There were a couple of key themes during Microsoft's big E3 2015 media briefing today: a refocused emphasis on games under the leadership of Phil Spencer; an obsession with this holiday season's exclusives; and, perhaps most importantly, a desire to offer something fresh but familiar for the Xbox faithful.
The company has shed a huge portion of its fanbase to the PlayStation 4, and everyone at Redmond knows it. That's why moves such as backward compatibility for the Xbox One are key; Sony won't ever be able to emulate the PlayStation 3's complex architecture on its own console – and with the potentially lucrative PlayStation Now in its stable, we doubt that it cares to. But with millions of Xbox 360 owners around the world unsure of which system to select, backward compatibility will offer a welcome nudge.
Sony has been attracting loyal Xbox customers for years now, but it will now have to work for their dollars again
Spencer and his team talked about a lot of games, but the ones that will be discussed intricately on message boards later today will be the big three: Halo 5, Forza Motorsport 6, and Gears 4. A cynical editor could argue that the Xbox maker is once again playing it safe, but this seems to tally with its strategy: it's rolling out recognisable brands that Xbox fans are accustomed to and expect.
Not that the conference lacked original ideas: a new game from Keiji Inafune and Armature was undoubtedly a surprise, even if its CG reveal probably indicates that it's not far into development. Meanwhile, the likes of Rare were present and unshackled from Kinect – a sign that Microsoft's done with the gimmicky days of yore. Well, Hololens aside.
It was a quality showing: well paced, as is always the case with Microsoft – and a return to the standard expected from the organisation prior to the Xbox One's stumbling start. But in some ways it felt like an apology for the past few years; a reminder that that the Redmond firm does still care about games for the gamers, and that its latest box is a legitimate alternative to the PS4.
At the heart of it, though, this was a show to get Xbox fans excited about Xbox again – and that's exactly what it needed to be. Sony has been attracting loyal Microsoft customers to its console for a couple of years now, but it now finds itself in a position where it will have to work for their dollars again. Without any true megaton software reveals, the Japanese giant still has an opportunity to steal its competitor's thunder this evening. It'll need to bring the big guns, though – and not wave after wave of Project Morpheus demos.
What did you think of the Microsoft press conference? Do you think that Sony can top it? Let us know in the comments section below.
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Comments 70
I really hope Sony will do something like the all games free trial!
As for backwards compatibility, Sony should do it and add the digital games too, but I dont think they will do it.
I will admit that backwards compatibility announcement was huge. Since I owned a 360 last gen this is welcome news. I will say that by years end I will have an Xbox One sitting next to my PS4.
@Melucine I don't think Sony can do a non digital backwards compatibility. Only thing they can do is maybe offer PSNOW for free for plus members or something like that.
@Tasuki You're exactly the type of customer they were targeting, I think. You've gone from 360 to PS4, and they're really trying to entice you back. That's what this whole presentation was about - and I think it was very successful in that regard.
If Sony insists on Morpheus, Microsoft will bring Sony to the knees, unfortunately, I wish to the future of my PS4 more games exclusives of quality like Bloodborne.
Backward compatibility would be amazing for me as not interested in or sold on the idea of psnow. I'd even take ps1 and 2 backward compatibility as I still have my ps2 set up.
From what I saw, it was great. The new GoW looked terribly generic and dull, though. The Minecraft bit was great, although it's not for me. Backwards compatibility is a great win.
I've never said no to a XB1, and I don't need too may more reasons to get one Good show!
Since PS Now is essentially a remote VM. Why can't Sony make a local PS3 VM that we can run our old PS3 games? PS4 should have plenty of hardware to run it.
great show but they didn't really have a megaton annoucnement imo
@get2sammyb I agree plus it's aimed towards people on the fence on getting an Xbox One or a PS4 like a friend of mine.
Well played MS, we'll played.
