We'll take six

Summer appears to be coming to a close, but in celebration of National Burger Day recently, we hope that there's one last BBQ on the agenda for you all. We can't think of a better way to spend the weekend than with a DualShock 4 in one hand and a hot dog in the other – who cares whether it's cloudy or not?

Sammy Barker, Editor

For the second week running I can't really talk about what I'm playing without looking like a tearaway, so you'll just have to wait for our coverage to unfold.

Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor

It's more like 'What Aren't You Playing' for me this weekend as, like a naive fool, I try to finish off numerous PS4 titles so that I can make room on my hard drive for the upcoming onslaught of holiday releases. Newcomers One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 and Nobunaga's Influence: Sphere of Influence are both on the agenda, while second runs of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Dragon Age: Inquisition are inevitable. Oh, and I still need to get my Guardian maxed out for Destiny: The Taken King's arrival. PS4 definitely has no games.

Ben Stead, News Reporter

I'll be scaring myself daft with Until Dawn; I'm aiming to get everyone killed. I'll also be playing the infuriating thrill ride that is Rocket League.

Matt Adcock, Reviewer

This weekend is going to be an old-school one for me, with single-screen 16-bit looking brawler Curses 'n Chaos topped up with some Gauntlet: Slayer Edition, which is superb in short bursts.

Jamie O'Neill, Reviewer

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes has been stealthily concealed in my PlayStation 4's library menu since it entered PlayStation Plus in June this year. I purposefully kept it boxed away, and I've covertly been waiting to play it until closer to the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain next week.

Joey Thurmond, Reviewer

After reading Sammy's surprisingly positive review of Until Dawn, I had to give it a try for myself. I've rented it and am really enjoying the beautiful presentation, characters, and the whole Butterfly Effect theory undergirding the narrative so far. Other than that, I bought Evolve, too, and am going to hunt and be hunted with some friends to see how it plays.

What have you got planned for your main gaming course this weekend, then? Have you prepared any sides to keep you occupied? Lick your lips in the comments section below.