The curtain has just closed on Sony's hotly anticipated Paris Games Week press conference, where we got a glimpse at Housemarque's next project, Horizon: Zero Dawn and Uncharted 4's multiplayer. The highlight was definitely Gran Turismo Sport – but Detroit and WiLD are worth mentioning as well.
The question is: what did you think of the media briefing? Were you impressed by the titles on display, or did they disappoint? What was your favourite reveal, and which ones do you think fell flat? Share your snap reaction in the comments section and poll, and remember to stay tuned to Push Square for much more action and reaction from France.
How would you rate Sony's Paris Games Week press conference? (102 votes)
- Very good
- Good
- Meh
- Poor
- Very poor
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Comments 48
not really, it had a few good looking games but it was boring
For me it was something something "OMG HARADA IS ON STAGE" and then he trolled everyone by saying something everybody knew.... something something "OMG GRAN TURISMO ON PS4" hah nope, not GT7.... something something goodnight.
Not cool. Those two games were primarily the reason I wanted to watch the show.
Disappointed for me and can't PD do more than this? What are they doing, only working part time or so? Not even a real GT7 announced after two years PS4.
I came away pretty impressed! I'm a little more sold on the idea of VR now, cuz RIGS and the Crytek game! I'm also definitely sold on Wild! Gran Turismo and Detroit look to have a ton of potential and I'm very excited to see how they turn out! Also, we finally got a No Man's Sky release! Just about everything looked great, let's be honest!
Bit of a disappointing conference really. Gravity Rush 2, Battlezone and Gran Turismo Sport look fun but that's about it. Dreams was hella creepy bit very unique, Wild looks promising but a long way off
Only impressed by Gran turismo, detriot and maybe wild. Everything else was meh.
Absolutely disastrous conference. I'm not as excited for the Ps4's future as I was before.
They should have had TLG at the show.
The games look great, however the way this conference was staged took that away from the games. Too many people having to translate a silly joke, Dreams demo was too long and confusing and both street fighter and tekken one after another, at least split them up.
From my perspective it was quite poor. H:ZD and U4 are definite purchases but I knew about these anyway. Horizon showed a similar scenario to E3 and U4 revealed the MP, something that I don't generally have much interest in. I did think it was a bit different though.
Wild and Detroit have some potential but I can't say either grabbed me that much. They have potential so these fall under the 'wait and see' category to see how they develop. Never really enjoyed Cages games before so I can't feel optimistic about Detroit
The rest were quite Meh for me. I don't like fighting games, NMS looks quite boring, Dreams too, R&C could be fun for 5mins, Racing games get boring for me, VR doesn't interest me at all.
CoD:BO3 and SW:BF are pre-ordered anyway and with other 3rd party games, I am not going to be short of things to play but I can't say many 1st party games appealed from this.
Ratchet and Clank was the only thing i was :0 about, then the stream i was on fecked up 5 seconds into the trailer lol. Didnt really enjoy it at all. Detriot does seem interesting tho
I thought it was absolutely bang average.
Did they announce Plus games for Nov?
I say that being a first time, european conference this was pretty impressive. We got some new game announcements, release dates ...
the only moment I was seriously let down was when they introduced "a game that helped us shape the PlayStation brand" or something like that and I thought "OMG they are showing a new Wipeout" and then it was a bearded Dualism and the (lovely) SF5.
It was okay. Nothing special.
@itshoggie nope. That'll be sneaked out tomorrow in among the other stories from the presser.
Felt more like keeping some plates spinning that were set in motion a while ago rather than starting more plates a-spinning.
I picked good loved the conference but not very good because of the start was bad
I should say it was okay I was expecting more Sony didn't put to much effort. Only games that got my attention were detroit and the new crytek game....But I think there saving it for PlayStation experience. Hope to see more gameplay horizon, TLG and GOW and maybe surprise announcement the TLOU 2.
WORST.SHOW.EV-fudge that!
U4 MP, NMS release Date, GR2 Gameplay, SFV Release (and dhalsim being a total G), Horizon looking great, Dreams continuing to baffle me but also keeping me transfixed, another Housemarqe game, FFXIV VR, WILD...DETROIT!!!
Oh wait forgot i'm online on Pushsquare so ofcourse i HAVE to hate it.
It's been completely in line with every PS4 conference so far: lots of promises for the future, not much to be excited about now.
