Look, it's Thanksgiving weekend and there's nothing to write about, so indulge us while we dump a little intel on the PlayStation 4's recent sales performance. Actually, all we have to go on comes courtesy of research firm InfoScout, which determines sales by asking shoppers to photograph their receipts or something. Sounds totally scientific, right?
Anyway, the company collated over 150,000 proof of purchase pictures from Thanksgiving and Black Friday, and analysed them in order to determine greater sales trends. This unbelievably tedious job revealed that the PS4's flagship Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection bundle was the highest earner at Best Buy, while cheap tablets and televisions otherwise ruled the roost.
While it's clear that Sony's system is selling incredibly well at $299.99, we reckon that these results do need to be tempered somewhat. For starters, the Japanese giant put all of its effort into a single SKU, while Microsoft's offerings were more spread. Moreover, the market is much, much bigger than just Best Buy, so this doesn't really tell us much of anything.
One thing that's clear is that the PlayStation maker's going to have a very good November – irrespective of what its competitors do. Indeed, let's not forget that this month has also seen the release of limited edition Call of Duty: Black Ops III and Star Wars Battlefront bundles – expect that 30.2 million units tally to have increased dramatically this weekend.
[source blog.infoscout.co]
Comments 18
Could of sworn I read that the Wii U sold the most units online... Or was that just on Target's website? Either way, love me some vidiya games
@KB_24 Pretty sure it was Target's website. Wii U may well have had a bump, but it has virtually zero chance of matching PS4/Xbox One's pace this year.
Target said Wii U was 3rd after iPad and iWatch. Considering how few people would actually buy an iWatch at Target the number of Wii U sold may not be all that high. Though it was a pretty good deal for $249. Maybe Wii U will finally hit 11 million, seems like it's been stuck at 10 million all year. I can't even remember reading it at anything other than 10.
There are more Targets than Best Buys though, and that Uncharted bundle has been around for awhile now, so I wouldn't be surprised if Target sold more Wii U than Best Buy sold PS4. That's about as meaningless a number as you can get though.
I hate black friday!!!
I just hope there are Darth Vader bundles left in January Can't afford it right now with all the Animal Crossing amiibo and amiibo cards.
I can only imagine how much it'll sell next year when there are more exclusives over the horizon. (Pun not intentional)
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi at my work alone I know 3 people that have bought a ps4 in the last week. I live in England and I actually know 1 person that owns an Xbox one! Probably know 30 with a ps4.
I wouldn't find this surprising at all. Sony PS4 is the console to have for the future (PS3/Wii U still pretty good for current/last gen) and this value proposition is pretty enticing. I'm even glad that they're still trying to sell the Vita, though I'm not sure who's buying the Aqua model who didn't already have a Vita.
@rjejr Did they have a good price on the iWatch or something? I can't imagine any sort of gimmick tech wrist watch selling well anywhere, but maybe I'm out of touch. I hear Apple is popular.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi it didn't seem like that near me, when I went in store to collect my Star Wars ps4, 5 people in front of me all bought ps4's. Then yesterday when going to Game the vast majority of people were in the blue corner with very few in the green one so to speak. A very small snapshot I know but it was looking good for Sony
When I was in Game the day before Black Friday they were expecting to sell a lot more PS4 than Xbox. Both had good deals even better for Xbox but the hype just keeps rolling on for Sony.
@get2sammyb Don't you mean other competitor? Singular?
Funnily enough, I know a lot more people personally with an Xbox One than a PS4. It is of course not a good indication of the Sales figures and typical for many. I also have a lot more friends on XBL too 90-95% of which own an XB1 and play regularly.
The point is that as far as Black Friday goes, whoever bought a next gen console 'wins' as a gamer as there are some great deals around and the more owners of both can lead to better gaming experiences for all. The fact that consoles are surpassing the sales of their predecessors at similar points in their life cycle shows that 'gaming' is more popular than ever and likely to keep us entertained for a good few years to come...
I read that November was PS4s best selling month next to the launch month in the USA. I believe it was Tidux, from NeoGaf fame, who said it sold more than 1 million units in the US alone.
@BAMozzy Dude, whatsup with the xbox one defence force? When a ps4 version of a game sells more than xbox version you always screams userbase as if it's some kind of pissing contest which userbase is more hardcore. Don't want to attack you or something...
@Sanquine No I don't, I just say that a game that sells 60% on PS4 compared to 40% on XB1 isn't that big a surprise and doesn't mean a game is more popular on one specific system. I would be more surprised if the console with the lower sales actually had a bigger percentage of sales.
Its got nothing to do with XB1 defence force or whatever you want to call it. Its merely pointing out the fact that 'Sales' alone on specific consoles is not that significant without the sales figures of those consoles too. In the case of SW:BF for example, considering Sony are the lead platform, you may expect a slightly higher % of Sony owners buying it. If it sold 10m that would mean 6m to PS and 4m to XB which if the console figures are accurate PS4 is 30m - don't know what the XB1 figures are), it means that 20% of PS gamers bought it. If the XB1 sales figures are less than 20m though, that means the game is more popular on XB1 and as 2% bought it for PC, that makes the Pc version far less popular to PC players.
I am just trying to say that the sales figures alone do not tell the whole story.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi guy I know purchased a ps4 despite not really being a gamer. I said why grab one, he said its the only place to play star wars games. Hes a pretty big star wars fan, Sony marketing did wonders there..
I know plenty with ps4 systems. There is a group at work that have stuck with xbox but they are the minority and not the norm , I even posted the Amazon £199 ps4 to a mum. She purchased one for her son for xmas...
In the end, Sony has the mindshare regardless of if x1 sells well now or not. Ps4 has just gone into the homes and become a very well known bit of technology this year. Even parents know its more popular. Even star wars fans think Sony is the place to go for star wars games...
@3DSWiiUFanatic I hardly know anything about the iWatch. I just suspect if people wanted one they would get it directly from Apple either online or in 1 of their stores, not at Target. Though I was also surprised at the number of store ads today for the Amazon Echo, I thought that was an Amazon exclusive. Apparently I'm out of the loop these days.
Congrats on winning Best Buy PS4.
From the same source: "The top console bundle pick this year was the Xbox One 500gb with Gears of War..."
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