I'd be even more appauled if this was announced, I'd be angry they could do backwards compatibility physically, and still opt to hold it out until they began to struggle.
I couldn't care less about backwards compatibility. I have over 20 consoles in my games room, if I want to play the 360, I'll just pop the disc in to my 360.
It was a very good showcase, and it's about time they showed the fans that they still care. Being backed in to a corner brings out the best in something. I have an Xbox One already, and it's nice to see a few new exclusives to play. Though, a lot of them are coming out on the PC, which I'm heading towards making my main system as soon as my graphics card arrives, so it doesn't matter too much to me.
As for Sony's conference? I'm not getting my hopes up. Destiny and Morpheus? I may as well not even bother watching it. I'd rather see what EA are doing.
BC limited to specific 360 games, not the whole library.
I actually thought MS's briefing was great I have an XB1 as well as a PS4 (I also have my 360 and PS3 too) so the Backwards compatibility isn't that big a deal in essence - but having the option to play MP with all 360 owners on my XB1 is cool. Its good though as I have my 360/PS3 in my bedroom so they rarely get used. I was seriously considering a Scuff so that new controller could be a great option.
Of the big 3, as you call them, Halo didn't impress. Certainly seems to have lost something over the years and certainly since 343 took over development.I think is difficult to do a lot with something like Forza but at least its bigger (or seems bigger - more cars, more tracks) than 5 and has day/night and weather for the first time - still 1080/60 too. Gears is in a difficult place as Epic are no longer at the controls. Rares old classics in one pack was a biggie and of course Rise of the Tomb Raider too. There was also the Fallout 3 free with Fallout 4 (not necessarily a bonus if you already have 3 with Backwards compatibility) but the Mods could be interesting.
The point is though that MS had to pull something out of the hat. Its falling behind in sales (although still selling better than the 360 did by this point) and had to do something. It had to do something positive and overall the briefing delivered.
To a degree Sony don't need to surpass MS's briefing and can even have a 'disappointing' by comparison briefing with the sales they have and line up - a few safe titles in their's too Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank....
I never owned a Xbox 360, so it was pretty exciting for me, along with that Rare collection.
I'm really curious to see Sony's response. I really hope they don't spend a lot of time with Project Morpheus...
I will admit though I liked the way MS sounded 2 years ago at E3, then Sony had their presentation after MS and Jack fired right back and Sony won that E3, so I am not that worried. In fact I am kinda of excited to see what Sony does now.
i hope backwards compatibly will come to ps4 and I hope the fallout 4 mods will work on ps4
@BLPs be fair though, wii u is only generation 7.5, nintendo havent arrived at generation 8 really
Funny almost no one cared about BC before today. Its been a year and a half and we haven't needed it.
The Elite controller was the star of the show for me. Those rear paddles alone make it extremely appealing. I know the functionality has been around since the last generation with mods and third party controllers, but to offer it first party is big news...
I still feel like my biggest concern with Xbox One wasn't addressed... the games. Sure, adding select titles from the previous gen will really help the library... but the exclusives just don't appeal to me... other than Forza.. but that's still massively behind Gran Turismo for my taste.
Sony needs to bring the games and not spend a lot of time on Morpheus. It's about time we see what the hell some of Sony's studios are working on, and hopefully they bring Tom Howard out and say mods will come to the PS4 version of Fallout 4 as well. The mod part isn't that important I guess, haha, but the first party studios part is vitally important I feel.
"and not wave after wave of Project Morpheus demos."
I voted maybe, but if I were a betting man I'd say MS beats Sony.
Nintendo wins though, that's a given.
@Mrskinner Well if you ignore the actual definition of what generation means, then sure...
And still nintendo seem to have the best games :/
I have all 3 consoles plus a gaming pc so all news is potentially good news
Looking forward to some 360 games as I never owed one.
But it will balls up remastered games for Xbox possibly.
Gears4 looks great as does tomb raider.
