Data shows that a lot of ex-Xbox fans have made the switch to the PlayStation 4 this generation, but not everyone's happy with the placement of the DualShock 4's analogue sticks. While many of us have grown up with Sony's symmetrical layout, others are more familiar with the asymmetrical format adopted by Microsoft – but with Hori's new controller, there's a solution for every need.
The new Horipad FPS Plus is a redesign of the Japanese company's first-person shooter focused peripheral, and it comes with a few nifty additions – including an all-important clickable touch pad. The manufacturer promises super accurate sticks, which will improve your game due to their precise sensitivity. You'll be able to tune just how responsive you want the inputs to be using a button on the back.
While this lacks the motion controls, light bar, and headphone jack of the official device, it should be compatible with the majority of new-gen titles. And with a metallic finish and an affordable price – it's just ¥4,580, so about $37 should you import – this may be the answer to all of your peripheral-related prayers. You can learn a little more about the add-on through here – albeit in Japanese.
[source hori.jp, via dualshockers.com]
Comments 26
Just terrible
I would think about buying this if it came in a wireless version.
That's funny. lol But some people really love Xbox controllers. I don't understand it myself but some people do.
I really loved the Xbox 360 controller minus the d-pad......and I loathed the dual shock until the 4th model,.....it was one of the reasons why I stayed away from Playstation.
Ugh this is a tough one for me. I like the DS design better but if this is cheaper then the DS4 then I just might pick one of these up if they come state side.
@Tasuki I'm gonna guess they'll be about the same. Well a little less but + shipping, maybe. Hori makes high quality stuff also they do it under license.
I don'y understand the claim that asymmetrical sticks is better... We always use both left stick for movement while right stick for camera/view at the same time... so I feel it should be more comfortable to put both thumbs on same position?
@whywai88 Depends on the game. You mostly use only one. I wonder how this controller works for lefties. I'm not so I can't say.
PushSquare should review this upon release.
Ouu.. I really like this. I much rather the asymmetrical layout of the xbox controller, that said I definitely do love the ds4 as well. I haaaated the ds3. The analogs were just terrible imo. I might pick one of these up.
Does anyone know if the ds4 is compatible with pc? That's where I do most of my gaming these days besides exclusives from Sony or Microsoft. I actually wouldn't mind using the dual shock 4 now and then on pc if it's possible.
It looks like a cheap version of the Xbox One controller. Might as well get a DualShock 4 no matter what you think of it. I actually like it, unlike its 3 predecessors.
@whywai88 Personally, I'm with you. I prefer my analogue sticks to be symmetrical. Always preferred the DualShock - and I think the DualShock 4 is a close to perfect interpretation of the design.
Alas, this is a good option for people who are more comfortable with the Xbox pad.
@mitcHELLspawn Some games it does others no. You have to plug the DS4 into the USB port and keep it plugged in though.
@mitcHELLspawn Yeah, the DualShock 4's compatible with the PC - in fact, it's become quite a popular option, and some developers are adding PlayStation icons to their games to reflect this.
I'm not overly familiar with the setup myself, but I believe this is the driver everyone uses: http://ds4windows.com/
Like @Tasuki says, you will need to keep the DS4 plugged in, though.
@Tasuki yeah I figured you'd need to plug it in. Hmm I wonder if it works with the witcher. I think I'll try it out tn! Thanks.
@get2sammyb really? I actually haven't seen that yet, weird. Awesome thanks for the link I'm going to give this a shot tonight.
It would be really cool if devs started officially supporting it and even using the TouchPad. That would be so badass. I might even consider making the perminent switch.
@mitcHELLspawn Some games I find that all you need to do is plug it in and it works other games you will need to download a program. I forgot which one but I am sure you can Google it.
Nevermind, Ninjad by @get2sammyb
@Tasuki haha, indeed Bethesda in T-minus 45 mins !
I grew up with only PlayStation, so I prefer it's controllers.
I like the Xbox Controller; except for the damn D-PAD. D-Pad was horrible.
Personally I find the asymmetrical layout of the xbox pad more comfortable for prolonged play. I find the left thumbstick is in the best and most natural position for my hands - my thumb naturally sits on top. As you often have to take your right thumb off the stick to press the buttons its not such an issue for my right hand but my right thumb sits more naturally over the buttons. Almost every game requires button pressing and rarely require you to keep your right thumb on the analogue stick but the left hand rarely uses the d-pad by comparison.
Part of the comfort issue I had also had to do with the older dualshocks trigger set up and small grips too. I have quite large hands and double jointed thumbs so I wouldn't be surprised if this was the main reason behind my discomfort. That being said I don't have anywhere near as much issue with the DS4 as I did with the DS3 and earlier Sony controllers.
This layout of the analog stick over the d-pad all started with the Saturn 3D controller. I didn't like it back than and any other iteration of this layout after it. The SCPH-1180 was the fist time we got analog sticks with symmetry and it was love at first sight for me. Of course I grew up when the d-pad was the only thing to use for movement so an analog stick is secondary to me.
@mitcHELLspawn you can with the ps4 controller there is a small program you can dowloand to make it emulate a 360 controller. But by that point it would be just as easy to use a 360 or Logitech controller.
Also enlighten me on why you like the xbox style layout better, Ive always be curious of this. Is it a right handed mentality or something?
I use yo play both but always perfered the stick layout on ps.
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