Sony has no plans to add backward compatibility to the PlayStation 4, as it doesn't believe that the feature is particularly greatly used. Speaking with MCV at E3 2015, SCEE gaffer Jim Ryan explained that the Japanese giant has opted to invest its resources into other areas of its console – even though it admits that the Xbox One's latest addition will help encourage Xbox 360 owners to upgrade.
"It was quite a complicated announcement and I'm not sure that I fully understand it yet," he said of Microsoft's reveal. "And I suspect that there might be a few twists in that particular tale. But we will see. It is an entirely legitimate approach, and if you are seeking to upgrade Xbox 360 owners to Xbox One, it is a very logical approach to take."
He continued: "We are just taking a different path. To the extent that you are investing in software technology – which is what this is, it's delivered through software not through hardware – we are trying to commit our resources and put our emphasis on delivering on the promises that we made right at the start of this whole PS4 thing, to be the forward-looking, socially-connected console. We are placing our bets on things like Share Play, on things like Play As You Download, and things like Suspend/Resume."
Ryan added that while backward compatibility is an oft requested feature, it doesn't always get used that frequently. "We have experience of backward compatibility," he concluded. "The earliest PlayStation 3 model was backward compatible with PlayStation 2, and it is a much requested feature – but actually it's not so greatly used. On balance, we are happy with our approach, and we don't wish to be defensive about it at all."
A cynic would argue that if backward compatibility got added to the PS4, Sony would lose a bit of its revenue stream from remasters and PlayStation Now. The true reality, however, is that the CELL architecture employed in the PS3 is an absolute nightmare to emulate, so this is something that you're probably never going to see.
Comments 87
Sony should have just kept their mouth shout about this, now they sound sour... However I think they are right that there will be twists
@DualWielding They're also right that it isn't that greatly used, too. The thing that they're ignoring is that it's better to have the feature that not have it.
Alas, they just don't want to say it's 'impossible' - I'd be shocked if they didn't toy with the idea at some point during the PS4's production.
Yeah I get the feeling people like knowing the backwards compatibility feature is there but hardly use it, me included.
If I want to play my 360/PS3 games then I'll play them on my 360/PS3 which leads me to my confusion over MS's idea... If they are trying to get 360 owners to upgrade to Xbone, then they don't really need to do it (for that reason) as they are already a 360 owner!
Personally I agree with Jim Ryan above, I'm invested in the new-gen for the new games and features. I don't care for last-gen anymore, I want the new, not the old!
Xbox need it because their next gen games struggle to make as good fps as ps4 does and ps4 is killing it in sales it's a pointless feature
I would only use it for Skyrim personally. It's not something I yearn for, so I'll be fine if we never get backwards compatibility. The feature we desperately need though is external hard drive support for game installs and play. If Microsoft can do it with Xbox One, then Sony can do it for PS4. That or they need to work with Travelstar on a custom 2TB internal drive for PS4 that can run at 7200RPM. With so many of the newer games coming out having tons of replayability, we desperately need external storage or a specialized internal we can install to our systems.
I've still got my ps3 and never use it, too many good games on PS4 so why go back. Absolutely zero interest in backwards compatibility and for all those who are bothered just buy an old console
In all honesty, when Microsoft announced this I felt like they'd really hit it out of the park. I personally have a a massive 360 backlog and being able to consolidate on one console is quite attractive. Plus the space around my TV is super cluttered and getting rid of my clunky old white 360 would be a bonus too. It remains to be seen how it will be implemented but it was a nice surprise and very welcome... If I'm being harsh it say it kind of negates the expensive PS Now service.
Of course the thing is the fact that this was my highlight (along with the Rare collection, and Cuphead, bizarrely) just shows that Microsoft were looking back as much as they were forward. In terms of the big games, Sony were stand out winners.
I still play all PS games from 1 to 4. I wanna have the option keeping it all in one place.
