good luck everyone of you, ill see you in infinite time when we finally decided if the attack to the towers was an inside job, if the crusaders were good or bad, and if Sony had the best conference ever created of all time for all the universes that ever existed.
I'm not even that much into PlayStation, but even I would admit Sony had a great conference this year and announced alot of great stuff that would get me to even buy a ps4! As for the Xbox conference; it horrible, predictable and crappy, just admit it Xbox fans, Microsoft has basically nothing that big to offer. ..so glad I sold my bad Xbox one console, especially after that horrible conference.
Please watch the language -Tasuki-
@get2sammyb There were only two blowing my mind moments for Sony this year for me though, pretty much everything shown was solid but I wouldn't say there were 4/5 mind blowing things shown.
@get2sammyb I loved this year but the 2013 conference was better for me personally. It started with the how to trade games video and never stopped
I agree with this article...it was so much my mind couldn't handle it.
@ShogunRok Im hoping this was the greatest ever so far, I really hope that one day this conference can be topped! But I loved every second of it as the games shown personally made my day.
I'm a Nintendo fan, a huge one, to me nothing can beat some products from the company from Kyoto.
But yes, this was the greatest of all time, I could not sleep this night thinking about it. Oh my god!
Very hyperbolic to say it was the greatest E3 Press Conference of all time, but it was good. There was a subtle lack of confirmation on the how the temporary or early exclusivity of several titles, and the Vita was almost totally ignored. No price was revealed for Morpheus, which is probably smart. Better for Sony to get people on-board than distract them with potential cost. If it's less than Oculus Rift, but just as solid, then they'll be on solid ground. They need to convince people of the concept first.
I find the entire Shenmue thing very baffling. Neither Sony nor Sega wanted to back the third Shenmue game, but they were more than happy to let Yu Suzuki wander out to open the (already successful) Kickstarter? It feels a little odd.
Horizon looks amazing, but the character talking to herself the entire time was highly annoying. Uncharted 4, of course, looks amazing and Sony delivered quite a variety overall. E3 has been pretty solid this year overall, but I wouldn't say this is the best conference ever. Though it was really good.
@KelticDevil Dude you are clearly an Xbone fanboy so why don't you leave us here in peace and let us be excited for the games most of us PS fans are excited about?
You trying to convince us Sony had a bad show is wasting your energy and frankly you're embarrassing yourself!
@Quorthon Kickstarter its a double edged sword, especially since i dont like that i dont know how the money is being spent, developers should say why the hell do they need that much money, a breakdown of it, salaries, tech fees, etc...
Kickstarter should add a public notary and regulation to their stuff, i have real problems backing because i really dont know how much money is being spent on the actual game and how much is going to developers pocket.
I mean, its Kickstarter, theres 0 chance this will end up being a PS4 exclusive, its also coming to PC and i would not be surprised if i see XB1 or even WiiU added to the goals
@LordBagardo that Twisted Metal announcement was the best E3 moment so far for me. It was probably me that was heard shouting that all the way from the UK
Some comments here sound as tho its wrong of others to be excited for games. I leave this gif here for you

I thought it was really good, but after the FFVII announcement it really tapered off quite badly, and didn't really recover since the supposed climactic finish of Uncharted 4 went wrong with the controller not working at first, needed to be restarted, and is for a game that we alread knew about, know what to expect from it, and isn't coming out for a year or more.
FFVII is multiformat, Shenmue is multiformat, FFVII has only just started development, Shenmue hasn't even got that far yet. There were some misfires like the completely muted reaction to Hitman; the repeated failure of No Man's Sky to really get its hooks into people, looking like a game where you basically fly a bit, land, fly a bit, land, and not much more; then the not-really-a-game feel of Media Molecule's thing. I think the one true victory is TLG, but I have to say, even that gameplay demo was a bit dull and largely seemed to be automatic animations. I think it would have been elevated enormously if it was coming out in 2015.
Horizon could be really good, I definitely like the look of it, but it's hard to say. It wasn't clear if it was a Monster Hunter clone or not. It was said before it's an open world RPG, but nothing open world or RPGish seemed to be getting showcased.