But the games I want to see are all third party anyway. (Kingdom hearts!!)
But I will admit either way ps4 is my favourite!!!
Why exactly can't Sony emulate the ps3 architecture and bring backwards compatibility?
Backwards compatibility is a minor convenience, not an amazing thing. If you have Xbox 360 games, you have an Xbox 360. If you have an Xbox 360, you can play those games. The only thing you're gaining is an extra plug socket.
I also wonder how many people will be in the position I'm in now: I had an Xbox 360 last gen, had quite a few games for it but sold them all when I decided to get a PS4 rather than an Xbone. Not that still having them would make me want an Xbone, those games were pretty much all either on PC or PS3 anyway.
Sony could absolutely do the exact same form of BC as MS is doing, and other than first party titles, all it requires is licensing and tweaking the PC versions of games.
@BLPs hey, whatever you say. I only ever see you bash sony on here anyway
@BLPs But that's the thing, the Wii U is basically a PS3 or 360 that was released about 9 years too late. Most games come out on PC and/or Xbone and/or PS4 and completely ignore the Wii U because it's too underpowered. That leads to it having a tiny install base, smaller than the Dreamcast had, so it doesn't even get the current gen ports that the 360 and PS3 continue to receive. It has less support than those two consoles, consoles that have been superceded as of almost 2 years ago.
@AliceScott well, you know what i mean haha and yeah cant argue with the games part. Some really good games on the console. Just seems to be more and more sony bashing on here when i come to the site to see what is good with the console, not have every shred of it ripped apart. Just winds me up at times haha
To be honest, BC actually made me more interested in X1. I already have a PS3 and I missed on Gears, so I don't even need remasters to experience those games, as Sony wants us to do with GoW, Uncharted, or paying via PS Now.
For me Sony will have to do something huge today. So I hope that Shenmue 3 rumour ends up being true.
@Matroska said it better than i ever could have.
It is quite good the backwards compatibilty. But iv still got my 360 here next to my ps4 so its not that much of an incentive to go back
Backwards compatibility is not really a big deal, you can pick up old consoles cheap enough these days. The Fallout 4 news was pretty good and I hope we get similar treatment on ps4 though unlikely. Also Microsoft stealing a march on exclusives and partnerships, Sony look to have their work cut out which ultimately means we the gamers are the winners
Make it backwards compatible to play Sega Dreamcast games. One way or another we need to get our Shenmue fix.
@Mrskinner Let's not confuse one's opinion as bashing. Just cause some doesn't like the same thing as you doesn't mean they are bashing when they speak their opinion. It's all in the delivery.
...Gears 4, Halo 5, Forza Motorsport 6, Same'old'Same'old'Stuff 7, BORING Microsoft Again 8...
Hmm was that it MS? All people are talking about at the moment after the MS show is B/C. It should be about 'FUTURE' Xbox ONE Exclusive Games the Hype(+ so far 'STILL'?! this year no 'AAA' New Games for the Xbox ONE which is just Sad really)
Microsoft's backwards compatibility really blew me away, might have to get another xb1
Backwards compatibility isn't just about playng old games on my XB1 but according to MS, those MP games will be playable over live with XB360 owners. That means things like Black Ops on XB1 with lobbies composed of 360 and XB1owners....
I have a Wii U, PS3 and Xbox 360. I am a Nintendo guy first and foremost and I thought I would never ever buy another Xbox. I own every Sony gaming device.
But with B/C, Windows 10 and EA Access - I think I will be buying a Xbone over a PS4. The only PS4 exclusive I care about is Gran Turismo. Playstation Now is a sick joke that I want no part of.
Hololens is a fad but Morpheus isn't?
