We've got some totally bodacious news, readers: Platinum Games appears to be working on a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles title. The developer – which seems to be rescuing one eighties cult hit at a time – popped up in an Australian classification for a game named Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan. According to a similar listing in Brazil, it'll launch on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3.
As with Transformers Devastation, Activision will publish the gnarly new title, though precious few additional details are known. It's safe to assume that this will adopt the Japanese developer's usual character action format, but we'll have to wait and see. Fortunately, there's a good chance that it may be officially announced at The Game Awards or PlayStation Experience later this week. You'll find us scoffing pizza in our local sewer while we wait.
[source classification.gov.au, via neogaf.com]
Comments 47
Just the five games (that we know of) in development at Platinum right now...
I couldn't write this article without thinking of @JamieO!
I am extremely curious to see what kind of game this will turn out to be, and I also hope that the game will avoid the Platinum Curse.
@Knuckles What's the Platinum curse? The majority of their games are good-to-awesome, no? They just sell like crap!
A TMNT made by Platinum could be good. But yeah, what's the Platinum curse?
yeah please tell us
@Knuckles I think your confused dude or trollin, the only bad Platinum game was Legend of Korra. All the others were great.
After the great job they did on Transformers Devestation, Platinum is my last hope for a good TMNT video game.
Cautiously optimistic. Platinum did great with Transformers but TMNT hasn't been good since the 16-bit days. Even WayForward, another great studio, tried but failed in spectacular fashion. Still, I have a little hope for this one based on Platinum alone.
I'm sure they will do TMNT justice. So I'm excited.
I was a HUGE TMNT fan as a kid but my exceptions are low.
@get2sammyb @Tasuki @shogunjump86
FIrst off, I'm sorry, this is my third time replying to this. I already replied to only Sammy and ShogunJump, but my post didn't take the first time. Just shrugged it off, typed it out again, sent and closed the tab.
What I was told about the Platinum Curse was back before Bayonetta 2 was released, and that was that Platinum Games makes great games, but they never sell. Third time quoting this now, "The majority of their games are good-to-awesome, no? They just sell like crap!"
The Platinum Curse is just that their games don't sell. I never said that the games are bad. I wasn't even aware that The Legend of Korra was even made by Platinum, or that it was bad.
I remember the TMNT game on NIntendo which I really enjoyed. I think it was either late 80's or early 90's. I doubt I will enjoy this one as much, but I guess we'll see. Thing is, im 39 now and I have grown out of the TNMT.
If its anything like Turtles in Time, I'm game. That was one of my favorite games of all time.
If this is based on the original cartoon then I am excited, definitely count me in.
@Knuckles Ah ok but that was before Bayonetta 2 no? Didn't that one or Transformers sell well?
@Tasuki TBH, I don't recall Bayonetta 2 sales, and I didn't expect it to have done very well due to the Wii U's limited install base. And I expected Transformers to sell regardless of how good the game was due to brand power, and it seems to be based on an older transformer series, so nostalgia too. I expected Transformers to be good though, because it was made by Platinum.
I am one of the biggest Platinum Games fans around I think; I went as far as buying a console just to play their games (I enjoyed the heck out of the thing in the end, not just the PG games... So no worries ). But I feel they're treading on thin ice here. Their latest game, Transformers, was good: it has all the PG action you like and it's clear they've got that down to an art. But compare the game to the Bayonetta's or MGR revengeance and you immediately notice it misses the finesse and fine tuning those games had.
If there is one team you'd want to work on a TMNT game it's obviously them, but their games for Activision lack the special sauce that makes PG so special. With Transformers it's forgiveable because of the nostalgia, but you can't keep on pulling that card; if this game feels like a Transformers reskin, chances are people will grow tired of your style and won't see the subtle differences between Vanquish, W101, Bayonetta, MGR:R or your Activision games anymore.