All said, Microsoft's was definitely more boring, it had nothing interesting or exciting at all. The backwards compatibility thing seemed good at first until I realised that it's really pointless. Who has Xbox 360 games but no Xbox 360? That's gotta be a very small audience they're appealing to there.
The conference just didn't do it for me. I've allowed time for my thoughts to settle, and looking at it again, I'm a little less negative than I was before. I still wouldn't call it the greatest conference of all time.
For starters, everyone was saying "Sony has won E3" the second they showed The Last Guardian. I believe people are letting hype get in the way of this. People got really excited when Zelda U was showed for the first time. Why? Because they talked about how it would be open world, something that they've always wanted to do with a Zelda game, and how it would change the game. You wouldn't have to progress through the game in a specific order, and it expands the possibilities of the gameplay.
Then we have The Last Guardian. The gameplay looked, frankly, boring. Everyone got excited because the game exists. People have been waiting and waiting for it, and some thought it was downright cancelled. Everyone is excited that they're getting the game, but no one seems to be citing the gameplay footage as a reason for their excitement. Yes, Team Ico made two great games, but those were both over ten years ago.
A Final Fantasy VII remake was announced. I loved FFVII and am glade they're making a remake. Still, a remake isn't something that would make me call a conference the best E3 conference of all time. Also, it is not even going to be exclusive to the PS4, just a timed exclusive. Besides the fact that I hate the whole "timed exclusive" thing, I'd rather Sony put their money and efforts towards getting actual exclusives.
Shenmue III was announced...as a kickstarter. It would have been nice if Sony had actually funded this game, because even know it got funded pretty quickly, it could have been an actual PS4 exclusive. Right now it is also coming to PC, and according to the FAQ on the kickstarter page, versions for other platforms have "not been decided yet". That means there is still a possibility that it could come to even more platforms. And again, I enjoyed the original games, but they came out over ten years ago.
The PlayStation Vita was almost completely ignored. I guess that's Sony's way of thanking all of us who bought one.
We had to sit through the Destiny DLC. This game has been appearing at every PlayStation event, it's kind of annoying for everyone who has no interest in the game.
Then there was all that time wasted on the Call of Duty stuff. I never liked when Microsoft did this, and I do not like that Sony is doing this now. Who cares if it's a "big deal" for Sony, it was not enjoyable to watch.
Then there was time spent on Disney Infinity, and more "timed exclusivity" this time with figures. Throughout the conference there were things like exclusive DLC, timed exclusive betas, and timed exclusive games. I'm getting tired of all this and wish they would stop with it.
Sony showed Project Morpheus, and didn't really do anything with it. At Microsoft's conference, the VR technology was actually put to good use. Even if it's not for everybody, they at least showed the cool stuff that could be done with it and how it will change gaming. Even if you don't like Minecraft, the stuff they showed with that was impressive.
That's not to say it was a bad conference. The Uncharted 4 demo looked amazing. Street Fighter V looked great. So did Star Wars Battlefront. I think Sony really did a good job ending their conference on a high note. Horizon: Zero Dawn looked great as well, I'll definitely be checking that game out. I'm not sure how I feel about Dreams, for now I'll just wait for more information.
Overall there was some great stuff, but there was a lot holding it back from being "the greatest E3 conference of all time". With Microsoft's VR, backwards compatibility, their new innovative controller, and all their exclusives, I feel they are trying to say "this is why you should buy an Xbox One, and this is how we're changing gaming." Sony, on the other hand, didn't give much of a reason to buy a PS4 until next year, and seemed to focus on generating hype now that the PS4 has been out for over a year and its hype had died down.
And I really hate to be so negative, I don't want to hate on Sony. I'm really interested in their games and what they have to offer. I love the PlayStation brand. I just don't think their conference was as great as everyone is making it out to be. But hey, it's just my opinion.
It was their best E3 in recent years, slightly ahead of the others in terms of megatons, partnerships, pacing and reveals etc etc...
Now they just have to keep topping it.
I'd rather they use the conference to blow our socks off and let us know they are listening to what we want. They did that, so I'm happy.
Yup they had the best conference! For next years games!
