The weekend has finally arrived, which means that it's Wimbledon finals time. Of course, if you're not interested in scoffing strawberries while marvelling at Roger Federer's ability to make tennis balls bow to his every whim, then you'll probably be playing some PlayStation games. As such, let's get this latest edition of WAYP underway.
Sammy Barker, Editor
When I'm not wishing for Muguruza and Federer victories, I'll be celebrating Schweinsteiger's signing. I may have time left for the ridiculously enjoyable Rocket League, which I intend to review should the servers ever actually work.
Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor
I'm still slogging through The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited, and I'm starting to run out of room in the notepad that I use for review notes. I've played vast games before, but the amount of content here borders on the ridiculous. With any luck, we'll finally have a review for you next week. Can't promise that it won't be 5,000 words, though. [Please, no! - Ed]
Alex Stinton, Reviewer
After sunning myself in foreign climes for the past two weeks, I've returned to jolly old England to find that I've got a huge gaming backlog waiting for me. So, it's time to roll up my sleeves and get cracking on Batman: Arkham Knight and make those criminals pay, as only the Caped Crusader can. If I find myself growing bored of crushing Gotham's criminal fraternity under my boot, I might also mix in a bit of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, as yes, I'm still playing it.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
I only have eyes for Rocket League this weekend. It's an immense bundle of fun and if the servers can actually stay up, I doubt I'll be playing anything else. If not, I may find myself dusting off Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time for a grand ol' adventure.
Matt Adcock, Reviewer
I'll be following the call of massive scale warfare this weekend with PlanetSide 2. I'll also get a bit of Bloodborne in there too, as I'm going to need medical help to ever quit that game. I'm totally anticipating Rory McIlroy's PGA Tour next week, too!
Sam Brooke, Reviewer
This weekend I'll be hoping that Rocket League's servers are up because that game is goddamn magnificent. It's definitely the best PlayStation Plus game in a while β if not ever. There's something about performing a bicycle kick with a car that just makes me really happy.
Stephen Tailby, Reviewer
I shall be playing Rocket League.
Will it be Rocket League all the way for you this weekend, or have you got your eyes on an alternative title? Take your pick in the comments section below.
Comments 33
Dumping more time into my Character on Destiny, and yes if the servers are up like everyone else ill probably sink some time into rocket league as well.
Watch dogs: finishing up the small things like fixer contracts and that, then finish of the game. So far it's a great game, can't wait to hear a watch dogs 2 is coming.
Batman Arkham Knight: will be finally starting this after beating watch dogs.
@GhastlyMagician Rocket League servers are working well today, so far. That's what I'm playing.
I packed up my ps4 since I'm moving in a couple days and my wife knows how to run Netflix on the PS3. If I play anything it will be a little Lego Potter years 5-7 or may play a little Saints Row 3.
@get2sammyb the Bastian signing breaks my heart. I blame Pep cause he would have never left Bayern otherwise. 17 years of playing with Bayern was not enough. Sad, sad day.
Rocket League
Only need four more trophies for the Plat but Collect all Items and drive 500 km are going to take awhile.
Since I focused on beating MGS4, and accomplishing the feat so I could sell my PS3, I'm FINALLY hopping back to the PS4 to continue playing The Witcher 3 and Dark Souls 2: SotFS. I'll probably throw some Wii U time in there as well with Splatoon and Smash Bros. before all that though, a much needed nap due to being out late with friends last night. The only reason I'm up now is because of work... π
@get2sammyb I hope he does as well for you as Podolski did for us.
Working on completing my Moments of Triumph on Destiny. Got the Vex Mythoclast last night!
Hopefully I get some time with Rocket League this weekend. Other then that probably play some Heroes of the Storm on PC.
I'm going to start batman at long last and when I'm in the garden with the kids I may just try out the new vita ps plus games. Shame there are no new tennis games as I would probably buy one any price just because it hot the sun is shining Wimbledon is on
Just been playing OlliOlli 2 on Vita all weekend. Planning to hop on The Last of Us and Guacamelee on PS4 tomorrow.
