Well, would you Wookie here – Sony's gone absolutely Star Wars gaga. In addition to announcing a custom PlayStation 4 at the D23 Expo earlier today, the platform holder's also revealed that four classic Star Wars titles will be coming to its new-gen console – with overhauled graphics and full Trophy support. You'll get these with the Darth Vader-branded device, but presumably they'll be available separately from the PlayStation Store, too.
The games include SNES classic Super Star Wars, which recaps the events of A New Hope in 16-bit glory, in addition to PlayStation 2 racer Star Wars: Racer Revenge, Jango Fett spin-off Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, and air combat title Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter. Additional details are under wraps for the time being, but considering that Sony's caught the Star Wars bug, expect to learn a lot more about these ports in the very near future.
[source News: The Force Is with This Limited Edition Star Wars PS4]
Comments 34
If this is coming with the PS4, does this confirm PS2 downloadables from the 4's store?
@sajoey No because it sounds like they're remasters.
@get2sammyb Kind of, yeah. OR it could be the re-emergence of that patent Sony made forever ago to give PS1 and 2 emulation better graphics and trophies. Everyone forgot about that.
Omg, sony you've gone and done it now. I want all classic star wars games with trophy support. This Sony / Disney relationship is working out very nicely.
How the bloody hell did Sony get Super Star Wars? That's awesome!
As an extra how about the Rogue Squadron series Sony? I would throw my wallet at them for that one!
Pretty sneaky trying to get people to strongly associate the PS4 with Star Wars in time for Episode VII this December. Seems like they've missed a trick with not getting all three of the Super Star Wars games, though.
This is great news! Jedi Starfighter was the nuts!
They got it as they have a very strong working relationship with Disney who purchased all IPs of Lucas film including their games. Adam Boyes is good friends with a ceo of Disney I believe. It's certainly working in Sonys favour. I wonder if super star wars is a tester and they see how well it does. And they port the other two super star wars games over, and I bet the trophies are generally easy to get in these remasters / remake's? As trophy hunters will buy any game to increase their trophy card, and going on that Sony released a YouTube video for remote play helps trophy hunters. I think Sony know their audience. Shrewd moves by Sony. but its all business in the end. Sony want to gain as much as they can from this star wars marketing. It's pretty much a license to print money. And with the cod dlc deal on top. Well Sony are certainly in a very commanding position for the coming holidays.
@iv-tecman If Adam Boyes has that connection then it makes sense. I was pretty sure that Disney would own the licence but it was odd how it seemed that it was on a Sony console (whether it will be a future exclusive remains to be seen). The idea of it being a console exclusive is what temporarily confused me, but then you remember that these things don't to the publisher/hardware company.
Ah yes, they will of course do it if they think it makes good business sense. And this does - it'll be interesting to see if they roll anything else out from this series. They'd have a good mind to bundle the trilogy for a discounted price too.
@Matroska Less sneaky and more good business TBH.
How about X-Wing and Tie Fighter games? Those are the ones...
How about Star Wars Arcade, Knights of the old republic, Rogue Squadron and X wing V tie Fighter as well please.
@Matroska How's it sneaky, it's great business.
How do you remaster a SNES game?
Loved the jango bounty hunter game! Also is the racer the pod racing game?
@adf86 @get2sammyb
Are those two things suddenly mutually exclusive? It's a good idea, it just seems sneaky because it has nothing to do with the PS4 in particular and the hype around Episode VII is not of Sony's doing. So it's sneaky good business.
Not sure if you're being rhetorical or not, but it's probably just a Super 2×SaI or Super Eagle filter. What you get in emulators.
The only one of those I'd consider an actual 'classic' is Super Star Wars. Great game. Wish Knights of the Old Republic 1 was in there but considering MS published that game, maybe it would've been a nightmare to make it happen.
@Matroska So will a million other companies come December, I remember shampoos putting on Star Wars themed ad's when The Phantom Menace came out because Star Wars sells, at least this feels more official because it's an actual Star Wars property.
A super nintendo game coming to ps4 has to be making the Nintendo fans mad...and it's a great game like super star wars to boot you just know the ppl ppl on Nintendo life are wondering why the hell they don't have it in Wii U.
Too bad I own all of those in some shape or form.
@adf86 True. I just think it's way more effective this way. You can imagine millions of kids coming out of seeing Ep VII and then begging their parents for the Darth Vader PS4 and Battlefront. Not so much them begging their parents for the Chewbacca "chewieble" vitamins or Yoda sprouts.
Always happy to see old classics get remastered for modern consoles. Although I am under the impression the only game in this bunch worth playing is Super Star Wars.
Pleased I am to see this news.
I'd definitely pick up Bounty hunter and Jedi Starfighter. Would be awesome if they remastered Jedi Power Battles too. Never liked Super Star Wars so I couldnt care less about it.
@hydeks It's been on the virtual console since the Wii...I dont think any Nintendo fans care if there's a remaster with trophies.
Awesome. Shame to see KOTOR and Battlefront are missing, but I'll definitely get Bounty Hunter. I wonder if this means more coming, but just aren't gonna be bundled with the PS4 though.
Racer was great, unsure how super star wars will play these days it was really difficult.
@sajoey why would it mean that?
@hYdeks I don't think Nintendo fans are gonna make much of a fuss. considering how many epic new games they are missing out on unless they have a PS4 as well.
SNES classic Super Star Wars? COOL Never played it but always wanted to.
@iv-tecman The SNES return of the Jedi was the best. You got to play as an ewok.
@themcnoisy The sand crawler was ridiculous. There was a cheat code you could use a the the title screen that let you select which level you would start on. Wonder if that will still apply in this.
Discount if we bought the PS2 versions of BH and Racer?
Nice, owned these on SNES but never played them because when it came to difficulty, young-me was a baby.
Seems like an odd mix. The only thing they have in common is the fact they are Star Wars games.
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