Following the good news that Destiny is ditching those bloody light levels, we reckon that there's cause for celebration. Thankfully, Bungie's released a new trailer that's all about you, the Guardians, and it's pretty entertaining.
The rousing new video features plenty of footage from The Taken King - the shooter's upcoming expansion. The only thing that we're not entirely sure about is the narrator. Is that Nolan North? We wouldn't like to say for sure, but it certainly sounds like him at points. If you're out of the loop on this one, we should probably mention that North will be replacing Peter Dinklage as the voice of your Ghost in the near future.
Has this trailer got you hyped? Are you prepared to bring down the king? Salute each other in the comments section below.
Comments 1
I've been working my collective self off on my Hunter to get him prepped for the Taken King, that game is the whole reason i even started playing the original Destiny. But i'm more pumped now that they got rid of that dam light level system, seems it will be more even playing field for everyone now.
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