And Sony really has to rethink its strategy when it comes to exclusives: stop making, or let others make for you, cinematic experiences. We get it now, games are a form of art too, now quit the nonsense and give us games we can actually play instead of watch. No more walking simulators or QTE ridden, narrow corridor action adventures... There are so many studios and we already got Uncharted...
Not impressed at all. For me it was like "Hey everyone. Remember all that stuff you knew we were doing? We're still doing lame joke". Even some of the new things they announced fell flat because they didn't show game play footage, just the trailer, and that's tough for me to get behind because a trailer can be 100% different then the game. All in all I'm kinda bummed.
Loved it Still not keen on the VR stuff really. Just want the main normal games like Kara (OMG YES!) & GT Sport & Dreams & WiLD looks COOL + H:ZD to
Truthfully it was quite boring.
That first half hour was atrocious.
Some good games sprinkled in from that point on, but everything is so far off that it is tough to get excited about most of it now.
Honestly I thought it was pretty great. They literally hit almost every genre, so there should have been something for almost everyone. The new NMS trailer was really dope, Wild looks to be coming along nicely, and of course Grand Turismo is a big deal to alot of people. One game that I thought would get some play here and that I am really interested in is Rime. Is it still in development? I really hope so because that one looks like a winner as well.
With Divinity out today, fallout around the corner, drake collection in my back pocket and Battlefront on the horizon, I'd say I am pretty spoiled with games at the moment. Then we get to look forward to UC4, BBC DLC and NMS in June. Great time to be a gamer IMO.
Good games ruined by poor presentation.
Some pretty decent software on the way, but the muted delivery has not helped, and the main European Sony guy presenting, looked more robotic than those in Detroit.
Happy with the games, but show was pants.. Still rather that than the other way round...
It was good, I simply expected too much in 90 + min
Not bad, i thought they might have dropped one bomb shell but given that the waaaaay more glitzy, shouty glamorous ps ex is coming soon its hardly surprising...and to be honest maybe people were expecting too much from a fairly low key games show
was pathetic compared with TGS... TGS is always the best show
I was playing Halo 5 so for the first time in a long time, I didn't watch a PS conference life. Doesn't seem like I missed too much though. From reading about it, at least compared to E3 and TGS this seems like 'meh.' Cool to get confirmation of GT but that was it.
Still, can't be too disappointed because there is a lot of stuff to look forward to.
I didn't know inFamous, Dragon Quest, Street Fighter, Horizon, Gran Turismo, Ratchet & Clank and MLB The Show among others were 'walking simulators.' Hell even Uncharted isn't what you and other haters like to describe it as. I know you love your Shooterbox One (see, I can make ridiculous statements too) but at this point, I don't even know why you bother. We get it, you like a few others don't care what PS4 offers. That's fine, but why are you not on Pure Xbox rather than coming here trying to convince everybody who actually is satisfied with their purchase to go over to your side?
I thought it was ok. Don't really know what some were expecting. It's really cool to see the Kara demo become a game. A good bunch of good games too. I just don't like Dreams yet, sorry MM.
Here we go again: buckle up guys, Sony needs us...there's an Xbot in disguise threating our forums, let's take him down!
I'm a proud PlayStation owner and entitled to my own opinion. Do I like Halo? Sure, but that doesn't mean my love for PS is less sincere. As a matter a fact I think your blind love for a console is somewhat ridiculous from the perspective of a rational consumer. Well, it's clear rationality and the likes of you don't go hand in hand, but that's okay: if you like everything Sony is doing and don't think they should reconsider their 1st party strategies, more power to you. But I feel that with TLOU rmstr, The Order, Until Dawn, Uncharted trilogy, Uncharted 4, new Until Dawn, Wild, NMS, Dreams, Detroit etc etc the balance between games and interactive movies is a bit lost.
And there you have it... I won't change how you, or others for that matter feel, and you won't change how I feel OR express myself. PS doesn't need you to look after them, they can handle their own. Stop apologizing on their behalf and stop the Xbot hunt, the PS4 is outselling the One 2:1, that's all the justification for your $399 console you need mate!
I missed the first 40 minutes, showed up when No Man's Sky was on, which I thought was funny b/c supposedly it was going to be out this week and it's the game that just won't release. Sammy summed it up best:
"No Man's Sky continues to look sensational, but I'm so sick of seeing it. Either release it or shut up."
Then after that there were a few good games, and VR stuff, and some guy talking way too long - somebody mentioned Pele which I think summed it up - then some other games, and finally Cage and Kara.
So overall it worked for me. Apparently it helped a lot that I missed the first 40 minutes.