@carlos82 How many devices do you actually think a person can reasonably hook up to a TV?
I could comfortably connect 3 through hdmi but I have my ps3 in the bedroom and ps4 in the living room. Many people own multiple consoles with no issues and I still don't see why so many want a new games console to play old games
Just buy a splitter for whatever input you need
@Riririn with you and totally agree.
@get2sammyb where's the stats on who does or does not use backwards compatibility? I would 1-0 so far.
Wait a second. It's not greatly used? It's used enough that they invested billions of dollars just to stream backwards compatibility and charge for it. And most people hate playing streaming games. And even despite THAT they deemed it a worthwhile investment.
If there's enough interest you can create a business around streaming it, I can't help but find their statement extremely ironic.
Problem- 3 HDMI inputs on TV. Even running cable box through Xbox One, that's still one for Xbox One, one for Wii U, and one for PS4. I don't see how spending an additional $250 and reaching behind the TV to pull out and swap cables every time you want to play is a legitimate answer. I mean sure, if you're absolutely desperate. But why do all that when you can just own a console that's backwards compatible?
Completely agree with you. If they want people to pay to RENT old games with PS Now, then backwards compatibily must be something a lot of people use and Sony is aware of that...
Also, the lack of backwards compatibiliy open the path for PS3 users to upgrade to Xbox One instead of PS4 as there is no real advantage to brand loyality, since even the remasters aren't discounted for people whom already bought them on the Plyastation Sotre.
Stupid. Id play plenty of old games on PS4 if it could play them. I skipped PS3 but there are so many games i wanna play on it now. I don't wanna buy one but i guess i'll have to...
So it's not worth much, but then PlayStation Now is? Sounds BS to me. The real answer is "It's not possible," but I guess Sony's got too much pride to say that. Take that and the Vita being "a legacy console" behind their customers' backs, and there goes a potential customer.
When i had my 60GB PS3(it died in the end, YLOD) i only really played 'TimeSplitters 2' on it from my big PS2 Disc collection & 1 or 2 PS1 games. But it would be cool if the PS4 could play all my PS1/2&3 games but i have given up asking for B/C now + it's the fault of gamers online that the PS4 hasn't got full PS B/C i think because most bitched about the price of the PS3 & no way would SONY want to bring out a more expensive PS4, they would of got destroyed by the gaming press & so called fans(i.e the other side really) Oh well.
If ps now adopted a netflix model, and had unlimited access for a monthly fee, it would be a killer app on the ps4.
Sadly, it's so overpriced that it just hobbles itself right off the bat. As for share play, I've used it once. It's ok but I'm not sold on it being essential. Play as you download has never worked in my experience.
The only argument that stands up is the emulation being all but impossible. If they just came out and said it then fair enough.
@Johnnycide I totally agree with both of those points!
I think unlimited access for a "reasonable" monthly fee would be awesome and Netflix is the perfect example of reasonable.
I think emulating wouldn't be easy for them but they can do it, and with their resources, it'd probably be easier than we think.
I still think it's ridiculous that they haven't done it with the Vita and all the PSP far as a way for "previously purchased" PSP games to be played by being converted to digital content without repurchase, and a much cheaper price structure for the existing PSP digital content thats been out for a 100 years.
I think they'll add or toy around with the idea later on, but I don't see that they need it right now, with all of the re-releases coming out. Other than this, it was a thing that X-box needed to do to get more of a user base for the XONE, but it's still not every game, sort of like the 360 not adding every X-box game. In all honestly, if sony did it, they'd be known as coping their competitor...if sony doesn't do it, they'll be known as greedy or something else to have haters against them. No matter what, some people will complain about it, but I don't think Sony needs it.
I personally would love to have backwards compatibility as I was going to buy a PS3 however they announced ps4 so I waited and got that instead however there were a lot of great games on PS3 that I would love to play but there not on ps4. One thing I would like Sony to do though is allow you to use remote play with the ps vita but use the Dualshock 4 as it is rather hard to play with the vita controls. So if we could use it just as a screen that would be fantastic.