I do already have my PS3 as well as a PS4 so I'm good. I even have a region free PS2, but if you could emulate region free PS1 and PS2 games on the PS4 I'd put it away. And I think they'd be able to do that. There's no way I'm re buying my 100+ PS2 game collection anyways. I'm not stoopid. lol
Xbox hasn't got a single game I want. On any of the 3 consoles. So no buy for me. Sorry Mic. I do have every single Nintendo console tho, except for the Virtual Boy because who wants that turd. I also own most of the Sega ones. I liked those. Dream Cast and Saturn games on PSN anyone? That'd be cool.
My confidence in Sony is at an all-time low, despite how well the PS4 has sold to this point, so I'm not going to give it the benefit of the doubt and say it will better MS' show. That said, as somebody who was very hyped for MS' show because I thought MS was aware is had to blow people away, I was very disappointed, and the door is open for Sony. Halo 5 looks cool, Rise of the Tomb Raider looks cool. But we knew about them and while they will move X1s, how long with the momentum be sustainable? It may help a bit in North America but I'm starting to think this generation it will definitely not be the run away on this continent that it was last gen and if that's the case Sony is sitting pretty because it seems like it has a stranglehold on Europe. The downside is, this means Sony can continue to slack off on the first party front. The best announcement at MS' show may have been backwards compatibility, when you're running in second place by a fairly big margin, that's a problem, because while it's nice to have that feature back it is not a momentum changer.
We'll see what happens. So far, Besthesda still had the best show from what I've seen, and since I'm not really into Nintendo games anymore outside of the Mario platformers and Zelda, I really don't see anything changing that unless Sony was holding back on some big surprises.
I'm concerned about the focus on Morpheus too. If Sony wanted to go VR, it should've been there day one, in fact maybe Morpheus is what the PS5 should've been. Now you may split the userbase and we're talking about a company here that is hurting financially. I'd rather see it spend what little money it has on first party development of PS4 games that do not require a headset.
@Tasuki sorry if my opinion has offended but my opinion is the delivery is awful then and every comment seems to put Sony down.
@Gamer83 i just really hope sony dont spend too long trying to demo morpheus. I think that could be suicide. But im with you i do not hold high hopes.
Sony has a chance to amaze tonight. The key? Spend 1/4 or less on Morpheus and let your games do the talking. Vr will absolutely ruin the conference if used improperly.
Morpheus is a lot like 3DS when Nintendo was trying to demo that. You can have some cool games, but just seeing people use it won't do much. Gamers will need to experience it for themselves to actually 'get it.' I'm interested to see how Sony will handle that part of its show. There's always something that drags down the pace, whether it's sales talk or tv nonsense. This year it could be Morpheus. Or everything goes off well. We'll see in a few hours.
For some people around here Nintendo never does any wrong so of course it will win. Will the majority who don't visit websites give a damn though? So far the answer to this point has been a resounding no. Of course, I'm always interested in what Nintendo does and I'm hoping we get just a little bit of a tease of what NX is.
What's the point of backward compatibility so late in the day. ps3 and 360 games are already dated. And there are more than enough XB1 and PS4 games to keep everyone happy. Backward compatibility is all but redundant
As ex Microsoft fan, and as someone who owned a Xbox one and sold it, all Sony had to do is come out and say "where Sony" and they win over Microsoft lol seriously, Microsoft has gone to junk since the Xbox one release! ! The console is horrible, and there are no original games being made at all, just another halo, yet another forza, And some stupid gears remake no one asked for! I'm a huge Nintendo fan and love my Wii U, but when I start wanting more of the higher graphical games, I'm definitely going ps4, cause sony has great third party AND great first party that Microsoft can't even compete with.
Please watch the language -Tasuki-
@hYdeks "Where Sony"? I'd hope they know where they are..
Can't speak for anyone else but I'm glad backwards compatibility was announced because now I can sell off my 360. Sure I won't get a ton for it, but the way I see it, some money is better than nothing if I can put it towards an Xbox One game I want. It means one less system in the entertainment center and I can still keep the games I've bought. I agree, it's not something that should win a console and it's actually a feature that should be so basic it's there from day one. But Sony and MS are companies run by people with heads so far up their own butts they don't make simple decisions until they absolutely have to and then act like it's some sort of a triumph. Part of the problem is also dumb fanboys who let these companies get away with stupid decision making.
