We're fast approaching our centenary issue of WAYP, which can't come soon enough seeing as we've run out of things to write in these increasingly awkward pre-ambles. It's amazing to think that we've been putting this feature together for almost three years now. In fact, it's something that your humble host would, y'know, rather not think about. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, by the way!
Sammy Barker, Editor
When I'm not backing Britain in the Davis Cup final this weekend, I'll be playing Beyond: Two Souls on the PlayStation 4. Quantic Dream's uneven adventure still very obviously has issues, but the presentation is extraordinary, and there are some stand-out moments among the sci-fi silliness.
Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor
With abysmal weather pelting my bedroom window, I think it's time to once again get lost in Fallout 4. Recently, I've become horribly addicted to the settlement building aspects of the release, and although I'm not creating ambitious structures like the stuff you see on YouTube, I still feel warm and fuzzy when I see my settlers living in peace, away from the super mutant hordes that won't stop respawning.
Alex Stinton, Reviewer
This weekend, I'll be breaching and/or clearing the Rainbow Six Siege open beta. Now, it's fair to say that the PR around this title hasn't been great of late, what with the open beta being delayed due to matchmaking issues, but I've really been enjoying its slower paced tactical matches.
Jamie O'Neill, Reviewer
I'm staying over at my cousin's house for a weekend gaming party, but I'm packing Super Star Wars on my PlayStation Vita, because I loved playing my cross-save on the Jedi difficulty recently. When I left SNES Super Star Wars in 1993, I was but the learner. Now, in 2015 after achieving the Master Jedi Trophy, I am the master.
Joey Thurmond, Reviewer
After a lovely Thanksgiving day with family, I'll be chained to my desk slaving over two papers this weekend that are due in a matter of days. Nothing like procrastination as a motivator, eh? Though If I have time this weekend, I'll spare a couple hours for some Call of Duty: Black Ops III multiplayer or Alien: Isolation.
Sam Brooke, Reviewer
This weekend I'll be finishing off my Deadpool Platinum run, however thin the jokes may wear on me. Hopefully I'll also be able to finish off The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt before The Big One comes out, but I highly doubt that'll happen.
Simon Fitzgerald, Reviewer
This weekend brings with it Black Friday, and as I was able to pick up both Transformers Devastation and Until Dawn at discounted prices, I won't be rolling out of the house until dawn on Monday.
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
Thanksgiving means football so I will be playing NFL 2K on the Dreamcast with my family. On the PS4 I will be diving into Beyond: Two Souls since I didn't have a PS3 last-gen.
We've got jaw ache from all of that chattering, so we need you to take up the mantle while we have a break. What are you playing this weekend? Gab away in the comments section below.
Comments 39
Thanks to the psn black Friday sale il be playing tales from the borderlands and borderlands the handsome collection
Mainly the quite fantastic Battlefront , but just downloaded and tried the Rainbow beta which despite having virtually no idea what I was supposed to be doing really enjoyed. There was a Frenchman shouting at us down headset who seemed very annoyed with us but was highest ranked ! Got only know what he was saying at us noobs.
I've taken a minor break from fallout to enjoy the siege beta with a friend. The multiplayer is brutal, me and him have tried it on 3 separate occasions, only to have a teammate wipe out everyone on our team and run out and get himself killed on purpose (each...time). But we have been enjoying the hell out of terrorist hunter mode. My only gripe so far is with how renoun works, if you use what you have to unlock an operator, and someone else is using that operator, you can't use the character you unlocked. When we realized it last night, the game went from a surprising hey let's both pick this up, to a down the road deal. But overall though we have both enjoyed the hell out of the beta.
PS4 - NBA 2K16
Xbox One - Rise of the Tomb Raider, Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition
Super Star Wars, it's as much of a pain in the *** as i remember it being but still SOOOOO much fun ^_^
Minecraft Story Mode, Uncharted Collection and Brothers A Tale of Two Sons, I'll try a bit of each one.
Bravely Dafault, Fallout 4, Tales of Zestiria, and hopefully a little bit of Black Ops 3 multiplayer. I REALLLLYYYY need to be doing my Networking final project that I have to present, but I don't feel like doing anything today. I'll crank on it Sunday for most of the day I suppose, hahaha.
More DmC and rainbow six beta (which is ace)
Still Fallout this weekend. Just accepting I'll have to come back to it as I know I can't rush through, but with Xenoblade hitting next week, plus getting very tempted to get Just Cause (reviews pending ofc) I might have to accept that I'll probably meet Shaun in his 40's!
I'm on the last boss of the defiled chalice now. Trying to plat.
Plenty of Fallout 4 for me, still have a long way to go despite hitting level 40. Other than that a bit of Battlefront which is starting to grow on me after a slow start, more so after realising I can change the flying controls from the horrible default ones. Finally just got Driveclub and the season pass for £10 on the ps store and so far I'm very impressed with it and that much content for that price is a huge bargain.
Saturday - beat my son at FIFA twice, he had a meltdown after that so I did the usual father routine "life isn't fair son and in my day I played with poo on a stick etc etc" tonight its Life is strange episode 2.
Sunday - National Football Museum (yay) in Manchester (boo) but will play some more MGS PP when I'm back what a game.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Will do mate.
this weekend is a mix of -
Destiny (just bought the taken king bundle on psn)
black ops 3
and on xbox
rise of the tomb raider
halo 5
gears of war remastered
hopefully...so many good games have come out and ive bought but not had chance to play yet...still havent started arkham knight!!