Bought the new Callof duty for 20euro and will give it a go tomorrow with a friend of mine. Played for 5minutes today and allready noticed the guns feel incredibly weak. Visuals are great tho'.
@get2sammyb I didn't realise that's what you meant by "I like the short version"! Love it.
Rocket League for me, surprisingly fun.
Ark survival evolved for me
The 500km was bugged, it only required 70km or something. Not sure if they patched it.
Because of the sale I'm playing on my One most of the weekend. I was foolish enough to buy Lego Batman 3 and my kids just can't get enough, but they want me to help them out at the harder parts. So I'm just waiting and every 15 minutes or so I can solve a puzzle and then I have to wait again.
Started another Ori run last night and that game has to come to PS4, it's soooo good!!
@get2sammyb well I've been celebrating signing a world class midfielder since the day he signed for us. Tom Cleverly :/
Minecraft and Driveclub tonight
Planetside and Driveclub tomorrow
I'm working so not much gaming for me.
Some fallout 3, nearly lvl 18. Rocket league. Trove seems pretty cool on P.C.
Still doing my Uncharted 2 run on hard, and probably play a few games I haven't touched in a while. What exactly, I do not know.
And while I don't follow soccer too much, I am a Bayern supporter, so I'm a bit sad to see Bastian go.
Elder scrolls online for as think I need a break from witcher for a couple of days also gonna check out this rocket league everyone is playing! Intrigued I am!
Two off the greatest games off all time. Gta5 on ps4 and danganronpa 2 on vita. An i am spending more time on danganronpa 2. Which just proves to me how great that game is.
Looking to complete Batman: Arkham Knight.
Catch-up/PS Plus weekend for me.
Have played some Styx and Rocket League but I am determined to finish The Walking Dead Season 2 - halfway through Episode 5.
Like a chump alongside the PS Plus games I also downloaded FF7 on the Vita - I was caught up on the hype and I have never played it - another one to my games backlog.
Make that lvl 20. Main story finished. Time to dlc.
Sims 2, duh
@charlesnarles lol
Finished watching that Powers season 1 on PSN. I gotta admit I'm kind of hooked now
Back to Fire Emblem (GBA) on the Wii U virtual console because it's, you know, one of the best games ever made.
But I do plan on playing a little Arkham Knight and Splatoon today too.
Well I'm supposedly still playing Toukiden: Kiwami, Assassin's Creed Black Flag, Infamous Second Son, Tomb Raider, DB Xenoverse, Omega Quintet, Danganronpa 2, Virtue's Last Reward, Final Fantasy X HD, The Wolf Among Us (PC), Pillars of Eternity (PC) and Umihara Kawase.
What I'm playing with actual regularity is Rocket League and Resident Evil Revelations 2. Oh, and I have Ico and SotC HD warming up to come onto the pitch very soon.
And God help me when Tales of Zestiria, Dragon Quest Heroes, Persona 5, Pirate Warriors 3, Ultra Despair Girls, Until Dawn, MGSV, Uncharted Collection, Disgaea 5, AssCreed Syndicate, and TW3 Expansion 1 all come along in the next few months, followed by Fallout 4 and SW Battlefront in November, then who knows what in the Christmas period. Good-bye money, I barely knew you.
Having a little break from my taxi and have gone to Skipton in Yorkshire for walks and beer with the wife , the weather has been awesome and when I return tomorrow I intend to crack on with my continuing quest to complete PS3 backlog and I'll be blasting through red dead redemption but the missus has just said I'll be fixing the shed roof whilst she gets on with assassin's creed unity on ps4 ..... Bloody shed.
Some Injustice. It was on sale so I bought it. Also going through my backlog of games. Didn't realize Dragon's Crown is a fun game. Really enjoying it.
Punching dragons in the arse and ribs as a monk in Heavensward.
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