Much like a nipper, the PlayStation 4 has been walking the walk for a while, but on its second birthday, it's starting to talk the talk, too. For those of you that don't remember, on this day two years ago, Sony's new-gen system launched in North America. The rest of the world was made to wait a couple of weeks as the Japanese giant built up enough inventory, but it was already promoting record sales of over one million units within 24 hours.
Key launch titles included Killzone: Shadow Fall and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, but it was Housemarque's cylindrical shooter Resogun that emerged the real highlight – after much hype from Push Square, of course. The platform holder held a special launch broadcast on the eve of the release, where it revealed Uncharted 4: A Thief's End for the first time. Not a bad way of capitalising on the hype that it had spent nine months building, eh?
While the console continues to sell at a record pace, there has been some criticism of Sony's software offerings over the past 24 months. But with Street Fighter V, No Man's Sky, Horizon: Zero Dawn, The Last Guardian, and many more scheduled for 2016, the organisation seems set to come into its own imminently. And with PlayStation VR also poised to pounce, there's absolutely no doubt that next year is going to be the biggest in the box's relatively brief history.
Happy birthday, PS4.
Comments 30
Woop! Loved getting my PS4. Despite Shadow Falls shortcomings it was a neat launch game. Never did like Resogun all that much but fun non the less. Really enjoyed War Thunder. And forced myself to play Battlefield 4 once that dropped while waiting for the real games to start flowing!
Great console. Features some of my very favourite games of all time, and we're only two years in.
I'll be honest and say that I didn't start to love my PS4 until this year, beginning with The Witcher, then Batman despite its flaws. Then Rocket League changed my summer and I spent far too many hours flinging cars at a giant ball with my mates (still do). Until Dawn surprised me recently and I still need to play that again, MGS5 delighted and disappointed in almost equal measure and now Fallout may as well be welded inside the disc drive as it won't be out for sometime (until February at least). With the top exclusives finally starting to arrive next year it won't be long until it tops the PS2 as my favourite ever console
@kyleforrester87 you should really play bf4 again its a really good game now
@SKC_Diamond Yeah I heard, to be fair it just wasn't my cup of tea with our without the bugs and so on that were around at launch. I quite enjoyed the campaign, though, up to a point where it kept crashing and couldn't get any further.
I can't believe it's been 2 years already since the PS4 launched.
It still feels like yesterday when I ran out of work and ran to my local game store and got my PS4 on launch day. Easily one of the best purchases I made gaming wise.
Got my PS4 sometime after Christmas of 2014. It was sold out before and I had to wait for one month for my order. To tell the truth the 409 euros did not really feel justified until sometime later with the likes of Driveclub, Mortal Kombat, Metal Gear etc.
Resogun is up there with Ridge Racer and Mario 64 for best launch game ever. I bought it after the dlc review on this very site and love it. (although the trophies for the dlc at this point are nigh on impossible damn you commando mode)
Happy Birthday PS4
PS4 is my third non-Nintendo console, preceded by Master System and PS2, but I have to say that PS4 is on par with PS2 in awesomeness!
Waited in line at midnight at a GameStop that is now an ATT store. I remember the night before I went to Target and got AC4, KZSF and BF4 all for $120. I've shown mine nothing but love while it sprouted and could mostly just upgrade last-gen titles, and now my patience is rewarded with it being a strong enough sapling to support MGS5, FO4 and SWBF. I've had zero hardware issues with the system or accessories, only recently finally opting for a second controller (in white only to match my TK armor) to find the quality has slipped a little since launch; the new sticks feel looser and the rubber now has molding tags. As a whole, an extremely worthwhile investment, especially if you already had a Vita. I upgraded to a 1TB hdd and got a 50 ft Ethernet cable and it seems very happy. Be sure to vacuum dust rather than blow it into the console when cleaning them!
Happy birthday you elusive console you.
I bought mine about a month now. Still have only 2 games, but the future line up has some pretty exciting JRPGs and Fighting games in it. It certainly looks like the way to go in terms of homeconsoles this gen.
Got mine earlier this year. Already have over 20 games for it. It was an obvious choice compared to its competitors and it seems like most other people agree.
I've yet to get one but I'm very excited for No Man's Sky, Street Fighter 5, and that Final Fantasy VII remake. Any other games that you guys would reccomend? (This is actually my first comment here, I just found out about this site today )
In the first year, I already ran out of space on the, tax refund, I'll have a bigger hard drive to re-install many of my beloved games. Love the system as much as I loved the PS3! Happy B-Day Playstation 4!!!!
Wow, 2 years already! Pre-ordered mine as soon as it became available from Amazon... in those 24 months, both controllers broke (refunded by Amazon luckily) and the console itself decided to melt its APU from the motherboard resulting in Sony wanting £175 to repair it... happy times
In all seriousness, I don't regret buying it AT ALL, and didn't even think twice about getting a new one straight away - however this time with a 3 year extended warranty from Argos... Amazing console and I guess that's the price you pay for being an early adopter with new technology (I got through 3 XBOX 360s! hehe).
Mine was bought in the release day of europe Can't believe it's 2 years old already!
