Sony has officially announced that PlayStation Experience, the convention dedicated to PlayStation fans, will return this December. Despite relocating to San Francisco, the platform holder promises that this year's show will once again play host to tons of unreleased titles, while attendees will also secure front-row seats for "major PlayStation announcements" and "those patented PlayStation surprises that you've come to expect". We absolutely adored this event 12 months ago, so we're delighted to see it return.
There have been some changes. As pointed out earlier, it'll now be held at the Moscone Centre in San Francisco on 5th December and 6th December, rather than The Venetian in Las Vegas. It'll also be cheaper than ever before, with those who register before 20th September able to purchase two-day passes for just $60, which sounds like it'll be worth every cent. Slow coaches who register after the aforementioned cut-off date will still be able to get two-day passes for $75, while day passes will cost $45 on the Saturday and $40 on the Sunday.

Sony "strongly recommends" entering your PSN username when purchasing tickets, for reasons that will "make sense come December"
Tickets are on sale right now, so you should book before they run out, as we suspect that this is going to be very popular now that it's an established event. Intriguingly, the platform holder also points out that it "strongly recommends" entering your PlayStation Network username when purchasing, for reasons that will apparently "make sense come December". Hmm, that's interesting, isn't it? The manufacturer has even been kind enough to secure some discounted hotel rooms should you require accommodation, and you can find that information on the PlayStation Blog.
In addition to all of the PlayStation Experience action, the final of the Capcom Cup will be held during the event, where 32 of the world's best Street Fighter players will battle it out over a $250,000 prize pool. If you want front-row seats to that, you'll be able to purchase a Capcom Cup VIP pass, which for $75 will grant you access to the finals, as well as a goodie bag and entry into the after party. It sounds like it's going to be a bigger and better show than ever before, then – we're absolutely buzzing about this, and can't wait for the event to roll around.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 34
YES! Loved last year's show!
TGS, PGW and now the PSX good time to be a PlayStation owner.
Bring it on!!
They're holding the finals of the Capcom Cup during this, too. It's going to be an epic weekend!
Hmmmm im in england... buy a ticket and register and see what happens in December
Sounds like a nicely rounded event! Probably won't make it, but here's hoping.
Great! Really smart decision on Sony's part. To have a convention where everything Playstation is celebrated is the ideal setting to announce some games and showcase what you've got up your sleeve. Brand awareness is so important these days and everything to strengthen the bond between platform and gamer is a great way to increase loyalty for the long term.
To feel the excitement with a hall full of PS fans when a game gets announced is simply wonderful and if broadcasted you could hype almost every game through the roof, no matter the scale or looks. Sony made an error in judgment to skip the presscon in Gamescom, but they could really make up for it come December. I hope PSX will be their number 1 show within a couple of years, with e3 taking a backseat, and if they manage to squeeze a European one in, and have the American one earlier in late August begin September (holiday season sales depend on it) I believe this could be the future for gaming conventions. Why spend money competing for the spotlight, when it can be all yours at a convention of your own?
@Boerewors I'm having issues w/ the date myself. It's too late for the holidays really. It could tempt late shoppers to pick up a PS4 who missed out on BF sales, but it would be too late to announce a price drop. I think mid-November would be better. Still looking forward to it, just questioning the timing.
That's why I think end of August or begin September would be best. December isn't a good month for these things anyway imo. For me personally it's the reason I'm not going, I would've seriously considered going otherwise, but those days we're always visited by the Dutch version of Santa and I don't wanna miss that....
But whenever the kids are a bit older I know the perfect gift for those days: they can tag along when I visit San Francisco
@rjejr If a price drop is happening it'll happen at Paris Games Week at the end of October.
They picked one hell of a YouTube thumbnail for the video. Feel sorry for her.
@get2sammyb Too many game shows...
Oh, and I just realized today Mad Max Fury Road comes out on DVD Sept 1st. Not sure why that hadn't dawned on me sooner.
I don't even remember anything important being shown last December, so I hope it will be better this year. Maybe we will see two whole minutes of FFXV!
@sinalefa mmm, they revealed sfv as console exclusive, uncharted 4, until dawn, persona5 in the west, the chalice dungeons in bloodborne plus other games... It was great, maybe you did not follow it at all ..
Is it just me or does the end of that video sound slightly like The Last of Us' theme music?!?!
I'm buzzing for this!
September - Tokyo Games Show
October - Paris Games Week
November - PAX South
December - PlayStation Experience
We literally have a PlayStation press conference every month from next month until the end of the year
Can't wait to see a really enthusiastic Adam Boyes talk about how much he plays Destiny for 15 minutes
There's a stream for this, isn't there? I'd really like to watch the SF tournament.
In related new, the SFV beta is back up. Yay.
Cool. I hope they actually showcase Ratchet & Clank at this one. There has been very little talk about that game but some stuff I saw from E3 seemed surprisingly good.
Also with another Forza coming close, would be nice to hear about Gran Turismo...
@JimmyRowe1994 the Tokyo show will be weird that's for sure. Hopefully persona 5 will get a good showing!!!
With E3 and psx there's no need to watch other shows. I will read all of the announcements on here. Psx was great and gets you in the Christmas mood!!!
How much are tickets?
Woot woot!
They promised more FF7 info in the winter, sooo...
So they changed the name to Tony Finch?
Easy -
how about morpheus price and release date
Strange. They didn't give a pressconference in Germany because it was to close to the E3. And now they are able to do it every 4 weeks?
@kyleforrester87 Admittedly yeah, that's a bit weird.
Tokyo Games Show is gonna focus on Japanese games.
Paris Games Week is essentially their relocated Gamescom conference.
PAX Australia is not really major, so don't expect E3 levels of announcements.
PlayStation Experience is a PlayStation-exclusive E3 essentially.
@get2sammyb Actually wouldn't it make sense to drop the price right at the beginning of December?
Bold move, but plenty of people would already have bought by then, thinking a price drop would not happen, and then they would be guaranteed to run out of stock everywhere by the 25th with the mad rush to buy after price drop.
@Baron_Von_Aaron I think they'll be looking for the swell of enthusiasm a little earlier than that, but it's only a few months until we find out.
@get2sammyb Either way, it's amazing it has been this long, and when they do finally drop it, it's gunna be nuts.
If they could drop the price and release Dragon Quest, Japan might actually buy it.
I'll be trying to make it this year, but even if I dont, I can follow all of the gaming news here for free.
Really glad I saw this. I was able to get a ticket and cool hotel. Now I must prepare for standing in endless lines its all worth it.
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