@get2sammyb Yep, this excellent news for me, plus it makes complete sense following Transformers Devastation. PlatinumGames already have a beautiful looking cel-shading engine to capture the look of an eighties' cartoon, and they've proven that they can deliver more accessible Bayonetta fighting mechanics, but still maintain plenty of depth.
This is all perfect for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, although I hope that gamers don't obsess too much about a short game length, and start focussing more on the importance of replayability with these games instead. A four or five hour game length for a title that I repeatedly complete is ideal for me.
This news will draw further comparisons between PlatinumGames and classic arcade, SNES and Mega Drive era Konami, too. Just like @Rogue76 mentioned above, I instantly thought of Konami's side-scrolling beat-'em-up games like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Arcade Game and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time.
Whenever I see the 16-bit Konami logo sweep down onto the screen – and hear the chime as colour is added – I instantly think of quality. The name PlatinumGames makes me feel the same way, Transformers Devastation is me second favourite game this year after Batman: Arkham Knight.
Admittedly, this game will need a new hook – the transformations into vehicles were cool in Transformers Devastation – so perhaps its time for PlatinumGames to add a bit of co-op into their brawler games.
Probably another Online Brawler, like their Transformers. Which I have zero interest... hope I'm wrong...
Transformers devastation was fun, but bare bones. I finished it, played a couple of challenges and don't plan on playing it again.
I believe platinum are overrated, the games they make are great for reviewers - but have little to no replay value. Vanquish, Bayonetta, Transformers - every one has the same issue.
@themcnoisy Does every game need replay value though? Bare bones is fine, sometimes.
Anything Platinum does by themselves = amazing without question
Anything Platinum does for Activision = meh........to ugh.
If this is like the Super NES or Sega Genesis titles, then I'm in...heck, even if it's like the ones that were released for PS2 or Gamecube, I'm in. However, the ones that fell on the systems later on, I'd be out. The original cartoon turtles would be nice too, but I doubt that. Hopefully my thoughts will change when they show it off!
@Knuckles Yeah, it's true. Practically every single one of their games has bombed, which is a shame because they're a great developer.
Did anybody catch Greg and Colin's rant on Platinum about a month or so ago on PS I Love You I believe? While I agree with some of the points, I think they were being overly negative........in fact, I kinda wondered if any of them have ever played a Platinum game.
The quality has been slightly down for licensed titles published by Activision, which were both on timetables for the Holiday season.......but if anybody has played Bayonetta 2 from just last year, it was arguably the best third person hack and slash game ever.
Platinum Games excels when it comes to melee/combo type games so I can actually see this working. However, one of the things that I didn't like about Transformers: Devastation were the background designs, I found them to be a bit bland.
Still my favorite game is Okami by Clover Studio.
Platinum are pretty much intent on making all the games next year. They're great, but I just hope they don't spread themselves too thin!
(repeating what I saw in a previous post) "My last hope for a good TMNT game." It has been over 20 years since a good TMNT product....
Sounds great in paper. SNES Turtles in Time is my fave Turtles game.
@kyleforrester87 Not really, but the games are full of generic guff - invisible boxes, shot a target and more appear, hidden crates and just like @WanderingBullet says in Transformers Devastation - the backgrounds were bland. Little to no effects going on either so although the characters graphics and animations were top notch, my overall view was it could of been loads better. Also the first level was a nice length - that took me the same amount of time as levels 4 and 5 did combined. It all points towards a rush to finish the game and loads was lost in the process.
Again though, people need to make a difference between Activision published licensed Platinum games that are developed on a timetable and it's own internal development, IE.......
TMNT by Platinum will probably be just OK to decent.
Scalebound by Platinum will likely be amazing without a doubt.
Ah, I get ya. I kinda had a feeling that's what you meant. Their games just don't sell well unfortunately.
The replay in P* games comes from mastering the combo system and getting better grades in fights. That surely won't appeal to everyone, but in my case I beat W101 four times (one in each difficulty), as I found the gameplay very unique, plus I wanted the achievements.