Some weren't exclusive and the titles that were had really brief showings. TLG was uhm, something. UC4 looked really nice. PSVue was there. FF7 remake shook the house but with no release date good luck. Horizon looked great too. Definitely Sony's best conference in a good while but of all time? not really
That was freaking awesome! Great time to be a gamer and if you can't appreciate that, take up knitting!
@freaksloan Basically the same for me, minus a Vita as well. At this point, I'm not getting another Sony console without Kingdom Hearts on it, and it looks like XB1 may take me for 3 if Sony doesn't reciprocate some backwards compatibility. I really want to get into Uncharted, but I spent too much break time playing Monster Hunter... I'll get there eventually.
All I'll say is that I can't say this is the best E3 press conference of all time just yet, but at the moment, it sure feels that way to me. I only started watching E3 consistently 5 years ago, and there are 2-3 conferences from Sony and Nintendo in particular that have been memorable highlights for me over that time period. This is sure to be one of them! And here's the thing...I'm not ecstatic for a Final Fantasy VII remake or Shenmue III (I've never played Shenmue), but simply knowing that people have been clamoring for these games for years, and to see them pop up at E3, alongside The Last Guardian? I was simply excited for the people who will finally get to play these games!
I see some xbots fan on. PlayStation Won, Sony is Master at hard core gaming.
Right I'm going to punch some holes in some of these negative comments, I'm sure they just came here to troll in which case you should take a long look at yourself. Right first off "Sony has no games for 2015" oh really? Well looking at my wish list I have God of War 3: Remastered, Until Dawn, Tearaway Unfolded, Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, Persona 5 and Heavy Rain/Beyond Two Souls. Seems pretty hefty to me. "Oh but they won't sell PS4s" maybe true but considering that Sony have marketing for Batman,MGSV, COD, AC and Star Wars I don't think Sony will be having sleepless nights because those are what sell systems these days. We need to remember that we live in a bubble of core gamers, people who only buy a few games a year are going to buy COD, Star Wars etc because they go with what they know. Out simply exclusives don't sell systems like they used to, the world's changed. Next "Microsoft has backwards compatibility" a nice feature no doubt but too late for most territories, this would have had more of an impact if it was day one for the system instead of their always online and DRM nonsense. Let's also not forget that this BC has to be enabled by publishers and a lot of them won't be interested in giving away there games for free. Microsoft's conference was more for the American audience because it's the only region where it has any kind of footing, everywhere else it's been a massacre in Sony's favour. "Microsoft has better exclusives" well first off that's subjective so it's rather pointless but considering that both Halo 5 and Tomb Raider are releasing pretty close to the CODs, Star Wars, AC and Fallout 4, they will do well to get big enough sales off them. I mean right now Tomb Raider is dead on arrival since it comes out the same day as Fallout and a week before Battlefront. "" Sony's exclusives are only timed" depends on how you look at it. If we go by just console exclusivity because Sony don't see PC as competition (there a means to an end) then Sony are doing well. I will put good money on No Man's Sky and Final Fantasy never coming to Xbox because if Sony have had any hand in getting these games getting made then there's no way they will allow those to go on that company's box. As for Shenmue? I'm pretty sure this kickstarter is actually seeing how much people want it, once the funding is done I expect the publishers to talk because considered Shenmue 2 cost $70m to make I expect at least half of that would be needed for 3 to get it up to speck with it's predecessors. Put simply Microsoft delivered a conference for now (a good one at that) but they are getting desperate, Sony delivered a conference that spoke to those that want the best 3rd party console experience, they spoke to those that wanted to know the exclusives coming down the line and they spoke to the die hard PlayStation fans with The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy VII.
Most of what you said sums up how I felt after watching the two sessions. I have a ps4 but if I didn't I'd be considering getting the xbone right now.
Since the ps4, xbone and pcs now have similar architectures the only way Sony can get exclusivity is by seriously bank rolling of Dev houses. And the impression I get is Sony is being way more conservative with their spending than ms (probably since the Sony group have been struggling with the exception of ps4 sales).
I know I'm in the minority and I'm not trying to spread negativity - just saying how I feel.