I read an article that said something about them making the PS4 backwards compatible with PS1 and PS2 games. I don't mind keeping my PS3 plugged up, but I'd love to be able to play older games on my PS4, like Persona 3 for instance. Making it PS3 compatible wouldn't make sense because they've pumped so much money into playstation now
I don't mind the lack of backwards compatibility. I have a PS3, I'll play on that. I have a PS2, and when it works good I'll play on that. I can use both to play my PS1 games. To me, it's not an issue this generation and I'd rather have the tech used for better purposes. I can see and understand why people would want it, but I don't see it as a big deal right now.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Having the PS4 backwards compatible isn't any kind of deal breaker, what is a deal breaker is "BS'ing" your customer base about it not being used that much after building a streaming service based on that very thing.
As far as them being a business and needing to make money, I'm afraid of generic statements like that, and Microsoft and the software companies found out from the masses, when used games were going to go the way of the dinosaur.
The point is there is still a morality to making that "company money" that people will and "will not" accept and lying to the public to make it ain't one of them. Again it's not the deal breaker, but lying is, as far as I'm concerned.
Why couldn't they just keep their big mouths shut, blooming heck Sony.
I don't blame them, better to move on and do new things, besides i've kept all 3 of my PS3s and all the games so I don't see how it would help me
@RicksReflection I totally agree with you.
@freaksloan you tell me
I use the backwards compatibility on my 3DS and Wii U quite a lot and I have also played many PS1 games on my PS3 and PSP games on my Vita so for me, backwards compatibility is something I use a lot.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Then why make "PlayStation Now", I don't buy the simple comment that they created it for "only" the people that "didn't" own a PS3 or previous consoles, I know you didn't say that "literally" but that's the only explanation that's left, that your touching on and that's insane, 380 million dollars insane. So if it's not solely for that, then they are BS'ing...plain and simple.
I love my PS4, but I still play a lot more on my PS3. I also use backwards compatibility a lot on Nintendo consoles
Say what you want, but Microsoft convinced me to buy a Xbox One with backwards compatibility and that elite controller. I'm still keeping PS4 as my primary console, but that's coming from someone who has never owned a Microsoft console.
I'd rather Sony spent the money on new IPs or helping fellow developers get their games onto PS4. Eg. shenmue 3! Final fantasy 7 remake. How about a new system shock remake for PS4 in shiny shiny 1080p/60fps.I've hardly touched my PS3 cos this gen's initial game library has blown me away. GTA5 (ps4 version blows muddy ps3 version outta water), same with Destiny, Metro, Last of Us, Borderlands collection, FIFA, etc. Bring HD versions of mass effect, Elders collection, half life & portal collection, shenmue 1 & 2, bioshock, rockstar collection, etc. I rarely used the ps3 backwards thing... no time to play older ganes with at least 6-12 blockbusters coming out each year. Scream backlog
Many people have time. Not everyone works 24/7 and have kids and stuff. Let those people play video games. lol PS1/PS2 should be easy to emulate, at least. And just having the ability is great. What if you never owned a PS1/PS2 but pick up a old game because it looks fun? Now you can play it! Or you could if Sony weren't such butts who only wanna make money on their new services.
@Riririn lol money makes the world go around. It would be reinvested into new IPs, new tech, and gives salary to current and new staff. Game designers, developers, admin, actors, musicians, social media writers, etc need to be paid somehow. Along with advertising, running servers, delivery costs, factory rents etc! Haha you get the drift ^_^ no money = no jobs or resources. no jobs or resources = staying still and dying.
