Supermassive Games is taking Heavy Rain's giant head title screen to the next level – by introducing Sackboy-style puppet controls. This amusing new video from PlayStation Access shows how you can use the DualShock 4's tilt sensors to pivot star Hayden Panettiere's head. Just imagine the kind of fun you'll be able to have with that feature, eh? There's also 20 minutes of gameplay, in which the release still looks like the best worst thing ever.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 14
This game will be a buy for me, as I love the horror movie setting, and always have the undying urge to scream at protagonists who do the "wrong" thing in a horror movie...I get my chance to right their wrongs. Hahaha.
@NomNom Yeah! It looks like it's going to be a hit with friends/on streaming sites. They should implement an option where Twitch viewers can vote on what happens next, rather than the player... I think that would be pretty cool.
I'm genuinely looking forward to this game. I'm holding off on watching any more gameplay though as I have a feeling the shock factor won't last long, and I don't want to start dulling myself to the game's moments already.
Love the concept... Will be a buy for me as I'm looking for something different.
@glassmusic agreed! I'm not watching gameplay.
Yeah, this game looks awesome. I'm genuinely excited for it.
I'm very interested in this game
@get2sammyb that is a genius idea! That would make it a completely different experience for the player having twitch vote on your playthrough.
So looking forward to this. I have a feeling it will be terrible, but in that awful b movie that you inexplicably love sort of way.
@get2sammyb sound just like the perfect party game
Avoiding this game like the plague.
@get2sammyb @Squiggle55 it's a cool idea, but I don't see the developer implementing it. If they did, you'd be in a situation where the actual player has effectively paid good money to basically watch other people play the game for them, and conversely you have a load of twitch viewers who are pretty much getting the chance to play the game for free! Couldn't be good for sales, surely?
I am hoping this will be so campy haha
I'll never forget the first time she "died" in Heroes...
Oh, Heroes...I'lk never forget how the writers guild strike killed you. You had so much potential...we'll never know what happened to Hiro in ancient Japan
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