Looking forward to Horizon: Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4,but only single player, Dreams, and maybe Wild, but not at $60.
I still think VR will be big someday, and has it's place in the world of simulations and amusement parks, just not sure about an expensive peripheral taking off attached to an expensive videogame console. I'm pretty sure there are more failed peripherals than successful ones, though Wii Balance Board apparently sold 42 million at $80, so there is a precedent for success.
But I'm still not feeling VR this gen. People are still spending money on bigger and bigger tvs for movies and sports. At some point soon they will max out their available wall space - and the size of their doors - and then be forced to move to VR headsets. Still a few more years to go though I think. VR 2.0 on PS5 might do well in another 5 years. Unless Apple and Occulus take it main stream and out of the realm of videogames, which is why Sony needs to strike first and cheaper.
So overall not a bad way to spend lunch. AlexHaley as always was quite amusing.
Well, glad I don't watch the conferences. Excited for the games, but the actual presentation can get boring.
My blind love for a console yet I've been accused on here of being an Xbox fanboy. You're calling out the wrong person. My comment history and my history with some of other users here who are definitely hardcore pro-PS4 states otherwise as far as that's concerned. I've called out Sony for plenty of its strategies, even said it needs to get the big exclusives out. I don't, however, think there is a balancing issue. MS could be accused of the samething. Games don't get more interactive movie-like than Quantum Break. Halo, my favorite gaming franchise ever btw, can certainly be accused of the same. What about the lack of JRPGs on Xbox? I don't see you calling them on that. All I'm saying is you seem to take the criticism of Sony to the extreme and you have no problem calling out others for their opinion, which they are entitled to as well, and you also seem to want to change people's minds. At least that's the way your comments always come across. Like I said, I couldn't care less if you prefer Xbox I just can't understand why some people, and I see it happen at NLife and Pure Xbox as well, go to websites of consoles they definitely don't care for and bash the brand and try to tell the writers how to go about doing their jobs. Doesn't make sense. I think you'd find though, if you and I ever had a real conversation, we'd agree on a lot of things. I most definitely am not a blind Sony lover. I view all three plastic makers the same.
I see a lot of people still hyped for No Man's Sky but I still don't know what the hell it is to get all hyped about? There doesn't seem to be much to it but I hope it ends up like Until Dawn did for me, where I expected nothing but was happy to get a very good finished product.
As a gamer I'm a man of extremes, and that sometimes shows in my comments. If I'm enjoying myself on my PS4 and I see something I think the Xbox could use, I try and share it with Xbox owners who aren't in the position that they own all consoles.... but this isn't always appreciated unfortunately. I can totally hype myself up bout something, but this also means I run a greater risk to get dissapointed, but I wouldn't wanna have it any other way. My wife sometimes tells me that I'm the gaming equivalent of a Latin soap opera
On other websites I'm called PS fanboy all the time, simply because I actually do like Sony more than I like MS and its Xbox. But with the love of a brand or a product comes the inevitable disappointment; it's not quite that I'm your regular self entitled gamer, but I simply expect more from PS than I expect from Xbox. So if it sometimes feel as if I'm critisizing Sony unfairly, but it's because I care enough about the brand to criticize em.
Xbox was always the arrogant and bombastic console manufacturer in my opinion, where Sony and Nintendo seemed more humble and down to earth. Of course this has lots to do with cultural differences, but I like it that way. But Sony can get really cocky at times as well and being a fan from day one, I usually hold thumbs when they do and pray they don't take it too far; Sony isn't just the company that brought the incredible consoles it did, Sony is also the company that made promises it couldn't deliver on, launched products to almost immediately abandon them and the company that is known to stubbornly do what they think is right even if they are heading for a huge iceberg.
And I'm sorry I've mistaken you for someone else, but since this generation we have a lot of new PS fans it seems, fans who behave themselves more as how I always saw Xbox fans. Sticking up for what you like is great, but the things I'm seeing the last 2 years are sometimes bordering on ridiculousness. If there is a PSN outage reported f.i. you immediately see people online saying it's working for them and that people should stop whining or that "Live was down last week" (my favorite). When downloadspeeds are abysmal and I feel we should all take a stand and try and pressure Sony into investing in their servers like they promised, not just for me but for the continuity of the company as well, these kids come out and tell me my Arkham Knight ISN'T taking 2 days to download, my internetspeeds are bad, I shouldn't use wifi or that I don't own a PS4 at all.
