You'll have a Lara time to prepare for Rise of the Tomb Raider, as Square Enix has finally confirmed that the title will plunge the depths of Sony's new-gen system next year. The game will explore the Xbox One and Xbox 360 on 10th November, and will then trek to the PS4 a year later. The title will launch on the PC in Early 2016.
There was much confusion when the sequel was touted as an Xbox exclusive at Gamescom last year, but we thought that there was something fishy about the wording of the reveal. Microsoft was later forced to admit that its deal had a "duration", all but confirming that the game would release elsewhere. As of today, that's now official.
According to a press release, developer Crystal Dynamics will be working on the port, so it won't be farmed out to another studio. Obviously, the delay's a bit of a disappointment, but with Fallout 4 due out on the same day as the Xbox release and Uncharted 4: A Thief's End set to follow soon after, we reckon that we'll just about manage to keep ourselves occupied. How about you?
[source tombraider.tumblr.com]
Comments 47
I can't believe they've confirmed this before the Xbox version comes out.
Agree, what an odd timed exclusivity deal, I already have 2013 Tomb Raider on my PS, so I'll just wait till Rise hit's the Sony console.....had it been a more straight forward console exclusive (like SFV), I would have purchased it on my XB1.
I didn't like the last Tomb Raider I won't be getting this anyway Xbox can have it.
@get2sammyb It is kinda surprising in a way. But I guess everyone saw it coming at some point, so they just decided to get it out of the way.
Also officially announced that they can go screw themselves, I ain't waiting a year.
I'm fascinated to see how this all shakes out. Square Enix were famously unhappy with the sales of the Tomb Raider reboot - despite it selling particularly well in Europe on the, gulp, PS3.
With the PS4 by far the leading platform in Tomb Raider's strongest territory, and this going against Fallout 4 on two platforms over the holidays, I can't see it bettering its predecessor. The big question is: will Square Enix be able to get PlayStation fans to care about it a year later?
I think they've really messed this one up myself.
No one is going to buy an Xbox for this. And Square Enix were complaining about Tomb Raider not selling. It definitely won't sell now. They already sent it to a slow death by releasing it the same day as Fallout 4 on Xbone. And now their biggest fan base won't be able to play the game for a whole year. And plus Uncharted 4 which will inevitably be eons better will be out by then. It better be 20 dollars when it releases on PS4 or it won't sell.
Idiocy across the board. MS because if you're going to waste money it should probably be for more than a year or even two. SquareEnix because of the negativity this created surrounding the game. It's good it's going to be on PS4, just like it's good that the FF VII Remake will eventually be on Xbox One. But still stupid and annoying.
I'm going to agree that unless the sum of money MS paid for this is beyond insane, SE is going to regret the moronic way it went about this whole thing.
And I don't want to hear the excuses and if anybody reading this wants to call me a fanboy, you can save your bullsh*t right now. There's few who are as critical of Sony as I am, and even fewer who are more critical and I've actually defended this move by MS. The bottomline, however, is SE is dumb. You don't cut out the largest userbase especially when it's the one that has supported your franchise the most. I doubt it ever happens, but one day, I'd love to see the $$$ that switched hands in this deal.
Tomb Raider 2013 was probably in my top 3 games for that year. In someways Uncharted could learn a thing or two from it as far gameplay mechanics (I know, heresy).
@sub12 I think the gunfights were better in Tomb Raider 2013 than the original Uncharted trilogy, but Uncharted 4 looks to be really stepping up in that department based on the PlayStation Experience demo. That's not to say that Tomb Raider won't, too, though.
The storytelling and set-pieces are light years ahead in the Uncharted series for me, though.
Personally, I like both franchises a lot.
this whole thing has been a carefully worded mess from the start and nothings changed,announcing ps4 release date before xbone version is out seems kinda silly(even though we all knew when it was likely to be out)...but hey, MS have their(paid for) timed exclusive right?.. crystal dynamics, sqenix and MS... In an ideal world this sort of thing wouldnt win any of those 3 any fans..
@get2sammyb Agreed, square enix really dropped the ball on this one
It's a business at the end of the day. As annoying as this whole thing is, I don't think most Tomb Raider fans on PlayStation will let this bother them. How sales play out will be highly interesting. I think this moronic bs has hurt its potential but this is what happens when dopes in suits get together and don't use their brains. If this had happened at the very start before either console had a userbase, like when EA bet on Xbox One and made the deal for Titanfall, I could kind of understand. However, that wasn't the case here. The Tomb Raider fanbase is on PlayStation, PS4 was outselling the competition at a brisk pace. So, as I posted in another comment unless MS just went full-on idiotic with the money spent... dumb move by SE that benefits nobody but the scumbags in suits.
True..happens on a daily basis in most businesses.. I wouldnt be surprised if a lot of ps4 gamers dont give a monkeys about this game next year anyway
This is also on top of the stupid way they're going about Hitman and the fact that the next game in the Sleeping Dogs universe is mobile trash. The only franchises SE has worth a crap anymore are its Western ones and it is doing its best to screw it all up. I've never been a huge fan of SquareEnix to begin with and I'm certainly not now. All the idiots who run SE need to stay the hell out of Eidos Montreal's way. Just supply whatever is needed for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided to be the game the devs want and back the hell off.
I'll still be buying this on the X1 and maaaybe PC a few years down the road if I can get it for like $5 in a Steam sale. I have no doubt the game will be fantastic and I want to play it as soon as possible
(Although how big of an F-you will it be when the PS4 version turns out to be running at a higher resolution and frame rate than the X1 version, as was the case with the Definitive Edition of the original?)
Mistake 1 : Timed Xbox exclusivity.
Mistake 2 : Alienating It's biggest fan base.
