It may not be the greatest lineup in PlayStation Plus history, but if you're looking for something new to play, then November's free titles are available in Europe right now. Those of you in North America will have to wait a little while longer for SCEA to catch up, but we expect the Instant Game Collection to update later today.
The goodies this month include The Walking Dead: Season 2 and Magicka 2 on the PlayStation 4, the brilliant Mass Effect 2 and Beyond Good & Evil on the PlayStation 3, and Invizimals on the Vita. You'll also be able to add strategy title Dragon Fin Soup to your stash on all three systems. Which game will you be trying first? Let us know down below.
Comments 24
Lucky PS3 owners getting ME2!
Perfect introduction into the ME world ahead of Andromeda.
Will definitely be heaping these onto my wall of shame.....i actually want TWD s2 having played s1, but tales from the borderlands is ahead of it.... along with several other games.
Nothing for me there, hopefully next month I'll have a reason to renew my sub.
Not played either of the PS3 games and always wanted Beyond Good and Evil on GC (don't judge, last gen I pretty much fell out love with console gaming!), may have to dust off the PS3 and hook up my ps4 controller and give them a whirl!
I'm pretty happy with this months offering, always wanted to try out Magicka 2 and was hoping it would come to Plus, Dragon Fin Soup looks pretty interesting for Vita and I've never played a TellTale game so Walking Dead will be a first
Lmao I never played The Walking Dead season One......
@Star-Lord Nah don't have it and don't want to buy it. TellTale games don't appeal to me, I get why other people like them but there not me so I know I'll probably be missing out loads of references and stuff and even story but I don't really mind
Nice surprise having dragon fin soup and magicka 2 is really really good fun, i bought it when it came out, co op is just brilliant.
I dont want to buy the walking dead season one, think I'll be able to understand whats happening if i play season 2?
I have most of these all ready but plan on downloading Dragon Fin Soup tonight.
@Star-Lord ill just watch a play thru of season 1 somewhere online,dont really want to spend money on it and people say s2 is way better is that right?
Hello everyone,
I'm looking forward to Dragon Fin Soup for my PS4 and Vita. I hope now that it's November that Sony will ramp up the Flash Sales this month and December. I took advantage of the spend $100 get $15 back and bought Grand Ages Medieval and pre ordered Fallout 4.
If I can tear my way from Destiny Daily Bounties and trying to get better drops to upgrade my equipment all be trying to play Dragon Fin Soup and of course Grand Ages Medieval.
Next week Destiny and Dragon Fin Soup will see very little play time for along time (All still try to do some daily bounties), but Fallout 4 will be my main focus throughout November, December, and early next year.
Rob aka Graf
@teknium_ Season 1 is on sale this week. $7.50 in the U.S.
Magicka 2 reminds me too much of Diablo 3 play style wise and I already have TWD: S2 so I will probably pass on these.
Awesome. Majicka 2 and Mass Effect 2
Couple of good games there but also some weak games too. Yet again the Vita gets the short end.
Magicka 2 downloading. BGAE and Dragon Fin Soup to be done. One for each of my consoles.
@teknium_ no season 1 is better Imo. It wouldn't have the same effect now but it blew me away a few years back. Season 2 is worse in a lot of ways.
Seems like good selection, but not so much for me personally. Won't play TWO as I love the show and don't want Telltale to ruin it for me with a walking simulator, lol. Magika looks cool I guess. Who am I koddong, none of this matters we are less than a week away from the big boy, fallout 4.
still no PSplus update for NA?!
Already own TWD S 2, ddon't have enough space to have both PS4 & PS3 out in my room (so obviously it's PS4) so can't play ME2 atm (played 3, awesome.) Not the worst month but just doesn't do much for me.
@SonyInfinity The story is totally different from the show. I watch the show and to be honest its nice seeing TWD from a different perspective. But like you said, Fallout 4 is out in just under a week so who cares about anything else lol
@themcnoisy I think season 2 is better imo.
@Tasuki Magicka 2 is actually pretty damn good imo. I loved Diablo 3 but they're different enough to warrant a try. But Fallout 4 is out in just under a week so I guess it doesn't matter
@WARDIE How is season 2 better than 1? Not trying to be a pain but the story of Lee, Clem and the world falling apart around them is far superior to the story of 2 which is a coming of age story set within a camp of unlikeable characters. The gameplay is the same so surely the story wins out? I refinished episode 1 of season 2 last night - the games still great, but the emotional impact just isn't the same.
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