Heck yes, it's that time again. Earlier this year, just before the beginning of E3 2015, we created a feature article that tasked you, the Push Square community, with predicting the Los Angeles event. The 20 question quiz was a huge success, with around 150 of you taking the time to vote on each question.
And now, the Community Predictions Quiz is back for the PlayStation Experience press conference, which is happening tomorrow, Saturday, 5th December. As with E3, you'll find 20 yes or no questions below, just begging for your input.
Voting will close tomorrow, as soon as Sony's PlayStation Experience press conference begins. When it's all over, we'll tally up the votes and let you know whether you were on point or totally off the mark early next week with a results article.
Will the Push Square community beat the PlayStation Experience to the punch before Sony's presser has even begun? It's time to find out.
Question 1: A new God of War game seems inevitable at this point, but we're yet to hear anything official.
Will a new God of War game be announced at the PlayStation Experience? (152 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 2: Kratos is the face of the God of War franchise, and one of PlayStation's most iconic characters.
If a new God of War game is announced, will Kratos feature in its reveal? (151 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 3: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is a title that Sony's going to go all-out with when it launches in 2016. Nathan Drake's final adventure has turned up at almost every PlayStation event since it was originally revealed.
Will Uncharted 4: A Thief's End get a new trailer and/or new gameplay at the PlayStation Experience? (151 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 4: Sony Bend has been radio silent for quite a while, and now, the studio is rumoured to be working on a brand new PlayStation 4 title.
Will a new game from Sony Bend be announced at the PlayStation Experience? (145 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 5: PlayStation 2 emulation on the PlayStation 4 has already been confirmed by Sony, and it'll undoubtedly play a part in the company's PlayStation Experience press conference.
Will Sony spend over five minutes talking about PlayStation 2 emulation on PlayStation 4? (150 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 6: Media Molecule's latest project, Dreams, got a big showing at Sony's Gamescom 2015 presser, but it divided opinion.
Will Dreams show up again at the PlayStation Experience press conference? (147 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 7: No Man's Sky still doesn't have a confirmed release date, but we do know that it's supposed to be coming out at some point in 2016.
Will No Man's Sky get a confirmed PlayStation 4 release date at the PlayStation Experience? (145 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 8: Rumours have been swirling that No Man's Sky is actually going to be compatible with PlayStation VR.
Will No Man's Sky PlayStation VR support be announced at the PlayStation Experience? (144 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 9: We've now known about PlayStation VR for quite a while, but it's unclear whether the device, or indeed its software, is ready to be publicly dated and/or priced.
Will PlayStation VR get a confirmed release date and/or pricing structure at the PlayStation Experience? (143 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 10: Destiny remains a big deal in the gaming sphere, mostly thanks to the popularity of its latest expansion, The Taken King, which launched in September.
Will Destiny's next expansion be revealed at the PlayStation Experience? (140 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 11: Yakuza 5 is coming West on PlayStation 3, and Sony's footing the bill, but we still don't have a confirmed release date.
Will Yakuza 5 be released on the PlayStation Network during Sony's PlayStation Experience press conference? (138 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 12: The Last Guardian was re-revealed at E3 2015, but we've heard little about the game since.
Will The Last Guardian get a confirmed release date at the PlayStation Experience? (141 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 13: The PlayStation Vita continues to be pushed aside as far as Sony's press conferences are concerned, much to the disappointment of many a handheld enthusiast.
Will Sony spend three or more minutes talking specifically about Vita? (141 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 14: A new main instalment in the Resident Evil series has been rumoured for quite a while now, but publisher Capcom has been dead silent on the matter.
Will Resident Evil 7 be announced at the PlayStation Experience? (140 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 15: Final Fantasy XV is now well into development, according to reports from publisher Square Enix, and is still on track to release in 2016.
Will Final Fantasy XV finally get a confirmed release date at the PlayStation Experience? (139 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 16: Trophies for the Final Fantasy VII remaster have popped up on the PlayStation Network, which is usually a sure sign that a game's ready to be released.
Will the Final Fantasy VII remaster be released on the PlayStation Network during the PlayStation Experience? (139 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 17: We're still in shock that an actual Final Fantasy VII Remake was announced at E3 2015, but we've heard nothing of the ambitious project since.
Will Final Fantasy VII Remake show up at the PlayStation Experience in any capacity? (137 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 18: PlayStation 4 architect Mark Cerny hasn't taken to the stage since he first talked about Sony's newest console back at the PlayStation Meeting in 2013.
Will Mark Cerny appear on stage at the PlayStation Experience? (133 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 19: It's safe to say that the PlayStation Experience is a more casual occasion, with Sony inviting PlayStation fans to the show. So casual, in fact, that last year's event saw Shawn Layden, president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America, turn up wearing a jumper on stage.
Will Shawn Layden once again rock a jumper on stage at the PlayStation Experience? (133 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Question 20: You knew that this one was coming.