Mistake 3 : Going against Fallout 4 on the same day
Mistake 4 : Releasing a full year later on PlayStation after we get an Uncharted Collection and Uncharted. 4. Square Enix have played this out very badly.
When people see $$$ it sometimes causes them to throw away all logic and reason.
It has to be said, this could (and likely will) be a monumental mess in terms of sales. While as mentioned elsewhere, Fallout 4, plus the usual big franchised games (COD etc) are capable of burying this comfortably, between them.
Square Enix have cut their nose of to spite the face to make a quick buck, if this doesn't bomb or at least cause the company issue later, i'll be exceptionally surprised
To be fair, Square Enix probably requested enough money from Microsoft to mitigate the risk, so it's unlikely they'll be out of pocket because of this. The bigger worry is whether it will stunt the growth of the franchise.
@stevie85 Yes they have. I normally don't care about the business decisions made during development as long as it doesn't ruin the game itself, but this whole saga was so stupid, it hurt my head faster than taking a wrecking ball to the face and landing head-first on a fire hydrant.
This game better be worth it to whoever buys it, because this has been a headache from the start.
@get2sammyb I'd be more worried about people's faith in the franchise. They could make another game, but would anyone want it? Though that's probably what you meant.
I know a certain youtuber who is gonna have a meltdown after proclaiming this game will never see the light of day on the PS4..
I really liked Tomb Raider 2013 and series overall, and I tried not to judge SE in this situation, but somehow I am still escaping to buy Lara Croft and Temple of Osiris =). even on sales... Even if I really liked Guardian of Light. All my exitment for franchise have vanished =(...
Haha that's cool. Fallout 4, Uncharted 4, Battlefront Star Wars, Dragon Quest, Taken King can easily suck up my time. plus from past history when an xbox timed game comes over to playstation we get the better fuller all dlc version at 75% of the price... win win
I wonder if they've postponed PS4 version(compared to PC) to escape Uncharted 4. and to wait out wave of negativity in playstation camp...
Crystal Dynamics got screwed by their publisher, they're going head to head with Fallout 4, Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed. By Late 2016 on the PS4 which is the big software pusher right now, it'll be an afterthought.
I don't know if I'm excited for this or still mad about Square's decision to go with timed exclusivity and my buy the game at all.
Figured as much. That's why I wasn't too upset at that move. I have plenty of other games to play while I wait for this to come to PS4.
Finally after all those lies, we now have truth. Microsoft spent a load of money just to keep a game off PlayStation.
I have to say I was expecting it a little earlier than next fall, but there's more than enough to keep me going until then so it's all good. Just glad it's officially coming to PS4
Funded & Published by MS, their efforts land on a rival platform...
That aspect hasn't changed, I see.
Edit: Odd Timing, all that remains is the controversy attached to Rise of the Tomb Raider.
@get2sammyb is it only me then that understands the decision?? First I want to clarify I'm in no way condoning it. However the way I see it is that Microsoft need a flagship game to directly contend with Uncharted 4! They have nothing for this, Square Enix will receive a massive wad of money for timed exclusivity won't have to directly battle with Uncharted for sales on the ps4 and get the added boost of Microsoft marketing the S**t out of their game. Then after a year they get an added boost sales of the guys from playstation who have had their uncharted fix and want more of the same so get their tomb raider game! I think it's not a business mistake on their side but trying to play it smart! If it works is a different story entirely though
So once MS has bombed this series, think it'll get ANOTHER reboot?
@NaughtyOttsel22 MS has nothing to do with this game, they just payed Square to keep it off of PS4 for a year that's all. So I can hardly see how MS is responsible for it if it bombs which I don't think it will.
The only thing that will bomb are Xbox One sales now cause fans of the series don't have to get an Xbox One to play the game, they just have to wait a bit longer that's all.
With Uncharted 4 being delayed until 2016, This releasing on the PS4 this year would of been the best thing to happen to this game. Can't see Xbox alone helping them sell more then the Previous TR, but still hyped for this, hopefully it's as good if not better than TR.
Wow. Just wow
I can play it a year later, or whatever. It's not at the top of my shopping list anyway.
I still plan on getting this on Xbox One. And I'll just get Uncharted 4 once I get a PS4 so I'm good.
I enjoyed the last one enough, and will likely buy this used at the bargain bin. They're shooting themselves in the foot however, releasing it so long after xbox version. Anything more than a few months is like punishment for a lot of gamers. They've already soured their reputation by letting MS mislead people into thinking it was an exclusive. By the time it hits the PS4, it will be of little interest to a lot of players that would have bought it several months earlier. I hope it's actually really good, but not guaranteed. So a year of mediocre reviews could also hurt the late release. Still better to hear it's coming at all, to stop all the rumors.
Worst. Release. Ever.
@get2sammyb Exactly this!
Looking at it as a fan of all three series, Fallout, Uncharted and TR, I would have gotten Fallout alongside Tomb Raider, as its my preferred choice between that and Uncharted.
Any fan of both that could afford both would get both, and those that couldnt would get their preferred title, so Tomb Raider was unlikely to take a huge bashing in my opinion.
@adf86 "finally" ? where you under a rock ? everyone and their mother knew it was a timed exclusive since the announcement.
I'll get this game when a used copy comes available, I'd rather give my money to GameStop!!
I'm hyped, looking forward to playing it in 2016.
@Faruko I was referring to how Microsoft were trying to make everyone think that Tomb Raider was a full exclusive with their "selective wording" besides I wouldn't have put it past them to have pulled the Titanfall stunt again when everyone knew that was meant to be timed.
awesome! PS4 is the best (y)
SE really need to produce a tomb raider trilogy art book, like naughty dog did with uncharted.. great book btw i recommend it
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