Destiny's absolutely massive 2.0 update is available to download right now. The patch brings countless changes to the game, signalling the beginning of what Bungie is calling 'year two'. It adds things like Legendary Marks, which replace the limited Vanguard and Crucible marks, and it removes light levels and installs a new experience point based levelling system.
The patch weighs in at around a colossal 20GB, so you'll probably need to set aside some time to get it downloaded. Speaking of which, this may be the perfect time to give your PlayStation 4's rest mode a try, as your machine will automatically download any available updates in this state.
How hyped are you? Are you boost jumping back into Destiny because of this patch, or are you holding off on this particular intergalactic adventure? Enter the dawn of a new, less grindy age in the comments section below.
Comments 13
I've too many adventures to be had in the Middle East right now, sorry.
My PS4's always in sleep mode. Should be done when I get home from work
Don't really have the time to invest in the game, in general, unfortunately. Kind of one of those titles that, in order to get the most out of it, you have to dedicate all your playtime to. And there's just other stuff I'd rather play.
@naut I'd disagree, 2-3 hours a week, or less, is enough to get a lot out of it. My play time averages 35 minutes a day since release. It's pretty casual really.
I've spent the equivalent of 1/3 of my full Destiny time since launch on MGS5 since it came out a week ago, so there is that, too...
@kyleforrester87 Really? When I played Destiny at launch for about 3 months, I found it impossible to play less than a hour-and-a-half/two hours. There's a lot of stuff to do. It's basically an MMO.
@shogunrok you forgot to mention that people can try this DLC free for about a week
@naut I get what you're saying, but you've no doubt heard people moaning about the lack of content. They arn't saying that because there is too much to do, you know
The reality is I'm basically at the level cap with plenty of exotics having completed all content minus level 34 and 35 POE and Trials of Osiris (not much interested in pvp) and my play time is around 35 minutes per day based on my current play timer divided by 365. Granted you could play 1000 hours if you were going for everything but even then you'd only have to play 2.5 hours per day which is nothing compared to what some people put into WoW etc.
So, MMO-Lite, is more accurate i'd say. As you play more of it you start "playing smart" and can get everything done in a sensible, time efficient order (yes it sounds like work, lol)
@kyleforrester87 I see what you're saying. It's just that I play Smash Bros. semi-competitively, and I like to play a decent bit of League of Legends as well. Throw in the single-player backlog and Destiny just doesn't fit.
@naut Tsk, those games are bad for you
@kyleforrester87 Smash Bros.? Never--League, yeah probably.
@naut your absolutely right if you play league of legends seriously you can't play anything else. The game is a timesink, and terribly boring.
Do yourself a favour and come travelling to the light side guardian.
@themcnoisy I used to play League for hours on end--But ever since I started working full time and got on a fixed schedule, I spend more of my free time playing Smash/single-player and tend to only play League on my days off.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Thats strange buddy. I downloaded The Witchers 3 in 5 and a half hours which is over 30gb and my dl speed is 10mbps
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