Will Crash Bandicoot be mentioned in any capacity at Sony's PlayStation Experience press conference? (137 votes)
- Yes
- No
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Comments 34
Thanks for this @ShogunRok. Love the press conference quizzes.
Destiny won't have any more expansions, they'll most likely reveal destiny 2 tomorrow
The question: "Will Sony spend three or more minutes talking specifically about Vita?" just makes me sad. Poor Vita.
@viciousarcanum No chance!
Voted no for RE7. I don't think Capcom has the resources nor knows what to do with it.
I have no idea what to really expect. My guesses are kinda all over the place.
I only got what, 5/20 last time out? Maybe I'll temper myself and say I'll get 3/20. At least I know Crash is a guaranteed freebie.
Hey Rob and PS Nation,
I think FF 7 HD will get announced and probably dropped in the PS Store immediately or this month.
I also think PS2 games will be announced to be coming to the PS Store for PS4 but won't arrive until January or February.
Lastly, they mentioned some big news in regards to PS Now so I think we'll see a price drop and more games.
P.S. One cool predictions Kojima will be sitting with Mark Cerny and the rumors of a him joining Sony will get even more insane.
The quiz helped hype me up during the drab finals. Thanks
Same, although I'd love to be wrong.
"Yes" to almost everything.
@ericthecheese I feel your pain but i was looking online for some PSVita games and i lost 120 euro.
Please keep these quizzes going. They're great! And also keep a few questions like Shawn Murray's jumper in there.
55 per cent think Kratos will be in the new God of War. Gulp.
IF Resident Evil 7 does get announced, it better not be an action game like 6. Bring back the scares, and potentially have it be open world. I'm also hoping for Crash and Sony Bend's game.
Resident Evil better be survival horror, Capcom can exploit new Umbrella Corps series for shooter thrust. I'm quite excited about PS2 backwards compatibility, hey, don't complain, anything is better than PlayStation Now!!
@get2sammyb Even if it would be for the better, the idea of Kratos not being in a God of War game sounds insane. I see the idea of characters like Kratos and Drake getting replaced in their series rather often, but is it really that easy? Especially when these characters are as recognisable as they are?
@DerMeister You can't replace Nathan Drake in my opinion, but if I was in charge of the next God of War, I'd create a completely new character in a different mythology, but maintain some thematic links to Kratos. The new character could, for example, have the same tattoo markings.
Assassin's Creed is brilliant at this. You always know when a character is an Assassin's Creed protagonist, but they're often totally different characters from different time periods.
@DerMeister It would be hard for me to play a God of War game without Kratos, and if Santa Monica feels the need to remove him, I think it would make more sense to just make a new franchise instead. In the end, the next God of War will most likely center around Kratos because he is recognisable and Sony knows that, and they know the game will sale from that alone.
I'm gonna root for bandicoot! Crash is sure to be Sony's smash hit for this conference.
The Last of Us 2 anyone?
Odd to put FF15 in there like that. Square Enix said the release date is coming in March at their own little event.
I didn't even realize the event was tomorrow! If I had a PS4, I would have been on top of that . Regardless, I'm excited to check back for some big news.
@get2sammyb It's definitely a neat idea, one I could get behind. It would help give the series a breath of fresh air. I'm assuming other myths have their own gods of war, since the only thing I could see going against it would be leaving the mythical deity focus, which is a cool part of the series.
@infinitewords That's generally how I feel when I hear talk of replacing a protagonist that's just too iconic to really drop. Sometimes you have a character so recognisable that it's crazy to think of replacing them, and when their story concludes it's sometimes better to end the series too. Doubly so since there's always a chance the character replacing them doesn't stack up in comparison, and will drag the series down a little bit as a result.
Will Demon's Souls for PS4 be announced? I sure hope so!
A 2016 EU release date for Persona 5 would be nice.
I'm sure you meant Final Fantasy VII PC Port Remaster kinda confused me there with Remake being the next vote.
You guys will have a stream of the show here? When does it start? (I'm in the same timezone as London)
@AFCC We will, and it starts at 5PM.
For whatever reason, I feel like this will be No Mans Sky coming out party, so to say. I feel like we get a concrete release date, info on whether it will be psvr compatible, and new gameplay videos. It's time, and I think Sony knows this game really has a chance to make some waves if they handle the marketing properly from here in out. Other than that I have to say I am pretty hyped about Far Cry primal, it just looks cool, and taming beasts to boot. Anyways, we shall see.
@AFCC Time guide: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2015/12/guide_what_time_is_sonys_playstation_experience_2015_press_conference
FF7 PS4 port is very likely today, a PEGI rating was discovered that said today is the release date.
@Sonicfan11589 there was also a PEGI rating say the Minecraft was being released on Wii U the same day as the last Nintendo Direct, never happened though
@Swiket I voted no because I feel like square has a talent to disappoint, but I'm pretty sure at the end of the trailer they said they'd have more info later this winter.
Thank you guys
Today I will stay in chat with you
hoping to see a bit more of dreams.
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