Language -Tasuki-
I was for once very impressed with the XBOX presentation, I still have no desire to ever buy one though, but what mostly impressed me was the new controller they released and i'm hoping that Sony can do something similar because they definitely dropped the ball with the DualShock 4, only in regards to the thumb grips that wear away and rip off after a few months, I still find it hard to believe that they wouldn't have been aware of this problem prior to release, it would've been tested for months.
@Gamer83 Good point. spare cash for games, space under the TV. Basic feature though? Not so sure. Tech and quality develops so fast - and our expectations keep pace - so we want better framerates, bigger environments, more detail etc. I bought my ps3 on day one and replaced it with the same compatibility model when it crashed. But now the PS4 is my console of choice because it delivers more on all levels. I guess it comes down to what people want - and in that regard the XB1 does offer a little more. I suspect Sony will react by putting all their old games into the stream.
@Gamer83 - No NX. Splatoon is getting some press and some sales, Animal Crossing may be coming w/ amiibo support (if they can make enough) to maybe draw in some casuals who loved WiiChat in Animal Crossing on their Wii. StarFox should be out w/in the next year, Zelda U w/in the next 18 months. Now is not the time to blink, now is the time to drop the price to $249 and offer a budget line of games for $30 including Lego City Undercover, NSMBU, W101 and Pikmin 3.
Next year will be good. Even if Zelda U doesn't come out until after that the Zelda fans will be too jazzed not to get it by that point.
Unless NX is the new 3DS, but that doesn't make any sense as the "New 3DSXL" just came out, and the US hasn't gotten either a smaller new 3DS or new 2DS yet.
And if NX replaces both - a Wii U w/ the 3DS innards in the Gamepad - next year would be perfect to end both new 3DS and Wii U.
Considering how poorly MS show was received today Wii U could still actually be in a battle for 2nd if Ninteod made the effort and just tried.
I almost thought only xbox would get Fallout mods but it will come to PS4 down the line I just want that Rare collection and HOLOLENS AND MINECRAFT holy crap I want that so bad!
Can't disagree with that either. MS should be ok in North America but it didn't do anything that's going to turn this around. Considering what it had to show and what it did show. That was a pretty big failure. Wii U at $250 with some of the stuff is has coming, yeah, I wouldn't rule out second place. I'm still waiting for NX before I consider jumping back on the Nintendo home console bandwagon, that's why I want to see it sooner rather than later.
Sony has to react in some way. Not sure it'll happen tonight though.
@nathanSF The problem with Sony putting all their games on PSNOW is that it will cost people money to rent them, unless they do something like give PS+ members free PSNOW accounts.
@Gamer83 -"I'm still waiting for NX before I consider jumping back on the Nintendo hom console bandwagon, that's why I want to see it sooner rather than later."
I hear yeah. And I still need to justify my $350 Wii U purchase so I need NX to wait just 1 more year.
I don't need to be buying a new console right away so I can wait also. I was just saying I'd like to see Nintendo put a little info out there, not a ton, but enough to get some people like me who have kind of jumped off the bandwagon, back on.
@Gamer83 - I'd just like to see a little bit of info about Starfox. They announced it at last E3, NoA tweeted a calendar saying it would launch this year, and they were on an awards show saying "it would release before Zelda". Meanwhile, I haven't seen so much as a screenshot. It's this huge Starfox franchise, they've been working on the game for over a year, it's supposed to release in the next few months, but they haven't released as much as a screenshot. How does that work? (Not yelling at you, it's a long running beef I have w/ Ninteod about not giving release dates.)