To those who say "just keep your old console": I have a PS2, PS3, PS4. I don't know where I put my original PlayStation, but I had one. Technically my TV has enough input to plug them all in, and my wii as well. But not everyone wants to decorate their living room with electronics everywhere. Keeping both of them plugged in creates a mess in a common family room that isn't fair to others, not to mention all the controllers everywhere.... 4 consoles and a buckit of controllers goes along way if you are going for the "college dorm" look. As a gamer you can dismiss this, but as a married adult maybe not so much.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Lol that's my main choice of snack when I am gaming. Quick, easy and don't get the controllers all funky.
@bbq_boy I've already paid for my 100+ PS2 games I should be able to play them on my PS4 too it's not like I don't buy new games. I do, lots of new games. I love each and every one. =D
Can not agree more with you.
I would like the previous gen to be compatible with all current gen consoles from now until the end of time but let's face it that won't happen.
It's always nice to have the option to use backwards compatibility as opposed to not having it at all, but your right the people who were moaning about current gen not being backwards compatible are the same people who didn't raise an eyebrow when I told them it was happening on xbox one (and they are also xbox one and 360 owners obviously)
What happened to that awesome library of games you had for 360 that you were desperate to play on your xbox one bro?
Xbox owners aren't exactly known for being about retro games. Correct me if I'm wrong but I often see Xbox players talking about the graphics more than the actual games and gameplay. Ehum. But they are still getting it and that's nice for those who wanna get rid of their 360 and only play on their new console, Because let's agree the 360 was horribly built and the risk of them dying again is big. Xbox ONE should fix that issue.
Pointless, move on to the current generation, it's like me crying they won't put a record player on my I pod
I loved both Microsoft and Sony conferences and I will get both consoles eventually. However, that backwards compatibility is what is making me want a One first. I got a Wii U first because of that. Heck, if Nintendo's NX plays Wii U (and possibly 3DS games) and launches before Kingdom Hearts 3, I might get one of those before getting a PS4. Point is that BC is an important factor for me.
@SeahorseLegs Not really. That's like the newest Ipod not being able to play your old Ipod's music because Apple wants you to stream your old music with a subscription...
@Mega-Gazz I agree. I'm having problems just with a PS2, PS3, and Wii U. Xbox One and PS4 wouldn't fit at present, but replacing PS3 with a BC PS4 would be grand. That and I want to rest the PS2, but I don't want to have to rebuy my games on PS3 because it won't play PS2 games.
I'm surprised people think it's so easy for the Ps4 to emulate the Ps3. Let's not forget how long it took for Sony to create a Ps2 emulator in software to run those PSN Ps2 releases. The Xbox One BC is apparently only launching with support for about 20 games, which sounds like it's gonna be similar to Xbox 360's lacklustre effort. The amount of buggy titles due to the emulation & Microsoft pulling support for it after a couple of years means it hasn't wooed me like with others.
Playstation Now could be a much better option once pricing is sorted & Ps1/Ps2 titles are eventually added to the service. There's always the option of using the service on other devices too...
I play my PS3 a lot. If I could play them through the PS4, I would have upgraded long ago.
If the PS4 could play PS3 games I would have bought it at launch instead of a year or so later, my entertainment unit is full and I have no more hdmi ports.
I have no use for backwards compatibility since I keep all of my older consoles.
You never know when a big wave of nostalgia hits you and you'll want to replay a childhood classic.
Again my point isn't that Sony should make it backwards compatible (it would be nice though) my point is it's an insult to anyone's intelligence to make a statement that "it's often requested but not greatly used", yet the company has invested 380 million+ in backwards compatible streaming.
It would be hard to emulate (but not 380 million+ hard) the cell's processor & programming, but doable. Sony won't have that excuse next-gen with the PS5 to PS4 backwards compatibility. Both will be completely straight forward PC programming using OPEN GL. It'll be like buying a new spec'd up PC with a better graphics card, then just playing your old under spec'd games on it. No excuses there.
Nothing wrong with a pay for streaming service as long as it's fairly priced. There ain't nothing fairly priced "in my opinion" on PlayStation Now. In my opinion, "maybe" Sony's basing the "rarely used backwards compatibility" off of people " not using" their over priced service.