Doing a second play-through of Bloodborne on a trophy hunt plus want to see out NPC quest lines. Also I didn't want to tackle the DLC in NG+ so going to access it when I'm near the end of this play-through. Also playing Front Office Football again (basically football manager for American football)
Driveclub Bikes, got my gold "challenge accepted" trophy
Destiny and maybe DriveClub
Busy weekend but should fit in some dead nation on my vita while the kids are up and with my wife away for the weekend try to get a few guns max prestige during the evenings with the double weapon xp on black ops 3
Just got Destiny the Taken King. Hopefully will get a chance to play this weekend.
Surf's Up (Xbox 360) - Playing multiplayer with the kids
Finally going to give The Order a shot. I'm also going to try and grab the last two trophies for the Fallout 4. I really want that Platinum...
After finishing The Order and Metro Last Light earlier in the week, I've made a start on Wolfenstein TNO today, which I picked up along with The Old Blood for around a tenner altogether in the sales! Really enjoying it so far, gotta love dual wielding! Got Alien Isolation on the way too, so looking forward to that
Also finished Disgaea 4 on the Vita last night, and have nearly smashed out a full cycle 2 run today (pretty much soloing it with a level 360ish Valvatorez) so I can get properly stuck in to the post game grind. @themcnoisy glad you kept recommending to give the series another go, as I'm loving it!
@SteveButler2210 brilliant. Disgaea 5 is a touch better. I'm getting wolfenstein as a stocking filler - cant wait!!
@themcnoisy Wolfenstein is so good, up there with Half-Life 2 as my favourite story driven FPS's. (Love a bit of Red Faction 1 & 2, too!)
Shadow of Mordor and Bloodbone for me. I also might play some Batrlefront.
Still hooked on Fallout 4. But I'm also playing beyond two souls with my girlfriend. It really is good.
@kyleforrester87 Halo Reach and the original Half life are my favourites. To be honest I'm trying really hard to think of my favourites and I'm struggling to think of many games - story driven fps isn't my favourite genre. I prefer 3rd person (gears of war / mgs), all out action (unreal tournament / destiny / doom) fps and more rpg type games (fallout / deus ex). But hopefully and from what you guys are saying Wolfenstein will be a good game, maybe the last 10 years of story fps have struggled to keep up with half life and deus ex. They cast a large shadow.
I had a Red Faction - it was fun at the time - but I don't remember much about it except when I completed the game you had the best weapon ever. A unicorn - you shot rainbows out of its behind by squeezing its plonker.
im on the fence buying ESO for PS4. Anyone have an opinion? How is the game?
Just bought persona 4 golden on the psn sale for the vita, I have no idea what the game is like so I'm walking in blind, I have heard very good reviews from friends and work colleagues but apart from its a jrpg I haven't a clue. Hope it's worth it. Any of you guys played/completed it? What's your thoughts?
This weekend im gonna focus on completing God Of War 3 Remastered to gain the shiny platinum great game! then start on Just Cause 3 from next Tues when its released soo stoked for this game!!
Fallout 4 for me! Can't get enough.
Just realised I'm on the cusp of a pretty good milestone too - my next trophy will be my 4,000th trophy!
Played Forza 6 and The Pinball Arcade this weekend. Forza 6 is all I'm playing on my Xbox One at the moment- I have Halo 5 and Rise of the Tomb Raider, I just need to start those. Inching along in career, now I'm running Le Mans prototypes with the Mazda 787B. Pinball Arcade added No Fear: Dangerous Sports on the Steam version this weekend, and it sounds like they're adding Judge Dredd for Christmas.
@nomnom I have waited quite a while to get ESO I know its seems to divide a lot of people. I bought it this week and downloaded the massive patch 24gb. Now is probably a good time to buy it as the crowns are on offer for the next few days with a good discount upto 40% off and you can use those to buy the extra DLC or in game items.
@marston1983 One of the best rpg of all time! (Imo).
@marston1983 Great game, regarded as the best game on Vita by many and one of the greatest rpgs of all time. Tip: pay attention on maxing out your social links (you'll know what they are when you play the game)
@SteveButler2210 That's class! Take a screenshot and add it to the community page when you get it!
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi the footy museum was a bit pants to be honest. There was one saving grace, and it is truly amazing!!!
The 3rd floor which changes now and again is chock full of computer gaming history. From peles soccer all the way through to footy manager 2016. Pes 5 (which plays like a dream), Nintendo World Cup, Champ Man 2002, Swos, Peter Beardsley's footy, Atari's, C64, Amigas, Megadrives, all set up ready to go. Brilliant!!! There's a case on show with about 100 different games. Go and see - its free!!! (I did put in £5 and bought a program)
This weekend was AMAZING
I bought Battlefront, Black Ops 3 and Assassins Creed Syndicate for the price of 2 games in a Black Friday deal!
I have to say...Battlefront is MUCH MUCH better than it was in Beta...at least for me, it's really fun to play!
Black Ops 3 brought a smile to my face, the multiplayer is really interesting with the different specialists and cool (and somewhat familiar) weapons!
Assassin's Creed...OH MAN..that game's got me hooked! Seems like AC2 all over again...and 0 bugs, glitches, frame drops two hours in! I really am enjoying it!
Awesome weekend, but I feel like the next one can't come fast enough...
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