We're not entirely sure how we feel about this one. A tweet by Twitch Support appears to allude to the fact that Sony has disabled archiving on Until Dawn, preventing people from replaying streams that have since concluded. This could be a simple error on the platform holder's part, but it seems like a calculated decision to stop the story from simply being watched online.
Of course, the flaw in this logic is that it's still going to be uploaded to YouTube, and it's not pulling those videos down. We do understand the dilemma, as this is very much a story-driven game, and online archives could impact on sales. However, considering the fact that the title changes pretty drastically depending on your decisions, sites like Twitch could actually increase its buzz.
To be clear: the platform holder's not stopping anyone from streaming it live. In fact, Supermassive Games – the developer of the schlocky horror – recently tweeted that it wants people to enjoy the title on sites like Twitch. Hopefully a resolution is on the way, then, as the only outcome that blocking archives will have here is bad press.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 14
Well if those twitch users need something to watch, they can tune in to me continually getting battered on the last few sound shapes death mode levels. :/
Has anyone got a twitch account and streams?
@themcnoisy Death Mode is the most brutal, despicable, unreasonable, disgusting thing in a video game ever. In the deepest depths of Hell, Satan is sat watching sinners trying to complete Death Mode over and over, laughing to himself.
I'm not in Hell (yet), so I'll pass on your stream.
@themcnoisy I'd actually like to watch that. Not kidding. I got through like half of those and gave up. There was one that... well let's just say I still have flashbacks. That's the one that broke me.
@get2sammyb I'd read that they were difficult but not un-do-able. So I got all the other trophies and then went in.
I do not own the plat for this game.
@glassmusic definitely doable. But the mix of learning the level, nerves of steel, skill and luck and you will get there. The random placement of the beats (unsure what the collecty things are called) means on one run you can get a lot of beats in quick succession on another the placement makes the level impossible. I'm stuck on aquamatica where you control the spaceship, oh god its insanely difficult. I think I have 3 levels to plat the game. But they are the least completed 3 on the game according to the trophies
@themcnoisy I remember the space ship one. Oh, I remember the space ship one.
@get2sammyb I done a bit more than Taylor Swift. I actually threatened the ps4 that I would swap in assassins creed unity. You doing any streaming Sammy?
@themcnoisy Not really, I'm afraid.
@themcnoisy There was one level with lasers or something coming from all sides... I played for at least an hour before stopping. Then I tried again the next day, and the same thing happened. I haven't played the game since because it was just that frustrating. Such a bummer because I was so close! And up until that point I absolutely loved the game. Still do, of course, I just can't play it anymore. Hahaha
considering the game isn't out in europe yet then i think this is a good move
@glassmusic the level with the two guys either side and you travelate in the light pipes. The lazers form an x shape.
I actually enjoyed that level, you need to have the first and second beats placement in the first light pipe and then it helps. If you start the level and the beat is in the second pipe restart the level.
@get2sammyb @glassmusic @themcnoisy Oh god Sound Shapes death mode. I did it (WHOOP) but it very nearly broke me. Event Horizon #2, Galaxanoids and Thermogenica #2 were just evil experiences. To make it worse, I did most of it without the sound as well, which makes it even harder (although I absolutely needed it for both of the #2 stages above).
Before going in I had been adamant I wasn't going to take the cheap boost to my trophy score by auto-popping the plats on the PS3 & 4 (I played it on the Vita). After the damage Death Mode did to my sanity, and very nearly my Vita, I felt it was well deserved! Still only took me a couple days though, which I was fairly happy with
@themcnoisy Yep, that's the level! Hahaha now that I have some helpful info (thanks for that) I might just have to head back in. I was always seriously bummed I didn't get the plat on this one.
@glassmusic @SteveButler2210 Sound Shapes is my 5th platinum since jumping to Sonys machine. The hardest level for me was the massive blue clouds with 4 enemies spinning around each. I was so unlucky with the placements when I was in the zone and had great placements when I wasn't. Took me about 300-400 goes. Funny thing is retried it after the plat and guess what....
I died loads and switched it off swapped In rocket league.
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