It's a shame there are actually people out there trying to give other consoles a bad name, but should that stop me from discussing all things Sony, whether it's positive or negative? I'm invested in my hobby and I spend a lot of time and money on PlayStation, and by importing at least 100 of them a year for friends, family and charity I'm almost and PS evangelist, but just as in my marriage or by being a daddy I consider being a PS gamer as a 2 way street: I give love, respect and money and I ask something for that in return!
I've been involved with arguments regarding PSN vs. Xbox Live for years. There's no question I'm a PlayStation guy and I've never hid that fact, but there is no blind loyalty to plastic companies from this side. I've said it since the beginning of last gen when it started becoming a thing, Xbox Live is better and more stable than PSN, period. It infuriates other PS fans but I don't care. So I get where you're coming from a lot of the time, I also just think sometimes you've taken things to even more of an extreme than I do and think sometimes people would be better suited rather than focusing on disappointment, focus on what they appreciate, even if that means moving over to another console brand. I had to come to that realization with Nintendo as I got older and it wasn't delivering the kind of games I wanted anymore (outside of Mario and Zelda of course). But anyway, we've derailed this enough. I apologize for the first comment, I re-read it and there was some antagonizing going on there that I could've left out.
That's okay mate, no hard feelings. I apologize as well for my reaction. And maybe I should focus more on what I do like in my comments, cause most of my comments don't represent the overall feeling I have regarding my PS4. Because I'm a bit older than the average gamer it sometimes feels as if I have the responsibility to keep fanboys in check, so they don't spoil the image of "the PS fan", as if there is such a thing. Just as these console cycles keep on repeating themselves, so do the mistakes the companies make and I sometimes think that we as consumers should be able to steer them in the right direction. There are some really awesome things we as consumers accomplished, which was unthinkable in the 80s and 90s, with maybe the best example the One's 180.
But in the end these console wars will also keep on coming back and because of the Internet every little fanboy's voice has a chance to be heard. When you're passionate about something you want others to enjoy it as well and you want to be proud of the "group" you belong to, but the moment I see kids being total asses to each other, people who aren't open for other experiences or the worst: if I read in mainstream media how yet again some misogynist pigs threatened a cultural festival not to discuss women in gaming, I get so sad...
But me telling people about Halo's free DLC probably isn't going to solve all of that
I spent most of 2014, in a losing cause, ranting about my problems with PS Network, the lack of exclusives, etc. and at the end realized it's just not worth it. This year I've tried focusing more on what I like but I do also genuinely believe Sony has turned a corner. I don't think this show was really representative of that, but I'm also not surprised. There was a lot of good content at E3 and TGS but no matter how much good stuff a company has there's only so many shows it can use to convey that message. Sony spread itself a bit thin with four. I have a feeling after PS Experience, where we may get one or two big announcements, I'm going to say I wish they had cut this presser and just saved any remaining stuff for the big end of the year PS-only event they host. But, we'll see. In the meantime I'm going to be enjoying Halo 5 like most of the rest of multi-console owners I'd assume.
Great show! We got the first look at Dream, Wild & Detroit and they look impressive! Horizon continue to impress me.. Giving the spotlights to EU studios is what make this show unique..
Those who hate this just want another E3...
@Gamer83 is the campaign actually any good? I've read it's a bit average and have left it alone for that reason, as MP isn't really my thing.
@Gamer83 "No Man's Sky"
All I see is the failure that was Spore after the very long hype. Though my kids have played a lot of Spore over the years mostly just creating creatures. That was in the time before Minecraft.
I think NMS could have been successful if it came out as a download only title 3 months after being announced, but we still have to wait until next June? Would take a lot to live up to all this time waiting.
I'm only 3 missions in, so I can't give it a fair assessment. What I can say, is it looks and plays like Halo so I think, based on the small sample size that it really comes down to if you enjoy the series' signature gameplay. I like the direction the story seems to be headed in this one, though I am starting to think that the reason for the harsher reviews in regards to the campaign are due to the fact that the advertisements were great and did hype up something awesome that doesn't seem like it will materialize. Pretty much the same problem Halo 2 suffered from.
It was good, but I feel like there were no 'wow' moments, at all. Things I was interested in: Bloodborne DLC, Horizon, Gran Turismo Sport (but it sucks it doesn't seem like the next full fledged GT), and Detroit. Playstation VR has my interest but I'm still skeptical on VR overall. I feel like my tune will only change if I experience it first hand because it seems hard to market the experience by just watching other people play what just seems like any other game
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