How's the PlayStation 4 going to sell this Christmas without any noteworthy exclusives? Well, in the words of Galvatron, here's a hint. Sony's released a summer sizzle trailer which spotlights four of 2015's biggest games, and while we can already sense the sceptics tapping away in the comments section, this is a serious statement of intent.
The clip moves from Destiny: The Taken King to Assassin's Creed Syndicate, and then finishes with Call of Duty: Black Ops III and Star Wars Battlefront. Regardless of whether you're interested in them or not, these are going to be massive releases – and we suspect that they're all going to get Batman: Arkham Knight-esque hardware bundles.
Throw in a potential price drop at Paris Games Week, and it's hard to imagine the PS4 floundering this holiday, isn't it?
Comments 16
Wow... >_>
I have CoD:BO3 (Hardened Edition) and SW:BF on pre-order. I have no interest in AC:S and still not sure about Destiny. I haven't really put the time into the PS4 version (as I only got it in March and have more time on the XB1 version). I haven't played Destiny since I got everything from the Dark Below.
By sceptics you mean realists, yes? Simple matter of fact is for the second Christmas in a row PS4 is going in with nothing to say 'I'm your console'. It's instead going in say 'LOOK AT THESE GAMES that are also on Xbox and half on your PS3 too'. I'm not a fan of Sony's own studios but they have titles that sell, they have titles in progress and they need them to actually step up and deliver something for Christmas. It is the biggest sales period of the year after all. Sony can't rely on the incompetence of Microsoft and Nintendo to carry on, giving them a free ride. It's not a statement of intent in any way, it's a statement of 'that'll do, we've already won' and sooner or later it's going to come back and haunt them.
What was that horrible music? All I could think was Minecraft parody while trying to watch the video.
I'm guessing Nintneod will have a similar 3rd party trailer soon - Disney Infinity, Lego Dimensions and Skylanders. They'll still promote Starfox, and promote the heck out of Super MArio Maker in Sept, bu tby the holidays I think they'll be pushing the toys to life market. Well if they advertise Wii U at all.
3rd party games that everybody wants may be enough for Sony for this holiday. Halo fans are going to buy X1 no mater what Sony has, 1st, 2nd or 3rd party, PS4 will get Tomb Raider, and Uncharted 4 is coming out in 2016. I think PS4 is fine like this for now. When you're at the top of the mountain everybody has to try to knock you off, you can save your bullets for when they get close enough to see the whites of their eyes.
It's like Sony don't even have to try now... Four great games there but a wealth more fun, quirky, cool games hitting... Can't wait for Uncharted Collection and TearAway. At the moment Rocket League alone is cooler than anything on the other consoles.
@rastamadeus I'm already playing the game of the year, a PS4 exclusive called Bloodborne. It would be of no benefit to me if Sony had delayed it to the 'Holiday Season'. Christmas is for kids who can't afford expensive things during the rest of the year, the majority of players buy games year round.
The 'Holiday Season' is also filled with major 3rd party games, games that will destroy anything else released bar an Uncharted, Gran Turismo or Halo. First party studio's are in a position were they can space releases, giving their console a year long supply of quality titles.
Incidentally, there's no shortage of exclusives in Q3/Q4, or this summer for that matter. Rocket League, Journey, Until Dawn, Uncharted Collection, N++, Tearaway, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Galak-Z, Persona 5, Dragon Quest, possibly No Mans Sky and Rime, literally something for everybody. Then, once Christmas is over, we're into SFV, Uncharted 4, Ratchet and Clank etc.
@Poweruser88 Anyone who says Bloodborne is GOTY gets a high five from me. Bloodborne is close to perfect and in my eyes it actually is perfect.
Haven't played a game I play over and over again since Zelda: The Wind Waker.
If we get the expansion this year I won't need anything else to play on PS4.
@rastamadeus Yes Sony should release all there big games when everybody else is releasing theres too. Sony have more exclusives then you think, their not mega blockbusters but who cares. The biggest hits will be CoD, AC and Star Wars, I'm willing to bet all three sell more on PS4 then any other platform because the market branding does work. It worked for Watch Dogs and Destiny and just recently Batman Arkham Knight. The likes of Sammy and myself have been saying for months that Sony gains nothing by putting big exclusives out in the autumn period, LittleBigPlanet 3 last year was a good example of that. And Nintendo found that out when Super Mario World came out same as PS4's launch meaning game like Knack were outselling it.
I think with people knowing that the big games are coming...Uncharted 4, Ratchet and Clank, Tearaway Unfolded and an upcoming Hot Shots Golf, I think Sony will be just fine this long as a price cut happens. I really don't think Sony has much to worry about with Nintendo and as I saw with X-box...Halo and Rare Collection are the only things that will probably sell it...and they don't really have a lot of goodies or new IP's coming the following year or even till the end of this year. Granted, I'll be purchasing an X-box One this holiday season...I still don't have many games that I'm interested in for it...just basically a few, and my PS4 is played to death, with the PS3 and Wii U in second. I think with the large install base in the PS4, they'll be just fine.
@rastamadeus "I'm not a fan of Sony'"
could've just stopped there, or better yet;
"I couldn't give a damn about Sony" fixed for ya
but...none of them are out in the summer o.O
I'll be happy with the uncharted collection and I was thinking of getting X1 mainly because half my friends were on it and refuse to leave xbox for some reason. But I can't really see any point in getting it because there is not one exclusive which interests me. I don't really like Halo, Gears of war bores me and can't think of any other exclusive for X1 which is worth buying a console for. I had a Xbox 360 since Ps2/Wii and there wasn't any exclusive games I thought were good. Since Ps4 and vita, I loved uncharted (vita version) ,and TLOU remastered was awesome, rocket leauge was unexpectedly fun/addicting, and DCUO was awesome. Can't really complain either with Star wars, Fallout, Uncharted Collection, Cod BO3, Destiny (Its fun), Batman and more all out/ coming out.
PlayStations releases are perfect to me..All year i've had something to play, would it be same on xbox , no?
Will this continue for rest of this year on ps4 for me?
August -Until Dawn
September -MGS and FIFA
October - Uncharted Collection (Never played)
November - COD , Battlefront
December if need need game Rainbow Six as it dropped off my list as I have too much to play.
A good racer is all i'm missing but i'm going off racing games to be honest.
Next year is looking same
Then I will have Uncharted 4, Ratchet and Clank with games like The Division and others to fill gap inbetween.
Don't care about any of those. Hate these type of videos.
The holiday season, as always, is for the big budget third party annual releases. (Cod,ac,etc) I am glad Sony is spreading their content out through the year. Always hated waiting months for a game that interested me, but this year Sony is doing a great job mixing it up and keeping my ps4 busy.
MS isn't really being incompetent though. In fact pretty much anything it can do to make up for that awful first impression, it's done, and yet, even with no price drop on the PS4 and the console having freaking nothing on the exclusive front outside of inFamous and Bloodborne, it's still a dog fight in North America which is the strongest territory for Xbox. MS has to be concerned about that. If it doesn't win, and win big, here this holiday, it's not unreasonable to say this gen is a wrap because MS doesn't have the same factors going for it this gen that PS3 did last which helped Sony fight back. Europe is PlayStation land and I didn't think it was possible but Xbox is more irrelevant than ever in Japan. I never completely count out a corporation with MS' cash reserve, but it's come up short two gens in a row and this gen all the advantages of the last one are gone. As an owner of both consoles, I want MS to turn it around and make this a serious two-horse race because the tighter the competition the better for all of us. I'd love Nintendo to re-enter the mix too but the Wii U is completely irrelevant. NX needs to be out on shelves sooner rather than later.
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