Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection PS4 Out This Week 1

It's probably safe to say that the holiday season has arrived. This week promises to be an absolutely enormous seven days for PlayStation, with Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection headlining things from a first-party perspective – and the likes of Rock Band 4 and Transformers Devastation providing some third-party backup. It's also worth mentioning that the beta for Star Wars Battlefront is due out on 8th October – we sincerely hope that you've got lots of spare time.

Pick of the Week: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection

Three of the PlayStation 3's greatest campaigns lovingly remastered by Bluepoint Games: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection may be a known quantity, but we're not sure that there's a better candidate for Pick of the Week this time. Whether it's the jungles of Drake's Fortune, the snow-topped mountains of Among Thieves, or the deserts of Drake's Deception, this is Naughty Dog at its very best.

PS4 | 9th October [NA], 9th October [EU]

Rock Band PS4 PlayStation 4 1

Everything Else

Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax
PS3, Vita | 6th October [NA], 6th October [EU]

Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance
PS4 | 6th October [NA]

Farming Simulator 16
Vita | 6th October [NA], 6th October [EU]

Grand Ages Medieval
PS4 | 9th October [EU]

PS4 | 6th October [NA]

PS4, PS3 | 6th October [NA]

Rock Band 4
PS4 | 6th October [NA], 6th October [EU]

Saint Seiya: Soldiers' Soul
PS4, PS3 | 6th October [NA]

Super Meat Boy
PS4, Vita | 6th October [NA], 6th October [EU]

Transformers Devastation
PS4, PS3 | 6th October [NA], 9th October [EU]

That's your lot for this week – but there's more than enough for you to be getting on with! What will you be buying this time out? Cough up in the comments section below.

What are you most looking forward to this week? (21 votes)

  1. Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax  0%
  2. Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance  0%
  3. Farming Simulator 16%
  4. Grand Ages Medieval%
  5. Onigiri  0%
  6. RIDE  0%
  7. Rock Band 4%
  8. Saint Seiya: Soldiers’ Soul  0%
  9. Super Meat Boy%
  10. Transformers Devastation%
  11. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection%

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