As far as all of us streaming our games in the future, I would hate to be in that "staring contest" between Sony and Microsoft, waiting to see who blinks first!
Ain't no way that's happening any time in the not to distant It does make me wonder who'll blink first though?
@RicksReflection Sony's basing the "rarely used backwards compatibility" off of people " not using" their over priced service.
That statement Is spot on. Looking at these comments its clear the majority of us want backwards compatibility.
Naaa keep your backwards compatability i'm glad Sony won't be wasteing time on this.
If it takes money and resources to create it, then why not charge money fornit. Say 20euro to install a emulator to allow backwards compatibility. Everyones happy that way right? Ps4 sales will boost as well
Going by these comments Sony needs to educate people on what PS Now is, because it has nothing to do with BC & more to do with the future.
I would rather new features in a console than BC, i still have my old consoles which i play from time to time but that doesn't warrant it to be under my TV. I guess i'm not one of the lazy ones, as i can take 5 seconds to change leads.
When i brought a fat ps3, it was because i wanted to play ps2 games. In the end i only ever played one ps2 game on it. I agree, its not that important.
👎🏼 that's what I think, I'm sticking to the future graphics an not the past. Xbone good luck fixing lenses
One way around this would be to release a super mega slim ps3, size of the tiny psone. With a disc try slide in thing, not a top loader. I have a super slim. I love it and I use it along with my ps4.
I understand they want to make money on remakes etc but there is a small group of people who will always use the original hatdward along with new, like me, so, make a tiny ps3 instead of making the ps3 backwards compatibility on the ps4. More money for them as I'd get one.
Just a thought, it won't happen though.
The hell? I played a crap-ton of PSOne games on my PS2. That system having backwards compatibility was awesome. If my PS4 did the same with PS3 games, I'd be happy.
The wonderfully craptastic CELL architecture is why we'll never see backwards compatibility on PS4. They're trying to save face by saying "whatever, no one uses it anyway and I doubt Microsoft even knows what they're doing" but the truth is that it's highly requested (as the header says) and they can't do crap to alleviate it except slap overpriced rentals on PSNow. Meanwhile, all their actual new games are set for 2016...but hey God of War 3 again guys!! WOO! Not even the whole saga.
Sony: "who needs bc when we remake every game in HD or let you buy another license to stream?"
Me: SILENT HILL! We will never forget what you did to SH2 (ntm omitting 4!). THATS why we need old discs to run. We understand its 5-20 year old software, but it's YOUR PROPRIETARY coding. Maybe it's all CELL's fault, but that was your decision too. 😐 Get with the emulation conflagration if you'll acknowledge the high volume of bc-related requests. Or if you're sticking with Now, then every title (at least regionally) needs to be available for purchase in the regular store first. Work cut out.
dont want it wont use it mind you i do have 3 ps3's and 1 ps2 in the house so maybe im being
Not used? Then what's the point of Now?
@Riririn that's my thoughts exactly.while i can play ps 1 n 2 games o my pc n play ps3 games on ps3 I would much rather it be all in one place. And be there when I need it regarless of how often I use it.
But at same time I enjoy having several different systems in my man cave. Kinda gives off a connoisseur vive lol.
PS2 B/C would be good for no other reason other than I could play my PS2 collection on a console that has an HDMI port.
Um, that means my PS3 is backwards compatible? I didn't even know!
I know I keep banging on about this, but this "upgrade path" thing is so silly. You have those games, you have that console, you can play them as well as playing on your PS4/Xbox One. I still frequently play on my PS3. In a funny way, I prefer it like this since it cuts down on disc-swapping. I can now just pick up my DS3 and play Pirate Warriors 2, then pick up my DS4 and play The Witcher 3, no swapping needed.