Glad I have it and proud to be a day 1 buyer The first few months were like really "meh" with Killzone (never finished it) not being as good as expected and with only Fifa 14 and Need for Speed to play but now...jesus, I have SO MANY games to finish
Great system! Great 2 years!
@Neolit Not to derail things, but the reason it's called "backward compatibility" is because Xbox One owners can play games that they owned on Xbox 360, without having to buy anything or do anything other than put the disc in the drive, or choose to install a game from the list. They may be recompiled, but they're still Xbox 360 games that work on Xbox One. To pick holes in the name is just pedantic.
Also, just because someone writes something positive about the service, doesn't mean that it has been paid for by Microsoft. I have written several positive articles about it and haven't been paid a dime. I dislike the accusation that the only thing I'm allowed to do is put my blinkers on and write negative diatribes about Microsoft, otherwise I have somehow been paid off. By accusing writers in that way, you're accusing ALL writers. Sammy writes positive articles about Sony. Does he get paid for them by Sony? Of course he doesn't. How about the Nintendo Life guys? Do they get paid to say nice things about the Wii U? Of course they don't. Please bear in mind that there are actual PEOPLE with opinions and feelings who are writing these articles, before throwing around accusations.
Back to the topic, and happy birthday, PlayStation 4! I've enjoyed using mine for sure. Resogun, DriveClub, Rocket League, The Last of Us...good times...good times. About to get cracking on the Nathan Drake Collection, too.
@Joestar Same here, though my PS4 game wish list is different.
I also don't plan on buying a PS4 until Black Friday 2016, not this year.
@Joestar welcome! There are a ton of awesome games. The witcher, infamous, uncharted trilogy (if you didn't own a PS3). Lots lots more. Depends on what you like!
I will be getting my first PS4 in a couple of weeks, just trying to clear my PS3 backlog (only just started the last of us) I'm looking forward to Gravity rush 2 and Drake 4. Also Playstation VR will be day one for me.
@Neolit I'll ignore the childish snark (I'm the Editor of this site's sister site, PureXbox. I assure you that I don't need to read up on how backward compatibility works on Xbox One) and just ask you one simple question: Who cares?
WHY does it matter? What difference does it make to ANYONE whether Microsoft calls it "backwards compatibility", "future retro", "retro future", "software based platform emulation" or "digital monkey barrels"? You can play Xbox 360 games on Xbox One. That is what people expect when they hear "backwards compatibility." That is what they get. So you have to download the game code bundled with an optimized version of the O/S. So what?
I really don't see what difference it makes, but hey, maybe I'm not looking to poke needless holes in it all.
@Neolit As an editor, I do care, which is why I have no problem calling it backwards compatibility. As stated before, the expectation from users is that the system allows you to play Xbox 360 games on Xbox One, which is exactly what occurs. Regardless of what's done by Microsoft/publishers to make it happen.
If we're calling things what they are, how dare anyone refer to a system update as a system update? It should be called "downloading and extracting a new version of the firmware to replace the old version in order to provide new functionality, bug fixes, and other system-level changes." After all, it can't convert a PlayStation 3 into a PlayStation 4, can it? So it isn't strictly able to "update" my system. Call it what it is!
(Also, part of my job is to not arbitrarily change the name of services provided by the company that I cover, solely to please the single person I've ever seen have a problem with that name. My job is actually make sure that my writers use the same terms as the company, in order to avoid confusion.)
Anyway, I'm out. Thanks for the conversation. It was enlightening.
I got mine two weeks ago and surprisingly most of my games are old ones like Second Son and Shadow of Mordor.
Looking forward to Uncharted 4, Horizon and SFV.
@Neolit "I hope the enlightenment has long lasting effect of you not looking for and giving attention to minute rants on sites not in your area of responsibility."
Indeed it has had a long lasting effect. Although "don't engage with trolls" is actually what I have (re)learned.
I shall continue to reply to any posts made on a public comment forum (which would be an example of you "initiating a dialogue" with the community, as it goes) without requiring permission from anyone to do so, thanks.
It was my favorite launch day memory , didn't matter that I waited in the cold for several hours... Good times. Happy birthday PS 4.
Ok guys things got a bit out of line here let's get things back on track starting now.
I never played the InFamous games beyond a demo of 1, so all of this is new to me. Could even see myself trying to platinum it. Indeed a beautiful game.
Regarding Mordor, I never knew it existed until a friend showed it to me as one of his most wanted games. He does not have a PS4 (me neither at the time) so we dodged the terrible PS3 version. Hearing the Batman connection is good to me since I also want to wait if there is a GOTY Edition later on.
I remember getting mine in the following February. I had to cancel my preorder due to some unpleasantness with a (thankfully) former employer which left me with the dilemma of a ps4, or buying xmas presents for people.
Good lord. I ended up having to drive to the Yodel depot in Warrington to get it, 5 mins before it closed. I got home and booted up KZ Shadow Fall and was just blown away. I loved the controller, the UI, the graphics, the look of it standing next to my tv after looking at my long suffering fat ps3 (which is still going after 8 years!)... It's my favourite thing in my flat and I still play on it almost every day.
I got nothing but nice things to say about my PS4.
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