Idk about greatest ever but probably best of the show.
I really liked the conference. It was the best of this year for sure. I didn't really watch any E3 conferences before (always get my news on the web), so I can't say it was the best of all time.
For me the highlight was definetely the announcement of FF VII remake, specially since it's only a timed exclusive.
But, even though I never played Shenmue and Team Ico's games I'm really glad that The Last Guardian was shown and that Shenmue 3 is happening. I may not want to buy a PS4 right now, but the conference delivered big.
@get2sammyb Just out of curiosity, since my internet is slow from living in the boonies, how much of a price did they announce for Project Morpheous??? US dollars that is.
Fallout 4 made Bethesdas show my favourite of all time
@Gamer83. Sorry about my fallout some weeks ago.. I admit i was a total *ss
Finally got round to watching the Microsoft conference yesterday. Genuinely baffled by those who thought it was better than Sony's. I mean, unless you love Halo / GoW so much it blinds you to everything else of course. And, having loved all of the first three GoW games, I thought the fourth looked a bit disappointing. Didn't seem to have the same feel as the others - seemed a lot more like the usual 1st person shooters.
I think the reaction to this press conference has more of a generational element to it than anything. I feel like a lot of younger gamers don't necessarily have the experiences necessary to understand WHY a person would burst into tears following the announcement of a FF VII remake, or Shenmue 3, for that matter.
No problem. It is what it is, I get increasingly frustrated sometimes, not just with Sony but all game companies in general and it makes me angry and can sometimes come through in my comments and I go overboard. I'm trying to tone it down.
You guys are all stupid, we all know Ouya had the best conference
Well,imho i'm just not that excited by any of sony's offerings this year..Does that make me a bad person? Sorry for having a different taste in games to most of you guys i guess...Doom,Dishonored 2,new Deus Ex,Fallout 4 and Soma is nerdgasm territory as far as i'm concerned,is that weird? Horses for courses i spose..My point is not everyone is a fanboy
or a troll.
Lets get too brass tax here. Both had great conferences IMO. Microsoft continues the turn around and fan service which I appreciate. Sony had heavy hitter throw back fan service as well. As for the exclusive 2015 argument, it really depends on the franchises you love. If you're all in on Halo or Forza then sure I'd expect you to flaunt you're excitment. For me, sure Im a little let down by the dearth of exclusives this year that my inner fanboy cant shout from the top of a mountain about. But lets look at this years November. Im 100%in on Fallout (same release date as Tomb Raider which wull come to Sony anyway), I enjoy CoD and Assassins Creed each year (ok maybe except AC3) and I'm salivating over Battlefront. Thing is 3 of those 4 have "exclusive" deals with Sony and that is the platfrom Ill play them on. As a casual fan sure Im excited to pick up Halo as well, but a majority of my time during holiday 2015 will be on the PS4. And that is exactly Sony's play for THIS year and why I think their conference was one of their best because it emphasied that while showing off awesome xclusives to come.
Side note, hololens demo was intriguing to say the least, but Im left wondering what the end game plan is since they have deals with Oculus and Valve as well (which probably just benefits Windows 10 more so than the Xboxone.
It was very good but not the greatest E3 conference of all time. You know why? The PS Vita. Sony completely neglected their portable console because they have been focusing on PS4. I understand the PS4 is having a great success but come on!
If they make Final Fantasy VII a wholly exclusive to the PS4 and Shenmue 3 (which isnt all dat hard since Shenmue 3 only need an easy 3 mills) Then I would absolutely agree with ya!
Still, this was a very amazing Sony e3 nonetheless, especially dat Horizon Zero Dawn which imho were very underrated since everybody were like talking about Final Fantasy, THE LAST GUARDIAN !!!! and Star War Battlefront instead XDDD!
Microsoft did an amazing job as well, especially dat Hololens. truly, innovative as it finest . But sorry Microsoft, Sony stole the show for me !!
This is your second warning to please watch the language -Tasuki-
Stick all the PS4 announcements from all the shows last year(2015) and it has been an AMAZING year for PS4 game announcements which will = an AMAZING PS4 Future of brilliant games incoming
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