@Riririn If you've got a PC from the last 7 years or so, you can emulate PS2 games. Even older if it's just PS1 games. My PC is really behind the curve now by some distance and I was playing .hack//GU on one monitor and Xenoblade on the Wii on the other monitor - using the same controller inputs, it was ridiculous.
Also, as for the accusations it's based on the Playstation Now thing: do people really believe that someone will have a PS3, and let's say Metal Gear Rising, it's there in their home. But they'll pay to play MGR on their PS4 because... what? They packed away their PS3 and can't be bothered to unpack it? They don't want to put down one controller and pick up another one? I don't get it.
No one in their right mind would do that, they'd do it for games they don't own, or used to own but lost.
I bought a ps3 about six months ago as i missed out due to having a 360, the idea is nice in theory, but the only way this could work is either make PS Now cheaper and as someone mentioned before, in a netflix style or at least let the old discs be read and then have access to said streamed content for free, although this would lead to plenty of abuse.
Ultimately, they are not going to do this, as they are looking to monetise their back catalogue via apps on non Sony devices.
I don't neccesarily blame them for that but a bit of thanks to those who bought previous software would be nice.. unlikely but nice all the same. But when do companies do nice!
@eaglebob345 or even worse your iPod not being able to play current Apple digital music formats... Oh hold on it doesn't... that's why I had to buy a Fiio in order to play Apple lossless files. At least you can play all 'current' PS4 titles on a PS4. lol
This is an odd thing to say, but my first PS3 broke because I played my PS2 games on it. Now, that's probably rarely or never happened to anyone else, but it does raise a concern if something like that was more common. I'd rather not have something like that happen again on a more widespread scale.
I understand the main reason everyone is upset in the topic is because of Sony's hypocritical response, but I felt like I should bring that up, silly as it sounds.
The PS4 has allready backwards compatibilty. Howevers Sony talks about remasters and remakes. What's the difference?
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi I have every system since Atari keeping them all hooked up is kinda impossible. I like the idea of having less clutter of the same type in my living area.
@Riririn Maybe I guess. I've got over 200 pc games from decades ago. will I ever play starcraft 1 or Sam & max ... can't say I will. my pc can run them but there's just too much new stuff to check out why play call of duty 1 when u could play destiny or black ops 3. Why go back to battlefront 1 when stars wars is coming out? Vitas ok for memories like ff games but my shiny new powerful ps4 is for big booming shiny new stuff like horizon, demon souls 3, Uncharted 4, ff7 remake etc
How do they know backwards compatibility is not greatly used? I played lots of PlayStation 1 games on my PlayStation 3, and I would have played lots of PS2 games on it as well if it was able to. And I'd surely be playing PS3 games on my PS4 if it were possible.
@Kohaku A lot. The processing architecture of the PS4 is a lot different from the PS3.
I think backwards compatibility is important because it has a "side effect issue" dealing with ownership of the game's "we all" purchase. As well as when games in the future go fully digital download only.
"We" don't want to keep "possibly" having to pay for games that "we own" to be able to play them again "if we so choose" to play them again.
Look at games that are "Triple A Titles" that we can digitally download now, there still waaaay to "overpriced" for not being a "tangible physical copy", yet some people are still downloading them.
Now jump into the future, where it's "all digital downloading", servers get hacked, can't play our games, servers get hacked- my purchase of a game no longer exists,( my friend lost a movie purchase from Sony this way already and he didn't have a electronic backup record of the purchase) but the biggest problem was "they didn't either".
Plus another problem is that until the different "court's across the globe" agree to the limitations of (Electronic "EULA") agreements, we're pretty much "all" screwed.
We won't necessarily even own what we purchase "digitally" , we're just under their good graces right now, because "all the software companies" want us to "feel confident" about the digital future, it's in "their best interest"!
Mark my words, until "we" establish what "digital ownership" is in our court systems across the globe, we "don't want a fully digital future"!
Does anybody here want to only be able to "rent" a game hourly, sounds drastic right? It's not.