Meanwhile, Zelda is another of their biggest franchises, and they say they aren't showing that, and we've seen so little. What gives? It's OK to show games not releasing this year, Bethseda spent 20 minutes on DOOM and they stated up front spring 2016.
Guess I'd rather they spend time promoting upcoming games than far off hardware.
Oh well, time to go watch Sony and 3 hours of Morpheous demos.
Microsoft had a good showing but there wasn't any real "Megatons" BC is cool but it's a feature that would have had more impact when the console launched. Mods for Fallout 4 is again cool but it's coming to PS4 as well. I feel like this was a show for those that have already got the system now.
Xbox box must be worrying themselves now. Bet they thought they won with the backwards compatibility. Then playstation walked out laughed and said "aye ok" play your old games. In the mean time we have new games to play!
MS had some heavy hitters it held back on. And I can't blame them, I don't think many people, even the hardest of the hardcore Sony fan expected the Sony presser to be as good as it was. If Quantum Break, Crackdown and Scalebound were all present, it could've very well tipped the scales because Halo 5, Tomb Raider and Gears 4 were all impressive.
Xbox One win over PS4 because it can play Xbox360 games.. Welcome to the NEXTGEN... ('_')/
@BloodyBill I'm guessing you missed the part where Phil said "your entire Xbox 360 game collection natively".
It means every game 360 ever had.
For me the Sony press conference, contrary to what PushSquare said in their own review, was a little underwhelming.
People are complaining that MS presented mostly remakes and point out bad that is, then behold, the first words out of their textual mouths is PS4 remakes (FF7, Black Ops 3, Uncharted 4, etc). Uncharted 4 Black Ops3 is only a timed exclusive, and looks very last gen for a next-gen game.
For me, its too little too late. MS has had way more exclusives for years, and I really don't care about everything looking insanely amazing when those wasted resources could go in to making the gameplay better.
No man's sky looks amazing, but its taking so long to finish that other games are catching up to it FAST. If you're not on the PC scene, check out Empyrion and Space Engineers. Both are aiming for the exact same type of game (SE was started long before NMS). SE is coming to Xbox early next year. Empyrion may come out to all consoles, since its built on Unity engine.
Sadly, I'm stuck with a PS4 and very few exclusives to play. The rest I can get on PC/steam much cheaper anyway, and quite often, better graphics than either console as an added bonus. Before anyone plays the "but PC costs more to build" card, that may have been true a decade ago. But over the last 10 year, building a PC that matches console performance (and quite often beats it) is generally cheaper than either console if you build them yourself, and have a much longer shelf life. I bought a AMD HD4850 back in 2009 for example, it still players all of the modern games I throw at it like BF4, Ark: Survival evolved (insane graphics on this), SE, Project Spark, FF XIV online (MMO FF game), just off the top of my head.
@SwiftScot it means you're wrong. it will be limited to specific titles.
@PMasterTy9 the PS4 doesn't even have a fraction of the hardware needed to emulate/virtualize the PS3. Remember that VM is a container for a machine that gets emulated. It still requires full emulation of the underlying hardware and all that comes with that. It's not some magical wrapper that let's one machine run another without serious horsepower.
@Gamer83 I hope it's not like that, because the 3D on the 3DS is a feature that is not required, often doesn't work well (makes most of my games look like garbage, like Xenoblade) can't be seen by a large percentage of the population, and causes headaches in quite a few others. When it does work, it looks amazing, but of all the games I have played on my 3DS, only one has had decent 3D. Not to mention the fact that moving the 3DS causes the 3D to go all wonky (and I have a New 3DS with supposedly super stable 3d, I can't imagine how bad it is on a normal 3ds...) so I sure hope Sony VR offering doesn't end up as a feature that is interesting when it works right but completely forgettable and optional.
Edit: It sounds like I am bashing the 3DS, but I don't intend it that way. When the 3D works on a 3DS game, it is really cool, but that happens so rarely that I don't even bother turning it on anymore.
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