@sinalefa Yeah Wonderful 101 looked pretty good but we ain't got a wii u.
@sub12 That's a fair analysis and probably right.
I'm not saying platinum are awful, on the contrary they build playable solid games, but almost every reviewer gives the games an unworthy score. Transformers is a 5.5/10 compared to the retail competition.
Awesome! I used to pump quite a few quarters into the teenage mutant ninja turtles arcade game back in tue 80s.
@JamieO As long as it priced right I don't mind a short game. I don't know about overseas but here in NA Transformers was $40 to begin with so for its length that wasn't a big problem, plus alot of places had it for sale for 25 or even less the past few days, even the PSN store.
Sometimes it's nice to have a short game though especially at times when you don't have much time to play a game. I can't begin to tell you how many current gen and even stuff on the Xbox 360 I have yet to finish cause of how long they are and my limited game time. Give me a game though from NES like Mega Man that I can finish in an hour and I am just as satisfied as if it took me six months to beat.
@Tasuki The retail version of Transformers: Devastation was $49.99 when it first launch.
@themcnoisy Yes, indeed they could've put more effort into backgrounds and level designs.
On another note, I think it would be cool if they did a 4 player co-op for TMNT. The old TMNT arcade game was fun.
@WanderingBullet Ah ok Thanks for the correction, still at least it was 59.99
Well this is exciting. Hope they can make a great TMNT game. Turtles in Time was the only game I've ever really enjoyed, everything else was just good but lacking or mediocre.
4-player co-op or bust.
@Tasuki No, worries
@Tasuki Your point about the release price of Transformers: Devastation is valid for me, because I bought it new for £30 on its first week of release, which is about $45 in the US. I've easily found good value for money from it after repeated plays, plus I'm planning to complete it again in the holidays.
@sinalefa I agree with you, the replay value of mastering techniques still applies to Transformers: Devastation with skills like activating slow-motion by dodging, mixing up light and heavy melee combos, using unique character abilities, and shooting down ranged enemies. Players can also charge around as a vehicle, and use a smart bomb type ultimate attack on L3 and R3. Note that I really enjoyed The Wonderful 101 on my Wii U, too, so I'd be happy if TMNT surprised us by somehow adopting its isometric view for a four-player cooperative mode.
@themcnoisy I'm actually still choosing my favourite three games for your Forum Members GOTY 2015 list. My top choice is a lengthy open world game that I spent many hours completing for its unlockable ending, but I'm confident with a much shorter game as my second choice. I'm struggling to choose my third pick, though. A hectic year meant that I only played about 10 hours each of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, but I pretty much only ever choose games that I've completed as my Game of the Year picks. I’m actually buzzing from having the three classics on PS4 in Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection at the moment, and I think I'll complete Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune again tonight, so it's likely that I'll have a remaster as a contender for third place.
It's fun to speculate about this TMNT title, especially as it’s developed by PlatinumGames, but it's still very early days, of course.
@JamieO Neat, voting closes on Friday evening!!!
"Players can also charge around as a vehicle, and use a smart bomb type ultimate attack on L3 and R3"
I don't think I have ever used this - maybe in the tutorial sections at the start. I will give Transformers Dev another blast with another character, I think the trophies hold the game back too. There's awards for completing the game with different characters, so I stuck with Optimus throughout.
Buh. Buh. Buh. Buh. Bruh! Bruh! Bruhhhh. Platinum and TMNT. This I want. This I want!
(man if activision hasn't gridlocked the Wiiu.....)
@JamieO Nice, Nice. I too am planning to play through Transformers Devestation this holiday too but this will be my first time, so the wait for me is excruciating, lol.
@JamieO Nice, Nice. I too am planning to play through Transformers Devestation this holiday too but this will be my first time, so the wait for me is excruciating, lol.
@JamieO Nice, Nice. I too am planning to play through Transformers Devestation this holiday too but this will be my first time, so the wait for me is excruciating, lol.
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