That's not the future I everything I purchase, I want to be able to play or "not play" my choice, that includes an option to not have to plug in my old console & have my "New console" play my old games. The " more options" I have to play my games the better.
I can retire each old system and use just 1 so I can play all my games.. Is that hard to understand?
@raptor That would be awesome. I would pay a little extra, $50-100 extra, for a PS system that can play all PS games, but that's just me. Same for Xbox. To me, all three current consoles should be able to play/emulate each of their disc based predecessor's games. All it takes is a little work and if Sony was really "for the players" they would recognize that some of us want it and make it happen.
They just found another way to double charge us for games we already own
All this fuss about playing old games when it's already so easy do. Was there this much fuss when ps3 ditched backwards compatibility very early in it's lifespan or when 360 could barely run the select titles it claimed to emulate? Just accept it's not going to happen, yes it'd be nice but I won't lose sleep over it and judging by the amount of trouble Naughty Dog went through to get it's game to run it clearly won't be worth the effort.
I bought a ps4 to play ps4 games and it does that rather well so I'm happy and may even give PS Now a try if it becomes subscription based and if it does wouldn't that be a far better solution anyway? Just imagine being able to pay a small monthly fee to play any PS3 perhaps even 1&2 game whether you own it or not whilst not taking up precious hard drive space.
Who knows maybe Sony are seeing what Microsoft are doing with their upgrade system and could incorporate something similar into their streaming service.
@carlos82 I don't think I or others are going to lose sleep over Sony not making the PS4 backwards compatible, but them making a statement saying it's often requested but seldom used is a "very" presumptuous statement on their part.
As far as Sony making the "Original" PS3 backwards compatible, they quit making it backwards compatible because it was completely over bloated as far as it's price point.
I don't know what the conversion rate is across the pond, but on this side it was $600.00 US Dollars. They had to "strip" USB ports, Memory Card Slots, I think if I remember correctly it even originally had a "I EEE" port on the back, and of course the PlayStation 2's chip to reduce cost.
"We" the consumer didn't really have a say in weather it was going to "stay" backwards compatible, Sony had to cut costs & took it upon themselves to remove the PS2's chip, along with everything else,so it wasn't because the PS3 owners didn't use the backwards compatibility.
Like I said in an earlier comment, it most likely isn't going to happen with the PS4 but it's good to let Sony know how we feel on the subject & not to make such careless presumptuous statements about what the customer base wants, and then wonder why "we" complain about it.
Also "if" Sony stays smart & sticks with a PC architecture when they come out next-gen with the PS5, they won't have the "excuse" of "it's too difficult to have backwards compatibility", they wouldn't have to emulate anything. It would just be a "Spec'd up PS4" and easily play previous gen games.
God help them if they get too greedy like Microsoft did this generation.
@RicksReflection or we could just enjoy all of the new games that are coming out
@Kohaku I don't mind some remastered at least u get next gen graphics
@carlos82 -No I don't want to "enjoy" all of the "New Games" coming
Like other people here in this "forum", I love gaming, and "enjoy it" enough to make sure my voice is heard as a "gamer", for my likes and "dislikes".
So I'm not sure how to take your response?
Passive aggressively, I think.
Because why would I need to have someone tell me to- " just enjoy all the new games coming out"
No sweat, Hope you too, enjoy all the new games that are coming out, that's "also" but not exclusively what makes "us" good gamers......Peace Brother.
@RicksReflection perhaps poorly written on my behalf, no aggression was intended. Just a means to move on and that whilst I can see yours and others point of view on the matter I don't fully agree.
In any case happy gaming new or old 😀
@carlos82 - That's cool, I don't think you were trying to "intentionally" be aggressive towards me, but other people as well try to "gloss over" points just to move on because they don't want to hear it, which is "passive" aggressive, if somebody doesn't want to talk about a subject anymore then they should just quit engaging the person or subject any further.
But again, we're cool, totally squashed:-)
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